Capacity building workshop on 'Save Girl Child' held
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Senapati, January 27 2015:
With the least sex ratio among the districts of Manipur based on 2011 census, Senapati District has been chosen as action plan District for "Save Girl Child" Scheme among the 100 Districts in India.
With this depressing situation, Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Division, Directorate of Family Welfare Services, Government of Manipur organized a workshop for Medical Community of Senapati District at DRDA conference Hall Senapati HQ on 27th January 27, 2015, said a report by The Hornbill Express.
The Workshop stressed on "Pre Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994" with regard to determination of sex before conception and during pregnancy and selective termination fetus.
The initiative was launched by Dr.Loli, CMO of Senapati District with resource persons � Th Arun, State Nodal Officer (SNO), PNDT, Sumatibala Devi, Member of SAA (PNDT), N.Bino Devi (Advocate) Member SAA/SIMC who spoke on Legal Aspect of Pre Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques in the presence of DC Jacinta Lazarus, IAS, Senapati, and CEO Rang Peter, MCS ADC Senapati.
In his speech, Th Arun, SNO, PNDT stressed on the Pre Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act which came into force from 1st January 1996 and in Manipur since 2003 .
He highlighted the main features of this Act: Determination of the sex of the child inside mother's womb is illegal; Any person who insists a pregnant woman to undergo sex determination is punishable; Any Doctors who practice violating the PNDT Act is also punishable and all the Ultrasound machines available in the ultrasound clinic/Hospital/Private should be registered to the State Appropriate Authority (PNDT), Directorate of Family Welfare Services, Manipur, as sex determination during pregnancy is done by Ultrasound Machines.
With the unfortunate situation of low sex ratio of Manipur which has fallen from 957 in 2001 to 934 in 2011, he pleaded the co-operation of public, doctors, legal experts to prevent and stop this non humanitarian crime of female feticide.
.NBino Devi (Advocate) Member SAA/AIMC highlighted brings to light the protection for female feticide by legal rights through Indian Penal Code, Section 312(Causing Miscarriage) and Section 313(Causing Miscarriage without woman's consent).
For violation of PNDT Act a person can be imprison for 3 years and fine Rs.10, 000 to 50,000.If the person finds to repeat, he or she can be imprison for 5 years and fine Rs.50,000 to Rs.1, 00,000, and the offence to be cognizable, non-bailable and non-compoundable.
Though the 2011 census shows that the child sex ratio of Senapati District (892 per 1000 male) is lowest in the State, the medical community of the District said such data were inaccurate because the previous year HMIS report showed that the ratio was more than 900 female per 1000 male.
They asserted that in customary law as well as Christian Laws which were followed by the society does not practice such sex selection and female feticide.
They asserted that it's just a coincidence since the government is concerned with sex ratio and Senapati District happen to fall short of sex ratio compare to other Districts of Manipur, it is selected for action plan District for "Save Girl Child" Scheme.
The medical community has also decided to amend such inaccurate information on sex ratio about the District.