Protest continues
Source: Hueiyen News Service

Imphal, June 21 2009: Several organisations continued to stage sit in protest to register protest against the detention of students under NSA in connection with the killing of Prof Islamuddin.

Women Development Association, Lousangkhong, Tellou Meira Paibee Lup, Okshu-Ningthemcha Khul Meira Paibee, Nongpok Kakching Meira Paibee Lup, Nongdam Meira Paibee Lup, Napet Palli Meira Paibee Lup, Nupee Yaipha Chaokhat Thourang Lup and Youth Welfare Organisation, Chaokhat Thourang Nupee Lup, Pebia Pandit Leikai Women United Development Organisation, Kitna Panung Nupee Lup, Tera Apuba Nupee Lup, have staged sit in protests at their respective places today.

The message of the protestors was clear: they all want the arrested students under NSA be freed immediately.