Protest staged at Kangabam Leikai
Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, November 06 2008: Decrying placing of a bomb by unidentified armed persons at the Kangabam Leikai residential gate of Loukham Mani Singh in the evening of November 3, people of the locality today staged a protest demonstration.

Mani is the jewellery shop owner.

Organised jointly by Kangabam Leikai Apunba Nupi Marup, Naharol Wel-fare Club and Kangabam Leikai Development, placards inscribed with slogans like 'We want peace', 'It is wrong to place bomb in populated area', 'For whom you are fighting for ?', It is only for extortion that ug groups have been formed?', 'Understand the true meaning of revolution', etc were used during the demonstration.