Visitors freak out on Right to Life
Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, January 12 2009: "Efforts are being made everywhere across the globe to give 'Right to Life' even to animals; but with the rate of taking human lives in the State, it seems that there is no such right even for human beings in Manipur.

Anybody can be killed and dumped anywhere anyday", said one Salam Herojit who came out after watching the snaps exhibited in the photo exhibition organised by Threatened Indigenous People's Society (TIPS) with the theme, 'Right to Life' at Andro Bazar.

The incidents of fainting of a girl on January 9 and another woman on Januray 10 on watching the photos of the exhibition easily testifies how brutal the violent happenings in the State are.

Manipur has become a land of violence, there are some who feel delight by taking human lives, said a group of women who were taking rest on the green lawn of the exhibition venue after getting terrified on having a look of the mangled pictures of the exhibited snaps.

A 32 years old woman, Ch Keina lamented, "In the present situation of the State, we are helpless but crying, nobody would listen to our prayer".

The expression of the woman shows how innocent public are bearing the blows of oppressive violence happening everyday in the State.

Another visitor of the exhibition, Ch Chingkheinganba however opined, "People must denounce every type of terrorism happening in the State with a united voice, and we must press the State Government to perform its duties in a more humanly manner".

Why some people of the State are keen to engage in violent activities at a time when citizens of other Nations are concentrating on bringing development to their respective countries, asked P Ingocha of Uchol Mayai Leikai after looking at the pictures of the badly mutilated bodies. These brutal incidents also add unrest, fear and anguish to the minds of children and youths.

A 23 years old girl, P Subita of Andro Kharam said, "My mind is filled with sadness on seeing the photographs".

Why a human being should give such atrocities to another fellow human being, she asked.

In the words of one Kh Dhaneshwar, Manipur is similar to a battlefield, people have to own lots of scaring thoughts whenever they step out from their homes.

As the violence is increasing day after day, people are suspicious whether the State has some persons who earn their livelihoods through violence means.

It has also become a debatable point whether the people of the State have forgotten to give love to their fellow citizens.

Another visitor of the exhibition, L Sunder Meitei opined on the point in one sentence, "No love no peace".

He also appealed the people of the State to bring peace in the State through love and empathy".

Hijam Robindro of Andro Khunou who came to witness the exhibition echoed on the same point, "Let's stop using of violence as a means".