Poster campaign reaches Nambol
Source: Hueiyen News Service

Imphal, June 29 2009: The poster campaign cum street corner meeting on the unrest situation of the state spearheading by the working Group of Meira Paibi Movement was conducted at several places of the Nambol area in association with the Nambol Areas Meira Paibi Apunba Lup.

Thoudam Chaobi Devi, general secretary of the working group has called to unite among the meira paibi groups of the state and fight against the spree of killing of people by the security forces.

He alleged security forces in the state are claiming themselves as courageous man by killing people after abduction violating openly the right to life of the people, they are killing people for money.

To stop such excessive practices of the security forces, time as come to unite all the meira paibis and agitate to stop.

In the poster slogans like "Stop state terrorism, honour right to life, save democracy, stop oppression, stop silent killing, stop extra judicial execution, let us carry the meira paibi movement forward and repeal Armed Forces (Special) Power Act 1958," were written.