What is the translation of Sanamahi ?
Discovery Of Kangleipak
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
Is Sanamahi to be translated as Sperm?
Is Sanamahi to be translated as Sperm or Is Sanamahi to be taken as Sperm, or is
Sanamahi equal to Sperm? If it is done so, it will be a horrible Philosophical
Misinterpretation of the word/concept 'Sanamahi" or Sanamahi Lainingthou.
There are obvious reasons The Eastern Civilization is thousands years more ancient (older) than the
western civilization, more particularly than the European civilization including that of Indian. There are obvious reasons agreeable to all civilized and educated person of the world.
The humble writer earnestly feels that the ancient country Kangleipak of the Meetei Race was the first center of civilization of Asia, of world, after serious study
and Analysis of the Kanglei Puya, Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-Ilon Pukok written in 1400 B.C. There are too many word/concepts the equivalent of which cannot be found in
English and other languages.
The Kanglei Meetei words/concepts 'Nahan-nong', 'Tingpalpa', 'Thouwai' etc. are of such kind of words/concepts, the equivalent terms of which cannot be found in
English and other languages. We have the word/concept 'Ima' generally translated as 'Mother'. The Meetei Dialect as one of the most ancient developed language almost
every syllable of the word has different meanings. For example 'Ima'. Ima=I+ma=I means blood, ma=mang means Mangba=Lost. Therefore, the woman
who lost blood during pregnancy and child birth, is called Ima by the sons and daughters. The same thing in describable in 'Father', 'Nahannong' etc. Unless we
know very well the syllables mo+ther in 'Mother', the writer cannot say Mother = Ima.
My Ld. Readers will see some obvious examples of differences of ancientness between the eastern civilization and western civilization (in time):
1. Kanglei Era (Maliyafam) Other Era
3411+ (1) 2013 CE
(2) 1935 (Sakabda)
(3) 1420 (Bangali)
(4) 1225 (Chandrabda)
(5) 1434 (Hejira)
These are the relative differences between Kanglei Era (Maliyafam) and other era (Christian and Indian) in years to day. Our Kanglei Meetei Era (Maliyafam) si 3411_ today. We wrongly calculated in some years ago it is '3411' years. But now it is conclusively proved it is more than 3411 years to day (please see page 133 of the discovery of Kangleipak (series two) – Article : Amazing Findings Further Chaining Already Known Concocted Cheitharol Kumbaba or please visit www.paochelkangleipak.net. so we write 3411+ (Maliyafam Era) years to day.
Further the writer show to the readers the difference between the Kanglei finding in scientific fact and of the west about sperm:
"Taipang Palpaki Mai Sitapina Salaiki Fiset Talet Mak |
Nonglon Talet Maki Machu Talet Mak Asi Kheipipu Mafam Atuta Leena Leipane ||O||
Lang-on Khutingki Mee |sa|
Khongli Laulipa Asi Keipikki Puthoknafamne||"
"Tingpalpa Mapuna Ayungpa Wakon Folangta Faulakle Haipaki Inunglon Kouye ||
Inunglon Koupati Mapuki Ningsaki Masakne | Masipu Laiki Lolne ||
Mapu Sitapana Wakon Folang Chingtolta Taipangpalpa Mapupu
Khunthokhalle Haipaki Khunnunglon Kouye ||O||"
The above two quotation are from the Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-Ilon Pukik Puya. Please see under KOK and YANG in the Puya. These categorical statements about semen and sperm are written in the above mentioned Puya, written in about 3500 years B.P.
"Langyen Sitapati Salai Pisum Animakki Malakta Nganna Leipane||"
From Kham-oi Yang-oi Sekning Puya.
"Wakonpungta Leilipa Hee Yaiki Masak Oilapa Talang Ipung Loinapa Mahikiti Mahilelni |"
From Wachetlol Pathup Puya.
The four quotations are from the Kanglei Meetei Puyas, all the Puyas are written before the birth Jesus Christ. The Puyas says categorically that semen and
sperm are manufactured and produced in the human head. In contrast, the Technologically advanced west says : "Sperm or spermatozoon male reproductive cell. In Mammals, sperms are
produced in the tastes and travel through the reproductive system. At fertilization, one sperm of the roughly 300 million in an average Ejaculation fertilizes an egg (see
ovary) to produce an offspring.
At puberty, immature cells (spermatogenic) begin maturation process (spermatogenesis). A mature human sperm has a flat, almond
shaped head, with a cap (acrosome) containing chemicals that help it penetrate an ovum. It is essentially a cell nucleus, with 23 chromosomes (including with the X or Y
that determines the child's sex). A Flagellum propels the sperm which may live in a woman's reproductive tract for two to three days after sexual intercourse, to the egg.
Sperm may be frozen and stored for artificial insemination" – Britannica Ready Reference Encyclopaedia.
In the above quotation, you have seen "sperm are produced in the tastes" and
but in the East Kangleipak, sperms are produced in the head. But in the quotation,
sperm life is 2 to 3 days in the reproductive tract of the woman after sexual
intercourse, the same thing is said in the East in Kangleipak by the written evidence of
the Puya. So, the writer cannot accept immediate "sperms are produced in tastes" Of
the west, for reason that the Meetei race know the extra territorial origin of life etc. very early before the west.
These are the positions of the East in Kangleipk and the west Europe in the times of civilization, scientific discovery etc. to say the least.
When these things are the present realities in the world, some people, who are enemy to the indigenous peoples of Kangleipak, throw an uncultured and vulgar
attack at the Sanamahi religion of the indigenous people. Sanamahi religion is one of the most ancient, cultured refined religion of the world.
Some people says openly and propagate openly that the peoples who profess Sanamahi religion are 'Semen' worshippers using the word/concept 'Semen' in English. The writer feels very funny and much dismayed. Peoples who speak so, they do not know the word/concept of Sanamahi or Sanamahi religion, or they speak so simply to malign the indigenous peoples or to
demean them.
The semen is simply a fluid using as a means for transferring the sperm from the male organ to the women's sexual tract. It has nothing to do with creation or with religion in Kanglei Khunnai. The Kanglei Meetei words are so complex, as the Kanglei Language is the most ancient literary language or every syllable of the words has different meanings composing the words. So, to find a suitable equivalent word
for the Kanglei word in English or other language is too difficult for a common man and sometimes he will not find it.
The meaning of 'Sanamahi'
The first instance in the Wakoklon Helel Thilel Salai Ama-ilon Pukok Puya are the words "Konsen Tuleisengpa Sana Ee Mahi" which is the name of Sanamahi or
Sanamahi Lainingthou at page 3 of the Puya. 'Sana' above is not but
For the second time, the name of the 'Sanamahi' Sanamahi Lainingthou is found at Puya page 15 as "Eepali Aleepa | Pakee Leelapa | Palee Ahanpa | Konsen
Tulie Sengpa Mingthonpu Fangcheiye ||O||" In the quotation i= [ ee= ã of Bengali.
The writer puts this spelling as found in the Puya for clear understanding of the readers When the readers attention is fully given to the two names of 'Sanamahi' or
'Sanamhi Lainingtou' found in the above mentioned Puya, with critical mind and critical analysis and understood the meaning of the two names, can the readers
translate the names to 'sperm' or to 'semen' or says equal to 'sperm' or 'semen'?
In the first quotation 'Sana Ee Mahi" = Sanamahi, the Sanamahi Lainingthou, the name of the supreme god, the Meetei Race worshipped in every home.
In the second quotation from the Puya "Eepali Aleepa | Pakee Leelapa | Palee Ahanpa | Konsen Tulei Sengpa ||O||" "Eepali" means Ee+pa+Li=Ee=Blood to create
human being on the earth + Pa means the ultimate God Father of mankind + li means Ever living universal life endowed with a male power by the universal god father.
Every 'Pa' in the words means the universal god father. Every 'lee' in the words is Leepa or Leiba=preservation. We have the tradition that sanamahi is the first son of
Lainingthou Salailel Sitapa and Ima Laimalel Sitapi. This is the theory that in every male being the sanamahi is preserved for further spread of living being on the earth, as
a scheme of the God universe father. In the second quotation "Konsen Tulei Sengpa" mean the "Konsen"=Kon+sen, Kon means Konsinduna+Sen means sennaduna,
Tulei=Tu+Lei, Tu means Tusinduna+Lei Means leiba, lengdana leiba, "Sengpa" means the sengpa further means reality. This is the theory that the universal god father
what we call "Eepungloinapa Apakpa' is always with every living being in the heart as the Thouwai (soul?) upto the death of the being.
The Kanglei Meetei Race builds their Yumchao as a living temple where the Sanamahi Lainingthou is worshiped in the south western corner of the house as the
universal god father, as the only ultimate god father.
In many occasion, my Id readers have heard the words "Lainingthou Laipao" and also the writer has written in many article that the universal god father, the Ipung
Loinapa Apakpa called by the Meetei Race of Kangleipak, come down on the earth to creat living beings. He is the form of "Talang Malang", but come down in the form of
the symbyl 1. )now we use also as Singtha Cheising Eeyek Ama, counting number 1).
The dot (.) on the leftside of the symbol 1. is called Eelik. Eelik means Blood drop in Kanglei dialect. This was the blood drop which was the beginning of all creations of
living beings on the earth. This is the "Sana Ee Mahi" which become the name of Sanamahi Lainingthou. The "Sana" here means spread, Sandokpa, "Ee Mahi" means
blood liquid (liquid blood)
In the background of this cultural historical position of the concept of the "Sanamahi" of the Meetei Race of Kangleipak, can anybody on the earth the term,
translate, make equivalent Sanamahi to "Semen" or even to "Sperm"? The answer of this question is absolutely no.
So, some bodies comment "The Meetei is semen worshippers" is an imperfect comment showing imperfect knowledges of many things related to the subject. The
article is very technical. The article requires a lot of knowledge of culture and the Puya of the Meetei Race of Kangleipak!
Please comment :
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen wrote this article for e-pao.net
The writer can be contacted at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com or at www.paochelkangleipak.net
This article was posted on November 10, 2013.
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