NSCN raising day observed at Chandel
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Chandel, January 31 2015 :
The Ashiho Chaomai Battalion observed the 35th Rising Day of National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN), Govern-ment of the People's Re-public of Nagalim with thanksgiving and prayer at the Battalion head quarters church located somewhere in Chandel district on Saturday.
The observation was participated not only by all ranks and files of the Battalion and Khurmi Region but was also joined by leaders of various Naga Civil Societies of the district including Chandel Naga People's Organisation (CNPO), Naga Women Union Chandel ( NWUC), Naga Students' Union Chandel, (NSUC), leaders of Christian Forum Chandel, executive secreta-ries and staffs of various Churches' Associations, village chiefs and pastors.
Public relation Officer of AC BN, Lieut Col K Wangshol in his keynote address said that Naga Political rights to self-determination was once betrayed and buried in the mighty Indian constitution with the signing of Shillong Accord on November 11, 1975 by certain group of representatives or leaders of NNC/FGN who were without vision.
But the political rights of the Nagas have been revived/resurrected with the formation of the NSCN on this day way back in January 31, 1980 .
He went on to say that formation of National Socialist Council of Nagalim under the wisdom and vision of collective leadership is the purpose and plan of God, the almighty.
He also thanked the leaders of CSOs and others for extending support in making the observation a grand success.
Chaplain of the Battalion Capt.
Jesse Pamei led the congregation in observing a two�minute silent prayer as mark of respect to the departed souls of National workers.
Steering Committee member of NSCN, Koningam who is also the caretaker of the Khurmi Region, GPRN delivered the presidential address and it was followed by speeches from other dignitaries including presidents of CNPO, ASR and NWUC.