Child consultation meet held
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, June 13 2015 :
Three days child consultation of orphans and vulnerable children was concluded on Saturday at Hotel Nirmala which was jointly organized by World Vision and Manipur Network of Positive people (MNP) .
Department of Social Welfare, Principal Secretary SK Dev Verma and Manipur Aids Control Society (MACS), Deputy Director RK Rosie taken in the dais as Chief Guest and President respectively.
In the meeting they recommended fifteen points such as all IEC and social protection schemes to be made available in the different dialects of the state; minimize the criteria in applying for the social protection schemes in the state, double nutrition of all HIV infected children under the ICD, provision of ART pension scheme, inclusion of PLHIV in AAY, ICPS, JSY, RSBY on special consideration in all districts of Manipur, ensure legal protection and adequate redressed mechanism when PLHIV rights are violated, special quota for PLHIV in the State Illness Assistance Fund; relax the manual work criteria for all PLHIV holding labor cards, provision of short stay home and income generation program for women and widows who are infected & affected HIV/AIDs; increase number of Cd4 machines along with adequately trained personnel and peer counselors based on local and cultural context, uninterrupted supply of Ols and ART medicines in all the ART centre, DOTS centre and PHCs along with second-line ART for all PLHIV who are resistant to first line.
Other points include: Inclusion of HIV co-infection with hepatitis B & C treatment in the national and state treatment program, free diagnostic facilities for PCR/Viral load/LFT/MRI/HCV/VDRL, etc along with CD4 count services in all districts and sub divisions, specific grievances cell to be revived and ensure proper functioning and endorsement and effective implementation of greater involvement of PLHIV and AIDs as stated in the NACP-III at every level.