KSA asks Manorama Year Book to delete distorted article
Spurious info unacceptable : Student body
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, March 01 2024:
Kangleipak Students' Association (KSA) has appealed Malayala Manorama Co-Private Limited to retract Jawaharlal Nehru University Assistant Professor Dr Thongkholal Haokip's article in Manorama Year Book 2024 titled "Looking East: India's North East" within seven days.
Malayala Manorama Co-Private Limited is the publisher of Manorama Year Book 2024 .
Sukham Bidyananda, KSA president, claimed that in his article the JNU Assistant Professor not only distorted the history of "Kangleipak" but also allegedly misrepresented the role of Meiteis in starting the present conflict, thereby misleading the public.
Speaking to media persons at KSA office located near Khuyathong Pukhri Achouba today, Sukham Bidyananda informed that Dr Thongkholal Haokip had stated in his article that "Meiteis also probably emigrated from the northwest borders of China in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries" .
Stating that it is reasonable for academicians to give their own perspectives, he added that publishing of information which is presented with a communal mindset and has not been authenticated, in a GK book which is largely used by civil service, SSC and other competitive exam aspirants is unfortunate.
Condemning Malayala Manorama Co-Private Limited for wilfully publishing such an article with allegedly spurious information in Manorama Year Book 2024, the KSA president stated that the publisher should offer a clarification and remove the article from the year book within 7 days.
Referring to the May 3 violence, the article states that "A counter blockade was imposed in Imphal valley which interrupted the participants of peaceful protesters in Churachandpur from their return after the rally was over.
A scuffle broke out in Kangvai, which is between Churachandpur and Bishnupur districts, leading to arson of houses in such place where there is mixed population" .
At this juncture, Bidyananda questioned how could the blockade supporters interrupt/interfere with the Kuki rally goers at a place like Kangvai if the counter blockade was imposed in Imphal valley.
On the other hand, the writer alleged the Manipur Police's complicity in leading mobs of people into violent acts as well as seemingly attempting to break down the hill-valley relation.
Dr Haokip seems unaware of other non-Kuki communities living in harmony in the State, opined Sukham Bidyananda.
Such articles that misguide the public and young students has the potential to distort the history of Manipur if many academicians end up referencing the said article in their books.
Thus he asserted that intellectuals of the State who believe in the idea of Manipur should "fight academically" and address such attempts to distort the history of Manipur.
Sukham Bidyananda added that KSA will also consult with intellectuals and take steps to academically challenge such distortions and manipulations of Manipur history.