Names of 12 months of Kangleipak : Concepts and Significances
- Discovery of Kangleipak :: Part 32 -
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
- Wakching
- Failel
- Lamta
- Sachifu
- Kalel
- Eenga
- Eengen
- Thouwan
- Langpal
- Mela
- Heeyangkei
- Poinu

About Kok the Puya says:
He Mee-oipa Tapio Taipang Palpa Mapuki Konpu Eeyek Konpung Wakonpung Kouye||
Wakonpungki kayat laiphamki laiming Amati Taipangpalpaki Mai Sitapina Salaiki Fiset Taletmak|
Nonglong Talet Maki Machu Talet Mak Asi Kheipikpu Mapham Atuta Leena Leipane||O||
Lang-on khutingki Mee/Sa/Khongli Laulipa Asi Khipikki puthoknapham ne||
Machu mamen met thoknaphamne|"
The statement of the puya about kok (human head) is very authoritative that head is the source of everything including human sperm. Please mark Lang-on khutingki" in the last part of the Puya quotation.
The word "Wakching", the name of the first month of the Kangleipak Meetei race is a derivative of the combination of two words/concepts "wakon" + "Ching". The first syllable of the word wakching, that is "Wak" may mean "Wakon", "Wakonpung", the abode of the universal God Father. The second syllable of the word Wakching, that is "ching" may mean "Konching", "Wakonching", "ching" mean chingkhatpa, pulling up, etc.
Therefore, the meaning of the first month of the 12 months of the Kangleipak Meetei Race, Wakching is pulling up and storing in the Wakonpung (human head, head of all living beings) of the semen including the sperm.
Now in the 21st century everybody on the Earth agree that reproduction starts from the

Telling this fact and to take care of using Human organs, the meetei Lai Haraoba says:
"Ke kre kek kek mo mo, yanglel samba syao syao, yenkhong fatte chasillo, laigi yenni chafaloi"
The 2nd month's name is Failel (Fairel).
The meaning of 'Failel' is Fai+lel. Failel = Fai + lel, here Fai means Leipa further means stay, staying + lel, means here lelpa, further means staying for further doing works for improvement or perfection.
Now science agree that the human body system takes about two months in manufacturing a sperm perfectly from the best elements from the foods and drinks, ate and drank by the subject.
Wakching and Failel are two months when the sperm stays in the human head of the Father. About these two months when the sperm stays in the Father, Kham-oi Yang-oi sekning Puya says:
"Nungsit Ningthou Koupa sitapa
Atuna Thaki Machittaki Hangkam Malu Kumpa
Eeelik Ama Pulaktuna eepata Malu Hunpapu
ee Atu Fatuna Louye Haipaki Eepa Kouye||
Tha ani suna Noupule||"
From these facts, we generally say that mapana tha ani nou pui (Father is pregnant for two months before the nou(child) comes to the womb of the mother).
In the last five days of the two months when the sperm stays in the head of the human father, just before the sperm comes to the mother-would-be woman, the pupils of the human Father bifurcate into two, showing one part will go to mother-would-be woman for a new Lang-on.
The 3rd month of the Kangleipak Meetei race is Lamta.
About this 3rd month Lamta, the Puya Kham-oi yang-oi Sekning says:
"Eepaki yenpu mapan satlingeita yenningki fiseng nongta
eepa nungsit lapa tongtuna eepata hullapa malu pilapa atupu eemata thathale||
Chalotta mala waile huksang palle||
Huksang Atuna Eemaki Tha Talanithoi eemata Leilampa Ee atupu angang atuna chakcha oinale||
Atukipu Eee chaye Haipaki Eecha Kouye||"
The statement of the puya in regard to the 3rd month lamta is still 100% true in the 21st century, biologically.
The meaning of Lamta: Lamta = Lam + ta, here lam means a part of the earth commonly. In the concept of the puya, human body is called 'Leipak Ahingpi'. The human seed (sperm) is shown to the body of the "eema" (Leipak Ahingpi), in the quotation above 'Chalot' means womb 'ta' here means tale=tare on the 'Leipak Ahingpi'.
Therefore, the meaning of the 3rd month Lamta is that the human seed (sperm) has fallen well on the body of the would-be-mother woman for a new langon after 10 months in her body. The fourth month of the Kangleipak Meetei race is Sachifu (misnamed Sajibu after the advent of Hinduism).
In the quotation above about the 3rd month Lamta, please see
"Malu pilapa atupu eemata thathale||
Chalotta mala waile husang palle||".
In this part of the quotation "chalot" means womb and 'Huksang' means body. Further see the meaning of Sachifu, the 4th month of the Meetei race:
Sachifu = Sa + chi + fur, sa here means the body part of the living beings including of the human, meaning the 'sperm' with the liquid portion, in another meaning the 'Sanamahi', chi here means chisillakpa, further means coming of the sanamahi in the womb to transform into Ha chak, konchak and langpa chak in the womb, fu here simply means chafu, that is, womb.
In this regard, please see what the Puya of the Meetei race, wachatlon pathup says :
"Lailikpu Ichapati sachifu nongma panpata mapuki talang paopu fangpana
humni panpa numitta eesaiphu eelon nungta talang mapuna sachifu leikhun toulakpa
milel papot lompana atuki matung-inna talepni panpa numita ichapane".
The puya is very categorical about the naming and the process and progress of the 4th month in its life journey in the transformation beginning from the head of the human father to the womb of the human mother and finally as man and woman on the Earth.
Please mark the "Sachifu leikhun toulakpa milel papot lonpana". Here "Sachifu leikhun Toulakpa" means the journey of the human sperm to come directly in the womb after fertilization and "milel papot lonpa" means the human mother has two lives – one her own live and the second new developing life in the womb.
Sachifu (now sajibu after Hinduism) is the 4th month of the meetei race and no power on the earth can change it to first month of the year, Cheiraoba in Sajibu (a funny name for a new year) of the meetei race. We all know that the Meetei race named their 12 months in the embryological process and progress with a strong scientific foundation many centuries ago before the birth of many civilizations on the earth.
Kangleicha brothers and sisters! Do not have 'small minds', please follow your intellectual giants ancestors of the past.
The fifth month of the Meetei race is Kalel – Kalel comes just after Sachifu, the 4th month.
In the Sachifu, the 4th month, the human embryo comes inside the womb, the puya calls 'chalot, and stays in the womb for one month. After this one month in the 'chalot', in the month kalel (a rough duration of 30 days) the foetus in the womb has developed its main organs.
Please see the meaning of the Kalel, the 5th month of the Meetei race:
Kalel = Ka + lel, ka means here Ka of the human body, here means the organs of the human body. The Puya, Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai ama-ilon Pukok says that there are 11 (eleven) 'kayats' in the human body, though we do not know generally what are the 11 'kayats'.
Ka means here the 'Kayat' of the human body. Lel, the 2nd syllable of the word, Kalel means here the best, most important ka or kayat of the human body. Therefore, in the Kalel month of the Meetei race, 5th in the 12 month series, the foetus in the womb has developed the main kayats of the human body.
The sixth month of the meetei race is Eenga and the seventh month is Eengen.
The most important part of the embryonic development during these two months, Eenga and Eengen is played by the blood of the human body. The blood to the foetus is supplied by the mother in whose womb the foetus is developed.
During the 60 days of these two months almost all organs are developed and blood is supplied to all the organs. Most probably the nervous system is completely developed during these two months, Eenga and Eengen of the Kanglei Meetei months.
The 8th month of the Meetei race is Thouwan.
Please see the meaning of the 8th month Thouwan of the Meetei race:
Thouwan = Thou + wan, thou here means the physical function of the organs developed in the foetus in the womb + wan here means functionalisation of all organs in the foetus. In common parlance, it may means that all organs in the foetus begins to perform their own different and peculiar functions.
The ninth month of the Meetei race is Langpal. The ninth month Langpal conveys exact and unambiguous meaning.
Please see the meaning of the 9th month, Langpal:
Langpal = Lang + Pal, the Lang here means Lang-on or Saion, the process and progress of the development of the sperm to a full human being is complete in this month, Langpal + Pal here means oire and masak oire, further means the foetus is now a full human being to comeout from the mother on the open lap of the everloving and ever caring mother earth.
The 10th month of the meetei race is Mela. The Mela tha is also said as Menta Tha. In the Mela (Mera) month of the foetus as a complete human being in form and the organs doing the full functions as in a ordinary human being, takes rest.
The eleventh month of the Meetei race is Heeyangkei. The name of the eleventh month, Heeyangkei also conveys the exact nature and development of the foetus in the womb of the mother.
Please see the meaning of the word/concept of the eleventh month Heeyangkei:
Heeyangkei = Hee + yang + Kei, Hee here means the best thing as medicine, the best thing as food to develop life, human mind etc + yang means Yangna, further means quickly + Kei means barn, here means human body (the developed foetus).
Therefore, Heeyangkei here means the foetus as a fully developed human being prepares for a debut in the open world to play in the Life stage as man or woman collecting the best things for its body from the blood streams of the mother in the womb.
The last 12th month of the Meetei race is Poinu. The last month of the Meetei race Poinu also expresses its exact nature by the word itself.
Please see the meaning of the word/concept of the 'Poinu':
Poinu = Poi+nu, Poi here means Leiba, to live further means living spending life (for example : Lampoiba = vagabond) + nu means man, common gender, nu + pa, nu + pi.
In the last month Poinu, the foetus from the womb of the mother comes out as man or woman to live among the human beings to play his/her roll on the life stage as desired by the God Father.
To start New year
You pray Sanamahi Lainingthou on the first day of the Wakching month every year (if you cannot find a calendar) offering fruits, flowers in seven numbers (if you cannot find sevens, you offer 3 in numbers, or at least in ONE numbers) with uncooked vegetables, fish etc. you need nothing to offer at the Gate on the road. It was a Chalak during Hindu Days.
Please perform Wakching Chahi Houba as a mark of respect to your foregone ancestors who were some of most developed and intelligent human beings on the earth.
To be continued.....
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen is a frequent contributor to . The sender of this article can be contacted at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on January 01 2011 .
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