Telephone Communication to Manipur

Telephone Communication to Manipur
For the past couple of weeks, Telephone call to Manipur from outside Manipur has become an exercise in futility. Lots of people who lived outside Manipur and who wants to communicate to their near and dear ones have been left in the lurch due this lack of telecommunication channel. has compile a list of mail we received till date in the hope that this will get the attention of the concerned authorities

You can also post a mail to [email protected] asking about this 'ex-tele-communicado'.

You may also want to check out BSNL North East website.
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We all know our rights
would someone help us...!!!
No communication No business
State is lost in its own stupid works
I can't even read nor study
Cards have been removed from the DOT
All are sick
what about my parent?????
Betrayed betrayed, cheated, annoying
This is the 21st century
I missed my first anniversary
This is just horrible
Betrayal Betrayal Betrayal !!!!!!!
Another boon to the Manipuris!
What is the Current Progressive Status?
Two months to get the line..
It's sick!
Do your jobs misters!!
Telephone Department of Manipur is worst and hopeless
Why don't they understand
Telephone Dept. is the worst!!
Lets go back to Rock Ages
First electricity, now telephone!
Please convey to Shri. Y.Gyaneshwar, Director
Everyone staying outside need to communicate
Open letter to all concerned
What the hell is this?
Problem of telephone exchange
Hope this problem will be solve very soon
It's really a great pain
Does govt take up any action?
What happenned to telephone exchange?
How long it will be like this?
Buy a pigeon..
Manipur is famous for no communication
I am ashame to be a son of Meitei
Herculian task to get through telephone calls
BSNL should rectify the telephone problem soon
State Telephone line
Cannot call loved ones during Holidays
Take immediate action on telephone Line
What is going on at Imphal phone exchange?
need of the hour.....
Some information of Telephone problem
Telephone lines
Some info regarding telephones services of Manipur

We all know our rights

[Thu, 9 Jan 2003 08:01:22 -0800]

Hi e-pao,

It's nice to have atleast a way to reveal and convey our wants and desires to someone related in the name of our motherland "MANIPUR" and that's e-pao news.

I hope we all know our rights, rite? Then, why don't we do somethin'? Well, I don't believe in miracles but that doesn't mean they don't come true. So anythin' could happen n ain't it better if it happens for the good of our people? Pliz convince everyone to take further steps for our people, our motherland "MANIPUR". Lets make a new society where there's love n peace. forget 'bout the revolutionary parties b'coz they could do nothin' except savin'their own tails. So it's us, the civilians that should do somethin'. let's unite n bring changes n live happily as we'd dreamt of...

I love you all my people n frens...

N.B: I hope the e-pao will do somethin' for us mostly for those students n people stayin' outside and convey the message to everyone especially the ministers who have no hands, no eyes, no ears...totally paralysed, blind, dumb and deaf. they're like the 3 monkeys...

a civilian of manipur...

would someone help us...!!!

[Thu, 9 Jan 2003 07:44:59 -0800]

Dear people of Manipur,

I hope each and every people in manipur know their duties and commitments that should be dedicated for our own people i.e. for ourselves only, for our bros' n sis'. But I do hardly believe anyone do take care of ourselves n our people, except a few of us...!!!

It's been weeks the telephone is totally dead but nothin' has been done for the betterment. And today as I m a manipuri, I'd like to ask everyone if this will bring the prosperity of our people? I think not. why should we remain silent and calm as if nothin' had happened? Why don't the people livin' alive there do somethin'? I myself would love to do a lot for my people but as I'm a student now and I've my certain responsibilities to do, I'm totally paralysed. And at the same time, I'm here outside Manipur and I couldn't help anythin' rather than prayin' for the betterment of our society.

As we're outside our state, we do miss our parents , families n frens... and what's important is it's very necessary for us to converse our families n frens thru' phone coz there's no other options left. And sometimes we desperately need to share some moments with our loved ones... but now we can't, why b'coz we don't have any means to keep in touch. And I would like to know why we don't try to understand this and do somethin'. And more concerned is the people out there in manipur. I do have firm belief that they'll do somethin' and bring a change... I do pray god help us...


one of you...
sincerely urs'
Vikram R.K

No communication No business

[Thu, 9 Jan 2003 07:39:57 -0800]

What you are doing huh! Thinking that you have done something good. Dont forget that you will also cry one careful.. otherwise no humanity will be there for better peace .... Dont let the future to turn away from you ...... At least all the people in manipur have a full right and power to throw what they dont want ....and can represent our need in front of the world peacefully .....

No water No fish
No communication No business
No business No money
So no money no people
No people no power
Or waitin to die another day and no tommorow will be there.................

One of the manipuri

State is lost in its own stupid works

[Thu, 9 Jan 2003 05:49:19 -0800]


Its a magnanimous gesture from the e-pao team. Congrats. Wish u luck in your future acts.

I think it is amazing. The whole of the state is lost in its own stupid works. The govt. is not bothered about any useful thing just engrossed in some pity self-centred activities. Please solve the problem at the earliest possible time. We are facing a lot of problems.

Thank You.

P. Shanker
New Delhi-67

I can't even read nor study

[Thu, 9 Jan 2003 12:01:24 -0000]

Dear site,
Its been a long time I am trying to contact my family members through phone from Hyderabad to Yaiskul......but i never get.......

What's this going on ? What are the steps taken by the people of Manipur and by the tele-exchange dept. Please kindly let me know. I am so irritated with this I can't even read........and what are steps taken by the Manipur Govt. These acts of Govt. make me to leave my study and join a revolutionary party and .........

yours sincerely

Cards have been removed from the DOT

[Thu, 9 Jan 2003 03:52:26 -0800]

I heard from sources and friends that the cause of the telephone problem in Imphal is because some of the miscreants have removed some cards from the DOT which is vital for STD switching. Since the cards are removed we suffer.

I guess our so called Naharol should not have done this to cause such massive problems to all of us. I dont blame the DOT. I blame the social miscreants who r a trouble to all of us.


All are sick

[Wed, 8 Jan 2003 22:23:36 -0800]

My reactions: First, frustration of not being able to communicate with my family in Thoubal. Second, satirical satisfaction that people of Manipur are going back to olden days (conserving our culture and development as Naharols or militants would put it).

Be it Manipuri militants or Naga militants, they are always setback to our progress, even worse than our corrupt Govts of the past and present. They have successfully destroyed many telecommunications installations in Mayang Imphal and so many other places. At the same time Manipuri people are not able to demolish this militants of our own blood. And I don't want to talk anything more about govt. Even the students unions (or bandh lovers) are like second govt if the militants are dropped to third position.

So, I wish BSNL and India Post stop all the communication means provided to Manipur/Nagaland so that our people wake up or our people fulfill the wish of preserving our old values (back to khudei namei, polygamist maharaja's days).


what about my parent?????

[Wed, 8 Jan 2003 21:51:20 -0800 (PST)]

Respected sir,
I have been trying to contact my mom n dad through phone but didn't get the line. I don't know what happen to the line . I am very anxious to listen my mom voice. I really miss them.
Long Live e-pao

Ranja Singh

Betrayed betrayed, cheated, annoying

[8 Jan 2003 18:26:11 -0800 ]

Really speaking I have been trying to communicate my family from the first week of Dec. last, but the telephone line is horribly annoying and frustrating to hear a guys voice "line is busy pliz try after sometime". I thought it might be true, I tried after half an hour, it's still the same. Pliz define "after sometime". Is it hours, days, weeks or months?

Need urgent concern for those who live outside of Manipur!


This is the 21st century

[Wed, 8 Jan 2003 07:43:25 -0800]

Hi e-pao team,
You guys are doing a wonderful job keeping those of us staying outside Manipur in constant touch with our native state; especially when the Telecom department is giving us such a pathetic service these days!
I've been trying to get in touch with my family members since the first week of December, concerning a very important personal matter, and all I could get through to is the monotonous voice of a gentleman with the "most beautiful accent" I could ever hear!

Come on guys(Telecom Dept.), give us a break! This is the 21st century; you cannot comfortably live in your Dark Age utopia, not knowing there is fire burning in your backyard. Pray, tell me, have you guys ever gone outside of Manipur? If yes, you would probably have felt the need for keeping in touch with your homeland through the phone.
If not, well, I can understand your apathy towards the present crisis which has been going on since the last two months.

But I'm telling you this; you guys better wake up, do your job sincerely or resign enmasse and give the department to some other people better equipped to handle the crisis than you guys are! You cannot just get away with murder!

Michael Touthang,
New Delhi.

I missed my first anniversary

[Wed, 8 Jan 2003 07:43:25 -0800]

Dear sir,

Could you imagine the trauma I've been suffering ? I couldn't wish my wife on our first marriage anniversary in Dec. and again to add salt to the injury; I couldn't wish her on her birthday in Jan; courtesy the erratic telephone problem in Manipur in the past about one and half month. Moreover, I'm not able to enquire the health of my parents who are suffering from Diabetes and hypertension.

And there might be thousands of brothers and sisters away from home who are missing important communications from home. This is when telephone has been considered as one of the basic services which is taken for granted even at most of the remote places of India. Won't it be a farce to talk about IT revolution in Manipur without such a basic infra-structure ? Why is the Govt. taking such a long time to rectify the problem ? It's time that responsive governance is in place so that the state can be taken to the 21st. century with progress.


This is just horrible

[Tue, 7 Jan 2003 23:07:08 -0800]

Dear Sir

This is just horrible - I mean the telephone service in the state. We and everyone know that some card had been stolen but that is history now. Just how long can the Telecom Dept. deprive the people of the state of this basic service? We are paying consumers and we expect good quality service. Is the DGM listening?


Betrayal Betrayal Betrayal !!!!!!!

[Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:48:25 -0800]

Dear Sirs,

For how long do we have to continue eating up all these bull**** ? Its not new to the people of Manipur coming across such irresponsibilities from the concern authorities !!! What the Government of Mnaipur has been doing so far? Its nothing but killing all of us alive !!! I hope, I wont be wrong saying this, or rather you should appreciate my comments.

Where on earth do we have to go to? Nowhere. Is it wrong that we are being stranguluated from all corners of our lives? Blockage of NH-39,looting of vehicles carrying day-to-day needs of the people of Manipur, illtreatment of people passing through this route by these so called Nagas, and then today, this current problem of telecommunication !!!!! And this has been there continuously for the last two months or so!!! Its nothing but spitting on our face, the face of Manipur, or bull****ing on us, including these guys or Authorities who are concerned. I am still wondering, or the mass people of Manipur are still wondering, what the Government, our ELECTED GOVERNMENT is doing for us?????? They are there for the wellfare of the state, the people of Manipur. But taking into consideration what we have been suffering from all these days, we all have lost our trust and confidence in them, to say the least.

I hope the concerned authorities should get hold of these problems and try to rectify them at the erliest. Or else this sleeping volcano, which we all are holding, will surely erupt one fine day, for sure. I appeal to all the people of Manipur that we should not allow this to be happened with us any longer, and let us fight for our rights with new vigor and new strength.

Long Live Manipur.

Yours Truely,

H.Ingobi Singh
New Delhi.

Another boon to the Manipuris!

[Tue, 7 Jan 2003 02:04:31 -0800]

Hai Everybody

In addition to the problems faced by the people like law and order, integrity of the state, bandh, blockage, economy, overdraft, political instability .... We are at present eye-witnessing the problem of telecommunication from the last few weeks.

How long will it go on like this? It is enough. It is high time for the govt. to take up measures in order to get rid of this problem immediately. I hope it will get resolved soon.


What is the Current Progressive Status?

[Tue, 7 Jan 2003 02:04:31 -0800]

Dear Sir

I am from Manipur, studying and working at Auranagabad, Maharshtra Auranagabad Maharashtra for the past 9 years. But the problem we are facing today about the STD call is new one.

Let me know the Current Status. Is it Progressive or becoming worst? Shall we continue to use The Telegram facility. Telegram is in progress but we Manipuri are just the opposite of becoming progressive.

Y. Jayanta

Two months to get the line..

[Tue, 7 Jan 2003 01:28:27 -0800]

Dear Sir,

What is happening to manipur's telecommunication. I have been trying since last two months at least to get the line, but in vain. This has create a lot of problem as we are studing studing Manipur.

It feels like I am studying in another planet thinking when to communicate to the earth.

So I am requesting to set it right as soon as possible at your earliest.

It's sick!

[Tue, 7 Jan 2003 01:08:00 -0800]

Dear Sir,

I am using E-pao as a means to take a little bit of respite. I really do not know what is wrong with the telephone lines in Manipur but I surely do know that the concern official staff of BSNL are definitely sitting tight with no work. They must be having a nice time under the sun outside the Telephone Bhavan and Transit house, Microwave centre chatting away to glory. The best I can hope for is that they are working on something to rectify.

Believe it or not, the last time I could talk to my family was on the 8th of November 2002, after that I never could get through. That means the lines has totally been out of service since then, 2 sick months. What is happening? Is anyone upto rectifying the Problem? Is anyone really concern?

It is high time we all wake up to reality and see where the entire world is. If at all I could come there, I'll see to that everyone who is responsible gets the right penalties.

E Pao Team, Please pass this message to the Deputy General manager of BSNL (as I dont have his E mail id) who sits in an Air conditioned chamber behind Microwave station that it is high time that he steps out of his chamber and see to that things get right on track or else step out of the room and the powers, designation, status he enjoys as he is an ITS officer because he is incompetant to be there. Please do pass on his e mail id if you people have. Ensure that this message reaches him. This is not just me , but Thousands of Manipuris speaking.

Kindly also ensure that the DGM answres to all the people of Manipur over E only as to what is the problem.

I am really getting furious and Frustrated.......


Giten Khwairakpam

Do your jobs misters!!

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 22:15:52 -0800 ]

It's really strange that this problem with the phone line hasn't been fixed to think its been long enough, still the concern authority is doing nothing so I feel.

I don't know whether they have no children studying outside. It's high time these position holders do their work. It's really a disgrace.


Telephone Department of Manipur is the worst and hopeless in the world

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 10:38:27 -0800 ]

Thanks to the E-pao FeedBack Form for having this opportunity.
The telephone Department of Manipur, Manipur is the worst and hopeless in the world.

The most irritating part is the recorded greetings (English) of the Telephone Department.
Is there any guy who speaks better English in the said department?


Why don't they understand

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 07:37:22 -0800]

Dear Sir

Its really pity that all the STD calls to Manipur is really getting hard to get,infact the lines in remote areas like Moirang, Thoubal etc which are not under the Imphal Exchange is totally dead,thus creating a problem for all the Manipuris staying outside the state. The problem is severe for students like us. Why the State govt is not taking an immediate action or is there any more threat from the so called millitants, and as usuall it is the public that always suffer whenever there is a fight between the govenment and millitants.

Why don't they understand.......
Action should be taken up immediately to reduce the pain suffering by us. It is a humble request to the concerned authority whether it is the Militants or the Government.

Nurul Huda Khan

Telephone Dept. is the worst!!

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 06:07:31 -0800]

Whoever is runnning this public message program on this website.

Thats a great job to make our feeelings for that telephone problem public. We are outside Manipur and cut away from our homeland. Let me tell you what we think of this telephone dept. its the worst! It cannot go lower than this. so disgusting! Imagine this scene in your mind:

You need some money pronto. You want to call home and tell your dad so. You go to an STD booth and type 03852...... . Suddenly a very familiar voice tells you "This route(s) is(are) busy. Please call after sometime". That happened 3 weeks ago.
Today you are yet to get your money. I m not tryng to be rude or something. I just want to make them know what we feel. That could happen to their children too. At that time no one will cry for them.

Lots of thanks for the chance to spit it out

Madan Gopal Laishram
PS: only our frens know who & where we are and where we study

Lets go back to Rock Ages

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 06:07:31 -0800]

Dear BSNL,

Its been like ages since I had a chat with my parents. What is going on with the telephone department. We stay outside just for the sake of good education which I guess is not at all possible in manpur .

Come on people look at the situation of manipur in terms of education its heading nowhere. so on weekends we love talking to our near and dear ones. Which is not at all possible currently. If the concerned people are not interested then why don't we just close down the telephone department and go back to the rock age.

Concerned authority people respond to our desperate cry for justice.

Yours Obediently,
I. Yasheel Singh(pari)

First electricity, now telephone!

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 04:57:26 -0800]

How long will it go on like this? What hapened to the phone? Sometimes I feel like abusing my own homeland manipur. We wont be able to developed if they keep on doing like this. Before electricity was not there ,then telephone.

So whats next? Is the Govt doing anything?
So anyway e-pao guys, keep up ur good work & thanx a lot for bringing those people staying outside close to its homeland..


Please convey to Shri. Y.Gyaneshwar, Director

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 04:40:33 -0800]

Dear Sir,

The message may please be conveyed to Shri. Y.Gyaneshwar - Director, Shri museum, Tera, Imphal that, "the Parishad did Parishad received the lists of artisans for the rest of States from him. Immediate phone call to the concern programme officer here at Bhopal may be assertained".

Assertained team is requested to extend their co-operation transacting the message as soon as possible.

Your highly oblized.

with regards,

Bhopal; Madhya pradesh.

Everyone staying outside need to communicate

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 04:25:16 -0800]

Dear e-pao,

Thank for offering to complain in ur web site.
Every one who r staying outside need to communicate to their family or there dear one but not working of phone make difficult to communicate. Many students are staying outside and they always need to communicate to their family about their study problem, health, money etc. But no one can communicate.
Everyone who are staying outside are suffering. Not only students but many people who too are staying outside for better Treatment, treatment need communication to their family to ask money, help etc
At home, they are eagerly awaiting to hear the condition of the patient and patients are sad as they are not able to communicate with them and not able to ask help from there family.
It is so sad.

It is ill luck for those who stay outside from manipur. Still manipur government is not doing anything. Are they blind, dumb . They will not know how much people are suffering . They know only money, corruption, bribe, May be this one is also waiting for corruption.
Who do we to complain? We need phone to be working soon.


Open letter to all the concern

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 04:16:37 -0800]

Is there anyone who is taking care of the people interest who are desperate to get in touch with home from outside the state.
Is there who can find out what is going on for such a long time or don't have the guts to do so. What is the Chief Minister doing out there, waiting for people *****, Dont they have any sense at all or do they think that no one can touch them... they should not forget the might of people which were shown during ceasefire agitation.

Some people and students were in very depilated condition having no contact all for no fault of theirs. They tried to telephone their home for the last one month but of no avail. Would anyone living there take up issue and sort it fast so the suffering of the students and people could be avoided.

Bangalore -1

what the hell is this?

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 03:21:11 -0800]

What is going on in Manipur right now??
Utter confusion, chaos reign supreme in Manipur!!!
Hey what is going on really...somebody tell me!!!!Whatever happened to the telephone connection to Manipur? Has some dark angel come down to isolate us from the rest of the world which we already were.

I am extremely irritated! What re we supposed to do? How long we are going to live under someone else's shadow... If the present situation we are facing now is due to some organizations/groups, why don't we have the guts to face them...why are we hiding under ourbeds????

Let's do something man.. it's high time...!!!!!
Is'nt it disgracing? Just give it a thought...same people like us...same kinda eyes..same kinda looks stayin somewhere near us making us suffer like anythin....why do we have to stay silent ?? somethin should be done fast...

A Highly Infuriated Manipuri

Problem of the telephone exchange

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 02:47:42 -0800]

Dear Sir,

It's really sad to hear that Manipur Govt. is not doing anything ..... the concern department is deserve to resign at this very moment because its been ages since I made the last call at home.

Why the people of the state is so soft in the matter of state concern ? No wonder why outsiders are demanding land from ours for their better living.


Yumnam Sanajaoba

Hope this problem will be solve very soon

[Mon, 6 Jan 2003 02:45:42 -0800 ]

Respected sir..!!

As we all know, the education systems in Manipur is worst than nothing, this have urged the student to depend on other states which have better facilities.. As I am one among them, I know how is it feel n how hard is it ... telecommunication is the only source by which we depend partially or completely...

As the line is completely broke down its very hard for us ...sometimes we happen to have a very serious problem in which we need to contact our near ones.... now it is almost second months running since the line broke off ...
God knows..!! how we r managing out here ....this is the condition of our state...I, myself , doesn't expect this much negligence atleast from my state government.

Hope this problem will be solve very soon...

M tech, BMS College

It's really a great pain

[Sun, 5 Jan 2003 21:11:14 -0800 ]

It's really a great pain for me when I am unable to talk to my near and dear one. What all this happening how long will the Govt. take to rectify the silly problem that's going on for so long. I want an immediate step to look into the matter and see that the problem is solve the sooner the possible.

Th Sanjit

Does govt take up any action?

[Sun, 5 Jan 2003 11:01:38 -0800]

Hello e-pao servers

Could you pliz tell me what is going on this telephone connection. Does our government take up any action?we don't know what to do. Pliz give some suggestion to me about this. I'll be very thankful to you.

And one more when is ID-UL-ZUHA ? We have a little confusion about this, Some wrote 11,12and even 13 also. Which one of this three?

May God keep this web-site forever

what happenned to telephone exchange?

[Sun, 5 Jan 2003 01:39:19 -0800]

dear sir,

What happenned happenned our telephone exchange? I have been trying a call to my home in thoubal since thoubal last ten days. Whats the problem there? I spent 2-3 hrs in futile everyday to make call.

Thanking you

your sincerly

How long it will be like this?

[Sun, 5 Jan 2003 00:50:32 -0800]

How long it will be like this ? we cant communicate to any dear one . we are far away from home it is very difficult to stay without touching with family. We cant asked any money which we need , we cant talk to discuss about health problem.

How long this telephone line will be like this. Why central govt and state govt are seating like they did not see anthing or hear anything, take action soon otherwise there will be a big problem for those who stay outside.

Koijam Kamalakanta

Buy a pigeon..

[4 Jan 2003 22:56:44 -0800]

hi guys!!!!

I dont blame you guys but what is going around there in Manipur??? When manipur??? It ever become a developing state... everything tends to be going downhill for this tiny hilly state....

I doubt whether we are coming down to the ages where we wear leaves and rags.... my new year resolution is that..
I will buy a pigeon and trained it to take chits to my home...


Manipur is famous for no communication

[4 Jan 2003 03:56:13 -0800]

people say MANIPUR is famous for 2 big thing
now we are going to be famous for NO COMMUNICATION.
anyway happy new year.

solaris angel

I am ashame to be a son of Meitei

[Sat, 4 Jan 2003 08:09:31 -0800 ]

I have been trying to connect to my home, relatives Thoubal, Imphal , Lamphel, numbers. But my trials have no output. I heard from some unconfirmed agencies that our line at Dimapur (Main Exchange) has misconfigured with the instructions from NSCN activist due to recent problems in Manipur with them. Whats doing it by our govt we have no alternative to convey our imergency informations and have in touch with our loved ones..

I am requesting all the concerned departments and people from Govt and NGOs to take necessary action as soon as possible and make our SANALEIBAK AS REAL SANALEIBAK MANIPUR.


We want that WE go everywhere with OUr heads up ...

Yrs truely

[email protected]

Herculian task to get through telephone calls

[Sat, 4 Jan 2003 04:36:10 ]


Its a herculian task to get through telephone calls in Imphal for the last 1 month or so.Its quite frustrating at times. Its high time the telephone department does something about this.

Thank You.


BSNL should rectify the telephone problem soon

[Sat, 4 Jan 2003 21:55:07 +0530 ]

I have been experiencing non-availability of telephone calls to home and other parts of manipur for more than 2 weeks. I even tried as many times a day(including peak hrs and midnights), but the same problem is there.

Some stupid voice always says that line is busy, try to some time. I don't know whats happening. It is very difficult to communicate with my near and dear ones.

Those responsible in the BSNL should rectify the problem soon in the people's interest.

Shanta Laishram

State Telephone line

[4 Jan 2003 06:54:20 -0000]

Dear E-Pao Team,

I really find it hard to digest what's happening to the state telephone line! Is it 'coz of the respective Dept. or some other thing? I've been trying since one week, whether its full time or half time. So its quite inconvinient for us who stays out of Manipur. Is it 'coz of the addition of a digit '2'? I'll be quite happy rather thankful to your team if u let me know the problem.


Cannot call loved ones during Holidays

[Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:42:49 -0800]

Dear e-pao,

Happy New Year!

What's going on in our state? Our communication line has been downhill, the people in the USA can't call our loved one in Manipur during this holiday.

we would like to know what 's the problem.

Kim Beam

Take immediate action on telephone Line

[Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:16:45 -0800]

Telecommunication is the only backbone of N-East states of India. Apart from other 6 states, Imphal telecommunication is really affected badly from the entire N-East states in terms of communication.

As we are students who study away from Imphal, we are severely facing problem becuase of department's irregularity services. We are unable to keep in touch with family neither post nor phone, etc as we are facing lots of problem since 1 month. department.

Being alone in other states, we are hardly able to manage the problem and neither people do help the needs of the peoples. As science is growing up we are in touch with internet help . Manipur is a remote state of india and the internet revolution in Manipur will take a such long days to educated everyone. I do hope telecommunication department will understand our outsider student problem as we are facing enough problem.

Rithik Singhania,
[email protected]

What is going on at Imphal phone exchange?

[Fri, 3 Jan 2003 06:26:59 -0800]


What is going on at Imphal phone exchange? I have been trying a call to home since last three days. Is there any strike in the exchange?

It is making an inconvinence to me.

Please, inform me

Thank you
KN Singh

need of the hour.....

[Thu, 2 Jan 2003 09:00:01 -0800]

well.....u guys there are doing a great job..

I would like u guys to highlight the problem that the common citizen are facing day to this is more serious than the mere updating or reporting news....

for started on a construction for public utilization and not completed on time.....for instance a bridge , a road, and can be anything that gives hindrance to the citizen.....

well for example.....the ongoing problem with the telephone exchange.....some say its due to the upgradation of technology to change the existing 6 digit number to 7 digit number.....and others have a different version...

for those who stay out of manipur it is ,I suppose a big hurdle.. unable to communicate with the family members.....

and think of the families who have sick people gone outside manipur to get treatment and who doesn't have a contact number to whom the family members can contact from home..

I suppose others states are also on the process of upgradation like our state....but ...the question is why only manipur has to suffer......

When a huge state like maharastra can upgrade from 7 digit to 8 digit exchange without creating any huss and fuss...and without the interruption even for a single minute......I suppose a small state like manipur can do even more easier....

it is been a long time people who stays outside aren't able to keep contact ......

I suppose there are a lot of things to be done....


Some information of Telephone problem

[Tue, 31 Dec 2002 11:57:49 -0800]

Whosoever is concern,

Sub: Request to put some information of Telephone problem.

Dear sir/madam,

Its been pretty long since I can't contact home in telephone, so what is the reason behind, I can't be able to get any information in this news site.

I took this site is the best for taking information for people staying outstation. Now I can't communicate as my parents didn't surf the net.

So, in this matter of fact, if you can give at least some information I will be ever remaining thankful to you.

Thanking you.

yours sincerly,
Arun Oinam,

Telephone lines

[Tue, 31 Dec 2002 09:58:05 -0800]


Due to problems in telephone line, we, the student in living outside Manipur cannot communicate with our family member . So, please put up some possible action so that we may contact with our family member.


Some info regarding telephones services of Manipur

[Mon, 30 Dec 2002 16:37:08 +0530]


Any Idea why there is a lot of difficulties in getting the connection to Manipur telephone line. For the past 3 week I was trying to contact my home but in vain. All the line are now redirect to a voice playback in unconditional loop.

Right now I am in the state of confusion if there is any change in STD code or the phone numbers in Manipur without any prior infomation.

Any info regarding this is really appreciated and thanks in advance.


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