On font colour
[ Sun, Feb 22, 2009 9:27 am ]
Thanks for the informative news site. i hope you will do even better in the days to come. I have one suggestion though, i feel some fonts colour in your web page can be more friendly to the eye.
Abel G.
On Chakhum
[ Mon, Feb 23, 2009 5:53 am ]
Dear Team,
This new website is simply delicious! But I think it would be really nice if there is a glossary of the Manipuri words used in the website. Its great that you have tried to explain each and every ingredient with pictures and scientific names but there are some words in the recipes which remains unexplained. This will be good for the visitors who do not understand our language.
Nanao - Hyderabad
Manipur - A Soft power house in N-E India
[ Fri, Feb 20, 2009 1:20 am ]
I condole the sudden demise of a great son of Manipur and his associates. I am a regular reader of e-pao.net. Any day without reading the e-pao is considered unfortunate day in my life. My 6 years outside Manipur is not a problem all because of e-pao giving every detail of Manipur. Your ERANG, E-ming and Chakhum are doing wonders in the lives of thousands of Manipuris staying outside the motherland. words cannot expressed my joy and satisfaction.
Nothing is perfect in this world. However, it should not meant that we need not look towards more perfection for better results. We have to do a lot for the betterment of the society with contributions from well-known scholars and intellectuals playing their role through the e-pao. As a person who thinks it very important for us to create a positive image of our state and people in the eyes of the world for better prospects would like to request for more development of this website. Your innovations and additional portals are greatly enriching the lives of the general public also by giving the outside world a glance of Manipur. One good development in the e-pao could be 'SOFT POWER GAME' in e-pao. I don't mean the e-pao team is not working in this front. The success and taste of the e-pao.net is the clear explanation of it. The 'SOFT POWER' tactics can be a boon in this region inflicted with racial, ethnic, and religious enmities. Projecting a good image of Manipur at the national and interantional level will help in the long run to bring positive outcomes. This can build an atmosphere of self-confidence and pride in our minds. Many people see Manipur as the worst place on earth. However MAnipur remain a Jewel/paradise on the earth with many great minds in the field of education, sports, culture & art and Science and Technology. Giving a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural colour and taste by your team has succeeded in winning many hearts. This is also helping in developing a 'mutual trust' among the ethnic groups. Manipur is for all the 30+ ethnic groups living in this state is the answer to many of the problems we are besetted with. 1. A portal exposing the great achievemnets of every Manipuri in sports, art &culture, education and science & technology. I hope this can bring better results. WE are not less than any other people. We are doing many great jobs in the world.. Manipur is not the worst place to scold for everthing.. There are hopes...inspite of killings and poverty.. Ours is a great civillisation to nurture further by everyone in this land for self-pride and greater heights... E-pao team is very uptodate and far-sighted in every walks of life.
Long Live E-Pao!!
Puyam Nongdrei
Downloadable Movies?
[ Fri, Feb 20, 2009 4:08 am ]
Good to see all the news, pictures, etc however can't download any movies. We, who
are staying away from home can not get to see any manipuri movies. So requesting if any possibilities to download from web e-pao.net . That would be very good & helpful for evryone specially like us, homely out here. Hope it can get it fixed. I am waiting. Thanks.
History is beautiful
[ Wed, Feb 18, 2009 10:38 am ]
E-pao.net has been providing a big service to the people since the past many years. For this, you always need an appreciation. Here
I would like to say if e-pao could add an additional
History Channel! If so, it could provide a
guiding hand to those who want to do research or know more about Manipur. Article plus photo of our golden traditions like -
hiyang tanaba, yubilakpee, mukna , mukna kang-jei, sagol kang-jei, leekon, kangla-sha etc. can be included. Only digital
media could help best in the revival of traditional beauty of Manipur in the mind of the people. History is the beauty since
we have some of the best history we can now go and tell the world that we are beautiful people!
S. Birzeet
Mohen Naorem replies on NE Girls
[ Wed, Feb 18, 2009 7:42 am ]
The main reason why I am writing the article
North East Girls are Very Beautiful is out of my angers against the Indian mainland who abused our girls. I do not mentioned any Manipuri girls in it. The whole 8 states of Indian North East region is being harrased, abused, molested and even raped. This is not
a new thing. I was in Delhi since 2001 and being in media, knwos very well the plight of our girls. I am concerned of the girls,
our sisters and fear of the future more. The article was written as a part of our Memorandum to Union Home Minister Shri Mani Shankar Aiyer and we have expressed our plights, suggestions and sentiments. We also accept there are some fault from our side.. This we all know.. we lack unity and what concern most is still crime happens. We are aware of FIR sgainst those culprits, no one tells us what was the fate of those criminals. We have drafted that articles to be sent and published in the governement and NGOs file. If you, particularly the Manipuri sisters are so confused and hurt with that article, I wont write anymore on issue based on this in future. Please unite and live there without any problem.. do not give them a chance to exploit you again.
Mohen Naorem - themanipurtimes(at)gmail(dot)com
Put 2 same news into 1
[ Tue, Feb 17, 2009 9:56 am ]
I have seen today (17 Feb 09) also two news of same but different sources " 2 CRPF men killed, 29 hurt in mishap". I think it would be a better for readers if you put the news to one and give the sources together (e.g. sources : Huiyen Lanpao, The Sangai Express) so that there is space for some other news in place of the repeated news. And one thing, my personal request to put some downloadable songs and/or videos from Manipuri film would be a better one for all those who want to listen or see Manipuri films outside manipur by downloading please make it available. thanks!
Laishram Chalamba Singh - NIT Silchar
Why guilty feeling? Need change of attitude
[ Tue, Feb 17, 2009 4:04 am ]
Dear Sister Supriya,
I dont understand where you are taking us all to? I am assuming that you watched a lot of hindi movies. That could be one reason
why you dont live in reality. Instead you fantacise and come out with your own conclusion. As far as my understanding of what
Mr. Mohen's including my own mails goes, I believe none of these guys have ever tried to moral police anyone. All they have wanted
was, as in a family like brothers and sisters discuss what is good or bad. If you read their articles once again, you will notice
that they have not tried to discuss girls from any other part but from the NE. That is because they are not bothered about other
girls but they are definitely concerned about NE girls. It is not jealously or the hatred that makes them concerned about you
(NE girls). It is because they want you to be good, to do better and be better and most of all make your parents and your
community proud. If you think we like picking at girls then why you, why NE girls? There are Pamela Andersons, Paris Hiltons,
Britney Spears', and what not. So please use your good senses and try to understand. And please someone dont come out with
the explanation that we dont pick at Pamela or Britney because they are beyond our reach. It would be foolish of you to come
with such explanations. So please refrain from giving that reason less you must be a fool. As for not discussing about NE boys,
they are good for nothing. There is no way they can be reformed. Happy now!!! You have this guilty feeling that since others are
also bad why pick me. Change that attitude.
Cant describe with all English Alphabet
[ Tue, Feb 17, 2009 3:03 am ]
Manipur is a place of good living with nice Landscape, rich Art and Culture, tasty food with many more which can't be describe even
with all the alphabets of English. Such a motherland of well known Sportsmen, Artist, Educationist and many more is most of the
time coming at the name of fear only with many uncountable crimes. We, as the students staying outside of the home always want
to listen about my motherland in the name of which we are staying proudly saying we are Manipuri. Sometimes, we feel very
unhappy hearing the news of blasts, encounters which make us fear what might be happening to my people. I dont know whether I'm a
right guy or not to request all the people, my lovely brothers and sisters to stand together and unite ourself for a better Manipur. let the motherland be properous and a well settled for all the time.............
Manipuri women are fore-front of any movement
[ Sun, Feb 15, 2009 12:16 am ]
All these days I had been thinking whatever Mr Mohen had stated on the morality in his mail was far from the truth and had wanted
to stay away from it. But after going through the mail from Ms. Supriya I seriously had to rethink and start involving in it.
All we (Manipuri bros who agree with Mr.Mohen's opinion) want from our Manipuri sisters and Supriya in particular is not to seek our permission before going out on a date or a dinner or buying any dress but a small thing that our revered liberal Manipuri sisters and Supriya need to keep in mind that, whatever they do in public on their date is not to be seen by mainland Indians as someone does but it is seen as what a Manipuri,a Chinky girl to be precise, does. So what a girl on a date does also affects the girl who is stuying in the corner of a room at the same time. And if they keep this thing in mind then we believe our so called half grown boys would learn a lesson from them and will come to the good ways since it has always been the Manipuri women who have been the frontrunners in any Manipuri movement. And for the definition of a good girl is concerned, we might wonder if we still need a definition after going through Miss Supriya's mail. And last but not the least if I were Mr. Mohen, I would have definitely approached Ms Supriya and others for tips since they appear to be so keen for the development of Manipur . Just to clarify I am, in no way, related to Mr. Mohen except for the fact that I read his mail and formed an opinion of my own and now am expressing my own opinion. God bless Manipur God bless our emancipated Manipuri girls.
Better off before 18th Century
[ Sat, Feb 14, 2009 2:09 am ]
Well said Supriya you gal really dont need to do that and moreover why are you wasting your time with those cheap nothing to do guys of Manipur, Sometime I feel that we were better off before 18th century as there were no such things about girls should do that blah blah blah....I think the so called people need to smell the coffee before it's too late.
What about morality for half-grown Boys?
[ Fri, Feb 13, 2009 12:01 pm ]
Hello models.ramp/mohen/gautam(Self Styled Moral Police)
I dont want to waste much my time to apply my logic to something which actually has to go to a trash bin. But you guys made me totally incensed. Models.ramp, you
have rightly stated that you are blind and yeah unfortunately I have one piece of advice for you....."visit a loony-bin" Please dont break your head and write
something which creates immoral hysteria. Do manipuri girls need to take permission from Manipuri guys to go out for a date? Before buying any dress do we need to
call you up for your opinion (I mean good girl's dress)? Before going out for dinner with the so-called partner, should we call you up to validate the morality?
Are you getting paid for helping manipuri girls while filing FIR? From which planet you came? On earth everywhere, everyone is aware of equality. Manipuri girls...
Manipuri girls....Manipuri girls... So morality is meant only for Manipuri GIRLS???? What about the half grown up boys who gets money from home to buy only
branded attire (Adidas, Reebok, Pepe Jeans etc) expensive mobile loitering around with some half burnt cigarette and tablet. At home their parents are running here
and there to borrow money with 10%-12% interest. And boss I would really like to know your definition of a good girl. Would you please do that honour? Do something
which is productive for our homeland instead of playing divide and rule policy. Dont just throw dialogues that we will work for the development of our state. Prove it.
If you need any tips feel free to contact us. I think Manipuri girls will start respecting you guys only after this.
No post of Professor in Colleges in Manipur
[ Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:27 pm ]
An important site like e-pao shall carry the
correct and accurate information. In Manipur the teachers in the colleges use the term Prof. There is no post of Professor in the Colleges in Manipur. Kindly check from the records for the designation "Retired Professor of Manipuri Literature". So far my knowledge goes he was a Principal of College. The full form Professor is used normally by those people who had been appointed against the Post of Professors or the teachers who became Professors under the CAS in Universities and Colleges where the position of Professors are present in Colleges. In the case of Manipur all the Principals of the Colleges are Readers or Selection Grade lecturers. Please make note of this and please do not commit such mistakes again. I have no objection but I want that the correct information shall be provided to the readers/viewers.
More on Award Winners
[ Thu, Feb 12, 2009 7:46 am ]
I have seen the names of Award winners here but there are some teachers who got National award this year from President of India. Unfortunately those names are not shown in the Award Winners list, please include those teachers name who had sacrificed their life for the improvement of students.
Virtual world of Kangleipak
[ Thu, Feb 12, 2009 7:25 am ]
Its great pleasure to be able to see "The Kangleipak" in this virtual world. My point of view is that, E-pao is Manipur, in this web world. I am grateful for all your effort and hard work. The newly added feature in the website
"Chakhum" is indeed a mouth watering feature. Its applaudable for your first introduction to "Meitei Mayek" as a flash presentation. But it will be a blessing, for me, with your new introductio to e-learning. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude to
the e-pao team.
Info on Shumang Lila
[ Wed, Feb 11, 2009 5:59 am ]
I am staying out of Manipur since last three years (Delhi, Singapore then Delhi). When I was in Manipur I didn't have any knowledge
of net but today I have a little. But I just want to know one thing that still today I didn't get any information about
Shumang Lila
( a culture of ema Manipur ) from this epao website. So please tell me some other site that I can get information about Shumang Lilla.
Khaidem Romesh Singh - Delhi
Yeomen service to the people
[ Wed, Feb 11, 2009 5:59 am ]
My hats off to e-pao. You doing such a yeomen service to the people both inside and outside Manipur and abroad. In fact I am
learning much more about Manipur only after coming out of our state through your website. Besides the news stories
by your correspondents are equally good particularly the ones written by Atom Somorendra. Please keep up the good work.
Sonikumar Singh
No other religion in Kangla
[ Tue, Feb 10, 2009 7:14 am ]
People of Manipur settled in Valley has still been unable to realize the fact that we need such
memorable customary ritual events 'Nongkhreng Ehanba' in the
coming future to unfasten the oath that had been taken three centuries ago (in 1726) by various Manipuri chiefs and heads of clans to the effect of changing their religion that was forcibly administered by King Pamheiba and Shanti Das Gossai. Since then, people start realizing this event only for the first time in the form of ceremony which was held way back in 1974 on February 9 under the leadership of the then King Poireihanba (Okendrajit). And after 35 years (long sleeping) 'Nongkhreng Ehanba' was performed on 09 Feb 2009 under the leadership of Manipur titular King Leishemba Sanajaoba at Irong along Lilong River so as to restore the indigenous faith of the land. I would be very glad to inform our Chief Minister O. Ibobi to rethink the past history before he destroyed the Kangla History like King Pamheiba as he is thinking that Kangla could be a Holy place of all the religion which is against the rituals of original religion of Manipuris. If we really love our history back then we should not encourage to restored the Shri Govindaji Temple (Not really ?) if British-made Quarters are destroyed in the Kangla Fort by Ibobi then he should also destroyed Hindu based Govindaji Temple right now otherwise more 'Nongkhreng Ehanba' will be there in the mind of people who really think for indigenousness of Manipur who really want to devastated the adopted religion after a forceful suppression. So, our Chief Minister should not pressure the central Govt. (like Shantidas Goasai) to make Kangla a mixer of all religion where original history may lost in the coming years to come. Kangla is for original Kangleicha who still want to preserve their original faith and worship without betraying the indigenous performance. So, it is an ongoing history that Kangla should not be mixed with other religion which can be harmful to the history of Manipur as other religion have more funding and structures
to develop, and may become a business place for other religion. People of Manipur should not allow bringing more religion into the Kangla as are still unable to save or old religion.
Other Communities' recipes in Chakhum needed
[ Mon, Feb 09, 2009 1:57 pm ]
Chakhum is a good initiative by E-Pao. It will further add as a recipe to the site. The
dishes should cover each and every community and their unique delicacies, like your radio has been done. Say for instance, the Tangkhuls have a unique and delicious way of preparing pork, than the Paites have their 'Mepok" and so thus other communities. May be you can highlight one dish from each community every alternate week. As has been requested, people need to volunteer
for this. Finally, we will hope to get more recipes and also to get new ideas so that kitchen can be an interesting place.
Of Chakhum, eMing and MB
[ Mon, Feb 09, 2009 4:14 am ]
I have sent an email (8th August 2008) requesting a food channel, but I never anticipated that the team would actually even take my request into consideration, until I saw today that e-pao Chakhum has been added in the e-pao.
I sincerely want to thank the e-pao team for their effort on creating Chakhum . I also wanted to thank the team for adding e-ming, which I remember it came about through the message board discussions, which I was keenly following until it got closed down due to lack of 'Virtual Etiquettes'. Considering that message board in the past had contributed
to some fruitful discussions, although I agree that it was filled with abuses and to a much larger extend with propaganda warfare,
I still believe it would be wonderful if the message board could be re-opened again, perhaps the team should mull over it or
even perhaps consider moderating the board through volunteers without 'Prejudice'. I completely understand that such a suggestion
is easier said than done, as I myself am working on the concept of a development sector site where I have added discussion forum
it is based on web 2.0 and though I am not a programmer but I certainly have lived over a decade now more as a virtual being.
So, I understand the 'chaos' that comes about with discussion forums . I've my firm conviction on the e-pao team members that,
even though it is virtually very difficult to tame the tongue of any given contributor in the message board , we can still
devise mechanism to have sane discussion, if the content is approved and moderated by volunteers. Thank again for all the great
work and I' ll hope for the best to see in the future discussion again in the message board , 'spoken for the people by the people and of the people' .
Need Manipuri linguistic forum
[ Fri, Feb 06, 2009 5:03 am ]
I wish to use e-pao as a forum to co-ordinate studies in meiteilon. I am pursuing my MA degree from English and Foriegn Languages, Hyderabad. We have much to do regarding linguistic study of our language. Kindly, create a forum for people working in this area from across the country and abroad.
More newer songs for Radio
[ Fri, Feb 06, 2009 4:57 am ]
I am from Imphal East living now in the UK in Coventry and I have been hearing your E-PAO Radio everyday here. My request is please update some new songs for everybody. Thank you
No advice for educated/modern Manipuri girls
[Wed, Feb 04, 2009 8:52 am ]
This is in response to many sentimental mails from esteemed e-pao readers.. like ningombamb3, Gautam, Chaoba Phuritshabam and
Joysanac. I felt we are acting like some blind people. Ok, I also blame Mr Mohen for giving us the clear picture of what NE girls are in front of us. He should not write such articles on NE girls, even if we all know the status of NE girls are getting worst day by
day. I have read the whole article of Mr Mohen and he is more aggressive towards the mainland and the central government. He also asked for collective measures among the NE states to unite and work together. Mr Mohen should not speak out.. Let these harassment allegations happen to those girls who dont want to stay in Delhi or other cities. Let there be more MMS scandals from Manipuri girls. It is their life and let them have freedom. After spoiling themselves they will be back once again to thier home like some .... Only the hardworking and good girl and boys will be staying back having a job. So lets not bother to file FIR or any news from Delhi on harassment of our girls. Who cares.. it is their life.. We are not here to discuss and waste time.
Mr Mohen, kindly work for the development of your state or community.. but not for the educated and modern Manipuri girls who dont like to advise on their well beings.
Praying for more Korean related article
[ Tue, Feb 03, 2009 6:20 am ]
I am greatly thankful to "e-pao" for broadcasting this
column. I, myself, am
a Korean Language's BA(hons) Degree holder & at the moment and doing MA in the same field from JNU. It's very fortunate that we have got, at least, a substitute to Hindi cinemas in Manipur. Most of the Manipuris (mainly youths) are copying the culture, fashion statement, state-of-the-art Korean styles in terms of food habit; eating tools, etc. After studying Korean I came to know that Koreans are one of the most respect-keeping folk, among them and to others, in the world. Even in this hi-fi world, Koreans are not behind the route of Westernisation but they do keep space for thier indigenous tradition and cultures. As a simple example, they dont eat until and unless the head of the family is present in the dinning table. In contrast, we the Manipuris are losing our basic tradition
and cultures while trying to copy from others it is a sad story. So, I believe that if you can patch up some articles on this issue then it will be better. I am praying for your kind cooperation.
Thomas Nongmaithem
Make books downloadable
[ Mon, Feb 02, 2009 4:42 pm ]
This is an amazing initiative frome team e-pao. You guys are awesome. But my suggestion will be to let user allow to download
the book as many manipuri diaspora do not have internet in home and they would prefer to download take printout of the book and read.
'Funtastic' Book Website!
[ Mon, Feb 02, 2009 6:26 am ]
As a person who loves discovering the undiscovered, who has the passion of digging and finding the lost legacy, who is yearning
to refresh the saga told by my granny. I was lost in Google searching answers for my questions. I opened almost all the sites
related, but all in vain. One of my question was "from where did the Meitei community originated?" Many sites gave the information about Maharaja Bheigyachadra and how the famous Ras Leela dance emerged. But I end up finding for the accurate answer for my question. I only wanted to know how did we acquire the Mongoloid look and from which nation/kingdom. One fine day while I was busy doing my duty my friend told me that new site for books in e-pao.net . I was eager to see the new site but just because I was too busy with my work I thought I'll just have a glance of it. As soon as I start reading it I totally forgot about the pending work and of course my lunch and continued reading one topic after another and I was surprised to see all the answers for my long thought questions which also includes the various informations about Pakhangba, right from the beginning. This site is amazing I was telling my friend that this site is just 'FUNTASTIC' fun in reading and fantastic in gaining the knowlege of our lost heritage. And I'm sure whoever goes through this page will react the same. So guys check out this site and pass on the legacy to the generation behind!!
Hodam Pinky Devi
New NE Custom - 26 Jan Bandh
[ Sun, Feb 01, 2009 6:08 am ]
The North East of India - a mystical, beautiful land, rich in culture, resources and inhabited by an even more beautiful people. In this deceptive paradise a new practice has evolved which has now become a tradition and custom � the 26th of January is a bandh. Foolish people like me who has been away from our home for a long period of time tend to forget this tradition and so it happened that my itinerary dictated I travel on this particular day. However, much to my dismay, I was later informed of the custom that prevails on the 26th of January every year in the North East of India. I had to hastily change my plans at much unnecessary monetary loss and delay of work, not to mention the mental anguish.
This incident led me to spare some valuable moments on contemplation over the prevailing situation. A bandh, until a recent interpretation given by the judiciary, had in my premise been initiated as a democratic, non violent means of protest. However, experience has taught us otherwise. The fact that life comes to a standstill on the days that bandhs are called are no longer an expression of the mass participation and support for a movement or a cause. Most laymen take it as an opportune unspecified holiday or simply stay off the everyday schedule for fear of injury to life and limb. For the people who run against or with time, this form of protest seems obsolete and in fact regressive. There are many people who work for the upliftment of their community in particular and the larger society in general who feel the need to work ceaselessly. The fact that they feel the need for life to proceed without undue delay talks of their commitment to do as much as possible in the time allotted to them. It leads them to wonder why more innovative means of mass protest which do not affect the everyday lives of people drastically are not explored. I need not mention the suffering that many daily wage labourers or people who need immediate medical attention, etc. have to face due to such bandhs.
Of course many may say that the "powers that be" do not and will not respond to milder and ineffective means of protest. But my understanding is that if someone does not want to listen no one can force the person to listen under any circumstances. Also, if the significance of the protest is what is important then it does not matter how the protest is expressed but that there is a protest.
To the common layman it does not make any sense or difference whether the bandh calls signify the presence of a powerful protest and it also does not matter if the presence of such a protest gives the state the legitimacy to use more stringent means of administration. To a common layman what makes sense is that they are part of a larger community/society where their rights are respected and protected, where the weak are not exploited and forced to accept ideals and philosophies that are foreign to their complete existence.
Febroneous Silkam Sangma - University of Delhi
Learning material for meetei mayek
[ Sat, Jan 31, 2009 4:42 am ]
Need to put more learning material for meetei mayek. But I really feel very good for what I am seeing now. And thanks for
all this mayek, now I am learning it.
Daya Thiyam
Life in 21st Century - Photo
[ Sat, Jan 31, 2009 2:36 am ]
I am extremely shocked to see a photo by Sangai Express, "Life in 21st Century" a woman trying to cross a river with the help of rope. Is government not taking any steps for the poor people? I am talking about that "woman in 21st Century" trying to help herself. I think, olden days were more comfortable. Life has become more complicated as we go further. We, people, donot have the courage to complaint the authorities to see the requirement. Anyway let us hope for good. I am very fond of seeing featured photos.
Surjit Singh
maman tangkhra ba website!
[ Thu, Jan 29, 2009 5:59 am ]
Ahma inkeipen ah pathen chunga leh E-pao website kasem hei chunga kanpakna kahei phong. Inpak eng, tuning phat kahoi tak sunga hin eini sik a khanchu nangni sik tong kahoi kajong tir kae. Hing kava kapo website ninei hin khova hmun khova hmun a niom achang inum hinvang hin inbekna leh inkhat leh inkhat intheina katha pen tia kalo.
Jam nungaijare ashigumlaba maman tangkhra ba website ashi eikhoi Manipur macha eikhouna leiba she jamna thagat ningaini, thagatshu jamna thagat li. Kei hi Hermontlang Village anphut eng kae, kan khoa hong ruh a hoidan leh a lurje hrithei changher mak a kae. Hei tong mo najom lungdong sik heite omak, ajarchu tong rakip kan hmangthei pet a kae. Inpak Her Eng
Not Documentary but we need to make
[ Thu, Jan 29, 2009 5:59 am ]
Let says we make the documentary and also show it to BBC, what will be the effect and it's not easy to make any and getting a job at Imphal maybe little tough but you can make it if you try other then saying no way.....and tell me what kind of documentary you want to make(that we are worst people who runs aways from the problem and do only talk) to make a mark. There are lots of documentary being made and nobody dint bother at all as they are not the one who gonna make the things normal but we...
Akee Sorok
Bad English standards in News
[ Thu, Jan 29, 2009 3:13 am ]
I am happy to read your news columns since last a few years. In the process, I have been considering at the beginning the
high quality of them; in terms of English etc. However, unfortunately, this situation now has completely changed. To exemplify this,
I just took out one as reported on 29 Jan 2009 as pasted at the end.
1. The word 'of' is seemingly missing the the title itself before 'model'. 2. In the first sentence, 'each to every districts'
and 'with bias' seem to have been correct if these are written as 'in every district' and 'without bias'. This is so, if one
perhaps considers that the message is correctly conveyed, which I suppose is essential for proper/correct information and hence
without disturbing the ethics of Journalism as well. etc............. This is the situation in most of the news columns. This is painful and does not create a good image of our people to others in particular.
Dr. Gunadhor S. Okram - Scientist UGC-DAE, Indore
People double standards?
[ Thu, Jan 29, 2009 1:31 am ]
Just wondering what MPLF thinks of the manifestations that the people of Manipur participates in the largest democratic process of electing their leaders from Manipur. Our peoples turn out to such elections outnumbered other states, does this mean denouncing the revolutioneries or are our people double standards?
Make documentary and show to BBC
[ Tue, Jan 27, 2009 1:31 am ]
I live in UK for many years. The situation of Manipur is not improving - what can I do to help - Im just ordinary person. I think we should make documentary film about Manipur and show in the BBC channel. This way more people will know about Manipur and whats going on there. I can see its been developed a bit. If its going to be like this, it will take decades and decades. Our economy is not good and the Indian Goverment dont care. As a Manipuri we should do something for Ema leibak. To get a job is so difficult in Manipur. My family's background is very poor and I m just lucky to be in UK.
Ashok Thokchom - UK
Women, NE and Manipur
[ Tue, Jan 27, 2009 9:00 am ]
Dear Chaoba Phuritshabam,
I dont understand where you are heading to!!! Please let me know! Honestly speaking I didnt want to reply, but since it was
addressed to me, I felt I need to let people know where I stand. I am not related to Mr. Mohen Naorem or Mr. Robindro in anyway. So
I cannot speak for them, but I can always speak for myself. And what I can speak is it hurts. It really hurts. And you are
suggesting that we are hurt beacuse we are jealous, that our sisters are enjoying and that they are happy. What a pity! Let us take
a survey anywhere in India and ask them what do they feel about the NE girls. And I am sure we wont get any positive response.
Atleast I dont get. I have had many quarrells on this topic many times even to the extent of landing blows to the opponent. And all
I get from you for being a little protective is - jealous. To tell you the truth, it is only the boys who had to argue about
NE girls with the outsiders. How many times you have had the situation to defend NE girls? Believe me, we(boys) had many. If you are
in Delhi, you would definitely know what do the people of Delhi feel about NE girls. We have a saying in Manipuri, if you want to know the people/culture of a society, observe the children and the females of that society. A similar saying is also found in Hindi which says, "stri samman, rashtra samman". If I am to translate it bluntly, it would say, "respect to female is respect to the nation". If Manipur or NE states is to be respected by others, Manipuri females/NE girls are to be respected first. And how/where does the respect come from? By all this I dont mean that boys/male members are better. They are equally bad, equally responsible. I had been a bad boy myself a couple of years back. I have also observed one thing in your article which is very disheartening. It seems that you are under the impression that in Manipuri society, male members are allowed to have many partners. Or are you trying to suggest that female members too be allowed to have many partners. I am not clear on this. The truth is, in Manipuri society polygamy is not accepted. You sound as though polygamy is encouraged in Manipur. Be careful with your words. Just because some of the people are in, does not mean that it is encouraged in Manipur. I am sure, those people in the polygamous relationship are not worshiped in Manipur otherwise they would have been worshiped by now if at all polygamy is encouraged in Manipur. Remeber, Manipur is one such society which encourages and gives equal freedom and liberty to the female members of the society. We dont have dowry system, we dont burn brides, our sisters are more educated (qualified), our sisters are more fed, our sisters have love marriages, the list can go on. If all these are not signs of freedom and equality then what is it???????????? regards, Gautam
Categorized the feedback
[ Mon, Jan 26, 2009 4:47 am ]
Its a damn good work and effort you guys are putting in to make this site as good as it is. I really find it good reading the
feedback from the readers. Although, some of the mails or the feedback are just like "washing our own clothes in public" thingy.
I can't say a thing about this as it is a democratic platform where anyone can put up their views. My request is, please preview
any comment before they are webcasted (maybe not the exact term) in e-pao. and the last being, please categorized the feedback according to their related topics. Good work guys. God speed.
RK Richie
More on Hill's Great Legend
[ Mon, Jan 26, 2009 4:03 am ]
Its really good to know about
this legend. Unfortunately, many people of Manipur dont have a single idea about her. Its a pity for the Manipuris. We only know the Meitei's legends, but don't have any records for the other communities from the hills. Well, I'm basically a Meitei but do believe in
the unification of the people of the hills and the valleys. We shouldn't forget, we were brothers and still we are. We shouldn't
be divided by a mere misunderstandings (i should say). I am looking forward for a socially, economically developed Manipur. Please
do cover more articles for the other communities too. Hope, e-pao's platform could bring people of manipur together.
RK Richie
How about an Indian Prime Minister from NorthEast
[ Sat, Jan 24, 2009 3:26 am ]
It is high time to learn something from United States of America. With Afro-american as the president of the most powerful nation of the world, we can look forward for an Indian Prime Minister from Northeast. Well, in his opening speech Mr. President Obama gave a statement that had touched millions of heart around the globe. It goes like this- "the world will remember you on what you can build, not what you destroy". This piece of advice is very important as I frequently see our dear youngsters often play blame game without properly giving a deep thought. Please remember all of us are here for a common cause. Let us not allow petty difference among us conquer the bad side of us. Learn to forgive and forget in life. In the eyes of God everyone is same. Let Him give his own judgement. I can say this because God only has chosen Obama, a Democrat, to rule America when his predecessor Mr. W. Bush started doing whatever he felt, attacking where ever, whichever country he liked in the name of national security. Remember every day ends with a night. So my dear brothers who have adopted the path of violence.....please rethink your steps....peace can only rebuild us and bring prosperity to our dear state and country.....
Unfairness done to the fairer sex
[ Sat, Jan 24, 2009 3:00 am ]
Hats off to you dear Chaoba, to have boldly written on the much debatable issue on the amount of unfairness done to the fairer sex despite playing an important role in life. (though much goes ignored and unaccepted). As much as we talk about social emancipation of women, they are still victims of verbal/physical abuse. No one ever questions the doings of a male as it does of its female counterpart - just the way Mr. Naorem has dared to raise eyebrows on the morality of the beautiful North Eastern girls. Is it really concern of the community that such questions are raised? If so, why do you not question the similar male counterparts? Mr Gautam, collective reference as has been done by Mr. Naorem (and many others) is perfectly acceptable, after all, a few rotten apples spoil the whole basket. But, are all the rotten apples,the fairer sex? Do contemplate on it impartially. It is amusing, our macho youngsters ( yet again, I refer collectively, though there are always exceptions) prefer PYT's to flaunt around, but of course nothing better than a 'Sati Savitri' to settle down with and yet still question the morality of the PYT's . Isnt that sheer hypocrisy? It is a pity that a lot of criminal activities are happening around the capital city and many of our own kins are becoming victims of it, but instead of indulging oneself with appeasing the creative mind or raising fingers at the lots, why not get involved with more effective ways and means that addresses the issue.
Of self professed educated folks(=fools)
[ Fri, Jan 23, 2009 12:46 am ]
Dear Gautam & Co,
Ningombam is a 20 year old boy who felt the pain to read what was written by Mr. Mohen Naorem, a fashion magazine editor, in his article North East Girls are Very Beautiful which has boldly spoken/questioned about the morality of NE girl. Let me reiterate "it is really a pain in the ear especially for women when educated people like Mr. Mohen Naorem & Mr. Robindro show their education( = foolishness) in the public space". In fact we pity them. Before you give some comment and judge woman about her morality and chastity, a sincere request please do not forget that "women are also human beings but not objects/commodities". Do you guys think that women are inherited property from the forefathers? I also know that you all were born and brought up in a patriarchal society, hence could never feel the value of existence of your mother, sister, wife, girl friend in the family & society. But I'm sure you
must have seen the world and must have got some degree and diploma to educate/literate yourself. Isn't it a high time you also
accept the fact that "the world is inhabited by both men & women, both the sex is humane, regardless of the differences". What
is morality and chastity? Have you ever pondered on its meaning? It is the very private domain of a woman which nobody has the
right to question. Why do you, some barking male dare to think that it is your birth right to make all the rules and regulations
for women? Why is the chastity/morality of the women linked to her sexuality? If you don't know anything or if you are among those
who still think that women are just objects and inherited property from their forefathers, then please doesn't comment on such issue. It is true that women are different from men but definitely not less humane. Why are you all mourning over a NE girl kissing and hugging a guy from another region in the public space? Is it a sheer jealousy? Or do you think that they are attacking to our state integrity? If you think so, then why? Do you also agree with most of the common perception of the Manipuri men "women are mirror of the society"? In fact, can you tell us what this MYSTERY mirror all about is? Don't you think man also have some social & political responsibilities to their own state to maintain their culture and tradition? It may sound funny(or say even ridiculous) to you
if a woman questioned your morality/chastity and if it is linked to the SOCIAL IMAGE, as you do in case of a woman. Do you think
that man are sent on this earth to do the work of moral police & to bark after their women? I hope this is the only moral duty of the men he could ever do in his lifetime. I feel pity for you guys, about what you guys would ever do if you ever refrain from such a huge moral responsibility. Do you ever heard of a woman questioning the morality/chastity of a man? Or it doesn't exist or what? I think you also accept that men do not respect their sexuality so it need not be considered or questioned by the society? Women never raise the same question of morality/chastity to men because we give the liberty & freedom to the opposite sex in our society irrespective of their gender? Men seem to forget to do the same to women even after talks of social emancipation of the so called fairer sex doing rounds. When you guys are crazy on discussing about what Manipuri/ NE girls are doing here and there, do you ever notice about the much accepted polygamy system in your own home wherefrom so many co-keepers of culture are practicing the same? The society sanctions the legitimate right to sleep with any number of a woman under one roof. Don't you know about this? Isn\'t it related to the morality of a man? It would be better to clean our own courtyard first then we should clean for others. Rape/molestation of a woman is a crime; it is not related to her sexuality/morality/chastity. None of the constitution of the world permits to rape even a sex worker. So, why so many chit-chats are being done among the men flock over the issues of morality/chastity of women whenever there is a rape/molestation case happens. If you have any sensible answer for this then please do reply. Before you seek and beg for respect for your own community please ask yourself do you really see the humane side of your mother, sister, wife & girl friends. When you can't respect and understand the value of their lives then why are you begging from other communities? Ultimately it is plight and woes of a woman
which should be discussed and considered when she is raped and molested, not her sexuality. It is a fact that the loud-mouthed is always considered the righteous by the self professed educated folks(=fools) who are dimly aware, but it is the truth that always reigns.
Chaoba Phuritshabam
Anti-social elements at NH#39
[ Thu, Jan 22, 2009 10:32 pm ]
It pains to learn that many anti-social elements took advantage of the innocent travellers on NH#39. I express condemnation to
the mistreatment meted out to gospel singers of Kukis hijacked by miscreat in between Tadubi and Maram. While condeming I
would urge KSO to express such condemnation to such activities prevailling in between Motbung and Bongmol in broad daylight and
in presence of villagers. I was victim on three occasion since the miscreant were checking Nagaland Registered No. vehicles.
Response solicited....
[ Tue, Jan 20, 2009 11:37 am ]
Hi Team of E-PAO. I am so glad for the work that you guys are doing for your community. Its very much appreciated. I would just
prefer to know about the response by the other readers of e-pao about my response regarding Mr. L.Robindro's article. Let me know their views about mayangs. Because almost all north-eastern particularly Manipuris & Nagas
have so many misunderstandings about Mayangs. I would also like to have their Point of View on situation in Manipur i.e lack of infrastructure in Manipur, Army's Special Power Act in Manipur, Education, Unemployment, Demand of separate Country land from
India & the evolution role of government of India in Manipur. A majority of manipuris & nagas feel negative of govt. of
India's policies in north-eastern area mainly in Manipur State & Why? send me Response on
E-pao team is declining their responsibility
[ Tue, Jan 20, 2009 6:01 am ]
Once again in the news headline there are two heading for the same news (enclosing a copy from your site):
PR imposed in Jharkhand ....
Mumbai Marathon: Faux pas robs Aruna of podium finish ...
State girl wins Mumbai Marathon, misses prize
PR imposed in Jharkhand ....
There are more than two heading for the same information which could be under one heading like PR imposed in Jharkhand etc. I think e-pao team is declining their responsibility and webcasting without pre editing. Please check it and group under one heading for the same category of news.
Laishram chalamba Singh
Devil's view of Mayang
[ Mon, Jan 19, 2009 5:37 am ]
I have seen an article by L. Robindro, its very good to spread one's own cultural ideology, traditional principle and thoughts. But I would like to convey this message to my dear fellows ( manipuri brothers )that this article does't reflect the true pictures about the mayang people, this article reveals and gives smell of the fact which is in the views of honorable L. Robindro called racial discrimination. This is a new generation of Globle civilisation. You cannot comparison of all mayang people. There are many categories of caste, community and sub community existing
in mayang like hindu, punjabi, punjabi-hindu, Arya Samaji, Sanatan hindu, low caste mayang, well educated, mature & civilized mayang who comes under the various Qota like SC, ST, OBC, General. All are not same. I really respect the values and cultural tradition of North East people specially manipuris. And I believe those who are indulged
in these kind of acts where having a relationship with manipuri girls and leaving them after to marry with someone else, they don't represent mayang culture ( racial name of north and other part of indians given by the north easter as mayang call them "chinki". There are many mayang people I know those who loved and got marry with the manipuri girls successfully, live happy married life, understanding each others culture. They are also the part of the society. You cannot blame all mayang by giving
this wrong without any statistical proof that 99% mayang never marry with manipuri girls after relationship. Its just a sort of the metaphor that if love is
being true between them they would surely marry and live a nice life togther. If I suppose to be in love with any girl from different culture and such as she so, I
would deffinatly marry with her, no matter about the social bouderies, cultural and traditional disputes and differences. therefore please dont create a havoc and
anti-social environment by writing these kind of devil's views. I personally believe that manipuri people are great, talented, well-civilized and true. Lets spread
love, human values, cultural principles with every part of the nation's people. I pray for manipuri people and all north-eastern, God bless Manipur..........
Some or all NE girls?
[ Mon, Jan 19, 2009 9:26 am ]
Dear ningombamb3,
I know you may be one of our sisters staying at Delhi. I also know that you are hurt by the comments about the NE girls by fellow countrymen
Mr. Mohen Naorem. You are hurt because you dont indulge in
any of the activities Mohen has described. I am very proud. In fact everyone is proud to hear that. But does that mean that none of the NE girls indulge in such activities? I dont think so. Mr Mohen might have probably seen many NE girls in the instances he has described in his article. I dont doubt it, because I have seen many too myself. But now please dont suggest that we are fools, we cannot differentiate NE girls from the mainland Indian girls. What Mr. Mohen has done wrong is, since he did not the names of each and every NE girls he saw, he took the liberty of using NE girls collectively which they are. This is wrong. So if this is wrong then why dont you suggest him a name for such NE girls. Once that is done, I dont think there will be any more confusion.
On burning bio-degradable wastes
[ Mon, Jan 19, 2009 7:06 am ]
Dear Sony,
Good to see that you have responded to my suggestion. It is only when people discuss that good solutions are arrived at. So we have a topic to discuss. Yes, I have read your earlier article and I have definitely come across the line with the word "buring garbages and plastics wastes underground". But from what I understand after reading/coming across different articles by different reshearchers/scholars, I believe burning plastics anywhere, be it underground or overground, is always a health hazard/pollutant. When burned overground, it is absorbed in the atmosphere/air which we breadth. And when burned underground, it is absorbed by the soil and in turn it is absorbed by the plants which we consume. Either way we are the affected lot. As you have also rightly pointed out in your article, plastics cannot be burned/degraded, it only melts. I think it would be apprapriate for me to ask the question, when you cannot eliminate plastics by burning why do so and pollute the environment. Isn't it something to be considered? The article on plastic is really good. But it is a pity that it does not tell anything about the hazards of burning plastics. I am not against burning bio-degradable wastes. You can burn as much as you like as long as it does not pollute the environment. And I am also not against keeping the surroundings neat and clean. Infact who does not want to keep the city neat and clean. It is just that I dont want to burn plastics and nor do I want to encourage people from doing it. According to me, one of the solutions which everyone can do is to reduce the use of plastics. The other one is to re-cycle it. I am not sure if the Manipur govt. has the capability to re-cycle plastic wastes. By the way, there has been no report of anyone being affected or the environment being polluted by consuming or roasting dry fish, especially to the people of Manipur. Our forefathers have been doing this since time immortal. If anyone has been affected (by dry fish), I would be happy to be pointed out so that I can upgrade my knowledge. Ones food culture has nothing to do with the pollution of the environment. It is the environment which decides what food to be consumed and how it is to be consumed. And most of all ones culture (food culture) is to be respected. On a parting note, I might also add, if we google "health hazards of burning plastics", one might come across many articles.
Ipom not Epom
[ Sun, Jan 18, 2009 1:22 am ]
This is regarding "IPOM" under music section of http://e-pao.net/. It\'s really exciting to listen while away from home. I will like to draw your kind attention. "IPOM" is the correct word and not "EPOM". Also, legendary Takhellambam Chaoba Singh has been quoted as "Choba" in lieu of "Chaoba". Please kindly quote the full name or short one correctly in the above two. I am one of the family member of the legendary comedian Shri ( Late) Takhellamabam Chaoba Singh. And last but not the least, I hope that e-pao will achieve more milestones in the years to come.
Soraisam Ajitkumar Singh
Giving comments on useless topics
[ Sat, Jan 17, 2009 6:39 am ]
Whatever, these guys (Angellica), atleast they are doing a good job and its their passion to sing, so leave them alone. And regarding pronunciation, you will come to
know when you are exposed outside (your hometown). We have mother tongue influence and every state have their own action. Coming to the point, instead of arguing and
giving comments on useless topics, think of bringing a change. Our State is already in trouble, with all our sweet brother terrorist, our sexy politicians and our hot
cops. Think about it rather than waste your time on stupid things. Cheers!
Naorem's article is baseless and wrong
[ Sat, Jan 17, 2009 12:07 pm ]
Hello Mr. Mohen Naorem....this is response to your article
NE girls are .....
Your writing about NE women is really a pain in the ear. How do you expect about your comment? Do you think you will get a big applause for your unreasonable and senseless story? Mr.,try not to be very childish. And your information is totally baseless and wrong. Are you some kind of wise guy? Do you know how we live here far from our motherland? You know nothing about our life here and don't just imagine and write everything you like. Your writing is all about women only.. Do you know anything about man living outside manipur. I m just a guy of about 20s and I am firmly against your ideas. Everything you write is totally a big garbage.
More Garbage solutions....
[ Fri, Jan 16, 2009 7:31 am ]
Dear Gautam,
Thanks for your suggestion. But I guess its worth buring plastics underground in a distant place than consuming or roasting dry fish in every Meitei's kitchen and instead of bearing the deadliest smell coming from the garbages. Dont you think so? Instead of polluting with smoke from the roasted fish, I think my action in buring garbages and plastics is worth conveying messages than just making no change in the wastes lying in heaps in every nook n corner of Imphal town, especially in the Nagamapal market areas where people throng for shopping and marketing. Dont take me wrong. This will rather be more productive to make the town clean. Since you are also a Manipuri, you must be aware what I'm aware of about our home-town but there is one question I would like to ask you. Have you ever observed the kind of garbages lying in Nagamapal areas? Well, it's mostly decayed, decomposed vegetables, plastics bags (very thin small plastic bag where veg. seller gives the customer to carry their vegetables), pieces of carton boxes etc. If I'm not wrong, only a few percent of the garbages has such plastic bags. If you've read my article in detail, I'm sure that you must have come across the line with the word "buring garbages and plastics wastes underground". Please read the paragraph below if you are really interested in helping the public:
[Polythene bags lying in garbage heaps and blowing here and there has become a common sight today at most of the public places, residential colonies, tourist complexes etc., which not only is an eye-sore but also has serious environmental implications.
Polythene is non-degradable in nature in the sense that it is not degraded easily and will take hundreds of years to degrade. Chemically, polythene is a polymer of ethylene of high molecular weight. It is a thermoplastic material which when heated gets softened due to weakening of intermolecular forces and melts. On cooling it solidifies again.
The main problem with polythene is associated with its non-degradable nature which raises the question regarding its disposability. After using the consumables contained within the polybags, the latter are just thrown away. Being light in weight, they blow away with wind and reach the drains and often cause blockage of sewage and flooding of streets, much to the discomfort of the public who themselves are the causative agents of such problems.]
Its not that we are going to burn the plastics and play with our hands for some practical examination. Please think over it again whether you want to empty the hazardous smelly garbages and make the road clean or just you prefer to fill the 1.5 m wide Nagamapal road with dirts. Anyway, your suggestion is appreciated but I believe my idea will be far progressive .
Write and Show our identity
[ Fri, Jan 16, 2009 1:26 am ]
I want to suggest that when we are writing our name, please don't mention devi or singh. Please inform to that all of the people
of Manipur - please write like Bikramjit Ningomba - please show our identity. I feel very proud for e-pao.net
Bikramjit Ningomba
Congrats to Martial Arts Teacher L. Heramot
[ Thu, Jan 15, 2009 10:35 am ]
I was very happy to see my Martial Arts Teacher L. Heramot Meitei after 20 years gap with a flying colour of achievement in this field. I have not heard about my teacher since 20 years. I hope the
Thang-Ta will be enrolled in the national as well as International arena. I would like say a big thankful to my teacher for his efforts and hard work in this field to bring up huge number of Martial Arts players in the state like Manipur. Being a
Martial Arts lover, I would like to encourage all the future Martial Arts players of Manipur to show excellent martial skills (Thang-Ta) and intelligent
self defends technique like Sarit-Sara in this globe. I hope people should love to learn Martial arts as it the only medicine for people of Manipur to keep a healthy active body. I have learned Martial Arts (Thang-ta and Sarit-Sara) when I was in Class six standard (1989) from Ojha Heramod Meitei , As he teaches martial arts in most parts of Imphal and other parts of Manipur as his service to the native sports. I have still with those techniques of Sarit Sara and few of steps of Thang-Ta in my mind and body. Thanks a lot to the selection committee of this award that you have pickup an extremely valuable traditional Martial arts of Manipur which is left only with Demonstration but not in the mind and body of the indigenous people of Manipur. This award will be giving a good chance to preserve and lean our own indigenous martial arts. I also congrats to our valuable awardees Mr. Ningombam Ibobi Singh of Khongman for his skill of Pung in this SN Akademi Award - 2008.
News Archives is 'officially' useful
[ Thu, Jan 15, 2009 9:06 am ]
While I was in service, I used to visit your website regularly for official purposes and submit extracts of important news reports/articles/editorial comments etc. to the authorities concerned in the Union Govt. and also to the State VVIPs during their
stay in the national capital on official duty. Your news archives are really useful beyond doubt. On the basis of the news reports downloaded from your website and submitted for information and necessary action, the Central Ministries concerned used to take follow up action immediately in many a cases.
Besides, the information about Manipur,
Tourism, Travels etc. were also very helpful in my professional duties. Now, even after my retirement, I am regularly visiting your website almost everyday to keep myself well informed about whatever happening in my lovely state. Your website is indeed very useful and I wish you all success and am looking forward to its further improvements. Thanks!
Prem Kumar
Dont burn plastics
[ Thu, Jan 15, 2009 4:12 am ]
Dear Sony,
I appreciate your initiative to solve the garbage problem in Manipur. But are you aware that burning garbages especially the plastic ones will have more implications on the health/environment than the garbages itself. If burning is the only solution, then I suggest let the plastic garbage litter everywhere. Let us not burn plastics. Let us think of something more viable solution. I am sure there are many. Every time I visit home, I see people from young to old, burn plastics. It seems we have not been educated well. Sony, this is in no way to discourage you. I felt I have a duty to discourage people from burning plastics. I hope you will take it in the right spirit.
Contradicting News
[ Thu, Jan 15, 2009 12:16 am ]
Lets see this news "KCP (MC) peaceniks advise cadres" Jan 14 2009: where it is written "Being a true representative of all the communities, the outfit has also stopped demanding money from the public, abduction of people for ransom, extortion and harassment of the public, the Chairman added." A few pages below on the web page I
find this: "Extortionist thrashed black and blue" Jan 14 2009: An alleged armed cadre of the proscribed KCP (MC) who came to demand money and triggered a hand grenade has been rounded up by the local people and after a good thrashing handed over to the police." Hmmm...whom to beleive and who not to!!!
No relation between Meitei and Hindu
[ Wed, Jan 14, 2009 6:13 am ]
What are you saying about Manipur, you are an outsiders and dont know much about Manipur. Are you thinking that you are going to represent Manipur. Please dont speak or dont host any website about religion of Manipur. There is no relationship between Meitei and Hindu.
No one knows what is Mahabharat, unnecessary you are bulding your immagination. Remember meiteis have their own religion, customs, tradition.
Thoi Meitei
Human Rights website link?
[ Tue, Jan 13, 2009 3:28 am ]
I m a student doing my law at bangalore.. I would lik to know the
related links of NGO's which is been established
at Manipur.(related with Human Rights ) I m unable to find any link to reach it. Being a Manipuri student I thought of seekng help from this site. Hope you guys will help me out.
Easy garbage solution
[ Mon, Jan 12, 2009 11:08 pm ]
I've found out an easy solution to garbage removal which is everywhere in every crowded areas of Imphal. My suggestion is that all
the garbages and plastic waste can be burnt underground if a public well is constructed. But for this, we dont have to take financial support from the Govt. Contribution of 10 Rs. or 15 Rs. from the enthusiastic people and from those who come forward to help can
make Imphal, a clean place. Please update this in the e-pao article.
Revision of HSLC exam schedule
[ Mon, Jan 12, 2009 12:11 pm ]
This is in regards to Revision of HSLC exam programme/schedule demanded by Parents and guardians of the students appearing in the up coming HSLC exam 2009. As far as Manipur Education System is concern, Manipur is providing quality education and the way student's are taught are good and study pattern is good covering all the entire topic in the in exammination. Parent's must be aware that, it's really hard to find admission for people who wants to persue study in other stes in India as Manipur conduct exammination too late. While everyone studing Class X is aware that they are facing common Board Exam, so eaxmmination schedule fix by concern authority should not be pospond. We are in the era of "Survival of the Fittest"
Correction in Manipur Police History
[ Mon, Jan 12, 2009 10:13 am ]
0bone of the officers joined Manipur Police in 1963 and served in the Manipur Police as Asst. Commandant S.P, AIG and DIG before going on deputation to the Govt of India. Further I also served
for a year at Calcutta as LO. It is somewhat painful for me to think that Ojha Damudar Singh had totally forgotten my association with him. I consider my training and service in Manipur
helped me to keep my service in the two security organizations on a par with officers from bigger states. I hope Shri Damudar Singh does not mind this pointing out this slip of his mind.
Anyone has result for Manipur-Jharkhand final
[ Mon, Jan 12, 2009 4:21 am ]
There was to be a final match between Manipur and Jharkhand in the ongoing 45th U-19 National Football Championship being played at Bhillai of Chhattisgarh. The match was slated for 10th Jan 2009 as was
reported on your news portal. It's been more than two days
and I haven't seen any update. It may also be that I have not been able to locate the news article. I would appreciate if anyone can share the result of the match with me and the other readers too.
Bandh and blockade along the national highways
[ Sun, Jan 11, 2009 12:48 am ]
Everyone knows that the two national highways in the state of Manipur are the lifeline of the state and it's hungry people. And these two lifelines are the worst
affected ones in bandhs and blockades. In fact these two highways have become some sort of a political weapon for all of us. From triffling demands to major issues,
these two have been best political weapon to acheive any demand. On top of this these two highways would rank amongst the worst roads of the world. These frequent bandhs and blockades have been going on since I was in school . Now it's been 6 years since I completed my graduation. And the situation has got only worsened. Now the bandhs and blockade have become indefinite. And the successive governments have failed to come up with a viable solution to this. Providing escort to these trucks and buses plying on these highways is not that huge expenditure incurring activity. If needed, we are quite sure that there would be tens of hundreds of people who would come forward to contribute to bear the expenditure to provide a safe, smooth and an undisturbing highway. And our brave security men would be more than happy to discharge their duty if asked to.
But all these things need an initiative from the govt. This is something very serious. I am not an expert on the subject of law but I think it calling bandhs and
blockades certainly amounts to obstructing one or some of the fundamental rights of a person. If any one who has knowledge on law is reading this mail I would
appreciate if he gives his opinion from the angle of law on it. We do understand that the bandh callers have been deprived of their legitimate rights and so they call
this kind of bandhs and blockades. But one might ask is it justified that in the effort to get the rights of a few can we neglect and deprive the rights of whole people of people of Manipur? Majority of the people would certainly say "no, it is not justified"; for we have other means as well.
Then comes the Question who should safeguard the rights of the people ? Obviously the govt. who had sworn before being in the govt. that it would protect and serve the interest of the people and the state. If anyone related to the govt. be it a minister or and advisor to the govt is reading this mail please do something. People
are so frustrated at these frequent bandhs and blockades that they have started asking if these things need international attention since the govt since the
successive govts have totally failed on this. Honarable govt please do something. It is high time that the govt makes people feel that there is a govt to serve
and protect people's rights. Please make us feel that. We are so frustrated that we have run short of words to express our frustration. Readers please express your
valuable ideas and opinions on this issue and contribute in ensuring a better highway for the betterment of the people of Manipur. May God bless Manipur and its highways
Meitei Mayek online learning is helpful
[ Sat, Jan 10, 2009 10:03 pm ]
I want to wish you all best for this new program - Meitei Mayek online learning. I think, it will be very helpful of all.
You all are doing great job. I want to thanks all creator, developer and e-pao people. I love my state a lot. I am proud to be a meitei. Long Live Manipur..
Will Khumancha
Latest photos as soon as possible
[ Sat, Jan 10, 2009 9:11 am ]
E-PAO.net thanks for this website, I m out of state for last 3 yrs but I feel like now am in my lovely motherland Manipur by reading news, by seeing photo, by
seeing people those who are hardworking in Sports, in study and I see all those memorable festivals like Ningol chakkouba, Mera wayukba. But i would like to request
that please put recently happenning photos and new as soon as possible. Last and finally thanks a lot 2 all of members of e pao.net
Happy Emoinu to all
[ Thu, Jan 08, 2009 4:03 am ]
I lay my best greetings to all the Manipuris on this Emoinu Eratpa Numit. May
Ema Emoinu bless all of us and give us the light for the right path and take care for all. Happy Emoinu to all the Kangleichas.
Condolences to Paratt Family
[ Tue, Jan 06, 2009 3:05 am ]
I'm deeply shock to heard the news about Dr. Arambam Saroj Nalini
passed away, it is a great lost for the Manipuri society as well the literature world. My deepest condolences to her family.
Narandor Khurumba or Umanglai Khuvam
[ Tue, Jan 06, 2009 2:01 am ]
Thanks for publishing the news article of Narandor ritual. Since childhood we knew this ritual as Narandor Khurumba. How come a group change this ritual to some other name? This God does not belong to a certain group of people. So let the name remain as known from time immemorial. If the writer thinks this GOD be given a Meitei name then let him use Bhakta as he has used for worshippers to change them in his writing. Moreover I would appreciate if you could publish articles meant only for Meitei community be published in Meitei Mayek only so as to avoid humiliation reading something meaningless.
No jobs to surrenderees
[ Mon, Jan 05, 2009 5:44 am ]
Why should surrenderees be given jobs when there are thousands of educated youths jobless!! They dont need to be rewarded for the crimes they committed. Appeasement policies are counterproductive. Those who took the paths of violence need to be languishing in jails rather than being rewarded. Well, if at all they have to be accomodated, at the most, they should b allowed to sit competitive exams. nothing more than that. The decent peaceful people deserves more rewards than them.
Cannot just blame other people
[ Sat, Jan 03, 2009 5:26 am ]
I love the way Mr Mohen writes. He said what every students from North east understands. First let us come together, solve our problems and prepare for every possible threats by outsiders. We cannot just blame other people. Lets us correct our ways.
Brain Drain the greatest threat to Manipur
[ Sat, Jan 03, 2009 1:55 am ]
It is ripe time for all of us to realise that the greatest threat to our state presently is Brain Drain. With best brains of Manipur migrating elsewhere in different
part of the country or world looking for better opportunities, we are losing young intellectuals who are the real pillars of our state. With half of the youths in
Manipur either victim of drugs and greed fall easy pray to wrong path. Education makes lot of difference in ones' behavior and attitude. An educated fellow realise
the importance of human life, truthfulness, moral and confidence that I can live without the help of others, without torturing someone else. But at the same time this
very education if misused can make a person even worst.......let the govt. introduce some policies to attract these best brains, so that we can in turn receive maximum
from them. As a human being I firmly believe that for every question there is a solution. If you are not the right person for the solution then better search for the
apt one. Let this new year bring peace and prosperity to my state.
dr. pame_jit
Increasing rape and disrespect for NE woman
[ Fri, Jan 02, 2009 11:21 pm ]
I urge you all not to be silent anymore to an ever increasing insane brutal rapes against North-east woman in Delhi. Intellects are not doing much, North-east NRI's, European Manipuri Association; NAMA are all silent on this issue too. In the name of improvements, insurgents are killing and shooting woman; old or young irrespective of being even being social activist including Mairapiebis. The dignity of manipuri women have been reduced to trashes. Millitants, army and police are creating dozens of widows everyday who are being tortured and raped in Manipur too. Safety of women in this land has been reduced to the brink of disaster and I believe many are suffering from mental trauma everyday. Joblessness, poverty and the lure of independence and education are driving young women and girls to cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai where dozens land up in call centers and small odd jobs leaving mostly a hard life full of struggle. Dozens of Manipuri and north-east women have been molested and dozens have not revealed this as there is no medium to do so. Amnesty International and allies should bring up this issue that needs urgent attention. rapists are being set free and nothing is done againts them. Please APPEAL in major Newspapers and Local Goverment to take immediate stern action to the rapists in New Delhi.
U Thiyam
No Manipur Empolyee Exchange website mentioned
[ Fri, Jan 02, 2009 11:50 am ]
It's really good news to hear that Manipur Empolyee Exchange has launch website of it's own, but news published does not give the email address. It will be a great help for many unemployed youth who scattered across India in search of job. I wish if Email address is updated or mention in the next news release. I also wish it authority concern to stay away from bribe while recruiting candidate for any job. Let the concern authority know the pros and cons of taking bribe.
Chiru Jrrangsong
Dont discouraged talents
[ Fri, Jan 02, 2009 6:10 am ]
Respected Piba_08,
First of all its a good thing that you have the eagerness to dwell into something and brought out an issue.Discussions are always good.You yourself have said that
the singer is important. Bob Marley didn't became famous at an instant and he did became famous on a different "English pronunciation". Scorpions never had a good
accent in English yet they conquered the world, singing English songs. There are loads of such bands and individuals all over the world. One doesn't need a command
over a language in order to sing. By limiting the scope of singing a song by confining it to people who have the command over the language, you are presenting yourself
as a narrow minded person. Different talents needs to be explored and people should not be discouraged for showing their talents and skills nor should one feel jealous
at somebody's success.
S Nahakpam
New Year wishes..
[ Thu, Jan 01, 2009 3:20 am ]
Wishing you a very happy, prosperous, healthy and successful new year 2009. May this year be the year of e-pao, the year of kangleipak. May this year bring peace
and prosperity in our motherland. God Bless Kangleipak.
Abo Mangang
English songs and English pronunciation
[ Wed, Dec 31, 2008 12:42 pm ]
Dear Ringo,
It's my pleasure to write back. I salute their efforts, I am not saying that they should stop singing. Its his(their) liberty...yes of course I've heard Bob marley songs.
I hope I also listen to songs as you do. I think apart from music and lyrics of a song, the singer is also important. Isn't it? or am I wrong? and you asked me that
is "English Pronunciation" all that matters? On this question, my opinion is that for english songs, good english pronunciation is also required. You couldn't
sing perfect Manipuri song if you don't have good accent. Thanks for your advises. Thanking you very much.
Is it Shirui or Siroi ?
[ Wed, Dec 31, 2008 5:08 am ]
I'd like to ask something regarding with the spelling of "Siroy Lily" which I've noticed written as Shirui Lily as a heading when I open the Manipuri coloumn in the internet. It's written like Shirui Lily the Jewel of the Northeast India...Courtesy:John Vashum.
I'm not doing any counter question but in my school days and in the newspaper I found the spelling as Siroy instead of Shirui and above all This(Siroy LILY) is happened to be one of the "Undisputable" and "REAL" Pride and again one of the finest treasure and asset of the Land that signifies Manipur in the whole world... I hope the most correct or appropiate spelling must be printed in the next print regardless of Sir John Washum or mine.
Chandrakumar Thiyam
Imphal is bursting
[ Wed, Dec 31, 2008 1:33 am ]
I am very happy to learn that in today's news column, experts
have given their view on establishment of the satellite towns as per equivalent to Imphal city. Such act would definitely bring positive development to our state. Actually this is a long awaited proposal which has to be done 5 yrs back. However, looking at the present scenario of rampant crimes it appears little doubtful. Despite all these shortcomings, we should have firm determination to make it happen to reality. At present Imphal is having a very severe traffic jam. The population of the city is no less than 10 lakhs contrary to the statement given by the experts where they believe it to be a mere 3lakhs. good luck......
Dr. pame_jit
No words is enough
[ Mon, Dec 29, 2008 6:46 am ]
The information provided in e-pao.net makes me feel as if I am in my native place although I have been away for more than
20 years. No words is enough to convey my message to you all.
Sapam Rashi
Kudos to State Police
[ Sat, Dec 27, 2008 2:32 pm ]
Kudos to State Police for busting the publicity apparatus of KCP. lots more needs to be done to dismantle the infrastructure of the extortionists who masquerades as 'freedom fighters'. enough is enough! and the facilitators and sympathisers needs to be dealt with in the firmest of manners. whoever barters the peace and security of the state for a few bucks needs to know the price. And the same goes to all the voters who happily exchange their invaluable franchise for a few hundred rupees!!!
Bad pronounciation - so what
This is a reply to the earlier reader write mail.
[ Mon, Dec 23, 2008 11:41 pm ]
Dear Piba_08,
You sounded more like dictating, rather than an honest positive comment given. People strived day and night to record a track and you talked so cheaply of somebody's hard work ?? What has pronunciation got to do with the music/song?
Do you think the Beatles sang in the Queen's English? It was the Liverpool English of the 'working-class'. Have you heard Bob Marley? Is "English pronunciation" all that matters? Have you heard the Latin Americans singing in English(the likes of Shakira and Ricky Martin)? Open MS word, and see if there is any Manipuri-English(or Manglish or whatever)? It's the song, it's the music that matters !!
You and I should be encouraging the new generation that is making original, rather than covers !! But as Meitei machagi hounaba, we still try to pull down when somebody tries to go up.
Angellica, (wherever you are), that's great effort, break on through to the other side as you are doing. Would love to see many more originals coming from your side !! Keep up the good work !! WE are with you. Keep on Rockin' On !!
Bad pronounciation - Dont sing
[ Mon, Dec 22, 2008 9:35 am ]
I have listened to "alter of slaughter" - Angelica... which is in e-pao radio..I
would like to say that please don't upload such kind of songs because the pronunciation of the singer in not quite enough to sing,
I think. It seems like anyone can sing and upload.....there is no sense of music in his song....thanking you..
Pomlibi by Sapne
[ Sun, Dec 21, 2008 11:59 am ]
First of all I would like to thank you all for providing such a hi-tech service for those who love our motherland "MANIPUR". It has been my long wish to listen those Manipuri classic songs which my mother use to sing for me when I was small and I found all those songs on e-pao. I Work 10 hours in a day and spend 2 hours in traffic and the remaining 12 hours I stay home and I love to listen e-pao Radio almost all the time, in office as well as at home. However, my Windows Mobile 6 PDA does not support your e-pao radio (Flash Player) so I collect MP3 Manipuri songs from my friends and installed it on my PDA so that I could listen my favorite songs while I am in traffic. I really love this "Pomlibi" by Sapne and yesterday I have played the same so for almost 6 hours continuously!!!!
Victory Phomei
Sportsmen should be awarded
[ Sun, Dec 21, 2008 7:02 am ]
This is with regard to current topic on Boxer Mary Kom. Well I absolutely agree with the point that if she had been from Delhi or around Delhi, she need not bother
much about the award. There are lots of other sports persons who are facing such problems in some form or the other. Monica's case was an eye-opener and one should
imagine how many else are there. People of mainland are not willing to accept our achievements. They feel insecure when their ego is hurt. It is due to the existence
of people like Milkha Singh that the country with a billion population is not able to make up more than 60-70 players in the Olympics. One might say that boxing is
not followed by most of the people in the country. Why?? Is it because people Tendulkar or Shewag don't play it. Tennis is not so popular and how come Sania's name
is seen everywhere. Sportsmen should be awarded and appreciated in order to boost their morale same as a child needs motivation and appreciation to excel further.
And strongly I feel that Mary should not accept the award in future, for she deserves more than that and it will also be lesson/warning to all the Milkhas for their ignorance.
Somchandra Nahakpam
Peace and Development in my lifetime?
[ Sun, Dec 21, 2008 12:19 am ]
It's high time we do away with this insurgency or freedom fight or whatever you called it and try to catch up with the rest of the world. Almost everyone is of the
view that there cant be a military solution to this age old problem. While the big chunk of the responsibity rest with India, the so called freedom fighters cant go
on with their adamant attitude. At least, let's have some talk with the govt. Dont we deserve some peace and development!! the infightings, factionalism, demand letters, open threats exposes how mature the 'freedom fight' is. Plus, to a great extent, it also shows the IQ level of the leaders of these groups. My appeal to the UG groups
is 'if at all, you are serious about the people's welfare, you cannot go on ignoring the govt of india. Are you putting any significant diplomatic pressure to the
Indian govt to facilitate change for the better? Just killing a few jawans here and there by hit and run method(from behind) and boasting achievements is not going
to help in any way. 'please, please, let's have some change... the old tactics have not worked. Will i be able to see some peace and development in Manipur in my lifetime?
Mary Kom belongs to a different level
[ Fri, Dec 19, 2008 10:30 pm ]
"I don't know in which sport she belongs to" Milkha Singh on Mary Kom's ommision from Rajiv Gandhi khel Ratna Award.
On the issue "Rajiv Gandhi khel Ratna And Mary Kom" there has been many opinions and remarks in the media throughout the country . One of it that I found right here
in our very own E-pao is a remark from someone called Monali that says a true sportsman should not play for awards and name. Going by the books and what it profess that is the finest suggestion one could ever give. But has someone ever tried to step into Mary kom's place and has tried to think what she must be feeling ? Being a world championship consecutively for four years that also in a very difficult contact sport like Boxing. Even the great Md. Ali would be proud of her achievement. Inspite of her achievements, comments like Milkha singh omitted her name saying he did not know in which sport she was, is all what she gets from her country for which
she toiled hard, fought hard. Let us not forget sportspersons are also human beings. They do shed tears on losing. They do smile on winning. They also blush on being
praised. They give it all they have. The question here is not whether or not Mary Kom deserves Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award but it is "Does Rajiv Gandhi khel Ratna deserve to give an award to Our Jewel Mary Kom"? I would say no. It does not, for it has been conferred to so many undeserving ones. She belongs to a different level. Everyone
knows what achievers are those who have got it except for a few. And no wonder how those who have got it are performing at present. Most of the people I came across
asked questions like if she was not confered the award for any of the following reasons.
1. She belongs to a sport called boxing in a country which knows only cricket. 2. She was born in a country like India. 3. She was born as Northeasterner. 4. She does not have those looks. 5. The award committee consisted of persons who do not have any credentials for themselves.
Some even asked "what if she was born in Delhi"? I would say the Rajiv Gandhi khel Ratna Award committee know the best reason. We still have not forgotten what
happened to weighlifter Monika. No matter whther or not they confer any award to you, you are already a winner . You are a true gem of the country. It's a India's good luck that you were born here. The Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award is too small to flatter you. Mary Kom, keep striving and all the best to you .
Sportsman should not play for awards
[ Fri, Dec 19, 2008 7:39 am ]
I want to say something on Mary Kom's comment that if Dhoni can be awarded Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award for winning only one World cup, why not she. I do agree she fully deserves to be awarded Khel Ratna but she should not have compared herself with Dhoni. He also deserved the award for what he had done and doing for Indian Cricket and specially his contributions to resurrect the Indian Cricket after 2007 World Cup disastrous defeat in group match. Its not about just winning a T20 World cup. I can't say anything
why she hasn't yet awarded the Award. But I would like to add that a true Sportsman should not play for awards and name. I do hope Mary Kom get this award in near future. It will be another proud moment for all the Manipuris.
Millions of cases pending in Indian courts
[ Thu, Dec 18, 2008 12:24 am ]
It gave great pain to see the images of barbaric treatment given to two girls from Manipur. For some of the North Indians this seems to be a normal treatment. People who can abort their girl child while still in the womb or people who can burn their daughters on the funeral pyre of their husbands can do such things. We should not doubt about it. Coming to giving justice in the existing Indian system I doubt the girls will get justice. There are millions of cases pending in Indian courts on crimes committed on women. Let's go back
to Manipur....Did the killers of Neelam Panchabhaya years back ever booked. We have almost forgot them so also we will forget this Gurgaon case. This is how our psyche works in India. Well, the koti kotigi wahang is How long can we continue living like this?????
one word 'Barbaric'
[ Tue, Dec 16, 2008 10:14 pm ]
I am appalled at what has happened to these
two girls in Delhi. I just can't find words to describe how much upset I am. I had always thought, I would one day get into a good job which would give me authority to initate some concrete steps ttowards developing a system that adresses the problems faced by girls in general and the northeastern girls in particular. But, today, I felt I have waited too long. My conscience is bleeding today, I just couldn't sleep or eat today after reading this story and watching those pictures. I just have one word 'BARBARIC'.
But then, am I still not just doing a lip service? Yes!!! Lets start a campaign my dear fellows to drag these people in the courts and I tell you I still see a ray of hope this way. It may take a little long but atleast we can try. And-oh, I am a so called
'north Indian', and I don't believe in the words/terms like 'north Indians', 'northeasterns'. For me this is more like a
geographical identity not a racial. And, there are many from my geographical region who wants to reach out to those wounded and
hurt that we believe that they are as Indians as we 'so called mainlanders are, they own India as much as we do. I just want to start something which will deal the culprits with iron hand. Lets start a movement fellow brethren. These two girls are like my sisters. Same thing can happen to my sisters. Even , I have been manhandled many times and I DON'T look oriental, so its not about how you look (though, I acknowledge, it may be little more difficult for the girls from North East India). I am writing this because I have been
very upset and finally I felt, I have to pen it down somewhere not for just feeling better but also, if I can find some like-minded people and we can do something about such incidents.
Please help my village
[ Tue, Dec 16, 2008 5:36 am ]
Through this media I would like to convey to all media of North East Region - the seven rainbow state. I am very much ashamed
in my statement to say that , as a citizen of my village which was established in the last 50-60 years, but till date we are
living under primitive age. We are not under any influence of government or any such authority. Our villagers are simply living a
life. We do not have electricity or proper road condition. Its a really shameful act for our village authority unable to claim government for the purpose. Moreover we dont have a Government school, where our children can study.
There are many thing to discuss, but I have highlighted only those three which are the main resources for human being to live a life.
I consider myself lucky, to share those with you. I will remain ever grateful to you , if your kind authority will help me for the development of my society. For any confirmation kindly contact me my details below. I will be waiting for your kind act.
Thanks & Regards
Raju Lohar
Nowgoan Tilla Basti
Rangapahar saiding
Karbi Anglong , Assam
EmaiL: raju(dot)lohar(at)gmail(dot)com
Raju Lohar
Large number of grammatical errors
[ Mon, Dec 15, 2008 12:38 pm ]
I was reading articles relating to the History of Manipur and was disappointed to find a large number of grammatical errors in the articles. Could you please correct the mistakes as it does not look very nice and gives a very bad impression on the reader.
Good Job !!!! E-Pao
[ Sat, Dec 13, 2008 2:48 pm ]
It's with immense satisfaction that I am appreciating E-pao's team for having such a website for Manipuris which is complete in all forms. I am really proud that we have a website like this and don't hesitate in endorsing it to any person who wants to know about Manipur. It's really great that you showcase our culture, tradition and at the same time try to connect with the current trends by including entertainment and news section. Good job done E-pao!! keep striving for improvement.
Add meitei mayek font in chat
[ Fri, Dec 12, 2008 3:34 pm ]
If meitei mayek font is added to chat room, we can use it immediately. There are only 4 available fonts in chat room. So please add Meitek Mayek Font as e-pao is for our Manipur!
Disgusted with KCP
[ Fri, Dec 12, 2008 5:58 am ]
I felt totally disgusted reading about KCP's threat to the RIMS authorities and other organisations. Their language vividly shows their terrorrist mentality not to mention their IQ. How long should we go on giving room to these people!!!Anyone who sympathise with these have blood on their hands.
e-pao news sucks big time
[ Wed, Dec 10, 2008 4:33 am ]
e-pao news archives page sucks big time. you cannot archive any date other than the current. Is that done deliberately or has there been any technical failure? And please edit the news contents before publishing. I understand english is not our mother tongue and mine is not definitely good. But it doesn't mean
that e-pao can publish/write anyway they like. ya ya ya! the news sources are from "The Sangai Express" and "Hueiyen News Service". but why print their (TSE and HNS) unedited news here. Their english really confuses the reader especially me. I thought of updating
myself with the latest happenings in Manipur but end up confusing myself. Once again e-pao news archives page sucks big time.
e-pao news (unedited) sucks big time.
I m proud of Meetei Mayek script
[ Mon, Dec 08, 2008 7:56 am ]
I feel so good to see meetei mayek news publication by Huiyen Lanpao and this website. It is and it will be good for all the people of Kangleipak in the long run. Since I m staying outside,
I have to face many questions related to our script. All of them don"t know that Kangleipak has its own script. I have some Bengali friends who are annoyed when I told them that Meetei Mayek is replacing Bengali script. I am so proud of my own script. I always
write my name in Meitei Mayek in my books and notebooks and many people ask me what is that and I say that is my name written in our script. I can read and write Meetei Mayek very well. I have even taught
the script to many citizens of Kangleipak who are staying outside. I have many friends from the hill districts of Kangleipak who
were earlier opposed to the idea of using Meetei script. We had lots of discussion and arguments on the issue of script but,
fortunately I was able to convince them that this script is good for all the people of Kangleipak and some of them have really
started learning the script. This script will bring unity among the various indigenous people of Kangleipak. I hope
Huiyen Lanpao, e-pao.net, MEELAL and many other organizations who are working day and night for the script will continue
their struggle to make Meetei Mayek to regain its lost popularity and historical importance. All the people of Kangleipak should
try their best to make it popular and use it wherever and whenever it is possible. God Bless Kangleipak.
Abo Mangang
Calling forgotten heroes
[ Sat, Dec 06, 2008 3:12 pm ]
It's really heartening to find some one enquiring about one of our forgotten heroes W Tomba Singh whose magnificient goal in the final clinched the Santosh Trophy. At the same time it is really disheartening if he has quit playing football . All we can do is pray for him to come back to where he is best at for he is one of the true genius from our tiny state. Tomba we are proud of you .Please show us your magic in ground . Please come back . The sun can be veiled by the clouds for some time but no for long for he is the one to whom everyone depends on for survival.
Expose - we the Meiteis
[ Sat, Dec 06, 2008 10:32 am ]
It's been a pleasure Browsing the most successful and popular Website based on the issues of the Beautiful Northeastern state MANIPUR. Everything uploaded and updates
are interesting. Sites like these should be well organised and maintain so as to expose that "We-the Meitei's" exist peacefully somewhere in the NE part of India.
Meitei mayek fonts please
[ Fri, Dec 05, 2008 11:46 am ]
E-paogi radio tabada yamna nungaijei. Aari aariba nungaiba gooden collection thibada waba taba fanjei. Masigidamakta E-paogi support membersingbu thagatchari... Manipurgi pao-che fangdaba mafamda Mabnipurgi paofanghanbagidamakta amakkasu hanna thagatchari. Chithahouba simatangga hapchinjarakke... Yaragadi Meetei Mayek_ki kok sam lai Mayek amasung, ama ani , tapnaba mayek, Mayek 27 e_bada changba singdu amuktang eigi mailda thaborakoo.. Yamna Nungaijani..
Forum & Blog needed for e-pao
[ Thu, Dec 04, 2008 2:47 am ]
I am Bikram Singh, working as a Web Based Programmer in Bangalore as free software developer. First of all thanks for the updated
news for our state & also the gallery. I always seek to read news as well as the Comments from the users. But I think we are missing something for Discussion liked Forum/Blog. I would like to suggest to put discussion forum about some topics . So that users can login and will give their own thoughts. Now we are very keen to upgrade our state. As you know well, you can use some CMS (Drupal/Joomla)
for the Forum application. Most of the people here in bangalore want to share their thoughts but can't be implement. This is your
time to make more better & also better Manipur. Only they use to share those thoughts in public portal like ORKUT, Google's Blog.
Bikram Singh - Bangalore
Misleading AIDS info?
[ Wed, Dec 03, 2008 4:24 pm ]
The fourth para on the
article gives completely wrong information. I do not want to specify. The article is misleading every one. Please check.
Where is W. Tomba Singh?
[ Wed, Dec 03, 2008 3:00 am ]
Its been quite a while since we last heard about the 2003 Indian footballer of the year, W. Tomba Singh from Nongmeibung, Imphal.
Does anybody know where is he? Team e-pao, do you have any idea where he might be? He is a brilliant footballer and we cannot leave
or forget him just like that. Last thing I heard about him was that he has quit football because of monetory demands from the millitants. Please flash this on your website, all efforts from my side to find him has gone futile.
Need a dedicated channel for Sports
[ Tue, Dec 02, 2008 3:39 am ]
It's truly sad that the due to the ongoing press-strike there is no updation of news at your esteemed website for time being. But,
there is always some national news of Manipur related or Manipuri in the national news. Will be good if you can focus your attention to such things for time-being. Many of the national media based in Kokatta focus a lot in North East India where Manipur cover a big pie on it. Will be good if you can refer to them rather than the TOI which is mostly metro-based.
Please refer to Mary Kom's
interview in TOI.
You have started eraang for the artist but, what about for the ill-treated and forgotten sport-person of the state. They deserve a better place than those who act, sing and dance. In fact, they are those who brings the accolades to the states. Please do something for them also. A dedicated channel for them.
Oinam K. Ngakpa
Missing Manipur physically & mentally
[ Tue, Dec 02, 2008 1:52 am ]
I am from Manipur and staying in Italy, I am really suffering from missing my home land. You know its the only way to touch Manipur
by this website. But its had been long time not to hear anyting from Manipur and its being desparate not only physically but mentally also. Can you tell me when the people of Manipur will be away from tyrant rulers and peoples? So what you people are going to help and I am always ready to help you and Please keep in touch and Mail me the news whats going on there.
ST Sharma
High end Chat!
[ Tue, Dec 02, 2008 5:14 am ]
The e-pao chat part seems to be in its high end. Previously it was very easy to be a part of the chatting section but due to
some security reason you have changed it hope you will make more convenient in the near future.
Oinam Amarjit Singh
Mary Kom's full name
[ Mon, Dec 01, 2008 10:57 am ]
We are lucky to have an unexpectedly great and wonderful person like
MC Mary Kom. However her full name has not been shown or published till today. Therefore it is good to know her as what she is originally named by her parent as Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom (MC Mary Kom)
Thangboi Haokip - Kolkata
Read "Craft of peddling shame"
[ Thu, Nov 27, 2008 11:49 pm ]
@ fuganba delhi
Its already published or highlighted long time back in the headlines of the sangai express, check out this "Craft of peddling shame : Panthoibi Emporium at Delhi"
Source: The Sangai Express / Chaoba Devi ..
Chaoba Devi
Meiteis as 'hindu tribe'
[ Fri, Nov 28, 2008 2:16 am ]
If meiteis are considered as
hindu tribe then they must enjoy all the reservations enjoyed by the other tribal communities. Meiteis, though small in number are fighting in all types of national competetions
without any reservation in general category. With just nucleus population we have fought and excelled other states in every sphere of competetion. Such blunt
comments without going insight of the matter is highly regrettable. I request all the readers not to take it in communal or fanatic way. It is beyond contention, the
bitter truth that many others in different part of India see us when we have never enjoyed the 'previledge' of ST reservation.
Progressive work done
[ Tue, Nov 25, 2008 9:30 am ]
We are really happy on your progressive work and thanks for opening radio for those Manipuri netizens. By your radio, every Manipuri should feel that they are nowhere out of manipur and I would like to request you please kindly allow us to download the all these sweet songs to listen when we are out of your site.
Rebjit Nongmeikapam
'Hindu meitei tribe' - is this true?
[ Mon, Nov 24, 2008 9:00 pm ]
It's really very nice to read your article on Manipuri women's. In your recent article
"The Heavy Weight Girls of Manipur" you have mention 'a housewife from the Hindu Meitei tribes who live in the plains of Manipur' I am not comfortable with the way you used Hindu meitei tribe! Can you please correct me on what context you refer meitei as tribe? See my only intention is it will create wrong impression to some who read your article and who is not familiar about Meitei. I appreciate in future publication please do take care of such things. My apology for the inconvenience.
Khwairakpam Gandhi - Singapore
Ningol Chakkouba's Love from a Nepali
[ Mon, Nov 24, 2008 1:52 pm ]
My name is Pardip Gurung. I m from Dubai, U.A.E. I m a Nepali citizen but I was born at Manipur, Imphal. Manipur is the place which
I would never ever forget in my life. The most thing I like about Manipur is their food, I m crazy about it and will remenber always in my life. I also like yaoshang(holi). I was happy when I read
this article of Ningol Chakkouba. I feel like I was in the Manipur. I wish I could join with them. In this foreign country, we
really miss our friend, family, food. I will keep in contact. I wish all the best to e-pao team
Pardip Gurung - Dubai, UAE
Shocking scene in Manipur Emporium at Delhi!
[ Mon, Nov 24, 2008 4:59 am ]
Recently I happened to visit Manipur Emporium in N. Delhi, thought of buying an indigeneous FUK (Floor mat). It was very surprised and strange scene inside! All the employees inside the emporium were non-Manipuris and the items inside the emporium were
mixed and confused. What a shock and shame ! The emporium meant only for Manipur people and products was left to Aliens with
alien products. An emporium which is the mirror of Manipur to the outside world is not even taken care...! What a shameful..!
A simple & humble question came to my mind that what the concerned authority & people are doing at home and Delhi ? Are they not aware or blind ? I found that other state emporiums were full of their own people & products. It is my humble request to the authority and concerned people to look into the serious matter IMMEDIATELY. How come such things are allowed to happen? I request media to highlight such serious issues on the HEADLINES. The Emporium should be filled with Manipur people with our own products ONLY. Please remember, Manipur has sufficient products and qualified people.
Fuganba - Delhi
Seamless garment 2000 yrs old!
[ Sun, Nov 23, 2008 11:20 am ]
I am surprised to hear you say that the concept of
seamless garments is completely new. Anyone familiar with the scriptures will know that they have been around for at least two thousand years!
Lucy Ashaw
Nepotism and Corruption in MPSC
[ Tue, Nov 18, 2008 7:50 pm ]
Recently, I was shocked to read about the alleged nepotism and corruption prevalent in the MPSC as reported in your
esteemed newspaper. I, as a common layman, am not the authority to decide the truth or falseness of the allegations. However, as a senior Garo who has been in the University of Delhi for a good number of years, I do feel it my duty to point out a few interesting points -
1. To secure admission in a reputed College of the University of Delhi is very difficult. It is even more difficult to find a seat in one of the colleges of North campus. A student would have to make the cut off list which is normally very high even for the students of the reserved category.
2. The University of Delhi has high standards and strict requirements of attendance; if a student fails to attend the minimum number of classes then he/she can be debarred from appearing in the annual examinations
3. The University of Delhi is a reputed University; it is the largest and one of the leading Universities in the country; it is also internationally recognized and acknowledged. The annual or semester examinations held by the University is not a cake walk. A student needs to put in hard work tempered with intelligence to be able to clear the exams without loosing any years.
In view of the above, I find it very disconcerting to read that a student of the University of Delhi, who also happens to be a relative of the MPSC Chairperson, has been alleged to be a person of low IQ who never attended classes but somehow magically acquired a degree from the University of Delhi. I humbly request that due care is taken before riduculing the value of a degree conferred on a student by a highly reputed university.
Febroneous Silkam Sangma - University of Delhi
Help in unbiased public opinion
[ Mon, Nov 17, 2008 8:55 am ]
e-pao.net is good for the people of Kangleipak, especially for those who are staying outside. Your new initiative of
publishing news from both Sangai Express and Huiyen Lanpao is good. It can help in forming a good, well-informed and unbiased
public opinion.
Abo Mangang
Calling Manipuris in Australia
[ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 7:06 am ]
I am a Manipuri, currently in Perth, Australia. Looking out for fellow Manipuri or north-eastern Indian in Perth or any part of Australia. You can reach me at gk_123(at)rediffmail(dot)com .
Gautam - gk_123(at)rediffmail(dot)com
e-pao! more interactive and lively
[ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 1:31 am ]
I feel you should add feedback fields after every news. So that readers can actually give their opinions on the topic. I think that will make e-pao! more interactive and lively.
[ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 11:50 pm ]
Very recently I come across a news section in Sangai Express about a Tour called "Peace, Unity & Love" organised by DESAM for a school of Ukhrul Distt. And another news of arranging a 'Free medical Camp' at a village in Tamei by MAPI. Well done..DESAM & MAPI! You
people have done a great job. We should have started such Campaign a long time back to fill the mutual gap between hill people
and valley people. Such campaign was the only missing gap which created lots of misunderstanding between the hill people and valley people. Never too late..and Nevertheless, you did it in the right time. Now we have started building the BRIDGE between the
two people. We need hundreds of such tour and camp to be organised to bring peace, unity & love among ourselve. Please Keep it
up DESAM and MAPI. We are with you.
Enough of your Cries..
[ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 9:22 pm ]
I was just having a look at the state headlines this morning, through the newly implemented
RSS feed. I admit,i am not fully aware of what is going on with these Senapati District Students Association or what is against them. But the blocking of the Highways in the name
of every agitation for what so ever be the reason is NOT acceptable. Blocking the Highway, which is a lifeline, in order to get
their demands fulfilled is utter nonsense and an act of timidity. If they are a real students organisation or association or
whatever, they must have the mere sense of the effect that will lead to by this action. Manipur is a already in dire straits, and
these kind of actions exacerbates the pain of the people in the mainland also at the other part of the state. Still wondering, when will the people of Manipur say, "Enough of your Cries, Now face our Music".
Yes we can - produce many Obamas
[ Sat, Nov 08, 2008 2:25 am ]
I would like to response to the feedback "Uniting Factor - An Obama is needed" by Saroj Konsam. I agree to most of what was written by
my dear fellow Manipuri and I really appreciate your concern. I could have addressed you as fellow Meitei but Manipuri sounds more authentic to me regarding the diversity we have in our state. Hope I have done the justice. I happened to have the opportunity to hear the acceptance speech of President elect Barack Obama live on TV. And during that time one thing that came to my mind was we need somebody like him. I agree on this part fully with you. But the one thing I want to differ with you is that we should not be
blaming India for whatever is happening in our state. There are many reasons why I disagree with you on this part but it will be another totally different topic.
Let's forget about who to be blamed. Instead let's focus on what is our top priority. It's high time we ask ourself what really went wrong and we Manipuris should
try to come together and tackle the matter. Correction is needed from grass root level because everything is wrong from top to bottom. We should not be blaming on
third party for the problems we are facing now because we are the one who created it in the first place and we should also be the one putting an end to this. Initially
when I was writing I thought we need a leader like OBAMA but now I correct myself, no we don't need an OBAMA because anybody can be OBAMA, we just have to belief and
have faith in ourself like OBAMA did and we can produce innumerable OBAMAS in our state. Last but not the least I want to tell my fellow Manipuris that if we don't act
now, a time will come when everything will be too late and we won't be able to rescue our beloved motherland "MANIPUR" on time from the jaw of death. Instead
we will be watching helplessly with tears bleaming in our eyes, the living skeletal of our mother.....
Do something on chatters!
[ Thu, Nov 06, 2008 11:18 am ]
E-pao chat room is a nice meeting place for all those who left Manipur and working in different parts of the world. It's so embarrasing to see my own brothers and sisters having lots of indecent chat and flooded chat room. This can only be avoided if e-pao give responsible to a respectful chatter to kick chatter out of room. This will maintain the room. Please, do something.
Vic Sorensangbam
Meiteis are not fully Hindu
[ Thu, Nov 06, 2008 10:09 am ]
I am a regular reader of e-pao.net and found a particularly nasty sentence.... "Despite being Hindus, these Meiteis claim themselves different in practicing their religion whereby they who do not believe in polarization of the society on caste considerations." I think everybody knows that we, meiteis are not fully Hindu . Though some follow hinduism but the author has blatantly said that all Meiteis are Hindu. I don't care what religion others follow but to just say that we are Hindu without any proof will be very uncivilized on the part of e-pao team. And I think we are all clear on Shanti Das Ghosai part??? So why is there a confusion??
Uniting Factor - An Obama is needed
[ Wed, Nov 05, 2008 9:49 am ]
Our so perceived "Sanaleibak" is one of the most confused, chaotic, fragmented, impoverished, under developed and ignored states
in a highly fragmented nation. Why so? Such a tiny state would have been a delight for the leaders and administrators to run it smoothly.But it is one of the most ineptly managed or administered states in this big confusion called India.
Manipur is more notorious than Hamara Bharat Mahan when it comes to caste poliltics. Sad part is that we are yet to understand our
own identity. We are yet to accept the fact that the elements of diversity have severely shaken the very foundation of this
political concept called Manipur. Why and how we reached this brink? Our lack of awareness has already done the damage. Our leaders failed to understand Manipur as a whole.
When Naga villages were burnt and pregnant mothers were raped by marauding State forces people in the valley were to insulated to undrstand the plight of thier own brothers. We were merily dancing to the tunes of divisive politics. When ethnic strife in
the state was at its climax so called political elites were just glancing through news headlines to refresh thier awareness. It
never was an issue for the state as a whole. When the valley burns the hill people witness the spectre just like that.
Where is that Manipur? Answer is elusive,intricate and too virtual. WHAT NEXT? A uniting factor is the need of the our. We need a
leader who is a meitei, a kuki, a Tangkhul, an anal, a koireng, a mao, a mayang, a nepali........ A leader who understands
the character of this state, of this region, who can stand up and listen to deafening silence of angers of all ethnic cross
sections who are already on the brink due to negligence and ingnorance of the people in power. We need yet another OBAMA who
has the courage and vision to bring together hearts,who believe in collective existence of an entity called Manipur(?).
Saroj Konsam
Looking for Koireng Group
[ Wed, Nov 05, 2008 7:19 am ]
I am working in a NGO, basically involved in Language Research and its development. I just want to know whether there is a
people group called
Koireng in Mainpur. If yes, where they live and what language they speak? Would you please give me some more information about this people group? If you have any photographs of these people group, Kindly send me one?
Shinu PR - come2shinu(at)gmail(dot)com
Traffic News from Dubai
[ Tue, Nov 04, 2008 4:30 pm ]
Manipur is a beautiful state with beautiful Nature, Culture, Tradition and Religion. I still remember my High School (Serou practical) and College (Modern College) where I completed my school and college life, though I m a bit far but I really love and listen to news and songs of Meiteilon though Im a Nepali and I m not in Manipur and also not in Nepal - Im in a third country Dubai (UAE) since 2005 but I left Manipur on 2000 after my college. I tried to open web of Manipur but there were so many disturbance to log in but today I get a chance to express and one good news to e-pao that in Dubai the Dubai govt. has installed scanner in the road to scan the vehicles which will charge 4 dhirams per scan which is call "salik" - it is mainly to control traffic jam and it was started last 6 month.
A perfect Ningol Chakouba's gift!
[ Sun, Nov 02, 2008 2:23 pm ]
Manipur players have been consistently making its presence in international circuit. Thanks to our home grown players........ long list of names to be acknowleged....Despite of hardship they faced, they come up with flying colors where ever they go. Among these,
boxing is such game that manipuris are proud of to have produced star boxer like Mr. Dinko (Asian Games gold medalist) and many
other international players like three times world champion Mrs Mary kom. Once again after a long haitus , good news in coming
from Guadalajara, Mexico where a young 18 year old Thokchom Nanao has won country first gold medal in Youth Championships, formerly known as Junior world Boxing championships by a huge margin of 15-5. It is higly commendable performence and what a better gift manipuris can expect for "Ningol Chakouba" AND I urge every coutrymen to express their happiness.
Proposing a 120 feet 'kangla sha'
[ Sun, Nov 02, 2008 8:00 am ]
It gives me immense pleasure to come forward with the proposal for making 'the majestic kangla sha' standing 120 feet tall, majestic as ever. The perpect location for the proposed site is the present place where the IRB are staying. The structure should be in vincinity to the governor road so that public can appreciate it better. It will definetely be a costly affair. However, beyond contention if emerged successful, would attract millions of tourist worldwide and at the same time reflect the very richness of our heritage. Please, come forward for this noble cause so that the future generation can held thier head high.....
coney this to everyone whom you know...........
Dr. pame_jit - pame_jit(at)yahoo(dot)com
Miss all at home
[ Sat, Nov 01, 2008 1:51 pm ]
This is really good to have a site like this to Meet frenz from Imphal. I'm also from Imphal. Now far from home and so missing home. Life is beautiful out there and I really miss home. Wangkhei is my home town and Keirungbam kolube my den. I miss all of my herd! I miss the smell of the evening wind. Miss all!
Chand Sharma
Dont publish without checking
[ Fri, Oct 31, 2008 4:17 am ]
Please check all the articles before you publish it on the web. Most of the articles have very bad grammatical mistakes and lots of
Mother tongue influence. There are even spelling mistakes. You guys have a lot at stake here. Its the premier website of Manipur and you cannot afford to publish anything and everything without even checking. Please read and check all articles before you publish.
Ningol singgi numit
[ Thu, Oct 30, 2008 2:29 am ]
Ningol Chakoubana lakpasida meiteicha khudingda yaipha mangol pijari, numit asitabu harao tayamna ngaijarakpa ningol singna,
kayada harao tayamna oknariba numit asibu, pabung moupa, Mache machan amadi tatna thana yararoidaba Ima mapung gi nushi mari
henna mayek sengna numit asida ujaba phangjei. Areiba kayana henna khudol pot tamnajei adubu leitabasinggisu thammoi sengna
tamjaba khudolna hanthabadi natte, Mayamda ningsingjaningbadi numit ase emunggi nungshi marigi numitni Khudol potki numit
natte haina.... Matang asida yaipha paojel pinajabaga loinana ngaisigi oinadi kainanaba yathang nijari, Asoi angam kaya
yaorabasu pukchel chaoba khwai pumnamakna ngakpinaba haijari.
Gallery is boring
[ Fri, Oct 24, 2008 1:19 pm ]
I have a suggestion regarding E-pao gallery is concerned. I really dont understand why a single scence is shown several time with a slight change in size or direction. Many a time I have experienced that the same scence is presented and it make it so boring when the system was slow and E-pao gallery does not open fast. I would like to request to the team to filter the picture before it come in the web page. I feel it will look very presentable if all the picture are filtered before it actually appears on the web page. Please dont take it in wrong I really respect and I am a very regular checker of E-pao. What I feel that only I am sharing with you all because I am a Manipuri and wanted to share the beauty of Manipur to the whole World.
I wish you a very Happy Ningol Chakouba, one of the biggest festival of Manipur. This is the only Festival you can spend your time with your blood relation. Great day Ahead!!!
Looking for Rajesh Fonda
[ Fri, Oct 24, 2008 7:17 am ]
I am a classmate of Rock Star Rajesh Fonda (red skin) from Manipur which I read about him
here. Rajesh Fonda had studied with me in Kotagiri Public School, Ooty, Tamilnadu till plus two. Today he must have been 40 years old & use to play guitar, piano etc. He was fair , slim & tall. I have no cantact with him after we left school in 1986. And I am very curious to find out if he is the same Rajesh Fonda I am looking for.
sonramesh - sonramesh(at)yahoo(dot)com
happy Ningol Chaokaoba
[ Fri, Oct 24, 2008 7:17 am ]
I am a frequent user of your page and I am studying Computer Engineering in Tamil Nadu. With the help of this site I am able to
know importent information regarding our motherland Manipur as I am staying far away from Manipur. I appreciate your team for
doing such kind of important activity, may this work continue for lifetime ...........future And also I am wishing a very happy
Ningol Chaokaoba to all the the team of e-pao and to all the people of manipur... Thanks for giving this chance.
banty66 - Tamil Nadu
appropriate caption required in Gallery
[ Fri, Oct 24, 2008 1:14 am ]
It was nice to go through the photo gallery. However no caption has been given to any of the photographs of the shooting competition. It should be given appropriate caption like which event (range and type of weapon) is the photograph about. Also, gone through many of the photo gallery, there is little meaning if each of the photograph doesnt carry a relevent caption describing the persons and the activities in it, like who all are in the picture who is giving wat to whom for what etc.
Gojen Haobam
Rejecting of OBC candidates in CRPF Recruitment
[ Mon, Oct 20, 2008 12:23 pm ]
Manipuri OBC candidates for the post of ASI (Steno) & Head Constables in the CRPF recruitment recently been held on 15 Oct 2008
at Dayapur (Cachar, Assam) have been reportedly deprived of their candidature by the Recruiting Officer (RO) on the flimsy ground
that Manipuri is not included in the list of OBC published by the Government of India. Surprisingly the RO has miserably failed
to appreciate the fact that the word "Manipur" appearing in Swamy's Compilation on Reservations and Concessions by Muthuswamy &
Brinda at page 292 (Eighth Edition - 2005) denotes "Manipuri" as there is no caste called "Manipur" and that 'Manipuri' is the
caste cited in the above OBC list, which can evidently be an error in compilation/printing of the Government of India OBC list by
the Publishers. The deprived candidates are on the brink of agitation for the injustice meted out of them illegally by the RO CRPF.
The CRPF authorities may very well consult/confirm the matter of Central List of OBC's in the Government of India's website of
National Commission for Backward Classes, Trikoot 1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066.
Attention of the appropriate authorities of the CRPF would do well to intervene in the matter and ensure that no Candidature so
as to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Longjam Dorendra - Silchar