FOCS welcomes call for unification of CSOs
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, September 08 2023:
While welcoming the popular call of general public for uniting all the civil society organisations of Manipur and working together as one under one roof amidst the ongoing conflict, Federation of Civil Society Organisations (FOCS) Manipur has said that the organisation has no intention of taking credit by leading the ongoing people's movement to protect the land.
According to a statement of FOCS, the federation has been shouldering its responsibility to save the motherland with all its might and will continue to do so in future too.
However, the habit of criticising one another and pulling down one CSO by another at this crucial juncture must be put to an end and all CSOs must coordinate and fight the war together for success.
Apart from the CSOs, political leaders particularly ministers and MLAs must also work together at least for the present war while keeping aside their ideological differences.
If political leaders fail to shoulder their responsibility to save the land at this crucial juncture, people will surely teach them a befitting lesson, FOCS said, adding that people might even disallow political leaders to contest election if they fail to shoulder their bounden responsibility to save the land.
FOCS further said that time has reached for political leaders of Manipur to chalk out a political solution to end the Manipur India conflict and to save the land belonging to the state from being virtually dominated by the enemy.
When there is no land and unable to protect lives of the people, it would be impossible to realize dreams of recolutinaries to regain sovereign status of Manipur, FOCS said.
While supporting the thought of bringing unity among all the CSOs during a joint meet convened by the women's wing of Thawai Mirel on September 7 at Iboyaima Shumang Leela Shanglen, FOCS said thar the federation is always ready and fully prepared for converting the resolution of unifying all CSOs into action.
However, the federation did not take part in the joint meet called by Thawai Mirel nor supported the Public Curfew of TAKDAL.
Representative of federation did took part in the public meet organised by TAKDAL but did not endorse the Public Curfew in view of the present situation after getting feedbacks from different sections of people.
Accordingly, FOCS is unrelated with the Public Curfew in any manner.