Workshop on medicinal plant held
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, June 01 2015 :
The two day workshop on the theme "sustainable utilization of medicinal plants" has kick started on Monday at Multipurpose hall, Institute of Bio resources and sustainable development (IBSD) Takyel.
The workshop was jointly organised by Facilitation Centre on Medical Plants and IBSD and sponsored by National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH Government of India.
Principal Chief Conservator of Forest Government of Manipur Bala Prashad and IBSD Director Dinabandhu Sahoo attended as Chief Guest and President respectively while Principal Scientist, NEIST, CSIR Dr HB Singh and All Manipur Maiba Maibi Phurup (AMMMP) President Tombi Rai attended as Guests of Honour respectively in the inauguration function.
Addressing on the occasion Bala Prashad said that over 12,000 species of medicine plants have found in the State but still people did not get full resources from such plants.
He appealed to the people to produce end products instead of supplying raw materials to other factories.
We also need to preserve and promote unique medicine plants for which was more demanded in the market, he added.
While resource persons Dr Arvind Saklani Vice President-Agri Biotechnology, Sami Labs Limited Bangalore spoke on the theme "importance of sustainable utilization of medicinal & aromatic plants in Manipur and marketing opportunity"; MS Khaidem Project Co-ordinator, Manipur small farmers' Agri-business consortium Sanjenthong spoke on the theme "opportunity and present status of commercial cultivation of medicinal & aromatic plants in Manipur"; Dr R Sanga Director James Connection Trust, Churachanpur spoke on the theme "Commercial cultivation of lemon grass opportunities and challenges in Manipur and Dr HB Principal Scientist NEIST, CSIR Government of India spokes on the theme "Scientist cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in context of Manipur agro-climatic conditions" attended as resource persons respectively.