Call raised to safeguard rights and lives of indigenous people of Manipur
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, April 23 2024:
The Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur (CRAM) attended the ongoing 23rd Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held at the United Nations Headquarters, New York City, USA which started from April 15 and will continue till April 26, 2024 .
A press statement by CRAM president informed that Jiten Yumnam, CRAM secretary intervened under agenda item 5(a) on April 18, 2024 and drew the attention of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) on the persisting conflict situation in Manipur and stressed the urgent need to recognize the fundamental rights and protect the lives and security of indigenous people of Manipur.
He raised concerns that the prolonged enforcement of emergency legislations, viz, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 as part of India's militaristic responses to self-determination movement, has been associated with intense militarization and human rights violations, viz, extra judicial execution in Manipur.
In the aftermath of conflict between two major communities since 3rd May 2023, there are additional concerns of intensification of militarization in Manipur and related human rights violations.
Several women and youths, raising concerns with militarization and violations, are subjected to arbitrary detention, physical assaults etc, besides loss of lives.
Several thousands who were displaced by the conflict continue to languish with inadequate rehabilitation, resettlement and vital survival support.
Jiten urged upon the UNPFII to recommend the Government of India to take urgent steps to stop violence in Manipur, to promote indigenous peace and reconciliation among communities and to urgently rehabilitate and resettle all those displaced by the conflict in Manipur.
Further, he called upon the UNPFII to recommend the Government of India to protect the fundamental rights, lives and security of all indigenous people in Manipur and to stop all human rights violations on indigenous peoples, including criminalization of youths and women in Manipur and to ensure accountability for all security forces involved in violations.
CRAM urges the PFII to recommend for the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958, enforced in Manipur as recommended by UN human rights bodies and to stop militarization and rights violations.
And to politically resolve the armed conflict in Manipur with recognition of indigenous self- determination rights as per UN Declaration on Indigenous Peoples Rights and other international laws.
The Government of India should desist pursing unsustainable development processes, viz, oil exploration, mining, oil palm plantations, and large dams on the pretext of economic development, climate change mitigation etc, as these undermine meaningful sustainable development, adds fragility to the rich biodiversity and geology, promotes unaccountability of corporate bodies, besides fostering multilayered conflict.
The Government should stop converting indigenous peoples' land into conflict zones to serve its geopolitical interests, and should protect the lives and security of indigenous people of Manipur, added the press statement.