Gruesome violence and systematic massacre of innocent Kuki villagers was meticulously preplanned: KSO
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, September 16 2018:
With reference to media reports of the NSCN-IM statement post Kuki Black Day, the KNO issued a statement to bring forth few points to highlight that the Kuki Genocide planned and perpetrated by NSCN-IM between 1992 and 1997 cannot be classified as anything less than an ethnic holocaust, said the statement and added that the gruesome violence and systematic massacre of innocent Kuki villagers was meticulously preplanned with the expressed purpose of displacing Kukis from their villages which was a well-coordinated ethnic cleansing programme orchestrated by the NSCN-IM and the UNC, as is evident from the UNC resolution signed by RK Thekko and Francis Ngajokpa as Chairman and Secretary.
The statement maintained it is a well-known fact that UNC is the civil face of the NSCN-IM and the KNO therefore wonders how signatories to an ethnic cleansing resolution that led to a gruesome genocide are allowed to remain scot-free till today which is perhaps a proof of the inadequacy of the Indian justice system that people like Francis Ngajokpa and RK Thekko are not brought to trial but one of them has also been allowed to be a member of the State legislature.
They should both be tried for their crimes against humanity in the interest of justice.
Despite the unprovoked and purely greed inspired ethnic cleansing violence unleashed by the NSCN-IM under the guise and agency of Naga Lim Guard,, the Kuki Inpi, in the true spirit of peaceful coexistence and neighbourly harmony, had proposed to the UNC, and the KNO to NSCN-IM, a roadmap for settlement of all contentious issues including the issue of territory but both the UNC and NSCN-IM refused to come to the table, maintaining their absurd claims over territories owned and inhabited by Kukis within Kuki country, as defined clearly by Grierson, added the statement.
KNO maintained that Sahnit Ni has been observed based on the rich cultural norm of the Kukis, according to which the dead bodies of victims of violence are not buried until the issue/cases pertaining to their violent death are settled and therefore, Sahnit Ni will continue to be observed by Kuki people until the perpetrators of the gruesome massacre of innocent Kukis are either brought to book, or their case settled in accordance with Kuki customary law after they plead guilty.
In the statement, KNO said that the Kukis by no means claim defeat as stated by the NSCN-IM but on the contrary, NSCN-IM failed in their ethnic cleansing campaign and the complexion of the violence assumed that of a conflict after a year or so when the Kukis began to organize village defence forces to repel the unceasing assault, realising the State and Central Governments are either colluding with or allowing the ethnic pogrom.
The KNO stands for restoration of all Kuki territories forcibly grabbed by the NSCN-IM and shall continue to fight for justice to victims of NSCN-IM's inhuman violence unleashed on the unsuspecting Kuki people, the statement added.