What Are We For The Politicians ?

Boveio Poukai Duo *

Protest at Malviya Nagar Police Station, New Delhi on Mysterious death of Reingamphy Awungshi  :: June 01 2013
Protest at Malviya Nagar Police Station, New Delhi on Mysterious death of Reingamphy Awungshi in June 01 2013 :: Pix - Deepak Shijagurumayum

It is disheartening to see the discrimination faced by the NE people in the mainland India are mostly from Manipur. The reason for the problems faced can be attributed to many; to the Govt. of India for the failure to recognise us as an integral part of India, the racist and caste mentality of the Indian culture, and the Govt. of Manipur's total failure in governance whereby leading to massive unemployment and lack of security even in our own den.

Having said this, we the North easterners are also at fault many a times, not only to blame the Indians for their disoriented barbaric culture. The self-proclaimed cultured-Indian vehemently protest against RACISM in every form at every given opportunity before the world but they willingly failed to accept the fact that RACISM is at its peak in their very own country. The human in us is dying with every heartbeat in India.

For a reason unknown, even after 67 years of India's Independence the GoI could not find a proper space to inscribed some of the cherished culture and history of all the NE states in the school syllabus. Lately, they have a chapter in CBSE but it is never properly mentioned. The problem created in the mainland India are never the illiterates but mostly school dropout boys. Proper education of the Indian geography, culture and history from the lower section can make a huge difference. And if the people in power really failed to see the needs then the NE should be given the liberty to be ourselves like we were before the forceful occupation by the Nehru's sepoys. We cannot be kept in a zoo like situation. The colonialistic approach of the Indian babus should be rectified before the start of another people's movement from the east.

The treasured Indian culture itself taught the people to be racist even though it is not envisaged in any special book. The mentality of the people is such that fair skin people with a broad face and long nose are always superior then the dark skin people and of course the mongoloid stock. This mentality is deeply rooted in their blood since generations. In the recent times, the younger generations grew up convinced that we are nothing better than monkeys who lived in the jungles killing their patriotic Indian Armies. The media erstwhile owned by the Indian bureaucrats, now owned by the rich corporate are also responsible for portraying us in the wrong way. They should be sorry for the damages done and rectify themselves with correct news and journalistic ethics by bridging the gaps between the two misunderstood entities.

Let us seriously question ourselves as to why the people from the Manipur state always outnumber other NE states in the mainland India. Many politicians take the numbers as a pride as if they have outsourced their denizens not knowing the fact that the mass exodus of the youths are out of compulsion. Another types of internally displaced phenomena. This clearly depicts the sorry states of Manipur to the outsiders. With more numbers, come more problems and of course with some opportunities too, a package for the seekers of good­life­hungry innocent souls.

Many leaders boast of Manipur having maximum number of students in the metro cities, a misconception that all the single bachelors are students but the truth is that the students do not constitute even 25% of the total strength in almost all the cities. The working people outnumbered the students but the irony is that only few handfuls of them are having a decent job proud enough to call themselves as employed. Here I am not talking about the labour of dignity but the work condition of our people working tirelessly without any life certainty. It may be shock many parents who have not visited their siblings in the cities to know that 80% of the population from Manipur lives in slams like area, struggling oneself to be identified as a human before the uncultured Indian. And till this day, I have never heard of any politicians expressing their utmost concern to find a mechanism in bringing back the resourceful youths to make our state at par with other Indian state.

Now let us dig for a rough statistic of our people living in the mainland India. The NE people residing in the cities have the almost accurate census record. Almost all the community in the mainland India have get­together program atleast once in a year under various nomenclatures, and the connection between the organisations among the NE community are well established, therefore the population figure in almost all the cities are not too difficult to guess.

And taking the available record into consideration, the Naga Students Union are always the biggest student community among the NE students organisation followed by the Kuki­Chin­Mizo group (KSO, MZP, SSPP, HSA etc all club together), and then the other community follows. The Meiteis from the four valley district of Manipur are also having a good numbers but they in no way beat Senapati district, and interestingly Ukhrul & Churachandpur district have more people in the metros than Senapati (Sardar Hills excluded).

A classic example of my tribe ­ Poumai Naga. It may surprise many to learn that my tribe outnumbered the whole population of Tripura, Sikkim and Meghalaya states joint together in Delhi NCR. This is not an exaggerated figure but the truth. Of almost nearing 3000 population in Delhi, not even 25% are regular students. This is not an isolation case. I doubt the other community percentage will be even lower than my tribe. While our brothers from Nagaland, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh are mostly students and they return home right after earning their degree or else stay back in Delhi for competitive examinations. While our friends from Meghalaya and Assam are mostly professionals.

For us its either get a white collar job right after your degree certificate or else try surviving as long as you can bear the humiliation from the of the racist Hindustanis. With no political mileage I say that the Meiteis are always luckier than the tribal in this regard, for the working avenues are much more congenial in their SANALEIPAK. And a real Manipuri facing problems is very low comparing to the so called Manipuri by the Medias in mainland India, who are actually tribals not willing to be to be identified as a Manipuri.

Why do we cross Mao­Gate en­masse unlike people from other states? Is there anyone who wanted to live a life away from the people so dear? Are we truly contended with the living standards we get from other states? Do we really need to crawl across the border for a degree if quality education is imparted? What security do we have for our dear life in the hub of our state ­ Imphal? What are the programme and the policies for the future generation of the people who are politically, economically and socially marginalised? What are the policies to restore peace, peace with justice? For how long will this nepotism regime rule us? After when can we the common man walk in our own street with our head held high with a sense of pride and happiness? For how long will the government continue using mercenaries to bring division among the common man to satisfy some selfish end? So on and so forth... and the answers to be given by the politicians will be so vague that all the rational thinking human can vividly foresee.

Corruption is a common problem but the level of corruption is something which the outsiders will find it so hard to understand unless they themselves experienced it. So then, what have you (politicians) done to compensate all the ill-fated promising young man who lost their lives due to your unethical politics? How have you comforted the bereaved families who sometimes are the sole bread winners of the family? The moral responsibilities of a true politician do not simply ends within his constituency's immediate needs. Winning or losing in an election do not matter but a responsible politician should be morally obliged for the damage done before him by his predecessors, look into the welfare of the people during his tenure and the future of the humanity, that includes for the generation to come after him.

We the common people of Manipur are always left all alone like an orphan by the politicians who were actually elected to take care of us regardless of the people voting for them. As a student activist based in Delhi I came across hundreds of serious cases which needed immediate political intervention but not even once the Members of Parliament from Manipur neither visited us (the victims from Manipur) nor have ever shown their concern to people from other states too. I cannot really comprehend the reason for their stay in the capital city of India. Dear fellow friends who are not from Delhi, don't be dishearten by the absence of our MPs even when you need them the most for they cannot be there even for the people who are crying day in and day out just at their doorstep. I do not know what makes them run away from helping the needy when their counterparts from other states are always available 24x7 to assist the people from their region.

It was a shocking moment filled with gladness when I happen to see our MPs Mr. Thangso baite & Mr. Thokchom Meinya at the candlelight programme held at Jantar Mantar in memory of Late Akha Salouni, my friend who was mercilessly murdered by some savages in the capital city of Great India. Tried my best to get updated with the investigation and happenings from my hometown, nothing disappoint me more when few of my friends lamented that none of the MPs (2 Lok Sabha and 1 Rajya Sabha) all station at Delhi on the fateful day make an attempt to call the student leaders who are running around for the case neither shared their concerned to the families. I am told that phone call came pouring in from every nook and corners of NE India, especially from the politicians both Delhi & home, encouraging the student leaders to be brave in the fight for justice.

While some MPs even had the courtesy to visit the police station, but only two politicians from Manipur call up and extended their helping hand. Honestly for two days, deep down in my heart I was cursing all the politicians of our state for their cold­blooded intelligent in dealing with this kind of sensitive issue in the alien city. But sadly, a day after the candlelight programme I came to learnt that our MPs were only accompanying others when they should be the one leading while other follows. What more sorrowful can it be to see our representatives trailing behind other tails.

With no personal targets upon our elected grandfathers I say that I had the worst time in Delhi with them. Not even once they show up on time in solidarity for the issues we have raised several times. Not even once we were encouraged and accompanied in the any of the police cases. The worst part is that our Outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency representative is in no way even capable of helping the students in any way. We the tribals have various get together and festivals where at times we faced problems in getting the venues where in some cases the MPs could have easily bail us out with his simple letterhead but he always say 'Ei Khangde Ne'­ for which we are left with two option but to judge him; real simpleton or not willing to do on communal line.

Why cant our Manipur MPs be more humbled like the other MPs from other NE states who are much smarter yet readily available? Forgive me but I am compelled to compare some few things that changed the way we deal the Indians babus. Once during a dinner programme at ex­MP Sanjoy Takom's residence (the then MP from Arunachal Pradesh), we received a call saying that some of our boys from Manipur were beaten up by locals. Without thinking twice, leaving aside our tasty curry plates he led us straight to University of Delhi, North Campus from his official car and settled the issue therein, and we all dismissed ourselves happily at early dawn.

In another incident, one of the executive of NSUD was manhandled by a police officer, many politicians call up while some few visited showing their solidarity. The incident was well published in the Times of India and other print media but our MP, not even once dare to show their love and care. During the recent MIL issue in the University of Delhi, all the people from NE protested against the University decision to make Hindi a compulsory subject. Moral and Logistic support pours in from all the NE MPs but having learnt the silent stand of some of our NE representatives, the committee formed with students delegates from all the states of NE went mobilising for support.

The response was overwhelming but interestingly the reaction of one of our Manipur representative ­ 'what can we do (sigh) India is a big country and we are too small. If they really want to impose then let them do it, it will make us strong and united.' Since then he is known as a JOKER by friends. Our MPs are so timid to even speak other language besides Meiteilon. These are some few examples. Hope this reaches them.

Indian parliament has periodical drama on the safety of the NE people in the mainland India. Almost all the parliamentarian from NE roars like a lion at every given opportunity but the state with the most problem watch the scene nodding head confusingly from a corner with blinking eye. SHAME! The other NE state Chief Ministers always share their concern for their citizens staying outside but Chief Minister Zero Ibobi is just soundless.

O yes! For once he blurted out but later clarified that it was misquoted when the whole NE people protested against his immature statement. Manipur Bhavan and Manipur House in Delhi are popularly infamous for its hospitality. Infact, we are the only people in Delhi who are never welcome at their own Bhavan. Google how the NE states utilised their Bhavans in Delhi and you will be surprise to find out that ours is the worst in terms of maintenance and Public Relations, and the only Bhavan not accessible by the students' community.

The service rendered by an ex-MP (before Mr. Thangso Baite) during his tenure and even after his office to the NE community is highly commendable. He worked for the welfare looking beyond the communal lines like any other NE MPs in the cities. And Mr. Francis Ngajokpa is the only politician from home who has endured for the people of Manipur outside the state regardless of the party, constituency and community, and also for all the young Nagas beyond boundaries. He can deliver when needed and this is something which I can boldly testify.

Politicians with a human heart should have call up the people running pillar to pillar fighting for justice the moment they hear the news. All the people are equally important regardless of the places, tribes & religion. The biggest moral boaster for the student leaders can be a brief phone call from elected politicians showing their concern (regardless of his position or constituency).

Here I say student activist because the Students Union/Association are the parent body for almost all the organisation in the mainland. Waiting for the corpse at the Imphal airport with some few thousand rupees, standing near the deceased families do not make any meaning at all. Even the illiterate villagers can take care of the parcel at Imphal but cannot do much beyond the state boundary. To me, doing nothing at the right time for the right people and waiting at the airport with a token is just a show­off to make their presence felt.


If we are not going to be taken care with love, then who will be responsible for our safety? Where is our future? We cannot simply live just because we are born to live and to struggle. There is a limitation for all kinds of sufferings. A time may come when all the youths of Manipur staying outside return en­masse in fit of anger... then all the castles and empires you build today shall one day be a public property, forcibly.

And I foresee a civil war, a war between the few despotic rich and a sea of humanity who are explicitly poor. And in a civil war majority wins. IT IS TIME FOR THE POLITICIANS TO LISTEN TO THE PLEDGE OF THE PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF PARTY, CONSTITUENCY AND COMMUNITY!

* Boveio Poukai Duo wrote this article for Hueiyen Lanpao
This article was posted on August 05, 2014.

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