Meetei na Scheduled Tribe Oiraknabagi Lallongda Eikhoigi Wafam
- Part 2 -

1st May 2016

(3) Meeteina Scheduled Tribe ollabadi eereipakki ngamkhei kairaroi

(a) Meeteina Scheduled Tribe ollabadi eereipakki ngamkhei kairaroi haina paojenba eikhoina thengnare. Wafamdi, ching haiba asiga tribe haiba asiga sagonnei, aduna Scheduled Tribe ollabadi Meeteisu chingda khundaba yaragani haibani. Meeteina chingda khundarabadi Meetei amasung atei furupsinggi marakta henna naknaba londinnaba fanglagani. Amaromdana, Meetei su chingda khundarabanina, chinggi lam asi Nagalim natraga Zale'n-gam gi pandamdagi ngakthokpa ngamlagani.

Manipur gi lam machet ama faoba Nagalim natraga Zale'n-gam gidamak faktuna pukhiba yararoi. Henna totsinna ngamkheigi pallon thungaiduna hingminnarabadi, furupki muknabana eereipakki ngamkhei thugaiba ngamlaroi. Ngamkhei kaidrabadi apunba saktam kairaroi. Masigi wafam asi, Manipur gi ngamkheibu kaihanningda meeyoising, maru oina Meetei singgi marakta, henna wakhal kupthana khantharudrabadi, hek nakongna taba achumba wafam oiraboi ningduna yamnamak sougatchaningba wafamni.

(b) Makhoina chelliba paojel asi kupthana yengba mathou tai. Wafam khara panba taragadi:

(i) Chinggi district singda leiriba tribal singgi mapung oina lampu-lichat (land ownership structure) khangdana Meeteina Schedule Tribe ollaga chingda hekna huptuna khundarugani haibasi achumba wakhal oiroi. Chinggi district singda khundariba tribal singgi oina lannai (family), kanglupki (church, organisation) amasung khun-gi (village) lampu-lichat leijari. Lannaigi oina mafam kharada patta paiba paidaba natraga khun ningthouna suppai paiba (mapung oina Kuki-Chin-Mizo singgi marakta) haibasina tonganba wafamni.

Adumakpu chinggi district ki lamsing asi lamhang oide; loinamak nakna naknaba khun-gi vap ki ngamkhei manungda chusannaduna leikhrabani. Karamba minou amana (tribe oigera natraga meetei oigera natraga mayang oigera) mafam amada khundaruba haibasi mari leinaba khun aduga yanabagi makha polli. Yabu yanarabadi chinggi district ki mafam amada chahi yangkheigi lousal thiduna Meeteina farm toubasu yaoribani.

Yanadrabadi khutkan pangganbana asonbabu tuhattuna khun kaya tankhaiduna khun muthatpagi thoudok kayasu leikhre. Amaromda hairaga, capitalism gi kuyom asida yelhoungeigi tribalism lemkhak lonchat (remnants of tribalism) hwjiksu leiri. Asigumba fivam asida Meeteina Schedule Tribe onduna, wayel pathapki panggal sijinnaduna, chingda Meeteina chollup chollup taha taha khundarugani haibasi furupki eerang thok-hanba oina thokkani.

(ii) Eereipakki tampaklam (Manipur Valley) Meetei khakkini haiba yade. Tampaklam asida tribal kaya khundari. Chinggi districtsing asida Tribes sing khakki oina oobasu lan-gani. Maramdi chinggi lamsingda Meetei masing yamdrabasu khundari. Chinggi districtsing da leiriba ching khudingmak tribal singgi oide. Ching kharadi Meetei gi puwari amasung laining laison-ga tatna thanaba yadana leiri. Masi tribal singnasu masak khangna eekai khumnari. Amaromda, Chinggi district singgi ki chaoraba mafam kaya India gi lanmeena lousinbikhre. Chaoraba mafam kaya leingakna dam saduna lousinkhre.

Chaoraba mafam kaya mapan lamgee company singna mining amasung oil drilling gi lousinbikhre. Asikhak nattana masak naiba keithel pumba mayangsingna paisinkhre; Meetei kayasu mafamsing aduda lallon eetik touri. Railways lakpada lousinkhriba lam asi yamlabani. Nouna semgatlakkadouriva Trans-Asian Highway asina lousi-ngadouriba lam asi wakhak chaogani. Adugi mathakta, matamgi khonglei matung inna semgatkhiba amasung semgatlakkadouriba apunbagi oiba institutions, hospitals, public buildings, complexes asinachingba kayanasu lam yamna konkhrabani / kon-gadouribani.

Makhoigini haina haina vap ta adumak taoduna leiraga; makhoigi suppai oidraba lam asi adukki matik pak chaokhrabani. Makhoina mulhouba ngamhoudana thikadar leingakki project-singna na lousinbikhiduna eereicha apunbagi oina mangjahouba kayasu leiribani. Aduna chinggi district sing asi tribal khakki oina ooriba amasung oohannaba hotnaribasi araanba wafam amani.

(c) Amaromda yengsi. Furup mayamna khundaminnaba leibak amada, furup khudingmakki thoudang loudrabadi, furup amakhakna leibak adugi ngamkhei kanba ngamloi. Amaromda, furup mayamna totna tinnana khundaminnariba leibak aduda, furupki mingda lallonba lup ama anina apunbagi ngamkhei adubu hektamak thugaibasu ngamloi. Amaromda, furup mayamna khundaminnariba leibak aduda, apunbagi saktam sagatpagi mingda furupki ngakchao thekpa lallong paikhatlabadi; adugumba natei chadaba meeyoi / lup adugi thouong aduna furupsinggi marakta oongkhatnahanba meinam chubani. Makhoigi thouong aduna furupsing adubu chaokhat-lichatki tangkakta pukhatpa ngamloi. Manipur gi fivam asida Meetei na Schedule Tribe ollaga, maduna furupsinggi marakta nungsi channanabagi langdainafam ama oihanba ngamloi.

(d) Wachumlon-gi wahanthok yenglurabadi; Naga singna natraga Kuki singna makhoi makhoigi tonganba saktam sagatchabada kanansu yetluba chumloi. Makhoina India gi fibannungda lengdana leigera leiroira haibasi makhoina loujagadaba firepni. Manipur da tinduna leige leiroi maningni. Makhoi khudingna tongan tonganna hingkhragani haina chap yungna firep louduna amata oina lepkhrabadi, furupki oiba eemu naimu tanabadi yai, adubu, makhoibu atoppa furupna thingluba ngamloi. Adubu masi oithoktriba karigino? Masi oithoktribasi Meetei na thingba khakki oigadouribara? Furupsing asigi khundarol asi mafam kayada furupsing totsinnana khundaminnakhibana, furupki ngamkheiga talliba lamgi ngamkheiga chunnadabasu leibara? Masi maram kharani. Asi nattaba maramsingsu leiri.

(e) Maram amasu khngminnaba tai. Madudi, furupki maikhum kupliba lupsingna, mapanthongda Nagalim, Zalen'gam, Zogam khollao fajahallabasu, manungda sum chaba maramna, khollaosing asigi yumbi mapanggal nopna leiri. Lup sing asi afaba khutlai pairbasu maral mathum yamna leirabasu yaol gi poram mayek sengde. Luchingbasinggi punsirol amasung lallongda yaolloigi gun watli. Onna teinabada, paikhatpa thouongsinda furuppu lallonbiba oina thokli. Makhoina makhoigi furupsingbu senjao-lallonlichatki (capitalism) militarisation amasung project singda ngakpi senbide. Onna teinabada loutunaba yaosinduna mareicha singdagi sagoon touee. Wafam asi gi mayokta chin kangningbasingbu makhoina namthei.

Makhoigi thoubunai singgi marakta anem-awang, laira-eenakkhunbagi khallon yamna chaona lei. Masina lup ki manungda muknaba yamna chaona lei. Amaromda makhoi makhoigi furupsinggi maraktasu power munnabagi amasung sendong munnabagi muknaba kaya leiri. Masi makhoina kok-hanba ngamde. Maramdi, makhoina senmit-leingaklon-gi asoibabu chumthoknaba hotnade. Masina maram oiraga, furupki khakki khanba akhuba wakhallon lainana mareichasing wakhalda laichuhankhibadagi Naga-Kuki muknei, Naga furup masel muknei, Kuki-Chin-Mizo furup masel muknei. Muknaba asina eemu naimu taba kayasu thokli.

(e) Maram amasu khangminnaba tai. Madudi, furupki maikhum kuppa lupsing asina furup lallonba asibu pamdaba furupcha kaya leiri. Lupsing asigi farangjai luplon (organisational constraints) kaya asida thajaba ngamlaktaba furupcha masing hen-gatlakli. Apunba panngal sagattuna senjao-leingaklon (capitalism) gi safu asi punna thengnadrabadi chaokhatlaroi khanba ngamba furupcha kaya thorakli. Makhoi sing asi leibana; Meetei, Naga, Kuki-Chin-Mizo singgi maraktagi thorakpa, apun-fambak (common platform) sagatnaba hotnabada achouba panggal oiri.

Adubu masida aruba wafam amadi leiri. Apun-fambakki panggal sagatpa haiba asi leiteng chejai khollao khaktana yaroi. Masigidamak; achumbabu ootpa ngamba, eereicha singna thengnariba pukchakki / senthokki awababasingbu kok-han-gadaba sinmitlon thourang paikhatpa ngamba, yaolgi mangal yaolgi poram mayek sengna ootpa ngamba meeyamgi lup (democratic force) mathou tari. Adugumba meeyam lup adu khaktana apun-fambak adugi maikei taktuna furupsinggi marakta leiriba chamamnabasing asi kok-hanba ngamgani. Adugumba meeyam lup adugi wakhallondi ningtamba mannaba khunnaigi wakhallon oigani. Wahangdi; adugumba meeyam lup adu Meeteibu Schedule Tribe on-gadabani hairiba thouburel sing aduna semba lup asi oigadouribara?

(4) Meeteina Scheduled Tribe ollabadi Meetei chaokhatlagani

(a) Meeteina Scheduled Tribe ollabadi Meetei chaokhatlagani haiba paojel amasu fongna / lotna chelli haiba eikhoina ooba fangle. Matou karamna chaokhatkadabo haibagi maram asumna piri: (i) Meeteina Scheduled Tribe ki quotada sarkargi thabak komna fangnaragani; (ii) Scheduled Tribe ollabadi income tax hntharagani / piraroi; (iii) Scheduled Tribe ollabadi Tribal Development kidamak halengba leitana kaitharakpa fund khudingmak Meeteigisu chakthung fanglagani.

Amaromda, Scheduled Tribe ondrabadi mangjariba asi karino haiba wafam asida makhoina asumna hairi: (i) Scheduled Tribe ondrabadi Meeteising asi Indian Administrative Servie, Indian Police Service nachingba awangba thakki famthol fangba waragani; (ii) Asigumba achouba famtholsing asi Tribalsingna loina suppai paisinkhrabadi Meeteibu namtharagani. Manipur gi arol athup loina khangdoktuna leibak asi machet tahankhragani; (iii) Meeteigi saktam asi chang yamna takhragani. Wafamdi; mathakki wafamsing asi sijinnaduna makhoina Meetei marakta meechang khomnaba hotnari.

(b) Makhoigi wafamsing asida eikhoina kupna yengsinba tangai fadaba kaya leiri:

(i) Meeteina Scheduled Tribe ollabadi reservation / quota gi khudongchaba fangduna sarkargi thabak komna fanglagani hairibasi karino? Masina fongdoklibasi, matam khudingda Meetei na tribalsinggi marakta meethoi meehenbata oiduna leiragani haibagi thoichat (superiority complex) wafamla? Atoppa tribal sing asidi Meetei ga lamba paaba wagani, aduna Meetei na khudongchaba asi suppai pairagani hairibara? Masina nunggi wakhallon oirabadi Meetei singda furupki ngakchao thekpa eenot piba oina thokloidara?

Amaromda yengluragana, Schedule Tribe ki reserved quota da hendokna khourangliba asi Meetei asi Other Backward Classes amasung General Category da leiriba furupsingga lamba tounabada ngamsillaktabagi khudamla? Meeyoibagi thouna amasung hotnabagi mating adu fudok-hanbagi eenot pibagi mahut, sonthahanduna 'atoppa' thak amada kumthahan-laga, hannadagi tonna leire hairibasing adudagi khudongchaba munbagi wafamla? Masina karamba tonchat (inferiority complex) amano?

Nakal amaromda yenglabasu, Scheduled Tribe ki reservation quota gi khudongchaba fangdouriba asidi meeyoi khujok macha ama khaktani. Houjikti leingak loishanggi thoumee masing downsizing touba halengdabana, apunba misingga chunnana sarkar na thabak kouba haibasi oithoktraba wafamni. Tallak asida lousingkon loisangsing (maheiloisang or educational institution) amasung lousinggi pambei makheisu mamal tangba ayonpot (commoidity) oirakpana lairabasingdi sarkargi saknaiba thabakkidamak matik chana mahei tamba ngamnadrabani. Makhoina awangba famthol thabbakkidamak lamjel yaoba oithoktre. Senja thumja anchan meeraina haraba khunnaida lairabasingna Scheduled Tribe reservation / quota asidagi kannaningai oiba karisu leite.

Dr. Malem Ningthouja
Campaign for Peace & Democracy (Manipur)

To be continued ...

* This Press Relese was sent to by Campaign for Peace & Democracy (Manipur) who can be contacted at mningthouja(AT)yahoo(DOT)com
This Press Release was posted on May 04 2016

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