The Meetei People and the Meetei Race of Kangleipak

Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *

The Meetei of Kangleipak is a very ancient race of the world, probably, the leader of the world in philosophy in investigations of the universe when no people of the world attended to the subject in ancient times. Kangleipak was the Sun of the East. The writer has seen the world for about 8 decades, about 6 decades consciously, subtracting about 20 years as childhood. He has seen in creation theory, in the Idea of the Universal God, in traditions like the scapegoat tradition etc; the investigations are so thorough and the findings so clear that we feel that the Meeteis were the leaders of the world in the subjects.

Creation of Man:

"And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness..............." -Genesis 1:26-27 (Matthew).

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostril the breath of life; and man became a living soul." - Genesis 2:7 (Matthew).

The God completes His creation of man in his Image in six days. In a difference, the theory of creation of man by the God, universal Father completes His creation of man in seven (7) days for the Meeteis. This is clearly stated in the scripture of the Meetei Race.

The Idea of God:

"The account in chapter two of Genesis says that God walks and eats; and having made the garden to enjoy, he strolls in it when he wants to enjoy its cool breezes." Page 273 Biblical History (Judaism).

"Ultimately, the god of the Jews would come to be proclaimed 'the one true God'. We see two traditions in the Torah. In one (possibly older) tradition, Yahweh is embodied and appears directly to human beings. In another (possibly later) tradition, Yahweh exists as a spirit, existing apart from human beings."-Page 278 Biblical History (Judaism).

"But these changes would all occur after the time of Moses. In the book of Exodus, Yahweh, the god of the Hebrews, simply needs to show himself to be more powerful than any of the gods" - Page 278 Biblical History (Judaism).

The Hebrew Bible

Under this heading "the individual books were originally oral material that was subsequently written down in some form perhaps as early as 900 BCE, although the final form was not achieved until about 200 BCE." Page 269 Hebrew Bible (Judaism). This is the cursory investigation findings of the humble writer in the western philosophy, Bible and religion. One astonishing fact is that the word 'Naomi' is found in the Bible. The word 'Naomi' is 100% Kanglei Meetei word and concept, both the syllables in the word 'Naomi' = Nao + mi are Kanglei Meetei words and concepts.

In the present European society, there are too many 'Naomi', for example, Naomi Watts, Naomi Van, Naomi Cambell etc. The Hindu of India cannot claim better than the Europeans. The 'Indo-European' Hindus say every clearly that they came to Indian sub-continent between 2000-1000 BCE. In the contrast, the Meetei race has following written documents:

Creation of Man

Traditionally, Sanamahi Lainingthou creates Man. When Salailel Sitapa asked Sanamahi Lainingthou to create man, He created 'Namu-Mitam-Nga (present Nga-mu, a black fish). This 'Namu-Mitam-Nga was the first living being (a living being in the water created in the Aim of creating a Man). Salailel Sitapa did not agree that Namu-Mtam Nga was a man. Sanamahi Lainingthou created many living beings, one by one, all of which Salailel Sitapa rejected to be man.

Lastly Sanamahi Lainingthou created a 'Yong' (a general name given to all monkeys) but Salailel Sitapa rejected the 'Yong' to be a Man. Then Sanamahi Lainingthou surrendered to Salailel Sitapa that he could not create Man. Then Salailel Sitapa, the Godfather advised His Elder son, Sanamahi Lainingthou to create Man taking His Image (Image of Salailel Sitapa) as prototype of a Man.

Then Sanamahi Lainingthou created Man as advised. The Human beings (Homo Sapiens) are created by Sanamahi Lainingthou. You will find these things in the Meetei Puya, the scripture. Sanamahi Lainingthou took seven(7) days to create Man from Langmaiching to Thangcha (from Sunday to Saturday).

For the ancient Meetei race, this creation theory gives the Ideas of Evolution theory, separate creation theory of man (Homo Sapien), Ngamu usin theory (scapegoat theory of the western world). This Ngamu usin (scapegoat tradition), the Kanglei Meetei peoples perform upto this day in many ways.

In the beginning of the new year, every family member has a Ngamu Usin for the coming year; on the day of marriage every couple has the Usin of two Ngamus, one for the bridegroom, one for the bride for their lives; for the country, the King has the Usin representing the the peoples of the country for the coming year.

This Kanglei creation theory with other co-related theories are so clear and thorough that any body who digests the traditional oral history and the scriptural written Evidences, you may feel, your ancient Kanglei ancestors are the Sun and Stars of the East.

In the Puya "Mita Saion Toutuna Pokpa Sipa Meena, Meetei Haina Koukhale" is written very clearly. Translation " "The earthly man who is born and die incarnating as the Image of God has been called a Meetei". The word "Meitei" is a degrading word and concept for the Meetei race, it is a fabricated word and concept during the Hindu Rule since 2nd half of the 18th century to destroy the high philosophical word and concept of the Meetei race.

The Idea of the Ultimate God:

The ancient people of Kangleipak has no concept of "jagat mithya". The Kanglei Puya, the scripture starts like this : "Tingpalpaki Mapu Ipung Loinapa Apakpana Talang Malang Oina Leilingeita, Tingpalpa Amki Ma-ong-pu Leptalingei;......" (Translation : While the Universal Lord Ipung Loinapa Apakpa was in a primordial state having no definite shape and form; ......."

Ipung Loinapa Apakpa = Ipung = whole of the universal blood (of universal lives); Loinapa = Associated with, Apakpa = clinging together all along. The concept is that the Universal Lord is the source of every living being, He is the WHOLE of the Universal lives, everything is clinging to Him all along.

The Kanglei philosophy has no symbol of zero like this 0, which is a hollow symbol. In place of zero (Sunya Indian), we have a symbol called 'Phun' ( a round solid, full of content, not a hollow one). In later history of the Kanglei language, mathematical symbolisation, we find zero symbol of present time (0). We do not know how it was changed from . to 0, because of the whole burning of all written documents including all puyas during the reign of the first Hindu King, Garivaniwaz Pamheipa. These are the shortest introductions to the Idea of God and philosophy of the ancient Kangleipak.

Please find 'K11-15 under first Col. layer, Potshard under Col. Archaeo-Sediments, 19.3±2.1 under Col. OSL/TL date (in ka) in the above xerox. This was the finding of the National Conference on Luminescence and its Applications (NCLA-2009) in February 19-21 2009 sponsored by (1) Lumisnescence Society of India, (2) Indian Association for the cultivation of Science, (3) Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute.

The first human beings treaded on the Imphal Kangla Soil are the Lai peoples who are the forefathers of the present Meetei race. The Puya, the scripture of the Meetei race says "Kangpa Halle Haituna Kangla Thenpung Haina Koukhale" (Translation : (As the present Kangla was) first dried up, it was called Kangla Thenpung. The name of the present Kangla 'Kangla Thenpung' was given by the Lai peoples, who were the ancestors of the present Meetei race, coming down from the Koubru Mountain ranges of Kangleipak. Further, the Puya says these Lai peoples constructed dwelling houses and Temples.

From the finds and findings shown in the above OSL/TL dating, we know first Imphal Kangla human habitation is as old as about 20,000 years B.P. Those Lai peoples who first treaded the present Imphal Kangla are civilised peoples who used fires etc. The" oldest pottery" found in China Please find below the xerox regarding the 'Oldest Pottery' and please examine along with the xerox above about Imphal Kangla critically:

In the light of these two findings in present Imphal Kangla in Kangleipak and at Yuchanyan in China above, can we have strong beliefs in the archaeological and historical finds and findings of the Government of Manipur and private Hands related with the Government. Regarding W. Yumjao, please see the following extract about Yumjao's work from the ARCHAEOLOGY OF MANIPUR by the Government of Manipur:

"Archaeological investigation and excavation began in Manipur as early as 1935 by late W. Yumjao Singh, the first and foremost archaeologist of Manipur. He conducted excavations at Kameng, Sangaithen and collected intiquities including old manuscripts, copperplates and ancient coins. A report on these archaeological finds was published in the year 1935. It is mentioned in the report that the various artifacts collected by him were despatched for examination by expert to the Indian Museum at Calcutta. However, the report of the examination has never published and the nature of the articles is still unknown" - Introduction of ARCHAEOLOGY OF MANIPUR.

This is the status of Mr. Yumjao's work. The report might not be published because the report was not favourable to the then Government of Manipur, or the experts of the Indian Musuem at Calcutta did not give attention to the Artifacts despatched by Mr. W. Yumjao, thinking useless and unnecessary to give attention to the Artifacts.

Exploration of Tharon Cave, Tamenglong District

In the exploration of Tharon Cave, which is known as Kalemki (Bath-House), many things like Protohand axe, handaxe, cleaver, scraper, pointed edge-ground pebble tools were discovered. Typologically these artifacts are Hoabinhian culture, the Government report says. Exact dates and scientific dating are not reported.

Exploration of Nongpok Keithelmanbi, Senapati District

Almost the same things as found in the Tharon Caves, in Nongpok Keithelmanbi also are found. The report of the Government says that the artifacts are typologically Hoabinhian, and further the report says "may be dated" to 5000-6000 years BP, that is, about 3000-4000 years BC. Technically speaking, the report's "may be dated" in this context of dating antiquities, artifacts, fossils etc. are funny terms and expressions. Anybody who has some knowledge of archaeology, anthropology, Paleontology will laugh, at least secretly.

From this report we know that the finds of the Tharon Exploration also are "may be dated" artifacts to 3000-4000 years BC. Most probably, everybody who read the Government report would like to know who gave the dating of the Artifacts. One positive thinking to us, in the light of the finding of present Imphal Kangla 'Potshard' dated 19,300 ± 2100 years by OSL/TL dating, is that the artifacts discovered at Tharon Cave and Nongpok Keithelmanbi may be of above 18,000 years BCE at least.

In such circumstances, can we belief the finds and findings of explorations, excavations etc of the Government of Manipur?

Whether Koubru mountain is a part of the great Himalayan mountain ranges?
A cuttle fish fossil was found in 1952-53 at Kangpokpi (?)
In what exploration, excavation, who found it, and where is the technical report, dating of the fossil etc ?

These things are all of scientific nature. We cannot say off hand everywhere easily? Everybody knows that the great Himalayan mountain is increasing its height by some centimeters every year as a new folded mountain.

Does Koubru mountain ranges of Kangleipak share it as a branch of the Himalayan mountain ranges? Whether anybody know the differences of the rocks of Koubru mountain and Himalayan Mountain by separate technical scientific examinations? Most probably the geological survey of India knew the rocks of the Koubru mountain are older than those of the Himalayan mountain.

These simple questions are to be first answered before we conclude the Koubru mountain is a branch of the Himalayan mountain. To propagate Kangleicha Meeteis are descendants of Kiratas is a hollow propaganda stunt
Purve kirata yasya syuh, pascime yavanah sthitah,
Brahmanah ksatriya-vaisya madhye sudras ca bhagasah.

This is a verse quoted by Suniti Kr. Chatterji from Visnu-Purana in his book KIRATAJANA-KRTI at page 34. Kirata are 'flattened noses, very savage' peoples, etc. Suniti Kr. Chatterji says in his book, 'Kirata' are found abundantly in the Mahabharata sloks also. From this knowledge about Kiratas in Visnu-Purana etc., we know very definitely the word 'Kirata' is a word of Sanskrit origin and to say Kangleicha Meeteis and other indigenous peoples of Kangleipak are descendants of or otherwise related to Kiratas is also "an utterly rubbish poppycock".

Please try to know more about the Puyas of the Meetei Race and the Meeteis of Kangleipak.

* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen is a frequent contributor to . The writer can be contacted at gcomcc(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was posted on May 27, 2011.

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