maleM/lEseM_loNgi mrMd saN_sn krM_n yeHlM_bge habgi wafM Kr sat_r nharoLsiHn KqjiNb kaN_nbsiH

Kakchingtabam Gunachandra Sharma *

on Evolution
on Evolution
on Evolution
The condition of NH 39 between Maram bazar and Maram centre :: Pix - Hueiyen Lanpao

mTQ_t pirib figrsiHsi mimaNb AePsiH Amdi Zsi faUbgi migi mkoQ_ni (figr 1-13)

1. saN_s poQ_tiZEgi mmaHd lErM_b miAoIsiHn teHpaNbd yeHb miYyeHg saN_s poQ_lb mtuHd yeHb miYyeHg KeYnre|
2. Zsigi miAoIsiHn maleMgi mTQ_t lErQ_lib Asi Zsidgi caUraQ_n chi laK 25 roMgi mmaHdgi AoIrM_le haIb ZsifaUbgi TaQ_t lErib saN_s Asin haIri|
3. “1470 Man” haIn Kqnrb miAoIbgi sru-syaH Kr noHpoQ Af_rikad fqKib Adun saKi AoIn TM_li, haIrib srusiH Asi caUraQ_n chi laK 25 roM sure haIri|
4. Zsigi sN_s Asidi caUraQ_n chi 500 roMtmQ_t ZaIri, 15 sub stabdgi AduwaId poQ_lQKib nikolas koprniks (1473-1543) gi mtM AduwaIdgi Zsigi saN_s Asi hOre haInri, mhaQsi poleN haIrib lEbaQ_tud poQKi|
5. varYtsu ArjavaYt haInrib varYki saN_tis Asisu mtM AduwaId poQKi haIn Tajnri|
6. AEKoIn teHpaNd yeHlibmiYyeHsi krM_b poYsQ_t yeHlibno? teHpaNg mri lEnb wahqsiHgi mrMd KjiQ_tq yelbd:-
* Ta-TwaNmicaQsiHsi kri, krM_n lErQK_ribno?
* AEKoIgi maleMsi krM_n AoIrQKibno, kyaM kuIre?
* maleMgi mTQ_t AhiHb poYsiH Asi krM_n lErQKibno, mKoIsi kyaM kuIre?
* miAoIb haIb Asi krM_n maleMgi mTQ_t lErQKibno, kyaM kuIre, sa-ZasiHg KeYnribsi kridno?
* mmaHZEd lErM_b miAoIb KuNnaIg Zsigi KuNnaIg KeYnribsi krino?
* miAoIb KuNnaI krM_n msQ taQ_kni? AsinciHb msiH TiHMd_rb wahH kya leP_p naIdn hqli, mtMgi KoHcY caUKYlQpgi mtuHINn wahH myaM Amsu TorQKigni|

7. wahqsiH Asigi paUKuM maNndb TiAori Anin pinnb hoYnri AhaNbgi Asibun AEKoIn puM_nmQp Asi teHpaN mpun seM_bni (k_riyesN TiAori) haIbni Adug Anisubgisin puM_nmQp Asi tP_n tP_n hoHlQpdgi AoIrQpni (IvolusN TiAori) haIb TiAori Asini, Adubu AnimQsid Tajb miAoIdi lEri, AhaNbgi TiAorisi vabn sabd yuMfM AoIb (AIdelijM) ni Adug Anisubgisin saN_s ta yuMfM AoIb TiAorini, TiAori AnimQ_n magi magi AoIb paUKuM pinb hoYnE, wahq Amtq lOKYlg yeHsi, AEKoIgi maleMsi krM_n AoIrQpno? kyaM kuIre? msigi mTQ_t miAoIbsi krM_n lErQKibno, kyaM kuIre?

8. wahHsigi paUKuM d k_riyesN TiAorigi mtuH IN_n piribdi teHpaN/ maleMsi teHpaN mpun seM_bni, msigi mTQ_t AhiHb AmsuH hiHdb Amdi miAoIbsu teHpaN mpun seM_bib ZaQ_tni| paUKuMsi saN_s poQ_tiZEddi loInmQ_n TajnE, msigi maIyoQ_t lEb midi yaM_n lEb nYte|

9. Zsidi IvolusN TiAori TorQpdgidi wahq Asigi paUKuM saN_s t yuM_fM AoIb IvolusN TiAori Asigdi Tin maN_nd_re, TiAorisigi mtuH IN_ndi maleM sOrjgYsi nebula haIb UfuL waIfuL AmsuH lEciL-noHfaIgi mpE Am AoIn lErM_bdgi AoIrQKi Adug loInn numiYki AkoIbd lErib g_rh Tancihb Asi AoIrQKi haIbni, maleMsi heQ poQpdgi Zsi faUbsi caUraQ_n chi koti 470 roMgi mmaHdni haIri mtMdud maleMsigi Asabsi seLsiyes dig_ri 4000 roM_ni, mtMsiddi maleMd AhiHb jib paNb lEbgi AoIToQp lEb nYte, Adugisu mTQ_t numiYtgi kaPTorQp rediyesN haIbdi Alt_ra vaIAoleY rediyesN haIrib re Asibu ZaQToQ_nb maleMsibu yoMsiL_lg TM_lib kuyoM Aojonosfiyar haIbsisu lErMdbn AhiHb jib hiHb yabgi AoIToQp lEb nYte, Adubu maleMgi Asabsi tP_n-tP_n IqTrQpn maleMd IsiH lEb hOrQKi, msigi mmaHd IsiHgi mniL puM_b maleMgi mTQ_t kuyoM AoIn kuPsiN_dun lErM_bdgi chi lisiH 60 roM lePtn cuKibn mrM AoIdun Zsigi paY-tureL AmsuH smud_r seMKi|

10. saN_tissiHn Aojonosfiyar gi kuyoM yaUdn jib paNb hiHb ZM_bgi AoIToQp lEtbn mrM AoIdun maleMgi mTQ_t kuPlib Aojonosfiyar gi kuyoMsi krM_n seMKibno haIbsi hqdun laQKi, AhaNbd maleMgi kuyoMd lErib nuHsiYt AoQsijeN yaUrMde, AhaNbd smud_rgi IsiH mnuHd manadb mhiQ Ani lEb hOrQKi Amn AeLgi kOI, msid k_lorofiL haIb Asqb poY Adu yaUI, jaIrib mhiQ Asin Zsigi maleMd lErib IsiH mnuHd Amdi kqfaLd lEb U-wa, napi-siHbi puM_nmQ AoIrQKi, Anisub mhiQsin beQ_triya kOI msin maleMd lerib sa-Za puM_nmQ AoIrQKibni, haIrib AoQsijeN Asi smud_rgi IsiH mnuHd lErM_b k_lorofiL yaUb piQK_rb mhiQ Amn nuHsagi mZaLg loInn foto siN_tesis haIb kemikeL riyeQsN Asi cYTrb mtuHd AoQsijeN Asi puTorQ_tun nuHsiYt TadorQKi AmsuH Aojonosfiyar seMKi, AojoN haIbsi AoQsijeNdgi AoLlQpni|

11. mtaHsid saN_tissiHn AhiHb jib paNb haIbsi krM_b poYno haIb TirQpd haN_n pirMlib TwaI yaUb poYsiH Adu jib paNbni haIb wafMdu saN_tissiHn TwaI krino haIn msQ taQp ZMdbn TwaIgi wafM yab ZMKid_re Adubu saN_tissiHn AhiHb jibgi msQ AsuM_n pire mdudi:- 1) mca poQp ZMgdbni, 2) heriditeri AmsuH AedaP_tebiliti haIbsi yaUgdbni, 3) poQp, mpuH mrE fagYlQp AmsuH sigdbni|

12. heriditeri haIbdi mcan mma-mpag manabgi TOraH Am mcagi hQcaHd yaUri, KudM AoIn:- mina mi maNn poQ_kni, huIn huI maN_n poQ_kni, seN_draHn seN_draH maN_n poQ_kni|

13. AedaP_tebiliti haIbdi, AhiHb jib KudiHmQ mana mana lErurib mfM Adugi fivMd hiHb ZM_nb msa Adud mguN Am yaUjri, AsuM_N tP_n-tP_n seMdorQ_tun msagi haN_n lErM_b mguN faUb hoHlQpgi TbQ faUb cYTE, KudM AoIn kasmirgi seMg mnipurgi hEtuPk KeYnn Uribsini|

14. soQ 1590 d kM_paUN_d maIk_roskoP puToQ_le, msi puTorQ_lb mtuHdgidi soQ 1838 d AeM je sclEdeN n Adug soQ 1839 d ti scraN n jib paNb KudiHmQ_t yaUrib seL haIbsi Kqb ZM_le, Adugi mTqd, seL Asi seM_bd kri kri poYcq cqI haIb Adu Kqle, mKoI Adudi 1) p_rotiN 2) niUk_liQ AesidsiH mru AoIn yaUrib Ar AeN Ae AmsuH di AeN Ae Asini, p_rotiN Asidi AemaIno Aesidsidgi AoL_lQpni, Adug AemaIno AesidsiHd yaUribsidi mru AoIn karboN, haId_rojeN, AoQsijeN, naIt_rojeN AmsuH AyaM_bd sLfrsu yaUI, Adug niUk_liQ AesidsiHd yaUrib karboN, AoQsijeN, haId_rojeN AmsuH fosforsnciHbni, p_rotiN Amdi niUk_liQ AesidsiHd yaUrib poYsiH Asidi AZNb mtMdgi kuyoMd lErMKib nuHsiY Asid yaUrMKi, mtM Adudgi noHTQ_t ToQKib AKaQ-AraUsiH Adun seL seM_bd yaUrib poYsiH suHlb mtuHd noHg loInna cuTrQKi Amdi smud_rgi IroLnuHd lErQKibni haIn Zsigi sans n lOnri, wafM AsimQ Amerikagi saN_tis s_teNli AeL miL_lrn soQ 1953 d leboretrid caHyeH tOrg cuMI haIn puTorQKi, mtO AsuM_n chi kyagi mtuHd haIribsiH Asi Amg Amg IhaN haNb AoIn maleMgi mTQ_t AhiHb jib Asi (seL AmKQ yaUb) smud_rgi IsiH mnuHd lEb hOrQKi haIn Zsigi saNsna lOnri|

15. Aojonosfiyrgi kuyoM seM_lb mtuHd, maleMgi kqfaLd K_waIdgi IhaN haN_n lErQKib AhiHb jibdi mna-msiHsiHni, mKoIsiH mru AoIn Uri-wari ZaQ_tni, mtuHd chi koti kyagi mnuHd maleMgi kqfaN puM_nmQ_t mnasiH UpaLsiHn piQ TNK_re|

16. mTqd, maleMgi kqfaN_d smud_rgi IsiHdgi K_waIdgi IhaN haNn kaKYlQp sa-Zadi IsiHdsu lEb ZM_b kqfaLdsu lEb ZM_b Zagi mKL Amni, Zsigi Urib AeMfibiyaNsidi Krdq KudM AoIn pL_lbd – Zmu, Zk_ta, Ukabi nciHbni, mKoIsiHsin kqfaLd kaKYlQpsi Zsidgi caUraQ_n chi koti 35 roMgi mmaHdni haIn Zsigi saNsna lOnri|

17. msigi mTqd, AeMfibiyaNsiH Asidi, mbuQ_n siYtun cYp AhiHb jibsiH Asi AoL_lQKibni haIn Zsigi saNsna lOnri, Zsigi AEKoIn Urib rePtaILsiHdi liL, cuM, Zap_ruM AsinciHbni, mKoIsiHsi ZaguM_n mruM koQI, mKoIsi caUraQ_n chi koti 27 loMgi mmaHdgini haIri, rePtaIL AoL_lQKibsigi mruAoIb mrM Amdi Aedap_ttebilitinni|

18. msigi mTqd mmeLsiH haIbdi mmagi mKoM TQp AhiHb jibsiH Adug UceQsiH Asi rePtaILsiHdgi tP_n-tP_n hoHlQpduna chi koti kyagi mtuHd AoIrQKibni haIn Zsigi saNsna lOnri, mmeL Amdi UceQsiHsi Zsidgi chi koti 7 roMgi mmaHdgi maleMd lEb hOrQK_re haIri|

19. p_ridetori Ikonomi haIb Asin AhiHb jibsiHn sQAoH Amdi AtoP_p sQAoH Amd AoL_lQp yaM_n mteH paHI, p_ridetori Ikonomi haIbdi jibsiHn AtoP_p jibsiHbu mciN_jaQ AoInbgidmQ haYpgi hEnbi Asibuni, AhiHb jibsiHn sQAoH Amdi AtoP_p sQAoH Amd AoL_lQpgi waKL_loNsibu daRwingi IvolusN TiAori haIrg KqnE|

20. Zsidi AsiguM_bsiHsi puToQpd TOdaH lOriba saN_ssiH Adudi:- 1) ArkiAoloji, 2) peliAoN_toloji, 3) AeN_Topoloji haIribsiHsigi mteHnni, mruAoIb saN_ski disip_liN AhuMsigi mteHn puTorQ_libsiH hE-siHlb saN_tissiHn mtoH AmsuH UNsa haPciNdun hiHliZEgi mtMd AoIrMgdb sQAoH-sdasiH Adu seM_bni|

21. AhaNbd, mi AmsuH AePsiHgi ApuNb mpa-mpu AoIKib AeP Adu Zsidgi chi koti 4 roMgi mmaHd lErMKi|

22. Anisubd, ramapiTeks haIn Kqnb miAoIb maNb jibsiHgi sru-syaH Kr varYki siwaliQ ciHsaHd fqKi, msigi sru-syaHsiH Asisu Zsidgi chi koti 1 g laK 44 roMgi mmaHd lErMKi|

23. AhuMsubd, As_telopiTeks haIn Kqnb mi maNb jibsiHgi sru-syaH Kr Ka noHpoQ AmsuH KaTqb Af_rikad fqKi, mKoIsiH Asi caUraQ_n Zsidgi chi laK yaHKE roMgi mmaHd lErMKi haIb Kqle|

24. Mrisubd, 1470 meN haIn Kqnb mi maNb jibsiHgi sru-syaH Amdi jibsiH Asigi mrMd TijiNbd nuHn saba KuYsu KuYlaIsiH sijinrM_bgi KudM fqle, mKoIsi Zsidgi chi laK 25 roMgi mmaHdgi lErMKi haIn lOri|

25. mZasubd, homo IreQ_trs haIn Kqnb mi maNb jibsiHgi sru-syaH Kr Aesiya, yuroP AmsuH Af_rikad fqK_re, mKoIsiH Asi tseHb mini haIb Kqle, mKoIn poY puToQpd sijinb Kuju-KuYlaI sijinrM_bt nYtn mEsu sijinb hErM_le, Asidsu nYtn ciN_jaQ_kidmQ sa taNbsu hErM_le, AsiguM_b miAoIsiHsin lErMKibsi Zsidgi chi laK 5 roMgi mmaHdni haIn Tajnri|

26. truQsubd, hoho sepiyeN haIn Kqnb miAoIsiHgi srusu IqleNgi s_waNskoM_be AmsuH jrmNgi s_teNhEM d fqK_re, mKoIsisu miAoIb ZaQ_tni, Zsidgi caUraQ_n chi laK 2.50 roMgi mmaHdni haIri|

27. treYsubd, niN_drTL meN gi sru-syaHsu yuroPta fqK_re, mKoIsiHsi homo sepiyeNsiHdgi toZaNb mKL Amni, mKoIsiHsi caUraQ_n Zsidgi chi lisiH 70 roMgi mmaHdni haIn Tajnri|

28. nipaLsubd, hOjiQ_ki miAoIbsiH homo sepiyeNs sepiyeNs haIn Kqnrb kaHbusiHni, mKoIsi caUraQ_n chi lisiH 35 roMgi mmaHd lErQ_lbni Tajnri, mKoIsiH Asin mE hObgi AkNb nuH sijinrM_mi, Asidsu nYtn Za fabd, sa taNbd sijinnb Afb KuYlaI kyasu sijinrM_mi|

mTQ_t TMjrib wafMsiH Asi yaribmKE sat_r siHn Kqnnb hoYnjbni|


* Kakchingtabam Gunachandra Sharma wrote this article for
The writer can be contacted at netzone_guna(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)in
This article was posted on January 29, 2014.

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  • HSLC 2024 : Pass % : Aided Schools
  • HSLC 2024 : Pass % : Govt Schools
  • HSLC 2024 : Statistical Abstract
  • HSLC 2024 : Comparative Statement
  • Children Camp @JNMDA Imphal #3 : Gallery
  • Scientist of Manipur: Jayanta Manoharmayum
  • Scientist of Manipur: Amom Ruhikanta
  • Preserving Thang-Ta :: Rare Photos
  • Malemnganbi Laishram : Science Topper
  • Featured Front Page Photo 2024 #2: Gallery
  • Thokchom Sheityajit : Arts Topper
  • Aiena Naorem : Commerce Topper
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024 : Science Topper
  • HSE 2024 : Subject Pass Percentage
  • HSE 2024 : District Pass Percentage
  • HSE 2024 : Candidates with Highest Marks
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024: Science Full Result
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024: Arts Full Result
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024: Commerce Result
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024 : Arts Topper
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024 : Commerce Topper
  • Aftermath of ferocious hailstorm #1 : Gallery
  • Nupi Landa Thaunaphabishing : Full Book
  • A ferocious hailstorm @Imphal : Gallery
  • '365 Days of Chin-Kuki Aggression' : Gallery
  • Scientists of Manipur : Ngangkham Nimai
  • GHOST of PEACE :: Download Booklet
  • List of Kings of Manipur: 33 - 1984 AD