Discovery of Kangleipak
- Part 12 -
- Creation of Man from ancient Kanglei Philosophy -
- When and How -
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
The meaning of Imsakeisa (Wednesday) : The present word Yumsakeisa is not ancient Kanglei word and concept. It was Imsakeisa, writen as Imsakeisa in the scripture, meaning human I louse and Barn. Imsakeisa = Im + sa + kei + sa = Im means house + sa means sagatpa further means building, built + kei means Barn, store house. Therefore, the alphabets
indicate the construction of the human body trunk which is a Temple where the God Father Creator stays.
The 5th day of the week, Sakonsen (Thursday) gives to the existence of (Ngou)
The alphabet (Ngou) means the inside parts of the mouth like tongue, gullet etc are meant. The alphabet
(Thou) means the human body Chest housing very important organs like Heart, Lungs, Liver etc. The 3rd alphabets
(Wai) indicates the Heart of the human being where the God Father Creator stays. As the Temple of the Universal Father God is created, that is
, the God Father stays there to care for the human beings.
The meaning of Sakonsen (Thursday): Sakonsen = sa + kon + sen = sa means human body (Huksang, Hakchang) + kon means Konsinba further means embracing, keeping embraced + sen means Sennaba further means keeping under vigil with care and love.
Therefore, Sakonsen actually means the God Father Creator, after taking His Seat in the (Wai-Heart) keeps the human body (Human being) under His vigil with Love and Care not to happen any harm to the human body (Human being).
The Sixth day of the week, Eelai (Friday) gives to the existence of the three Kanglei writing alphabets
These three alphabets give the importance of the outward Form, shape etc of the human body. The name of the first alphabet of the group is Yang (Yanglen). It gives the important part played by the spine and its related parts in the human body mechanism. The second alphabet
is named Huk and Huk is another form of Huksang. Huksang means the human body is alive as long as the Universal God Father is inside the body of the human beings.
The 3rd alphabet is named Un and Un is another name of Unsa. The Ealik at the left of the alphabet is the Universal God Father. The human body covered by the Un is the God Father's Temple where in the God Father resides till the death of the human being.
The name of the sixth day of the week which gives birth to
is Ealai, and Eelai difinitely means Eelai = Ee + Lai = Ee means blood + Lai means God.
The three alphabets
, together show the human body as the Temple or Abode of the God Father Creator which in another name" we Meetei Race Call Eelai.
The God Father Creator came down on the Earth as a drop of blood or Eelik to start Creation, we, the ancient Meetei Race called Ee (blood) as Lai meaning the God Father Creator. It may be the reason why the three writing alphabets
were given existence by the sixth day of the week, Eelai.
The last day of the seven days week, Thangcha gives to the existence of the last 3 writing alphabets
giving the names of Ee, Fam and Ating-aa.
The meaning of the first alphabet of the 6th writing alphabet group = Ee = Eelai, the human blood, the God Creator as explained First above. In the Huk (Huksang) covered by the Un (Unsa). all over, the blood now runs freely.
The God Creator Father has completely created the human body now, as the blood has done its normal function as we find to day in our body. The second alphabet of this last group (Fam) simply means Fampi indicating the place where Semen is stored as a Semen-cup in the male human beings and male animals.
Now the Liquid and spermatozoon are created in the human male body to go immediately into action for procreation. The 3rd and the last writing alphabet is named Ating-aa, unlimited space, the ancient Meetei Race called Ating-aa Sitapa or Salailel Sitapa, now we call Sorarel after the advent of Hinduism. Many times you have heard the words 'Ipa Sorarel' meaning 'Father Sorarel' = Father Salailel in the Meetei Society.
The Universal Lord Creator first came down as a Sparmatozoon-like symbol (This is the actual hand written symbol found in the scripture, the writer draws in the likeness of the symbol) with an Eelik (blood drop) indicating blood from the Universal Creator WHOM the Meetei Race called Eepung Loinapa Apakpa on the Earth
'is Kanglei numerical number Ama (ONE) also. This is the beggining of Creation of Man. This day of beggining Creation is Langmaiching (Sunday).
On the last day of the 7 days week, Thangcha (Saturday), the Universal Lord, the Father Creator has completely Created a Male Human Being to proceed further Creative Process (Procreation) to spread Man kind on the surface of the Earth.
My readers! Please see the meaning of the last day of the Seven days week, called Thangcha by the ancient Meetei Race. Thangcha = Thang + cha = Thang means Thangthapa further means to drive down, to push down for further Creation, etc + cha means Chata Naota further means Descendants, Progenies. Thangcha, therefore, means to Proceed further Creation through the God's Image Proto-type man (further Procreation), to spread human kind on the surface ofthe Earth.
Please see the Philosophy of the symbol Ating-aa, the last writing alphabet of the ancient Meetei Race.
The Symbol
representing four parts. In the Symbol the short striaght line —, the upper most part of the symbol represents the Ating-aa, Salailel Sitapa.
Sorarel (Ipa Sorarel at Present in our language); the second part of the Symbol, the two straight lines downward, II represent Nupa Nupi (Male and Female human) to be procreated; the 3rd part of the symbol is the Cheising Eeyek Ama (ONE), in different Form and shape for different function in the endless Creative Process.
It is drawn in this way, from to
then to
then the complete Symbol
comes. It is a Procreative Symbol in the Male human beings for further Procreation. At this stage of Human Creation, the Universal God Father Creator is known as Sanamahi Lainingthou Santhong Apanpa.
By concept the traditional Meetei Imchao (Yumjao at Present), traditional Meetei big house is a Male Human Being Created in the model of the Image of the Universal Creator Father. The Universal Father Creator is housed in the South Western Corner of the Meetei Imchao in the name of Sanamahi Lainingthou. The South Western Corner of the Meetei Imchao is known as Sanamahi Kachin and the outer, external part of the Sanamahi Kachin is known as Santhong. Santhong means Door of Procreation.
In this way the Universal God Father Creator has completely Created a Male Human Being, starting from the first day of the week, Langmaiching (Sunday) completing His Creation on the 7th day of the week, Thangcha (Saturday).
My dear readers! Please know that the Puya, Scripture Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-IIon Pukok says:
"Khunung Eeyekki Khonthok
Asipusu khunthoklon
Haikatane Lepna
A rough English translation of the above Puya statment::
"Please know it for certain
that the social sound of the writing alphabets
is also to be known as Procreation (of mankind).""
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to be continued...
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen contributes regularly to . The writer is President, Kangleipak Historical and Cultural Research Centre, Sagolband Thangjam Leirak, Imphal, Kangleipak (Manipur). The writer can be contacted at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on May 29, 2010.
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