Ukhrul ADC schools
Source: The Sangai Express / Mungchan Zimik
Ukhrul, July 05 2013 :
Education department of Autonomous District Council today organized a one-day orientation progamme on Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation CCE at TTA conference hall, Ukhrul.
LN Kashungnao CEO, ADC/Ukhrul in his keynote address said that Common syllabus examination and common progress report in all the ADC Schools Ukhrul would be started soon.
Many school headmasters and headmistresses under Ukhrul ADC attended the orientation programme.
Speaking as the resource person, Robert Meitei, Principal of Central School, Ukhrul spoke on the system and pattern adopted by the CBSE across the country.
There are 158 primary, LP and Junior HS under ADC Ukhrul.