Killing flayed
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, July 05 2013 :
The Maring Uparap Assembly, Laiching Minou (Rungroubung) Village Authority and Laiching Minou Youth Club have strongly condemned the brutal killing of DK James alias Mosilpha Maring s/o (L) DK Koin of Laiching Minou village in Chandel district on July 3 .
A statement issued by MUA said that this kind of barbaric act should not be tolerated in this century and the culprits should be punished as per the law of the land at the earliest.
Terming the killing as inhuman, a joint statement issued by Minou Laiching VA and Youth Club urged the concerned authority to immediately book the culprits while also warning of launching agitation if the authority concerned fails to act swiftly.
The bodies also shared the pain and sorrow of the bereaved family.