Sensitization prog
Source: The Sangai Express
Tbl, April 30 2018:
A sensitization programme on Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Swasthya Suraksha Mission (PM-RSSM) was conducted by Heirokpart 2 Gram Panchayat Pradhan Th Banubati Devi and Panchayat nominee Th Premjit Singh at Heirok part 2 Panchayat Ghar.
Panchayat secretary L Manglem Singh, Pradhan Th Vanubati Devi and nominee Th Premjit Singh stressed on the benefits of PM-RSSM while giving suggestions and a ten minute interaction session to those who gathered at the programme.
Panchayat secretary further informed that the State Govt, under this scheme, will provide several opportunities to ASHAs, Anganwadi helper, worker and VDF who are receiving below Rs 10,000 as honorarium.