IRB, jemadar aspirants set deadline
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, October 14 2021:
All Manipur 10th & 11th Viva Voce completed IRB Rifleman & Written Completed Jemadar Candidates 2019 has demanded the government to declare the final results for recruitment of riflemen and to fix a date for conducting viva voce for the recruitment of Jemadar within October 20.In a release; the candidates' association said that they were encouraged by the assurance given by the chief minister to complete all recruitments sponsored by the central government without delay.
Expressing hope that CM Biren, who is also referred to as Peoples CM will never remain a mute spectator when the youth, who are the future pillars of the state, are suffering, it said that they still believe that their demands will be fulfilled without fail.
Urging MLAs and ministers to help in declaring the recruitment result, the release expressed confidence that the citizen-centric government will hear the demand of the youth.
Citing circulation of rumours about declaring the recruitment results after the elections, the release cautioned that the candidates and their guardians will launch protests never seen in the history of Manipur if the rumours turn out to be true.
Similarly, in another release, All Manipur HihVArea 10th & 11th IRB candidates has demanded the government to declare the final results for recruitment of rifleman and conduct the viva voce for Jemadar within October 20 in compliance with the same demand of All Manipur 10th & 11th viva Voce completed IRB Rifleman & Written Completed Jemadar.Candidates 2019.All candidates and their guardians from both the valley and hill will take up simultaneous protest in the state if the government fails to fulfil the demand within the given deadline, it cautioned, while adding that the government should be held responsible for any eventuality resulting out of the protest demonstration.