Rongmei leaders meet NSCN-IM leaders in Delhi
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Dimapur, April 09 2018:
A delegation of Rongmei people living in Delhi called on the 'Collective Leadership' of NSCN-IM at the residence of the latter and had a "Blessing-cum-Thanksgiving Programme" on April 6 .
The delegation comprised of Pastors, executives of the Rongmei Phwam Delhi (RPD), Rongmei Chamnac Phwam Delhi (RCPD) and many others.
The programme started with a prayer by Rev Thomas Kahmei.
Rongmei Chamnac Phwam Delhi (Rongmei Students' Union, Delhi) informed Newmai News Network that, in the programme, Dr Aphun Kamei, Senior Assistant Professor, Delhi School of Economics "beautifully moderated the function with his eloquent briefing and pertinent supplementary" while Gaichanglungliu Kamei (Adviser, RPD) explained the purpose of the visit, which was, to convey to the 'Collective Leadership' of the NSCN-IM, the support of the Rongmei people to the ongoing Indo-Naga talks and the Framework Agreement and also to convey gratitude for enlisting the Rongmei as one of the tribes of Nagas.
"In this regard, in the recently held session of the Tatar Hoho of NSCN-IM on March 23, 2018, amendment was made in the list of Naga tribes by enlisting Rongmei, Liangmai, Zeme and Ollo as separate tribes of the Nagas," the Rongmei body said.
Earlier, the cognate tribes namely Zeme, Liangmai and Rongmei were clubbed together under Zeliangrong.
Machunlung Kamei (Chairman, RPD) offered "words of gratitude to the Collective Leadership" of the NSCN-IM.
He quoted the words of Dr BR Ambedkar�-"Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives" which he said was very much relevant to the Nagas also.
According to RCPD, Mchunlung then expressed gratitude to the Tatar Hoho of the NSCN-IM and the 'Collective Leadership' for the decision taken to officially recognize and enlist the Rongmei as one of the tribes of the Nagas.
He said that it has been the long felt wish of the Rongmei people to be recognized and enlisted as Rongmei Naga in the concerned Naga bodies and forums.
He also expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Tatar Hoho and the 'Collective Leadership' for understanding the issues of the Zeme, Liangmai and Rongmei and for taking the needed corrective action.
He said that with the identity issue sorted out, the anxiety of these kindred tribes has been removed and they will be able to work with clear perspective towards the cause of the Nagas.
A special prayer of blessing for the Collective Leadership of the NSCN-IM was held to give them good health and long life and for continued God's blessing on them.
According to the Rongmei student body, Kholi, vice president, NSCN-IM talked about his duty to the cause of the Naga people.
He said that their works and sacrifices will not go in vain and that the Nagas have a promising future.
The RCPD also said that Th Muivah, the general secretary of NSCN-IM spoke at length about his call to the duty of the Nagas, the Naga history and about the on-going Indo-Naga talks.
He said that the Naga history is unique because the Nagas were never under any rule outside either by armed subjugation or by assent of the Naga people.
According to RCPD, the NSCN-IM general secretary emphasized and re-emphasized on the non-negotiability of safeguarding the identity of the Nagas.
He also expressed his deep respect for the identity of the Rongmei tribe.