NSCN (K) Shepoumaramth Region joins NSCN-Reformation group
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Senapati, June 07 2015 :
After the splitting of NSCN-K and subsequent emergence of Nagaland and Manipur based group in the form of NSCN-Reformation group, the new Naga armed group seems to gain its ground in both the states as respective regions has decided to join and start its operation as NSCN-R.Two weeks after Zeliangrong region of the NSCN-K emerged with NSCN-R, the Shepoumaramth Region had also join the Reformation group which extended its ceasefire with the Government of India.
According to a statement issued by the Shepoumaramth-Reformation group, the decision to move out of its parent group was that they are keen to work for social issues and social transformation.
It is also aiming to bring peace and harmony among the Nagas through maintenance of ceasefire.
It also clarified that, the Reformation group has no ill feelings against any other group or individual in the region.
Seeking the support of the general public, it has also appealed to the Apex social organizations, village heads, and group leaders, public leaders, politicians, Intellectuals, Bureaucrats and various bodies for co-operation in their activities.
Moreover the State also continued that Shehii s/o R.Heni of Shepoumaramth Region is being appointed as Chairman of the region for NSCN-R.While S Pao, Charleimai, Mr Khole and A John has been appointed as Deputy Kilonser, CCM, Vice Chairman and Joint Secretary.