Exclusion of 3 Sub-divisions of Senapati in census protested
NPO warns of violent agitation
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, July 11 2012:
Naga Peoples' Organisation (NPO) has warned of resorting to violent form of protests if the Government fails to come out with the official figure of three subdivisions of Senapati district at the earliest.
A sit-in protest cum meeting against the non-inclusion of three subdivisions of Senapati district�Mao Maram, Purul and Paomata, in the Census of India was held at Senapati Bazar on the occasion of World Population Day.
Organised jointly by the Naga People's Organisation (NPO), Senapati District Women's Association, and Senapati District Students' Association, the sit-in was participated by leaders and representatives of various villages and organisations of Senapati district.
Placards and banners reading, 'I am not counted in world population,' 'we demand inclusion in census,' 'we want census, not estimation of our population,' 'we condemn discriminatory attitude of the Manipur Census Department,' 'we demand justice in census,' 'we condemn Directorate of Census Department, Manipur,' etc in the sit-in.
Shop-owners downed their shutters at Senapati bazar and the highway that passes through Senapati came to a stand still for a short while due to the sit-in and meeting.
Speakers at the meeting decried the alleged exclusion of people of three subdivisions of Senapati district in the census when even headcount on animals are conducted.
They said the non-availability of the exact official figure of the population in the three subdivisions hindered the Government in sanctioning various development schemes and projects.
Meanwhile, addressing the media at the office of SDSA, president of NPO ML Markson said the Government's promise of bringing development in the hill districts would only sound hollow when the actual figure of the population is concealed.
Demanding the authority to immediately come out with an official figure of the three subdivisions, the NPO president warned of launching violent form of agitation.
Stating that violent form of agitation are destructive, which affect the whole population of the State, he urged the Government not to act only when violent agitations are launched.
Markson further appealed the Government not to discriminate the hill people.
He added that the denial of providing the official figure of the population even through the RTI provision is a violation of people's rights.
He said the exact figure of each village of other districts are given while the figure of the three subdivisions are done by estimation.
Stating that the authority refused to provide official figure of the subdivisions even when the people extended all possible cooperation to the Census officials, Markson further questioned if there is any hidden agenda of the Government.