UNC decries
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, February 07 2015 :
While sharing the grief and pains of the deceased family members and also of the injured, the United Naga Council (UNC) condemned the organisation responsible for IED explosion that killed one Addison Jajo and critically injuring one Hillary Keishing, both from Nambashi Khullen village, Ukhrul district in between Khuntak Village and Tarung village while they were travelling on their bike to Imphal along Imphal-Kasom Khullen Road on February 5 at around 11.30 am.
"The Naga people welcome peace and tranquility and security in the region but strongly oppose all forms of violence and bloodsheds since we have faced enough of its kinds for the last many decades till date and thus, have pursued the path of political dialogue", said the UNC.
The UNC appealed to all state and non-state actors and all political party(s)/group(s)/individual(s) to refrain from planting IEDs and other explosives in areas covered by the Indo-Naga cease fire as the two sides are having political dialogue at the highest level for honorable and acceptable political settlement based on the uniqueness of Naga history and Situation.