84th AGM Of ICAR Held, Array Of Issues Discussed Minutely
Govindas raises Save Mithun, Pony slogan
Source: The Sangai Express / Manipur Info Centre
New Delhi, February 18 2013 :
The 84th Annual General meeting of the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) was held today at A.P.Shinde Symposium Hall, NASC Complex, Pusa here today with Union Minister of Agriculture Sharad Pawar in the chair.
The meeting was also attended by Union Ministers of State for Agriculture Tariq Anwar and Dr Charan Das Mahant.
Other dignitaries who attended the meeting were Dr..SAyyappan, Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Director General, ICAR, Agriculture and Animal husbandry Ministers of various States and representatives from international organizations.
Speaking in the meeting, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Minister of Manipur Govindas Konthoujam stated that the Manipur Government was intending to undertake a project for conservation of the threatened breed of Mithun (Bos frontalis) whose number in Manipur came down below 10,000 and another threatened breed of Manipur pony ( Equuas ferus caballus) which was well-known for its unique features such as its firm-footedness and suitability for wars and sports.
He requested the Centre for undertaking a study or research on various aspects of the threatened breeds including proper measures for their conservation.
He also stated that Manipur as well as North Eastern States had many local breeds of animals and emphasized the need for identification of the local breeds which were of economically importance and in need of conservation.
He drew the attention of ICAR to conduct research projects for the purpose.
Veterinary Minister Govindas also said, "The ICAR has a NE Hill Region Research Centre at Imphal.
However, the Centre appears to be concentrating mainly on crops.
Veterinary and animal husbandry is not given its due importance and there are only two posts of Scientists in veterinary sciences." He urged the ICAR to upgrade the Imphal Centre and the Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Manipur with the facilities of veterinary and animal husbandry sciences and posting scientists in the field.
Speaking in the meeting Agriculture Minister Abdul Nasir highlighted the achievements of the Manipur centre of ICAR at Lamphelpat.
The Centre produced six high yielding paddy varieties namely RCM-6, RCM-6, RCM-7, RCM-10, Lungnilaphou and RC-Maniphou-12 which were suitable in Manipur.
The tomato varieties namely Manileima, Manikhamnu and Manithoibi produced by the Centre were very popular in Manipur.
He pointed out that the cultivation of high yielding paddy varieties was mainly confined in the valley.
In view of the increasing population, the Minister stressed the need for cultivation of high yielding paddy varieties in the hill areas which occupied 9/10thof the total area of paddy and low-lying areas which had an area of 14,000 hectare.
He proposed to set up a research station at Ukhrul district and at Kharungpat in Thoubal District.
Agriculture Minister Nasir stated that all nine districts of Manipur had one Kishan Vikash Kendra(KVK) each.
He expressed the inconvenience of the farmers in Jiribam, one of the Sub-division of Imphal East District, located at the border of Assam and at the distance of 222 km from the district headquarter passing through hilly road, to get the facilities of the KVK.He proposed the ICAR to open a KVK at Jiribam.
The Minister also proposed to increase the intake of B.Sc (Agri) seats from 16 to 20 and B.Tech (Agri Engg) from 4 to 8 at Central Agricultural University, Iroishemba and College of Agriculture Engineering and Post Harvest technology, Gangtok respectively to meet the increasing demand for the students of Manipur.
He further proposed to reserve a seat at Central Agriculture University for post graduate studies of the in-service candidates for strengthening human resource development in agriculture.
While addressing the 84th AGM of ICAR the Union Minister Pawar said, The ICAR has established the National Institute for Biotic Stress Management at Raipur in Chhattisgarh, Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology at Ranchi in Jharkhand, Regional Research Station of CAZRI for cold arid agriculture in Leh, Jammu & Kashmir and 5 new KVKs, one each in Andhra Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Orissa, Maharashtra and Karnataka, raising their total to 631 KVKs across the country.
The ICAR has also added 19 new Experimental Learning Units to the existing 264 units in 51 State Agricultural Universities and created a centralized Statistical and Computational Genomics Lab Facility" .
The Union Minister further added, "I must flag some of the potential areas where we need to concentrate more.
Tapping rich potential of North East Region is one such important agenda on which there have been more talks but less action.
I expect that this ICAR may give special attention towards North East region.
Equipping the farmer to tackle the climate change and erratic behaviour of monsoon should be an important agenda.
The production of pulses and oilseeds are well below the demand and major thrust needs to be given on this front.
Availability of fodder has become a major hindrance in growth of our animal husbandry sector.
The labour cost has become major component of the production cost; however, our track record in introducing appropriate farm mechanization is not up to the mark.
A lot is also required to be done in post harvest management" .