Survey shows child marriage in Manipur Indicator shows high percentage of women land owners
Source: The Sangai Express / Ninglun Hanghal
New Delhi, May 23 2016:
Health and Family Welfare Ministry's National Family Health Survey 2015-16 has come out with fact sheets on the condition and health status of seventeen States in India, including Manipur.
The survey was conducted by International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai.
Surveys were conducted in 2015 in Manipur, where a total of 11,724 households and 13,593 women and 1,749 men were sampled.
The survey shows that children aged 6 and above who ever attended schools is as high as 81.7%.The literacy rates comes to 85% for women and 96% men.
While the survey shows sex ratio at birth in the last five years is 962 per 1000 males, it comes to 1,049 per 1000 males of the total adult population.
13.1 % of women in the age group of 20 � 24 years were married before 18 years, while 20.6% of men in the age group of 25-30 were married before 21 years.
Only 23.6% of women in the age group of 15-49 years use family planning method, with only 12.7% percent using modern method.The survey also reported only 30.1% record of unmet need and that only 8.7% of health workers ever talked about family planning to non-users.
Women attending antenatal care shows a good percentage at 77, though the institutional delivery shows only 69.1%.Immunisation (BCG,measle,polio) is still yet to reach every part of the State, with the record of only 65.9% reached.
Though Manipur has a record of high HIV-AIDs prevalence, only 40.7% of women in the age group of 15-49 years have comprehensive knowledge of HIV-AIDs.
The survey shows 48.8% of women in the State using tobacco and 70.6% men for the the same.
With regard to women empowerment indicator, the survey recorded that 96.2% of married women in Manipur take part in household decision.
The survey also recorded that 69.9% of women in Manipur owned a house and/or land , either alone or jointly.
The means of verification though, require further insights into these indicator on land holding.