Posers raised over land compensation payment
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, August 29 2018:
Even as a dispute over a plot of land measuring 56.950 acre is pending in the Court with three persons claiming ownership over the said plot, there is a growing suspicion that the compensation for the said plot of land has been released by the authority concerned to two persons.
The compensation amounts to about Rs 5 crore.
The plot of land is for laying the broad gauge rail line as part of the Jiribam-Tupul broad gauge rail track.
The said plot of land lies between Langkhong/Rangkhong village and Khumji in Tamenglong district.
The compensation amount for taking over the 56.950 acres of land for the rail track was deposited with the Tamenglong district administration, though the exact amount is not yet clear.
However according to a well-placed source, the total amount could be around Rs 11 crore.
Conflicting claims over ownership of the said plot of land emerged with three persons, namely P Ningthougong chief of Langkhong/Rangkhong village, Namdikhonang of the same village and SC Tunjamang of Khumji village staking claims.
The dispute is pending in the Court of the Civil Judge, Junior Division, Tamenglong, said the source and added that the land compensation should be paid to the one who is recognised as the rightful owner by the Court.
Even as the final stand of the Court is awaited, there is a growing suspicion that the district administration of Tamenglong may have given the land compensation amount to two persons from Langkhong/Rangkhong village and Khumji village.
If the said two persons are rightful owners of the said plot of land, then why were they paid only Rs 5 crore as compensation, questioned the source and added that it was on this suspicion that one gentleman identified as Jangamlung Pamei filed an application to the SPIO/DC of Tamenglong under Section 6 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 to know the exact status of the compensation amount.
The application was filed only yesterday.
Among other points, the RTI application sought to know the amount of the compensation paid, cheque number, the bank through which the amount was paid, when it was paid, under what circumstances the amount was paid despite the pending case in the Court, whether it has been firmly established that the two persons are the rightful owners of the said land and to back this with documentary proofs, further said the source.