More Liaison offices needed
Source: The Sangai Express / S Singlianmang Guite
Lamka, June 25 2015 :
Despite the prompt coordination between the two existing Border Liaison Offices of Moreh on the Indian side and Tamu in Myanmar, the just concluded meeting held at Tamu brought to the fore the need for more such offices due to the limited jurisdiction of the two offices on both sides.
An official representing the country at the 8th BLO meeting revealed that the protest lodged by SDPO/Secretary BLO Moreh to the DC Tamu regarding the arrest of four Indian boys by Myanmar police along with their Shaktiman truck from a place near Haichiin and Vaivet village in Myanmar drew blank as the latter claimed it was not under his jurisdiction.
The whereabouts of the four is officially unknown, though there are reports that they have been sentenced for two years imprisonment.
The incident which occurred sometime in November last year had taken place inside the Chin State of Myanmar which is outside the purview of the existing liaison offices.
It is saddening that the Myanmar authorities are unable to give the Indian side any status report on the matter due to jurisdictional limitations.
The State's border expanse that touches three regions - the self-governing Naga areas, Sagaing and Chin State thus expose the need for at least three BLOs between the two sides for an effective coordination and communication.
A new BLO is recently opened at Ukhrul (India) and Somra (Myanmar).
Once these offices become operational, the Ukhrul BLO will be able to effectively deal with issues in real time with the Naga regions in Myanmar but there is no office as such till date to separately deal with Myanmar's Chin State and its immediate border on the Indian side.