E-Pao! Opinion - Tipaimukh Hydro-electric (Multi) project

Tipaimukh Hydro-electric (Multi) Project

By: N Shyamsundar Singh *

Many people from different quarters have already expressed their views and comments both for and against the proposed Tipaimukh HE (Multi) Project (6x 250 MW), Manipur through different media.

It is a welcome approach since such type of interaction or discussion will help all interested parties find a true picture of the project and know the benefits that the multipurpose project is going to fetch for the people of Manipur. It also gives an opportunity to all concerned to make a comparison between the loss and the gain that the project is going to offer to the people of Manipur in particular.

Some of the technical questions people very often ask about the project are reproduced below.

Answer to each of the question is already incorporated either partly or fully in the Detailed Project Report and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Reports of the project prepared jointly by the officials of Central and State Governments and the NEEPCO, and the same is also given along with.

Hopefully, each pair may throw some more light on the facts, which are not properly spelt out anywhere, and make the points more clear.

Q 1: How much power does the State of Manipur need today? What is the rate of growth of the demand?
A: As on date, Manipur needs about 140 MW of power to fulfil the unrestricted demand at the peak hours (1700 hrs to 2200 hrs). In Manipur, power supply to the rice mills, saw mills and others industrial units, is normally restricted during peak hours because of lack of power availability. The demand increases abruptly if the restriction is lifted and the State needs to buy more power to meet the requirement and pay heavily for it.

The yearly rate of growth of demand varies from 6 pc to 8 pc. With the introduction of many gadgets and appliances in this hi-tech age, the demand growth increases rapidly in this State also. Moreover, Information Technology, with which most of the people in the urban areas are familiar, has called for uninterrupted reliable power supply. This also adds more to the demand.

That there is still a wide gap between supply and demand of power in the State is fairly known from the present per capita consumption of Manipur which is as low as 130 units only. The per capita consumption of North Eastern Region (NER) is about 83 units while that of National level is about 300 units.

The per capita consumption of energy of the developed countries where there is no difference between the day and the night is as high as several thousands of units. Therefore, competitive efficiency is not possible without adequate electricity. Like food security, energy security is also the need of the hour. Next generations would definitely like to consume as much power as they can in various activities.

Q 2: What does the availability of power mean? Where from does it come?
A: Manipur has no meaningful generation of its own. So, it depends for its power supply mainly on the allocated share from the Central Sector generating stations located in the North Eastern Region. The State purchases the allocated share at the sale rate which varies from plant to plant. For being a State where the project is located, it also gets another 12 pc of the actual annual generation of Loktak HE Project free.

Thus, as per the allocation made by the Government of India, the total availability of power from all the Central Sector plants located in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura comes to around 105 MW. The actual availability however depends by and large on the outage rate of the machines in the generating stations and also on the transmission and transformation constraints. On an average, the availability is about 80MW only.

Q 3: Can the State offer to purchase more power than the allocated share? If yes, at what rate?
A: Manipur or any other State for that matter, can purchase more power than the allocated share from the Central Sector generating stations or other source provided,
- the generating companies have surplus power for sale;
- the purchasing State is ready to make full advance payment;
- the purchasing State can afford to bear the high sale rate fixed by the generating companies and also the wheeling charges for using the transmission line and
- the extra high voltage transmission line permits transfer of additional power.

The purchase process can not be materialized when even one of the above conditions is not fulfilled. The rate at which the State purchases power from different generating companies varies from Rs. 1.50 to Rs. 6.00 per unit.

Unfortunately, very few power stations namely, Loktak HE Project (Manipur), Khandong HE Project (Meghalaya) and Kopolli HE Project (Meghalaya) which offer energy at very cheap rate (Rs. 1.00 to Rs. 2.00) can generate a small quantum of energy and as a result, the State’s share from these hydel plants is also very small. Therefore, the State needs to purchase energy from other plants which charge higher rate (Rs. 2.00 & above) to meet its requirement.

In addition, it also pays for wheeling the power (transmission charge) at the rate of 35 paise per unit. The landed cost, therefore, works out to about Rs. 3.00 and above per unit, when the transmission & distribution losses are also taken into account.

Q 4: How was the Heavy Fuel Based Power Plant chosen when the State could purchase power from other sources? Is it not a White Elephant?
A: In the absence of adequate thermal or nuclear power generation, the NER uses hydro power as the predominant source of power. Moreover, the hydro stations do not have snow fed reservoirs and they depend only on seasonal rain. Therefore, in lean seasons when the reservoir levels go down near to the Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL), the plants can not generate at its full capacity.

As a result, the allocated share of the States get reduced drastically leaving the States including Manipur in a precarious condition. In some of the critical periods, the State experienced total ‘Black Out’ because of zero generation from most of the plants. All the communication system, health care system, electronic media and other administrative functionaries etc came to a complete halt during that period.

So, the State Government had no option but to go for the Heavy Fuel Based Power Plant which can meet the eventualities and tide over the pathetic situation. The plant is effectively used for giving power supply to the needy areas and vital installations during the National and State festivals, functions and examinations which are held normally during lean seasons of the year. It keeps all the systems alive in critical hours.

Therefore, the power plant which comes to the rescue of the consumers at the right hour should not be taken as White Elephant. However, the State Government has not opted for continuous operation of the plant in the service of the general consumers for the following reasons:
- Full advance payment is necessary for purchase of fuel, the financial health does not permit such a bold step.
- Almost all the consumers are not habituated with ‘Pay & Use’ mode.
- Payment to Central Sector plants may be made later (after consumption) and that is preferable for the State in the present context.
- Prefers to minimize generation/purchase of power to minimize commercial loss which is quite substantial in Manipur.

The plant may be operated regularly if the payment of electricity bill is assured through a feasible mechanism by consumers.

Q 5: What shall be the most suitable type of power plant for a State like Manipur?
A: Today, electricity generation is a big industry. Generating companies produce power or energy at a large scale, transmission companies deliver it from power plants to load centres and Power Trading Companies sale it to the power markets which is an important conjunctive market with the capital market.

The suitability of a particular type of power plant for an area or State depends on the following:
i) Availability of input like raw material for an industry. In case of power generation, it is either hydro power potential or coal/fuel/gas or nuclear fuels;
ii) Infrastructure like accessibility, connectivity and commercial facilities and construction materials etc;
iii) Suitability for sustainable development;
iv) Economic aspects.

Considering the above facts, it may safely be concluded that, for a State like Manipur where there is plenty of hydro power potential, hydro power plants shall be the most suitable source of power.

In fact, for Manipur, hydro power generation is the only economically and commercially viable industry. There is an urgent need for the people of Manipur to explore the possibilities of developing the resource in the form of an industry that supports all economic, social and cultural limbs of the society. Without industry even the sports can not survive.

Q 6: How many HE projects have been identified for implementation in near future? Have they been accorded statutory clearances by the different Ministries of Government of India?
A: Over 10 numbers of potential sites have already been identified and they are at different stages of either survey & investigation or preparation of DPR or statutory clearances. Two of them namely, Loktak Downstream HE Project (3x30MW) and Tipaimukh HE (Multi) Project (6x250MW) are ready for implementation.

Power is in the concurrent list and therefore it needs clearance from State and Central Govts. Loktak Downstream HE project which is going to be implemented by the NHPC has been accorded all statutory clearances like Techno-Economic Clearance (TEC) by the Ministry of Power, clearances from Forest and Environmental angles by the Ministry of Environment & Forests and clearance from State Government for construction of the project in its land.

Tipaimukh HE (Multi) Project has also been accorded clearances from TEC and project construction angles by the Central and State Govts including Govt. of Mizoram. Process is underway for obtaining the clearances of the project from Forests & Environmental angles in the Ministry of Environment & Forest.

Q7: In case of the Loktak HE Project now under operation in the State, people talk more of losses due to submergence of fertile paddy field, grazing grounds, cultivable land, aquatic lives and lot of standing properties on it rather than appreciating for generation of cheap power. Will the same thing happen in case of the proposed projects?
A: Sustainable development through integrated approach is the motto of the planners and developers today. This is achieved through extensive survey and investigation on various aspects of the project by engineers, material scientists, social scientists, environmentalist and hosts of technicians, surveyors from different sectors. Accordingly, the approach has been reviewed and technology has been improvised and updated to suit the requirement at site.

Adequate provisions in the constitution, legislation and valuable verdicts of the courts are already available now to protect environment & ecology at any cost and insert more essential items in the Resettlement & Rehabilitation (R&R) package for the displaced personnel. Compensatory afforestation, catchment area treatment and other compensatory programmes are well incorporated along with the financial implications in the DPR. The DPR itself has to speak about it.

Apparently, in case of Loktak HE Project, these aspects were not properly surveyed/investigated and assessed. The quantum of damages and corresponding compensatory measures were also perhaps not estimated and reflected in the DPR. This might have caused inconveniences to all at a later stage particularly after the project is completed and commissioned.

Hopefully, these inconveniences will not take place again in case of the new projects that are coming up in the State. What is needed is to see carefully if any aspect is left out unconsidered in the DPR. The ‘Public Hearing’ and ‘General Notification’ provide enough opportunity to discuss the left out/excluded, specific issues which may leave adverse impact, and also the avenue to incorporate the details in the relevant reports of the project.

Q 8: What are the benefits the people of Manipur enjoy from the Loktak HE Project at present?
A: Manipur is entitled to get about 29 pc of the actual generation including 12 pc free power. The State purchases allocated share of power at the cheapest rate of about Rs. 1.00 per unit from this project. The 12pc free power accounts for about 50 MW of free energy every year. In terms of money, if evaluated at NHPC’s sale rate, the income would be around Rs. 5.00 crores and at State’s sale rate (tariff), it would give a revenue of about Rs. 15.00 crores every year. For a resource starved State like Manipur, the income is quite substantial.

The State is able to get some quantum of power at the critical period from this power project through adjustment basis. This is of great help to the power supply system of the State. The NHPC is quite cooperative in this regard. The project has helped the State participate in the race towards modern civilization and upliftment of living standard.

Besides these, the project helps the Loktak Lake survive in the midst of illegal encroachments that pose major threat to the fresh water lake. As we all know, most of the lakes in Manipur (wetland areas) have disappeared mainly due to encroachment for individual/private gains.

Even the Loktak Lake may have many illegal encroachers in & around its periphery. The encroachers build dykes and create ponds in their own interest and finally claimed the area as their own. This practice takes place at random in most of the lakes (wetland) like Lamphelpat, Takyelpat, Waithoupat, Lousipat and other small lakes and these water bodies are lost forever.

Major portion of Loktak Lake is saved today by storing water for the power generation. Had there been no project, the original Loktak Lake might have had the same fate as that of other lakes.

Therefore, the project is basically meant not to do any harm to the natural lake but to save it from threatening elements. This itself substantiates the fact that benefit from the project is priceless. So, we should protect the Lake for different economic uses including power generation, rather than losing it without any development.

Q 9: In case of Tipaimukh HE (Multi) Project, it is believed that there will be a number of rare kind of flora and fauna in the area to be inundated by the reservoir. What will be fate of these endangered species?
A: The Planners and Developers of the project take full care to see that the rare kind of flora and fauna are not affected by the project. The following steps are proposed to be taken up during the construction of the project in order to ensure safety of the endangered species.
- It will be carefully studied first if the endangered species have another habitat in the State. If necessary, such habitat shall be developed at the project cost.
- It is mandatory that all types of plants which grow in the reservoir area that may cause silting problem in the reservoir at the later stage, shall be removed leaving the area as clean as possible, before filling in the reservoir.
- In the process, the concerned scientists shall be able to study the behaviour, habitat and bio-diversity in which the endangered species survive.
- The agricultural scientists shall find out a suitable area by examining the type of soil, water content and land use pattern, where the endangered species can grow comfortably as done in its natural habitat.
- Or a separate area, which has the similar soil type and environment to that of the original habitat, shall be developed to grow the endangered plants.
- Similar treatment will be extended to the endangered species of animals including aquatic lives.
- The financial involvement in the development of endangered species shall be borne by the project.
- Fortunately for all of us, a vast forest is also readily available, enveloping the reservoir.

Q 10: The reservoir has its Maximum Water Level (MWL) at EL 178 m and Full Reservoir Level (FRL) at EL 175m. Why is 3 m cushion required for?
A: The project is a multipurpose one having two basic components – power generation and flood moderation. The reservoir created by the dam has two very important roles to play – first for generation of power and another for containing water during flash flood that may occur once in 50 years or so, as a result of high intensity incessant rain in the catchment.

If the high intensity rainfall continues even when the reservoir is full, the additional inflow to the reservoir shall be stored in this cushion for a short period in order to regulate discharge and avoid flood downstream. This process is known as flood moderation.

Attempts will then be made to release water from the reservoir through turbine and generate more secondary power. Therefore, this cushion is primarily meant for flood moderation and hopefully, the standing trees and plants in between these two levels shall not be damaged by the temporary (about 15 days) storage of water.

Q 11: Will the expenditure on flood moderation component be taken into account while calculating the cost of generation?
A: Normally, expenditure on any construction which is not directly relevant to power generation is not taken into account while calculating the cost of generation. The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) shall examine the issue and take a final decision.

Q 12: The realignment of National Highway (NH) 53 and NH 150 would result in substantial elongation of the road. When the road length increases both the time taken and fuel consumption of the vehicles plying on it shall also increase giving ultimate burden on the users. Will it not be negative point for the project?
A : Every project, may be power generation or road construction or alike, has both merits and demerits. Tipaimukh HE (Multi) Project is no exception. On one side, the length of the road may increase to some extent but on the other side, it provides better connectivity among villages located on both sides of the river through
- Water way of about 360 km long which provides very cheap transport.
- Improvement of Man Bahadur Road (100 km) to National Highway standard.
- Improvement of road connecting to Aizawl.

Q 13: Barak Fall will be submerged by the reservoir. This means a natural beauty spot is going to be lost forever. How can it be compensated?
A: During the rainy season (April to October) when inflow is more in the river, the Barak Fall will remain submerged. In these days, no picnickers or tourists would dare to come.

When the water level goes down gradually with the onset of winter season, the Barak Fall will also appear gradually. The Fall will be clearly visible during the months of February and March when tourists and picnickers start rushing in with their families. Thus, the natural beauty of the Fall will not be allowed to disappear at all cost.

Q 14: The emotional attachment between the Barak River and villagers nearby is going to be destroyed by the project. Comment.
A: The emotional attachment is always respected by all. The villagers may find it hard to tolerate such a change for some time. The planners and developers of the project do not want the emotional attachment between the villagers and the river is torn apart with the construction of the project.

Therefore, necessary arrangement would be made at the cost of the project to provide rehabilitation & resettlement to the affected villagers at a place of their choice located very close to their original village. With this arrangement, the villagers will be able to see the same river with clean water as usual.

Only difference is that the activities will be shifted at a higher level than the earlier one. At the same time, they are assured of a better living with enjoyable environment at their new village.

Read Part 1 | Part 2

N Shyamsundar Singh wrote this article for The Sangai Express. This article was webcasted on December 12th, 2006.

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