The Goddess of the Tarao :: Shangku/Piterte

By M Bejuan Tarao *

Long ago there lived a man named Tukhol who belonged to Tlangsha clan, he was the chief of Lungphra (somewhere at Myanmar). He married Chana Thapcha. After sometime a lovely daughter Shangku was born to them and gradually grew up. She was clever and pretty and possessed a quality quite different from her friends.

As she was very lucky in whatever she did, her friends were jealous and did not want to accompany her and ignored whenever they went for fishing, collecting fire wood etc. However, Shangku was very sincere, and had sympathy for her friends.

It so happened that one day her friends went to the forest to collect firewood without informing her but she did not mind and went alone to collect the same in the forest. While collecting the firewood she saw a handsome youngman approaching towards her and started helping her in collecting the firewood.

Actually the youngman was not a human being but Lord of Tamu called Kontong Leichaou. He appeared in the form of handsome youngman. He persuaded Shangku who was attracted by the king of looks the man possessed. The man droped her up to the village gate known as Phalkung.

Shangku requested him to come unto her house but the he casted upon her eyes and returned with the promise that he would visit her frequently.

One day the friends of Shangku went for a picnic without informing her as they considered she was very lucky in whatever she did. Shangku's mother noticed the loneliness of her daughter and was very sad. However, Shangku smiled and said, "mother don't be let down with this matter. Look, I'll go alone to the river and catch the fish, I'm sure that both of us would enjoy meal this evening".

Saying this, the girl headed alone towards the river and started fishing singing a melodious song to at the background. However, Shangku couldn't catch even a single fish though she tried hard. Meanwhile her sweet melodious song echoed the courses of the river and reached the ear of Wangbarel, the God of Water, who was also known as En-Ngourok.

Wangbarel had a crush on her even before seeing her. At once he appeared in the form of a handsome youngman rowing up the stream with fishing net towards where Shangku was catching fish. He threw the fishing net near Shangku however he could not pull out the fishing net and requested her to help him in pulling out the net. Shangku refused initially as she felt shy.

However, Shangku could not refrain from the constant request from the youngman that she went beside him and together they pulled it out. To her great astonishment there plenty of fishes were caught. The handsome Youngman gave her all the fishes as a gift, saying he would catch even more than this.

Shangku somehow reluctantly, accepted the gift. Then, Wangbarel expressed his feling about the girl and said, "Shangku you have invaded my life", you are in my heart, and I'm yours from now on. Then the man rowed his boat down the stream and and vanished from her sight.

While returning home Shangku met her friends on the way and she was sure that her friends might not have catched the fish. Showing mercy on them the girl gave most of the fishes to them. Her friends were surprised at the kindness of the girl who they had been constantly ignoring. Shangku went home and told her mother all the day's events.

Shangku, who had already fallen in love with Wangbarel. The man used to visit her frequently. Shangku then loved Wangbarel with all her heart, mind and soul. Eventually, she gave birth a daughter who was named Shangrot. But the villagers were clueless about the life of Shangku's.

Knowing that Shangku was in love with Wangbarel, Kontong Leichao, the Lord of Tamu became so furious and informed Shangku in her dream that she was not faithfull to his (Kontong Leichao's) love. Thus, he warned her of destroying the girl, her daughter and her people in two days time by sending a flame of fire from the East.

Shangku related her dream to her mother and raised alarm to her people. However, her people did not believe and laughed at her saying to each other, how could this wonderful event happen. In spite of Shangku's repeated urge, the people did not care to heed. Then to their surprise the people witnessed the flame of fire brewing from the East. Everyone ran towards Shangku to ask her what they sould do in order to escape.

Shangku led all her people towards the North side. They extended every effort to put off the fire, but it intensified on their way. They then reached the present town of Moreh and Khongkhang. They were so tired and helpless. They felt hard to imagine how they had escaped from such inferno.

At this moment, the helpless Shangku took out her trouser and began to blow the fire. Fortunately, the fire stopped for sometime and the people continued their flee towards Tarao, which is known to stand with one leg after bearing the burden.

Later on this place becme to called as Khongkhang. The fire continued and people ran towards Uitloupamul and finally reached Wangkhupi, which is presently called Tengnoupal. The elders of Tarao say that the present soil of Tamu and Moreh that looks red is because of the great flame of fire which took place at that time.

The plight of Shangku and her people was finally learned by Wangparel, the God of Water, and the lover of Shangku. At once Wangparel came to rescue them by sending a torrent rain. The rain continued for many days and flood began, water rose step by step and covered most parts of the mountain.

At this time Shangku and her people reached top of the mountain which is called Piterte Muull Laimaton, that now lies to the north of Tengnoupal between Saivom and Tengnoupal. The people worried about the possible occurence of such dreaded event.

The rain continued no more and the sky became clear. Although the water still covered the mountains the people were gripped by the fear they had come across and worse still, they had to keep on worrying as the foodgrains had totally failed in the midst of flood.

Shangku now noticed how much the god of water, Wangbarel loved her and she was willing to sacrifice herself for the man. She knew the problems of her people. So she decided to sacrifice her life for the sake of her people. Shangku adviced her people to search for her at the foot of Laimaton Tuidangna stream where she would definitely be there when the water completely receded. After saying these words, she jumped into the water.

Shangku expressed the following words just before she jumped into the water:

While I was the seven mothers of the above,
and the seven mother of the earth;
I command you not to flow and fall into Burma,
and I command you to return in a zig zag course
starting from Tuipi river and fall into Imphal river.
Oh the god of water you have come to take me
by filling all the depressions and mountains with water.

Shangku sung this song and jumped into the water

Pee oh Pee oh peerou oh,
Tuishampa raal hangsha a
Thleipun tlaktang kitien
Thleipun thlak ah kangnoh ah
Tuisham pa raal ningsha a
Harngou taman thlaaktang nge
Harngou thlaklai kangnoh a
Tuishampa raal ningsha a
Borsham taman thlaaktang nge
Borsham thlaaklai kangnoh a
Shungrot taman thlaktang nge
Shungrot thlaklai kangnoh a
Thisampa raal ningsha a
Karung taman thlaklai oh
Tuishmapa raal kangsha a

According to the above song, First of all Shangku tried to recede the water by dropping her ear ring into the water by singing this song "Hamgou taman thlaaktang nge, Hamgou thlaklai kangnoh a Tuishampa raal ningsha a". As she tried to recede the water by dropping her ear ring.

There is a little sign of receding the water. Now her ear ring grew as a white Reishok flower plant and still blooms at Pitarte muul or Laimaton. In fact, there is no variety of white Reishok flower in Chandel District. Of course, there is red Reishok flower at Bukthrol Tuipi River.

Secondly, she droped her necklace singing 'Thleipun tlaktang kitien, Thleipun thlak ah kangnoh ah'. She said I drop my necklace into the water in order to recede the flood but the flood still remains the same.

Thirdly, she threw her walking stick into the water singing 'Shungrot taman thlaktang nge Shungrot thlaklai kangnoh a. Tuisham pa raal ningsha a', She said "I drop my walking stick into the water to recede the flood, but the water recede little and still remains the same. Now her walking stick grew as cane plant at the top of Laimaton."

Fourthly, She droped her busket (sham) into the water singing 'Borsham taman thlaaktang nge, Borsham thlaaklai kangnoh a', She states that I drop my busket into the water, the water recedes little and the flood still remains the same. Now her busket grew as a bamboo plant at Laimaton or Pitarte muul.

The water receded slowly as she droped her ear ring, necklace, walking stick and busket. However, most of the water still remained. This indicates that her whole body was being demanded by the god of water. Ultimately, she sacrificed her life by jumping into the water singing 'chotnu karung tamaan thlaklaijo Tuisham pa raal kangsha a'.

She said "I threw myself in the water as the god of water demanded. Hence, the water receded completely. In this way Shangku sacrificed her life for the Tarao people. Then normal life began and the people of Tarao settled at Wangkhupi, which is at present called Tengnoupal and settled there after the flood.

During this period there were fierce wild animals. The Tarao planted a cacti plant (Tengnou) as a village fencing. Later on Manipuri King Chingthangkhomba gave the name as Tengnoupal instead of Wangkhupi. Shangku's brother's dream and finding of Shangku.

One day Shangku appeared in her brother's dream telling him to search her at the source of Tuidangna River by bringing her daughter Shangrot under certain conditions.
  1. Seven banana leaves facing the sun towards east
  2. Split of a ginger into seven stratum
  3. A deer meat
  4. Ngara fish
  5. Steam Mashounu food (Bungan buh/Ngangkok chak)
The seven banana leaves facing the sun towards east should be piled up one upon the other. And the seven stratum of a ginger should be kept upon the banana leaves. A well prepared food from steam food out of Mashounu rice and a curry prepared from the meat of a deer and fish are to be wrapped together by the banana leaves. These provisions are to be prepared by an innocent among the people of her clan.

Moreover, she informed that she would weight heavy at the place she prefers most while carrying her statue, and thus the statue should be laid there.

According to Shangku's instruction the villagers went with her daughter Shangrot and searched for Shangku for two days however to no avail.

On the third day, Shangku's brother sang a song while they kept on searching for the goddess: Thiingpak thakshu kachoija, changbi nachur kachoija, chotnu jontaria. Which means, I came to search you with your daughter following all the instructions. I'm searching you, where are you Shangku.

Suddenly Shangrot, the daughter saw a wet stone where her mother used to wash her clothes. This was the sign of her presence nearby. Shangrot's tears begun to fall expressing grief pain by singing a song 'Punrah shukna kimuh en ruithri shuklem ningsha a'. (As I saw the stone where my mother use to wash her clothes sorrows of tears filled my eyes. As she finished her song she saw her mother washing her clothes on the stone).

Shangrot then cried out, saying, here is my mother and Shangrot vanished from their sight. They rushed towards the voice of Shangrot with fear and surprise over Shangrot's whereabout. Meanwhile they saw the statues of the mother and the daughter. (They talked about Shangku's wandering at this place. The Tarao called Tuidangna River as Shangwai. As Shangku wonder they called this river Shangwai. Inwai in Tarao dialect means wonder. This Shangwai River flows through Pallel and falls at Imphal River).

They went home carrying Shangku's statue and reached the foot of Laimaton mountain the highest mountain in the land of Tarao. Suddenly her statue became very heavy; they could not carry any more. They tried again and again but in vain. Meanwhile Shangku's brother remembered what her sister had said to him. So, as per her instruction they laid her statue properly at Laimaton mountain knowing it was the sign of her desire (now the exact place where Shangku's statue laid was just beneath the NH 39 about 100 ft south of the Laimaton mountain.

A hole measuring two feets square round in shape and one feet dept was prepared smoothly and properly and the statue of Shangku was laid on it. As Shangku had saved her people by sacrificing her life. The Tarao called this place - Piterte Muul. Later on Piterte Muul is known as Laimaton.

One day Shangku's borther went to the place where Shangku jumped into the water; to his great astonishment he saw her walking stick grew as a cane plant and her busket into a bamboo plant, and her ear ring as a white Reishok flower. Actually there is no variety of White Reishok flowers in the land of Taroo as well as in Chandel District. These flowers still bloom at Laimaton.

The yearly significance and the worship of Shangku

In the month of October, the Tarao people use to render the nomage and veneration to Shangku the goddess. In order to worship her they use to celebrate a Kumpitlung festival in every six year. The exact pilgrimage of Shangku was accessible only by the clan of Khurpuen and Tlangsha or Khurpuen priest from her clan, other clans are strickly forbiddened.

So when the festival was ready to start the Khurpu priest would go to the pilgrimage of the goddess Shangku and observed the hole, the signs and omens for the year. The Khurpu priest would lift up the statue and will look into the floor of the hole. Thus, the signs and omens of the time and the year are shown there.


1. The area measuring about 2 ft sq. in shape and 1ft deep of a hole would be prepared dividing into four directions indicating east, west, north and south. Nine small cows and an ox made of mud are laid inside the hole in order to observe the omens of the year.

(a) If there is a bright dot/sign on the body of an ox, it indicates that there will be no sickness or diseases mainly to the males and the year will be specially a time for a male to give birth and if there is scabies sign on the body of an ox, it indicates, the year would bring sickness, disaster especially to the males.
(b) The significance for the females is similar with the males.

2. If there are plenty of ants inside the hole, it indicates the sign of hardship to happen.

3. If there is dung of an earthworm, sickness would prevail in the year.

4. If there is an ant hill (a piece of soil deposited by the ant), it indicates the sign to reap more grains and vegetable in a year.

5. If there is a mouse net, it indicates the signs of sorrow, pain and death would prevail in a year.

6. If any root passes through east to west direction or north to south direction, it indicates the eminent war will be serious.

Thus, the Goddess Shangku warns her people through signs and omens. In fact, the Taroo wholly depended the predictions of Shangku throughout their life. The Goddess Shangku statue existed till 1943 at Laimaton. The statue of Shangku vanished as the NH 39 road cutting was carried out in 1943. The distance from NH 39 and the pilgrimage of Shangku's statue was about only 100 ft approximately.

A word inserted on a flat stone 'Masi Laini Sokkanu' meaning this is a goddess do not touch, was laid beside the Shangku's pilgrimage. As it is a period of 2nd world war the British soldier were constructing the road. Besides, a heavy battle took place between British and Japan soldiers in Tengnoupal area.

The tribals residing within the war affected area were gathered at Chingngamakha Imphal with a special care of Britisher. The 2nd world war ended in 1945 and the tribals residing at displacement camp at Imphal returned to their respective places. Unfortunately, The Tarao lost the statue of Shangku.

A word inserted on a stone was left alone and the statue of the goddess Shangku was thus vanished. People believe that the statue might have been taken away by the British Officer during the road construction work was done.

Rain during drought

Shangku/Pitarte is the saviour and sustainer of the Tarao tribe till 1945. She saves the people of Tarao from the flame of fire and flood by sacrificing her life. She recedes completely the flood water by throwing her ear ring, necklace, walking stick, busket and her body being demanded by the god of water.

Her statue being laid beneath the Tarte muul towards south about 500 mt as per her desire. Whenever drought occurred in Manipur due to the failure of monsoon, Shangku the goddess provides sufficient rain. All the youth of Tarao clans will go to Tuiphu river where the three streams met together originating from east, north and south.

Pitarte muul is toward north. The youth will kept on crushing the bark of Kuru (A poison for fish) at the junction of Tuiphu river. A gentleman from clan of Khurpu or Tlangsha will take with him the leaves of a local plant known as Naboma and will go straight upto Laimaton where Shangku statue was laid.

Meanwhile the youth of the village will go on crushing the bark of kuru at Tuiphu River. As soon as a man from the clan of Khurpu or Tlangsha reach Laimaton he will cover the head of the statue with Nabuma leaves, leaving being the statue he will go up straight to the top of the mountain where Reishok flower, bamboo and cane grew.

He will plug a bloom Reishok flower by the bamboo. As soon as the flower falls and reach the ground a sudden black cloud covers the skies and started a torrent rain. Thus, the Tarao use to receive rain whenever drought occurred during summer with the help of goddess Shangku or Piterte.


The veneration of the Goddess Shangku was recognised by the King Budhachandra of Manipur. King Budhachandra came to Laimaton to worship the Goddess Shangku/Piterte by offering floral tribute, one white dove, one buffalo, one vessel for the purpose of cooking the sacrificial meat, one iron rode for lifting the sacrificial known as chekap and two spades.

The King's gifts are preserved and kept at Tarao Laimanai till 5th February 1980. However, Prijo Barta the brother of King Budhachandra took away the gifts in the year 1980.

* M Bejuan Tarao wrote this article for The Sangai Express . This article was webcasted on May 23, 2008.

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