ZSP Freshers' and Social Meet – it never happens before!

Bruce K. Thangkhal *

New Delhi, Oct 29 (Fri): KALAISAI! On Thursday, the well-known Zou celebrated singer TT Lal echoed the campus of Delhi University. As his voice weaved its magic and belted out some popular songs which left everyone in puzzle making it the most memorable day for many of us. He came, he saw and he conquered all the hearts of Zou in the national capital city!

That happened when the Zou Sangnaupang Pawlpi (Zou Students' Association) Delhi celebrated its XVIIIth Annual Freshers' cum Social Meet at Sri Shankar Lal Concert Hall in Delhi University campus where more than 500 people flocked together, once in 365 days. The day-long social meet was graced by UZO president Ginsuanhau (GS Haupu) as the chief guest in the presence of Shri T Doulianmang, guest of honour, Dr David Vumlallian Zou, functional president and special guest Shri Thangchinsuan (UZO general secretary, 1990-2001), other dignitaries and invitees. This is the first time where two senior bachelors graced as the guest of honour and functional president in the history of ZSP Delhi Branch.

The day before Thursday, seems a sleepless night for many. Some bought news dress, some new shoes, even some dyed their hairs while some others did facial and many more to say. Above all, Thursday night was a crazy night! SMS disturbed my sweet dream. On the day, the crowd was thin in the beginning. Those who are in the front rows slightly turned back again and again to gliance at the low turnout. However, Mr Goubiaklian and Miss Buabuang steadily drive the program. Then Rev GK Samte read a passage from Nehemiah 2:17 citing, "Let us rise up and build again". And made the invocation prayer. Soon the items ran smoothly.

In the presidential address, ZSP president Khaibiaklian greeted everyone on the occasion. "When we are united, there's nothing impossible for us", he said, "Let's try to learn something new from today. We should love one another and strives better than before. The seniors must set an exemplary life for the new comers". The soft-spoken president also extended his warm-welcome to students' leaders who were presence on the occasion, namely, Shri Thangminlen Kipgen, general secretary of Kuki Students' Organisation Delhi, Shri Benny A Sangma, president of Delhi Achik Youth Association, Shri T Benjamin, president of Khangthah Zuun Pawl (Simte Students' Association), Shri Lam Johnson, vice-president of Siamsinpawlpi Delhi (Paite Students' Welfare Association) and Shri Ginlalsiam, area secretary of SSPP Delhi.

The hall grew into full-bloom later on. There was an eye-catching choreography from 'Zoukuomthawn Choreographers' which presented "Ngai Nangtoh hichi Lam leng" and "Tunin Lamlei Zingc hiang Lam Nawnlou Ding Maw, Lanu Tangval". The songs, our forefathers sang in the olden days. The first-kick began with the long-awaited of the day, Mr TT Lal, opened his first appearance with one of his popular hits, "Mauna ngen hi i lenna". The crowd catches some sort of happiness.

Then ZSP presented Zou traditional shawl and memento to the chief guest, guest of honour, functional president, special guest and superstar singer. During this, an unknown audience murmured, "ZSP president took so much time. There's TT Lal and The Zoutals in the list. He may be true, perhaps! Ask anyone?

The guest of honour, T Doulianmang, a textile designer, said, "One should not simply lost time in civil service preparations, there are many areas which needs to explore. Be careful in time management and girls must know what they should wear according to the occasion". He added: "Try to be the best in every field. Then the doors will be open for you, step by step". The guest of honour contributed Rs 5K to the organiser. He's the only entrepreneur among the Zous as known so far. He completed his PG degree in textile designing from NIFT New Delhi wayback in 1996. He also did his master degree through correspondence from Delhi University while in NIFT.

Then time for 'Kalaisai' and 'Damsawt hen'. ZSP president led the crowd in expressing the highest degree of happiness 'Kalaisai' and 'Longlive' (damsawt hen) to our special guests. Then came, Miss Chochong, enthralling the audience with her patriotic song, 'Zogam Lei Aw'. She led the audience towards the famous dreamland called 'Zogam'.

Now the introduction of freshers, which is a part of Mr and Miss Contest, began. Mr Siampu and Miss Lydiana hosted the show. As many as 12 freshers took part in the grand contest. Where are the rest? Pastor SK Mung blessed the freshers. During the contest, a young lady contestant picked up a question: "If you were given a chance to become Singngat MLA what would you do for your people?" "I will supply water," the lady responded. [Singngat village is well-known for scarcity of water]. Then another special number, "Ngoumei zam zizia Zoulei ah" by Mr Mungnou.

The functional president, Dr David Vumlallian Zou, assistant professor in Delhi University extracted examples from UZO president itself about the education policy which started as a flagship in Behiang village (Indo-Myanmar border) and the undergoing construction of Zougal hall (in memory of Zou War of Independence) in Zoveng (Lamka). Our president GS Haupu knew how to utilize the talents of our people which became the human resources in our land, said Dr Zou.

"About entrepreneurship, our brother Doulianmang is already an example for us. If you want to success in your life, you have to realize your talent. And when you focus on your talent, you'll surely success", Dr Zou said. "Your passion could bear you to overcome all the hardships. Therefore it's important to follow one's passion". He also encouraged the students to develop a habit of reading at least one national newspaper, news magazine and competitive magazine. Dr David Zou contributed Rs 5K to ZSP!

Then came a song, called "Danny, the One" by Mr Malsom. The song began with an electrifying music. The song, indeed, is a blend of Zou and English. There came, the man! TT Lal, "Kei Ka Zuang Man Hi" which had stolen the hearts of the audience. That was the time, the audience blew their flying kisses. The audience could no longer wait for none, other than TT Lal. Everything became boring without his name!

Speaking as the chief quest, Shri GS Haupu, said, "Ask yourself, why our parents keep you in Delhi. Today you're a student, tomorrow you'll be the pillar of our society. Your success is the success of our people. Whenever you made success in any exams, we the parents at home also felt proud of youl". In the meanwhile, UZO president GS Haopu shot back to Shri Hangkhanpau, MLA/Minister (Singngat Assembly Constituency). He said, "Our MLA Hangkhanpau falsely instigated that the Zous are no longer majority in Singngat A/C while delivering his speech at Shillong Zouton (Oct 23). This is absolutely wrong". The president further clarified, "We are still the majority in Singngat Constituency. It is a home to Zou, it's an age-old home of our grandfathers".

"Truth, honest, try try again" was his mantra for achieving one's goal, he shared the students. The chief guest gave Rs 50K to ZSP and Rs 1K each to the singers. Not only this, our special guest Thangchinsuan also contributed Rs 1K for all the singers. Then, the Zou Cultural Troupe showcased the beauty of Zou traditional dance "Pupa Lam" before the fully-packed crowd on the stage. The troupe sang popular folk songs such as "Ka Kho Khai Mai Tang E", "Tun Sung Khat A Piang Hi Ngei Ngei Hang E", and "Lam Lam Leila i Lam Chim Zawlou". These folks pulled the eyes of the audience.

Shri GS Haupu, Shri Douliangmang, Dr David, Shri Thangchinsuan, Shri K Zou, Shri Khakhai Zou and Shri John Jamkhomang were pulled out of their seats to join the cultural troupe by two ladies from the troupe. As the song goes, "Zingciang Lam Lei, Thaichiang Lam Nawnlou Ding Maw Lanu Tangval", K Zou, an advocate, swiftly leaps in 'Dailam dance', which abruptly arouses the crowd, with their eyes wide open!

Time ran out unknowingly, and pastor Liankholal prayed for the closing and the lunch, as well. The clock struck 2.44! The lunch was contributed by Mr and Mrs Ngambawi family in memory of their beloved eldest son Daniel Seiminlun, who rest-in-peace on Sept 21 here in AIIMS. During those days in AIIMS, many of Zou youths poured in to save this young lad. But heaven took away. Thus the lunch is a sort of thanksgiving to the Zou community for their humanitarian services.

Over to Lunch! Everyone queued-up to get a plate full of rice and meat. Gossips and chi-chats occurs every nook and corner. It's the right time to exchange words. Boys and girls are busy with their own tale to tell, even the old and young appears the same scene. A lovely short gap. Once inside, no chance! Whoever filled his or her belly, rushed towards the hall. The hot session began with Mr P Thongkholian and Mary Zozam as the comperes.

Suddenly there was thundering a sound, that marks the arrival of 'Zoutal Band' on the stage. "The band was formed out of the last year's meet. This time, they're gonna rock you!" exclaimed Miss S. Linda, the band manager. The band spelt out two songs, one "Rock and twist it", the other "Hing Lam Aw, Hing Lam Vang". This was the first moment when the crowd leaps in boundless joys inside the hall. The band made the crowd crazy! "Kai, I love You", a lady voice emerged out of the midst!

When ZSP general secretary Zuanneithang gave the annual reports the audience screamed in annoyance. Cleverly the secretary shortens his version and ended well in no time. Now came the new band, Revival Thunders which heavily rocked the entire room with "Tuanlai i Zo hun a kipan" and "Zomi Sangnaupang Pawlpite". The singer banged his head up and down, making the audience banging their heads, too! The crowd became their true followers during their show. The spirit was high now!

After RT rocked the hall, Mr Kamlianlal, education secretary announced the two awards viz Excellency Award and Meritorious Award. The Excellency Award recipients were Mr Stephen P Doukhanlun (IDES), Mr Samuel Samte (Asst Commdt/CPO), Mr T Douminlian (Asst Commdt/CPO), Mr Lawrence Munluo (SO/CSIR), Mr S Thangsuanmung (SI/CRPF), Mr Soizagin (SI/Delhi Police), Mr Hanglamthang (Social Security/PF), Mr Hausuankhai (Clerk/SBI), Mr Thangboi Mate (Tax Assistant), Mr Kamlianlal(JRF/JNU), Miss Helena Nuamzahat (Lieutenant/MNS), Miss Regina Chongboi (SI/CISF), Miss Hahat Mate (Staff Nurse/AIIMS), and Miss Suanching Samte (Staff Nurse/RML Delhi).

The Meritorious Awards recipients include Miss S Vungneimawi (XII Sc), Mr Hauminlun (BA Geography), Mr Thangkhankhup(BCA), Mr M Ginsuanmung (MSc Physics Topper Delhi University) and Mr Limlunthang (MA Applied Psychology). The functional president Dr David Vumlallian gave away the awards to all the recipients during the ceremony.

Then the philanthropic, Zou Youth Organisation Delhi president Khakhai Zou gave the Samaritan Awards to Mr T Doukhanmang, Mr Khaibiaklian, Mr Thangsuansang, Mr Khamsianpau, Mr Kapsutlian, Mr Kamlianlal, Mr Lianlunlal, Mr Haulunlal, Mr Siampu Manlun, Mr Kailunlal, Mr Mungsiamlian, Mr Thongkholian, Mr Chinsianlal, Mr Richie Singson, Mr Vanlalthlan, Ms Lhingzahoi, Mr Soizagin, Mr Thangminlian and Mr Zamminthang. The Samaritan award is only given to those who rendered service to humanity. These awardees had donated their warm bloods to our people in times of need.

Surprisingly, ZYO president belted out a song called 'Zoubawm'. The song goes "Zoubawm a lungkhat i khai khawm chiang…" Thus he himself became another crowd puller of the day. The audience cheers him happily. [Zoubawm, a truck plying between Lamka town and Behiang village in the 90's is a derogatory remark to the Zou people, who usually travels by. There's no other vehicle plying on this road by that time. The name is given to them by others. Today, Zoubawm can be a collection of Chin, Kuki, Mizo, Zomi, Hmar, etc. Hence the word became appropriate now.]

Then came, Mr George and Miss Betsy. The duo spellbound a soft song "I just need you now". The song has cooled down the strong crowd a little bit. Otherwise, it might be too noisy. Their soft skills soothed the crowd satisfactorily. This was the time, when two little kids – Mr Alex and Miss Mannu rocked the entire hall with their rap song. Alex's cap and his funky dress, and Mannu's black-boot attracted all the eye-balls inside. The audience applauded their excellent performance.

Then the chief guest released the new ZSP T-Shirt, designed by Mr Joel Ginzamoi. Followed by a song from the trio - Merrina, Rosie and Muan. They dedicated the song to the freshers. The comperes once again appeared on the stage and announced the winners of Mr and Miss Fresher Contest. Lalboi Samte and Monica were crowned Mr Fresher and Miss Fresher title. The awards were given by Shri John Jamkhomang and Ms Niangzadim respectively.

Now comes, the Zotal band which makes the crowd jumped out of their seats to welcome them. Once again, the singer Kaipu 'Zoutal' belted out 'Ka Zougal Sat' and 'Zoukhankhual' which draws the crowd to almost beyond control. Even the band manager Linda and Cecilia weaving their hands and shaking their legs amidst the crowd. Another lively moods boiled at this point.

Mr Jimmy, with his magical fingers on his guitar while his friend Mr Kapboi spellbound another song. Master Jimmy's magical touched is a great joy for every eyes. The remaining few minutes was handed to the much awaited singer. Whenever TT Lal leaps on the stage, the crowd emerged out from all the corners of the hall to glimpse at him.

The well-known singer belted out popular hits such as "Ngai gimsi", "Keima kham zia hisih e", "Atui luangsiam", "Aw Heisa" and "Mauna Ngen". This was the best moment for the audience, where majority of them danced on the floor. TT Lal romances the crowd. Many of his die-hard fans rushed to the stage, but they were blocked by some volunteers. His fans were disappointed. Yet, there was a chance to dance with him on the stage peacefully. Many young boys and girls joined the singer on the stage without disturbing him throughout the song.

The singer left the crowd astonished and perplexed at the end of his last song. The comperes had disappointed the crowd at the end for not giving another chance to the singer. Nobody's fault anyway. The clock struck almost 7!

The program ended with vote of thanks from Samuel Samte. The closing prayer of pastor T Lalpu concluded the fun-fare celebration. Then everyone weaves "Bye".

See a photo Gallery on this event here

* Bruce K. Thangkhal wrote this article and was relayed to by T. Zamlunmang Zou . The sender can be reached at zoulun77(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on November 08 2010.

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