Rum Oigera Whisky Oigera Thaktabadi Mayadre

Kenebo Rajkumar *

Rum Oigera Whisky Oigera Thaktabadi Mayadre

Mayang kangba asonba nupa asi thang fengli. Thang fengnaba nung aduda eshing heira heiraduna maion silla silladuna ngahaktasu pothadana fengdunata leiri mahakki thang asi. Thang macha natte. Sha kakpada sijinnaba adugumba achouba thangni. Mahak humangna pumlup luple masa pumba adubu ngahaktasu pothage haibadu mahak khande.

Tumba yade chaba yade thakpa yade. Onthokpani nupa asi yamna chokthare. Ayuk nungthil numidang sunglep lepte mahakki thangdu fengdunata leiri. Mahakna mee ama hatti hattana thangna machet machet lenningngi. Karigumbada pambomda feiruda thangna chabat chabat yanthaningngi. Wakhal adudagi anouba wakhal amata mangonda changsinba haijilluba ngamdre.

Pothafam khangde mahak. Numit tha thawanmichak ching oo wa nupi nupa uru uru khudinggi mahakki saoningba langtaknaba asi asum asum hengatlak e. kamdoudouri mahak houjik.

Numit ama ngairi. Numit adudani mahakna numit kayani changduna fenggatlakliba thang asina mathou tougadouribasi.

Nupa asina luhongduna lourubi mahakki nupi adu nongma yumdagi thokkhibadagi hallakkhide. Numit takhraba matung ahing nongyai faoba hallakkhide. Mahakna khankhiba haibabu nong ngallagadi hallakpa yai masini. Nong ngallabasu hallakkhidre. Yumgi ahal laman changduna koithi thire. Thiba fangle adubu yumdadi hallaktre, hallaknaba kourubadasu yaraktre. Asonba mayang kangba nupa asigi nupina langba esousi angakpa upadrop amani. Esing asaba soubagumna brong brong hek soubani. Audio tap ta eshei chaksin shaksinna thabagumbani.

Marol loufam khangba natte. Awangba khonjenda ngangbaduna ngangbaduna madudagi sungnem nemtharakpa natte. Khonjel adu matam chuppada wangdunata lei. Sega maiga ngangnafam khangde. Soudunata leiraba nupidugi khonjenduda mahakki emungse mahi olle, meigi chingna pokhairakpada chenthorakpa meigi echel aduni emunggi kachin amadagi kaching amafao sinba thungna chellibase.

Lairik paba, lairik tungsinba, lairik yamna leiganba; mayang kangba nupa asina uramba, sagatlamba, yeklamba nupigi amengba athotpa anouba matou adubu mahakki nupida fangliba asi oiridara. Mahak lairik thajadre. Houjik mahakna thajaribasi mahakki nupibuni maramdi madu mahakki kalpana natte, mahakka hakthengnariba meetmangda sang sang uriba ahingba matouni. Lairikta eramba bhabki oiba nupigi mayagi fajabasingdo mahakna amata uba fangde.

Nupa asina yamna soiroidouba manba wakhal amadi khalli madudi mahakki nupi asi nongmadi soidana yumda hallakkhini haibasini.

Mahakki nupida hingna lennaba amadi yanthanaba thangni ngahaktasu pothadana fenglibasi. Maithong adu saoningbana machu olle. Maithonggi humanggi machu adu angnagba ngakta ngaikhre.

Mahakna charudrabasu, thakludrabasu, tumludrabasu matamnadi numit amuk ta nong amuk ngan; numit kayani houkhre. Lakkhini hallakkhini khalliba nupi adubu ngaibadadi mahak chokthaba awaba koubata mareitre.

Tha kaya houkhre. Marakta yaoshang, sajibu cheiraoba, budha purnima, kang chingba, kanglen, hari uthan; mathang mathang loikhre houkhre. Ekang kangladuna leikrak chatlamba pukhri, khnonban, pat, turel ngamnamak eshingna pik thankhre. Chinggi lammeigi tanggoina tampakki yumgi shumang maton youna paitharaklamba singdusu pairakkhidre. Maru ekok koklamba upalsing anouba yenning chongduna, una wana ngamnamak lisanlaktuna pumsang sangkhre. Charukhoktana chap yungkhuttuna leiramba khunggangi mapan naidana pak chaoraba loubuksing adusu asangba founasingtana kupsinkhre.

Olangtha loisinkhiduna ningthamtha khara khara changlakpa matam asiwaisida nupi adu ekhang khanghoudana hallakle. Numidangwairamgi numitna chingyada leithakhiba kuidringeigi matam aduni. Mayang kangba asonba nupa adu mikup aduda haraobagi pankhei leikhidare. Ritu kayagi matungda mahakki loinabibu uba fangbagi mahakna haraoba natte. Nupa adugi pukninggi haraoba adu chinbalda momon oina nokalakkadouba haraoba adudi natte. Mahakki nupibu sangtrik yengduna leiri. Tha kaya changna fengduna laklaba thang adu mathou touragani touhallagani khanduna mathamoidu nung ollakli. Leigumna meenungsitana yomlamba mahakki thamoini adubu mikuptudadi nattre.

Enggit amatasu fangde mahakki nupigi mafamdagi. Ekhoulangbagi matou amatasu ullakte. Karigumba mahakna wa amatang hek kangthokpa hourabada waheigi saphu kallaba echel amana thomjollakkadouri. Thinggattuna thamlamba achouba turelgi dam hangdorakpagum.

Ngahakti wakhal tou-e. Pukningbu wakhalna netsinjaduna khamjinnaba hotnajei. Matei manao oibagi yamna thuppa mari ama meet uisinduna sagatke khalli. Nupigi asengba amengba adu unanaba langtaknana mayengjei. Karisu oithoktre. Ubasu fangdre. Tha kaya numit kaya ritu kayagi mamangdagi chaktuna laklaba mahakki loinabimakna nung olhallamlaba thamoi adu mapan thoklage haiduna ngrang ngrang nganglakle pukning wakhal thamoi makhoi khudingmakna.

Thang fengnaba nungdagi thang adu loukhatle. Mahakki nupigi manak changsinduna wangna thanggattuna mapambomda mafaiganda yanthaba houwi. Mameet adu chetna uisilli. Taibangda amukta thoktriba mahakki punsida amuktasu asigumna thokkani khankhidriba thamoigi hingsa adu mahakna yengba pamde.

Meet anidu khangpang pangthoktuna yenglubabu mahakki nupina karemnaduna mangonda onsinduna penna penna noklak e. hanjin hanjinna yalliba thang aduna esingda yanbagum nupigi sakfam adu kari amata kairamde. Houjikti mahak budhi choire. Ayakpa khonjenda mahakki nupina eshou langba hengatlak e. akampetna mee khudingbu cheirak e. mayang kangba asonba nupaduda onsinduna lao khongduna wahang mathang mathang hangjillakpadi leplamde. Malemna segaininglaba khonjen maraktuda taibangpanbana khangmam mamsillakkhi. Mikup adudagi mahak mathanta mangkhre. kamdouna karamna khangmam mamsillakkhiba taibang aduna, aduga mahakna lei-e amagi mapanda takhrabagum mang onkhribano mahak karisu khanghoudre.

Pakhang macha amana hindida “Eyamba numidanggi chak order tougadra? Yerum, nga nattraga chicken karamba pammi?” hanglakpaduda gyan khangta tarak e nupa adu.

mahakna engao ngaona hangdoklubani “Eina leirisibu kadaidano?” nakandasu masak amata khangdaba mee kharasu famlammi. Mayamdu amuktada wa laona noksallak e mahaki maikei yengladuna.

Nupamachaduna nokfet touraga khumlak e “Eyambana ngarang rum nattradi thakloi whisky di talle haibaduda einadi piramdre, aduga houjikfaoba ngaoramlisana kadaidagi thaklubano?” waheisingdu hairamlaga magi paokhumdi piramdana nok noktuna chatkhre.

Achenba train amagi manungdani mahakna leiramlibadu. Thongnaoda yengthoklubada mahak khangle. Train adu Andhra manungda thouri haibasi. Tapna tapna ningsingnaba hotnei. Karigumba kharadi ningsingba ngamle mahak. Guwahati gidamak bangalore dagi mahak train tonglakkhibani. Ngarang numidang adu mess panaba nupamacha amada mahakna rum fanggadra hangkhi. Yolliba singdusu mamal hengat hengattuna lonna yollibani. Whisky khakta ngaire haibaduda mahak leikhidre. Novel amakhak pana pana adum tumthakhrabajatni mahakti.

Adubu amuksu khalli, ningsingnaba hotnei. Thang, thang fengnaba nung, mahakki nupi, thangna yanba, nupina yum thadoktuna chatkhiba, amuk hallakpa, mamsankhiba….. thoudoksing adu mahakna mang oina mikup adufaoba khandokpa ngamdri. Karigumba kharana mahakpu yamna pothahandri. Train gi thongnaodagi asaba nungsitsingduna saphu kanna sichillakpasu leplamde.

Manakta famliba nupi nupasing adu marei kanna kanna yetnei. Adudagi khonjen kankhatnarak e. Matei manaosing malli jura jurasing adu. Nupisingduna athi athiba waheising thi thiduna magi magi nupasingduda ngangli, kharana tumin tuminna taduna nupigi sari adu haigatpiraduna makhongda noibiri, nupigi masam hatpiri, kharana kapliba angang themli.

Aduga mahakki nakanda tubak tasinduna famliba makoi yamna khakpa nupa aniduna kumheising adu amata thousadana wari amada lupli. Aniduna ngangnaribado makhoi makhoigi nupisinggi maramdani. Amagidi nupa amada chenkhre hairi aduga atoppa amadugina leiminnaba ngamdaduna khainakhre sini. Maramdi munna tasiilludre mahaknasu. Makok adu ngaoba henjallak e.

Mahakna ngarangdagi parakliba novel amada yumgi mou amana mapuroibagidamak kathokpa, eshwordagisu henna mapuroibabu ningjaba, manem makubusu yamna nolukna bebhar toujaba, fiji fina cheksinjabi, masagi nupi oibigi dharmabu yamna wangna loujabi, thaksi khasi fajabi, fajaba lichat chatpi, mikon naokonba heibi, meekou fajabi, mapuroibna ngangba yabagi mafam khajiktasu leitrabi aduga mapuroibanasu yamna luna nungsina toujabi nupi amakhakki warini paraklibadu.

Adubu mangga taibangga etot totsinnaba sangsar maraktuda, mahakki meetmanggi kumheisingdugana makok adu makhol houna pokhairakkadoure; ekhou langna polai ngaina paraklamba novel adusu loisinningdre.

Mahak phuk hougattuna lairik adu bag ta hapchinkhre. Ngasai chakki order louba laklamba nupamachaduna chatkhiba maikeidu tamna gam gam lakle. Mahakna mess ki nupamacha adu thiba chatlibase chak order touba chatpa natte. Rum oigera whisky oigera peisa double oigera triple oigera afangba amatadi thangtaba yadre khanduna chatlibani. Nattrabadi mayang kangba asonba nupa asigi kok asi guwahati youdringeida train manungda pokhaigadouri.

* Kenebo Rajkumar wrote this article for
This story was written during 22/23- May 2014
The writer can be contacted at kenebo(dot)raj(at)gmail(dot)com and also at
This article was posted on May 30 2014

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