E-Pao! Essay - Status of Manipuris in the Capital City & Other Cities

Status of Manipuris in the Capital City & Other Cities

By: L. Robindro *

In India (or in the World) every state has their own origin, tradition, culture, language, intelligence, nature and unique lifestyles. These are the foundations of Unity of any Society or State. These fundamental words make the identity of the person to other people. The person without having these words inside himself/herself can be taken or treated as a nomad or gypsy.

In this 21st century, no one likes to be a nomad. If we keep these words intact inside ourselves, other people will surely respect us and treat us at the same status. And no one will dare to point us on any minor incidents. In short no one wants to have identity crisis. That's why some states (nations) are fighting Wars, Conflicts all around the World because they want their presence & safeguard their identities.

Likewise, we (Manipuris) do have our own origin, unique tradition, culture, language, intelligence, lifestyle, history, appearance etc. and whenever we meet any 3rd person, we are easily able to introduce ourselves to him/her because of the words we have in. And being a Manipuri we should not loose it at any cost.

In Delhi & other cities in India, there are thousands of Manipuris. Among them some are studying, some are preparing for exams, some are working & some are doing business. Wherever we study, work etc. we should not forget our distinct origin, tradition etc. But unfortunately there are few Manipuris particularly some boys & girls below 30 years, who create BAD image on Manipur.

How does it affect to all of us, let's have a deep look into the following categorized potential disasters.

1. Girls having illicit affairs with Mayangs (Non-Manipuris from Mainland India) maybe because of some Arang-arak:

Some Manipuri girls have deep relations with Mayangs without knowing or understanding the mentality / tradition / culture of the Mayangs. In our Manipuri society, 99% of marriages are of 'Love Marriage'. Mostly we love each other & get married at last. And some does arranged marriage (haina-singnaba) with their parent's consultation. This is our beautiful tradition.

But Mayangs, they may love someone while young and 99 % of them get married with someone else of their parent's choice. It happens at every corner in India. See Bihar, UP, MP, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka etc.etc. all Indian states (except few NE states) where husband kills wife because of dowry & extra marital affairs, father-in-laws or brother-in-laws rape brides or wives so & so on. It happens & it's the truth, we blame/target no one on this earth. This maybe their tradition. Everyone knows changing a tradition is nearly impossible & will take hundred of years to change, if possible.

Fortunately, such evil incidents do not happen in our Manipur. So how can we believe or trust these Mayang people in such events. And in this 21st century we will be the foolish people if we keep on falling in their TRAPs, tricky words & their outer 'ARANG-ARAK'.

And 99% of Manipuri girls having affairs with Mayangs are already spoiled when the Mayang(s) abandons her/them. These Mayangs spread or tell their fake love story to their other colleagues. It's 200% sure that majority of these Mayangs will not marry any Manipuri girls. That's for sure. They are simply pretending and enjoying their youthfulness.

In this liberal society, it does not mean that we should not mingle with other people & be conservative. There should be some limitations always & should know our purpose of staying far away from home and sometimes we should think of our home, parents etc. like how they manage to send money during such financially critical conditions in Manipur, how they will be doing at home, what they will be eating etc. and sometimes we should ask ourselves also, like what I am doing is right or wrong, a fear of what other people will be talking about me if something goes wrong on my side etc.

In short, we should keep our morale under control. And it will be better to remember that once our morale, character & EJAT is lost then everything is LOST. One should realize that loosing our EJAT outside Manipur is same as loosing EJAT of Manipur. Moreover, every Manipuri wants to live happily & peacefully with good IJAT & fame.

Here I would like to share you one real story that happened to one of my friends who is MBA & was working in a good private company as an Asst. Sales Manager in Delhi. In his company there were other Mayang Sales Executives & Managers. Being in the sales dept. they used to discuss about marketing every now & then. One day the Mayang manager (married) told my friend that he had a Manipuri girl friend & was telling that Manipuri girls are good, lovable…this & that…etc etc and when he asked the manager said he did not marry the Manipuri girl & it was just for fun. That day my friend was too much irritated, humiliated without having committed any faults but he kept quite.

And after sometimes, one day there were a group of Sales Executives, Managers etc., after a meeting the manager started the topic again & another Mayang asst. manager narrated & exaggerated a similar story in front of every one. This time my friend could not tolerate the anger & insult and so he punched the 2nd Mayang saying that "the bad girls may be from Manipur & it happens in every society, it is even worse when you talk about other Mayang & your society itself". And there was a fight between the 2nd Mayang & my friend but the manager supported & sided the 2nd Mayang. That day my friend was very much furious, anger, insulted & he did not eat in the night. After that day, he resigned from the company & promised not to work in any Mayang companies particularly in North India.

See how horrible, painful & humiliation incident my friend had suffered because of some immoral Manipuri girls. Similar cases may be happening in other cities too.

Let's do a simple calculation, how does it affect our society. It is believed that there are around 50,000 Manipuris staying outside Manipur. Out of this 20,000 are girls. Lets assume, out of it 1000 girls have deep relations with Mayangs. Lets take every those Mayangs have 10 friends and meets them 4 times in a month. And that Mayang narrates the fake love story to his other colleagues whenever he meets them.

Every year (1000 (Mayangs) x 10 x 4 x 12=) 4.8 lakh Mayangs will come to know the CHEAP attitude, easily available & foolishness of our Manipuri girls. And these Mayangs will not shut their big mouths. So, the total no. of people will keep on multiplying. As the time goes on, it will become a big burden & fireball (to kill) and will make our morale too down (may not be able to get-up & stand high) to the present Manipuris.

And if it goes on happening this way, we (Manipuris) will be finished off one day in Delhi & other cities (say in next ten years). Someday we may feel shameful while disclosing our identity to other people/state.

Here I would like to recall a quote "Women Are The Mirror Of The Society". It's not about all the Manipuri girls, it's about few of them. It's like "Cheng chagring amana cheng meruk ama mang thok pagum bani".

Message to this group :

Please do not make it happened anymore for the sake of God & our future innocent children. We (Manipuris) are small group of people from a small state. If we do not stop this now, one day it will eliminate our identity & at last eliminate all of us from this earth literally. Please don't ever think that our culture, tradition, lifestyle are same as with those Mayang's. There is HUGE difference that can never match. First difference is the face appearance (sak).

2. Girls residing or live-in with Mayangs illegally without marriage & without having any commitment of marriage:

A few Manipuri girls are doing such evil things to blacken our Manipuri society without any fear. No body knows why they are doing like this, whatsoever the reasons it is very bad & shameful to us and it will discriminate us one day from this World. We want to ask them "how & why they live-in with those Mayangs illegally without marriage & without having any commitment of marriage from the Mayang family or without the acknowledgement of their families. How far will the Mayang family agree to their relation? The answer is very dim. What will happen when he abandons her? "They never think of the reality.

Here I would like to narrate you one more real story. It happened last year in Delhi & may be happening even now. The story is like this: A Manipuri girl has been in a deep relation with a Mayang boy. This Mayang used to visit her room very often even in the presence of other Manipuri girls (2-3) who are room-mates staying in a small single room set & they are all working in a hospital together. This Mayang even stayed for few nights in their small room in the presence of other Manipuri girls. One girl opposed strongly. What a horrific & shameful scene. After that they started living separately.

One day one girl asked her 'what will happen if your BF (boy friend) abandons you'. The evil girl answered 'she will elope (chenba) to his home'. What a funny & stupid answer she replied. How come the family or society of the boy will accept her? It is well understood that eloping (chenba) is a bad name in Mayang society & they do not allow it.

Whoever does it they (parents) simply send their son/daughter on exile (enthokpa). It (eloping) happens only in Manipur because it is part of our tradition & our society accepts it, but not in mayang society. And after sometime, we heard that one more Manipuri girl close to that evil girl has become GF of another Mayang who is friend of that 1st Mayang.

On hearing the news, few of my friends & myself wanted to meet the girl & talked to the girl & searched for her, but she went underground. Likewise it might be happening in other cities also. It is very shameful to all Manipuris. And at the same time, we really appreciate those Manipuri girls who got married to Mayangs and settled. Our concept is that if they can marry those Mayangs then it's ok, well & good.

If not, then it creates problems to other Manipuri girls who are good in morale, character, very homely, sincere to their study, work & who are not concerned about Mayangs. At last, it creates big problems on all of us. Our main concern should be if any Manipuri girls are doing it then they have to do it (marry) or die.

Message to this group:

Please do not spread your evil thoughts & sinful things for the sake of your parents & our society. Please save EJAT of other Manipuri girls & 'The Fame of Manipur'.

3. Company & staying with foreigners , may be because of money.

A very few girls are seen having company & staying with foreigners. And no body know what their modus operandis. What they really want, it's confusing. But it sends wrong message to Mayangs that Manipuri girls are CHEAP & easily available.

It is very difficult to think & understand 'what their real intentions are? Will they become foreigners if they mingle with them or can they hide their identity by going along with those foreigners? The answer is NO, never.

Message to this Group :

Being in the company of those foreigners, you might pretend to be a foreigner. But always keep in your mind that, it is not going to change you from being Manipuri. Does not matter whatever you wear, your parents & your blood belong to Manipur. You can hide nowhere from being Manipuri. Please watch out your steps else one day you may step on your own parents feet or may fall from your hi-fi ladder to a ditch.

4. Drug abuse & drinking in parties with other people. (We don't blame party among ourselves).

There are some Manipuris particularly boys who abuse drugs (SP & other tablets/drugs etc), for what, we do not know, may be in search of their own pleasure or mon-drang. There were few cases of death due to over-dose (OD). They never realize how it affects Manipur & our society. We want to ask them 'Why you are doing it while you are outside of Manipur? Don't you know & understand that it will affect your fellow Manipuris & their future? Don't you realize that what impressions these Mayangs might be having about us & how your parents might suffer after investing such huge money on your education & other expenses'. After all, misuse of any drugs is hazardous to health.

Message to this group :

We know you are free to do anything you like, no one is going to oppose you and you have fundamental right called "personal freedom". But please understand your limits & do whatever you want within the limitations. Do not sell your parent's name & our society with your bad habits.

5. Girls wearing skimpy clothes (without understanding the time, place & limits):

A large number of Manipuri girls are wearing all sort of skimpy, fancy clothes. Good ! It's fashion & it makes them look smart, good looking & clean only when they wear it at the right place & time like 5 star hotels, Plazas, PVR Cinemas etc.

But it creates problems and brings bad name on us when they wear it at the wrong place like local sabzi market, nearby your home/colonies, crowded places, Bus Stands etc. If they wear those fancy/skimpy dresses in such places then it sends wrong message to other Mayangs and it raises the blood pressure of those lusty half-educated, uneducated chai walas, dukandars & other Faltu Mayangs.

Wearing those clothes is nothing wrong from their (girls) side. But the problem is the mentality & thinking of those Mayangs. This we cannot change, but we can make changes on our part i.e wearing decent/humble clothes at the right place. And there is nothing wrong while copying the decent/humble dresses & manners of other people/community.

Lately there were few incidents of molestation of Manipuri girls too. There were indeed two molestation cases in Delhi. One was in Nov.-Dec. last year, a Manipuri girl was wearing skimpy dress and coming back from the local sabzi market at around 10 o'clock in night at her locality. At one corner a local Mayang (half-educated) molested her. On hearing the news, other fellow Manipuris from nearby localities gathered & agitated against the inaction of the local police. The whole night, all Manipuris stayed there demanding the immediate arrest. Later & sooner, the Mayang guy was arrested.

See how our Manipuris were united, morally strong and supported the girl & her friends. Because we all are Manipuris in heart, from a patriotic state Manipur.

And the Second incident was in daylight, inside the campus of Delhi University itself. How painful & unsafe for our Eche-Echals, that too inside the University campus. Unimaginable! We have no words to describe such heinous acts against us. We do not know how the incident was happened? The reason may be anything…it is left to you. But it was hurting all of us. We think the second case is still pending in the court.

One more truth that happened last year was the publication on a few national newspapers. It was published that there should be a 'DRESS CODE' only for NE girls in Delhi University. This dress code was issued by authority under the pressure of other mayang students who were claiming that NE girls used to dress in 'Cheap Way & Loose Manner'. In general, their main intention of the claim was to identify & isolate the NE girls. That time, it was a big issue in Delhi.

And all NE girls opposed to the idea of divided dress code. Yes, NE girls were right. Why only NE girls should have dress code (uniform), why not for other mayang students? Every single NE student & NE people living in Delhi, were shocked of the news. That incident seemed to be a total discrimination of NE people from the Main stream (India). And every NE girl had to suffer because of few immoral girls who did it.

Everyone knows that uniform is for all in a University or Institute. There might be no single Institute or University, on this Earth, which has divided system on Uniform. Such incident indicates what kind of mentality & perceptions they (mayangs) have about the NE students & people. And it is a fact that majority of the NE students in Delhi are from Manipur.

Dear Manipuris, it is the right time to open our eyes & wake up to the alarm before it's late.

Message to this Group :

Please wear those fancy clothes of your choice at the right place & time. We do not want any unwanted incidents to happen on our Eche-Echal(s) [sisters]. And we have limited tolerance of such incidents & insults if it happens again. So please beware of your dresses once you are outside of Manipur.

6. Girls live-in with fellow male Manipuris (out of yek-salai, genetic relations etc.)

A number of boys & girls are staying (live-in) together out of yek-salai, relations in Delhi /other cities. A few of them are students and few of them are employed. But most of them are unemployed ex-students and preparing for some exams etc..!. And majority of them are unaware by their parents too.

We want to ask those sabi-sanou(s) (die-hard lovers) particularly students and ex-students, we do not understand "what are you doing, you are getting money from home for your studies only but not to establish a family out of Manipuri samaj". And there are so many unwanted abortions reported in different hospitals.

Have you ever thought of "what those Mayang doctors & hospital staffs will think of us, will they respect us? Do you think live-in lifestyle sends good message to other people?". In fact, it reflects the image of our society in wrong direction in the minds of other people.

And these die-hard lovers used to tell fake identities to the Mayang landlords, saying that they are cousin brothers or sisters etc…! They never realize what the landlord & his family may say when they come to know the truth. They (Mayangs) may start speaking and spreading gossips that these Manipuris used to stay with their own cousin brothers / sisters & have all illicit relations. What a shame on Manipuri samaj & us!

Let's forget about those employed who 'Live-In' together because their story may be a different one. They are economically independent of their home & rely on nobody. Moreover they are matured enough to sense the term "live-in".

Message to this group :

Please try to stop these practices. "Hee anee tongba karang segai-raga tokpani". You cannot combine study with yum-panba. And you can hide no longer from your family & others, they are not blind & deaf. Those who are employed & live-in together, please go & get married. Moreover, Live-in lifestyle is transported culture from some highly developed western nations and we are under-developed state (not even a developing state).

Even though we are far from Manipur, let's do something good for our parents & Manipur in return of what they have done for us. Hope this way we can, at least, repay their debt to some extent.


At present we feel good and proud saying that we are from Manipur. But this feeling may vanish away in few years if we do not take some concrete steps & mass understanding among ourselves to safeguard our unique identity and future. And the Manipur Govt. also has to take some initiatives / steps. All the above problems are also part of the weakness of Manipur Govt., unable to establish / maintain an efficient education system and unable to resolve the problem of unemployment & insurgency.

For the time being, let's forget about the Govt.'s part. And let us focus on why not we try & do our best to transform ourselves to a developed society or state. Before the Mayangs are to be blamed for all these indecent activities, we have to have a big say that it is our people, both the boys and girls, who hold equal responsible for the situation.

And the main culprits are the parents of those immoral boys/girls. They (parents) are the first people to be blamed. How come they allow their childrens, particularly girls, to reside/stay in a rented house/room at such unsecured/uncensored metro cities? Why don't they keep their children in proper & secured hostels, accommodations etc.? They (parents) never know what sort of nonsensical things are committed by their sons & daughters once they are out of home. May be once/twice in a year, the parents should, at least, visit & check the progress of their (children) study, work etc.

And it is time to wake up for all of us and take some precautions & stop all the above issues now, otherwise in future any student from Manipur will not get a seat in any colleges in Delhi/other cities. We may not find a place to stay also. Our children or future generation (our future sons and daughters) will suffer from the present bad situations created in present & past.

And moreover, we all are emotional & patriotic Manipuris. We all cannot tolerate ill treatments, harassments by Mayangs. Sometimes it makes our blood boil. Personally, I cannot tolerate & control my anger when I heard of something like "Rape or molest of Manipuri girls or NE girls". Hope every Manipuri must be having the same patriotic & emotional feelings. We must think it's better to prevent now from unwanted incidents (which may happen in future).

We urge all Manipuris staying in Delhi & other cities, to be aware of the seriousness & spread these serious problems among ourselves so that Mayangs can no longer take advantages on us or on our che-chals (sisters) in future. Let's become ideal Manipuris so that other fellow Manipuris feel proud of us.

To prevent such unwanted incidents, ill-treatments, we should condemn all the above issues and we have to be very careful whenever we are in a new & big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chandigarh, Bangalore etc. And we have to be a well educated, bold, smart, not indulging in bad things and companies, should know our limits & do within the limits etc.

And it's better not to speak any regional language (like Hindi) until it is familiar with us. "Kabak-sabak ngangbana problem oiba yai". First let's learn it from our elders/schools/friends. Or it is much better to speak either in English or Manipuri in presence of them (Mayangs) until you are comfortable with the language.

Why should we get bad/ill treatments, harassments from other people. We must be treated equally. "Nothing More Nothing Less". Let us live with raising heads, EJAT & Fame if we are to live on this Earth.

We request all of you whoever reads this message, please convey it to your 10 friends & make it aware to our public. In this way, we can contribute something better towards creating a good name on Manipur & safeguard our society.

Please Let Us Remember That Whatever We Do Is For Our Homeland.
Let'S Save Manipur. Long Live & Peace To Manipur.
Salute To The Outstanding Manipuris!

Note: The essay highlights only on the main problems faced by Manipuris outside Manipur. There are also problems in Manipur but they are NOT covered in it. The essay is the personal expressions of the author and it has nothing to do anybody on this earth.

** Any comments or suggestions on my article are most welcomed. You can send me your feedbacks to my e-mail.

All Comments can be accessed from here.

L. Robindro is a Scientist,Research & Development at CSIR Lab. Govt of India
He contributes for the first time to
He can be contacted at [email protected]
This article was webcasted on September 13th, 2006 [Updated on September 24th].

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  • BJP, NPF & other NDA pay heavy price
  • Nature is one of greatest blessings of God
  • Plantation drive in Tripura, Assam & Manipur
  • Summer beauty
  • Environment conservation & over-exploitation
  • Is Modi cut out for leading a coalition ?
  • 'Ishanou' Selection @ Cannes #2: Gallery
  • Scholarship for Johnstone Hr Sec students
  • 1st foundation day of Interfaith Forum
  • World Environment Day: Our land, our future
  • Indonesia stronger anti-tobacco measures
  • Navigating a fragile Myanmar: India's policy
  • New breed entering electoral politics
  • The road to formation of new govt
  • International Dance Day #1 : Gallery
  • Birth Centenary of Jananeta Irabat, 1996 : #4
  • Imphal valley districts flooded #3 : Gallery
  • Ima Keithel flood- May 30 #1 : Gallery
  • Imphal valley districts flooded #2 : Gallery
  • Flooded : Sacrifice of Yairipok's Maiden
  • Imphal valley districts flooded #1 : Gallery
  • Beating of the Retreat #2 : Gallery
  • Licypriya meets Italy PM & Pope Francis
  • HSLC (Class X) 2024 : Full Result
  • HSLC 2024 : Important Info & Grading System
  • HSLC 2024 : Pass % : Private Schools
  • HSLC 2024 : Pass % : Aided Schools
  • HSLC 2024 : Pass % : Govt Schools
  • HSLC 2024 : Statistical Abstract
  • HSLC 2024 : Comparative Statement
  • Children Camp @JNMDA Imphal #3 : Gallery
  • Scientist of Manipur: Jayanta Manoharmayum
  • Scientist of Manipur: Amom Ruhikanta
  • Preserving Thang-Ta :: Rare Photos
  • Malemnganbi Laishram : Science Topper
  • Featured Front Page Photo 2024 #2: Gallery
  • Thokchom Sheityajit : Arts Topper
  • Aiena Naorem : Commerce Topper
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024 : Science Topper
  • HSE 2024 : Subject Pass Percentage
  • HSE 2024 : District Pass Percentage
  • HSE 2024 : Candidates with Highest Marks
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024: Science Full Result
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024: Arts Full Result
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024: Commerce Result
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024 : Arts Topper
  • Hr Secondary Exam 2024 : Commerce Topper
  • Aftermath of ferocious hailstorm #1 : Gallery
  • Nupi Landa Thaunaphabishing : Full Book
  • A ferocious hailstorm @Imphal : Gallery
  • '365 Days of Chin-Kuki Aggression' : Gallery
  • Scientists of Manipur : Ngangkham Nimai
  • GHOST of PEACE :: Download Booklet
  • List of Kings of Manipur: 33 - 1984 AD