Diwaligi Ahingdo

Dr. Moirangthem Jiban Singh *

Diwaligi Ahingdo
Diwaligi Ahingdo

“Nungshiba mafamda thajaba leitabasu yai, adubu thajaba mafamdadi nungsibasu leigani”. Thajaba amasung Nungsiba haiba inotsingse leiramdrabadi, fajaba haibasisu khanglamloi. Nungbu nungsirabadi thirabasu pangfada fajei, nungsidrabadi fajarabasu yengningdabamakhei thi”. Sak thiba-fajaba, kuchu ngouba-muba haibasidi sembiba mapugi thou-in-sinni. Adubu lamchat-sajat haibasidi eesa-eesagini.

Masagi oijaba thibada eikhoi masel thamoibu machet-machet setnaduna, nungsinaba haiba inotse nongma-nongmagi leikha tahallakpagum uri. Nungsinabana leikha taraklabada karidi upai lei, fattaba wakhallon-na ma-ngaoinaduna nongma-nongmagi lamchat sajatsu warakpa ngamdabagum lamhairakli. Angam-angam settuna chanabana athoiba sintha oirak-li. Tengbangba amasung ngakpiba haiba meeoibagi athoiba magunse kaothokpagum.........

Papa-ton gi makhoi machin-manao nupi-ngakta mari-ni. Papa-ton di ngantana eeshwargi Khuya tankhre. Mama lukhrabina fou-taktuna, yu yonduna yokpani. Khwaidagi ahan-na Ningthoukhong-da, yaimana Khurai-da, Ahumsubina Naga mapal-da aduga khwaidagi atombina Kashmir-da mayul palli. Piba yaode. Mama-mapana thambiramba lan-thum khudingmak mama leina-leina makhoi ningol mari machet-machet yennathok-nakhre.

Makhoi machin-manao mari mot manmade. Wakhal tinade. Eigi-magi naiduna potna amata henjinnaba yadana ngasifaoba leiri. Makhoi pokminnaba machinnao mari-na leiriba maongdu ururagadi, pokchaba machasing nattana atoppa kanabusu nungsiramgani haibasi thajabagi wangmada leikhre.

Nakal amaromda, pokminnadragasu mapa-mapa pokminnaba MOUPWA anikhaksu leiri haibase makhoi kanasu ningsingnade. Adubu, awa-ana, khudongthiba, amadi atadai tarakpa matamdadi MOUPWA anibu hekta ningsinglak-kani, ningsingli. Nungaiba, harao-kumheigi matam youraklabadi makhoigi MOUPWA kanasu leite leite. Koithoktrabasu, kannaba louramdaida mari-mata thirakkani.

Kannaba fanglaba matungda makhoigi mari-mata leite haibasi makhoi machin manao marigi punsi amata ngairaba lambini. Adubu ikhang khanghoudana makhoigi punsiga mari leinade khalluba MOUPWA atombagi maramda nongma machin manao mari waheigi lan soknaknabada leikaigi kumhei oinahankhi.

Makhoi mari Nagamapal-gi ahumsubi ningol-gi yumda................

- Mama pangkhok-yendem yonbiduna machagi tha-thahgi yum bara hunba ngamloi. Nang mabu lemna thakpa ngamgadra? Nang....... thagi peisa kaya piyono? Ei pige! Eecha-do yumsida thamlo.
- Ah! Mana haiba tano........ei haige taose. Eeche-gidi matei-manao tolop chaona charibane. Machado barada maraina thamjani. Lairaba NOUPWA-do oina yumsida thamlaga semmo.
- Mane, EEPWA-do oina thamlo eeche.
- Animak punna leihalla-ge yaraba?
- Makhoi animak! Yaroiye.........eebemma. Chabagidi araibane. Kadaidano makhoi anina tumdoise, lairik padoise? Yum machasida! Yare, mayam nganglano. EEPWA do oina thamlo. Eeche nachaduna hostel-dara, bara-dara ama thamkhro.
- Nakhoi loina eigi yeknaba oiraba.
- Yeknabagi wa nattene eeche. Lairaba NOUPWA dugi kanasu leite.
- Asibu ojani hai, karamhaina oiriba khangde. Gyan tamande eeche.
- Adune, peisa mayam paiduna hostel da leiba ngamgani haibasu natte. Yumsida natradi EEPWA dugi atoppa mafam leite. Yumsida magi leifam pidragadi ma lairik tamba tok-khragani.
- Karigi, Ningthoukhong Mangolnganbi College da marai tamjani.
- Ha ha ha! Noktum nokning-e. Ningthoukhong Mangolnganbi College da tambadi hairunu. Gyan takhraba angangne EEPWA do. Eikhoina kari-amta pibidrasu mana mee oirakpada kanasu thingba ngamloi. Piklingeidagi eiga loinaraklabane. Ei loina khang-e.
- Pachouna yendai-thumuk saraga! Ha ha ha...............
- Yare eeche, EEPWA do oina leirasanu.

Asumna, machin-manao mari-na mapa-mapugi itihas-pumba fakattuna, leikaigi kumhei oihallaba matungda, ‘KHAGEMBA’ Nagamapal da leiba mache-gi sangaida chahi anigi oina saidangba lak-khi.

Nouna lukhrabi oihourabi machegi macha-piba aniga ningol amagani. Pibana ahalli. Guwhati da lairik tamduna lei. Ningol-duna class VI, piba atomba-duna class IV, punna Pangei-gi Kanan Devi English School tammi.

Mache, mapuroibagi thabak mahut sinduna UCO Bank, Thangal Bazaar Branch ta thabak chatli. Nong hek nganbadagi office ki matam kaithok-khraga numidang thenglafaoba, Bazaar da matam-matam-gi insang napi yonbada, lalonbisingda puthok-khiba peisagi mathoi khomnaba hotnabada numit-chuppa konnade.

Macha anidugi mapuk lamba mennanaba nongmagi lupa 20-20 khak piramlaga mache do Bazaar da thok-khini. Office karamdaida yumda ngeihak changlamlaga, insang leinaba lupa 10 khak KHAGEMBA da piramgani. Office tagi hek hallakpaga fi sintoklaga amuk Bazaar da thok-khigani. Bazaar gi matam hek loibaga yumda changlaklaga chak easing charaba matungda amuk yumlakta famba pan-dukangumba mayam tinfamda awa-pothaba chatkani. Ahanduna Guwhati da leikhrabasu, yumda leiriba macha anido kari chari-thakli, larik paribra-padabra, yumdana kamdouri aduga school dana kamdouri nongmatasu thousabide.

Machanupa Guwhati da leibadusu nisa makhal suna chaba, lairik laisuda thoina pukning changdaba nisada laichuraba angangni. Yunda leiriba ningol-dusu, nupi oibigi magun yaodrabi, eethak-irangda eeraknarabi, ahan-laman gi wahei nada haptrabi, tanbadi karida hang-uni, sairaga inbiyu haiba kangbuduni. Ahaoba chaningbadi amukta oiba matin kut-kut yotpi yatni. Atomba-dusu machegi malchat sajat matung induna adum chatli.

Nongmata masa-masana matam chana yahougani, eerujagani, lairik pagani haibase khangkhidrabani. Nong-hek nganbadagi numit-tabafaoba chabaga-tumbagana makhoigi mathou oiduna leirakhi. Ngakpi senbinabasu leite. Asigumba yumsidani, KHAGEMBANA na.....................…….

Nungsiba, thajaba, kathokpa, tengbangba, singnaba, chanbiba, ngakpiba amasung hotnaba kanbana punsigi himai chumliba angangni KHAGEMBA. Hannagi hannagum eigi adu watle, ada leite, asi chage, adu charoi, hao-i-haode, fajei-fajade kanadasu wakatlude. Wakatfamsu leite. Magi haibabu, yum-kei lu-nanna thamba, leiminnariba eikhoi nungsinana leiminnaba, afang-afangba yennaduna chaminnaba, afaba wakhal-lousing yenthoknaba amasung matam manghandaba haibasini.

Machegi machasingdo, masamakki machasingni khanduna hek yahoubaga, angangsingbu lairik pahallamlaga mana yumgi manung mapan sit seng-i. Nupido class VI karabani, gyan taba yarabani, tade. Karigumba lairik pao haihoudaba numittumadi jail dagi thadokpaga chap manei. Nongmatasu masana khangna sit-sengbagi asha leite. KHAGEMBA sit-sengba hek loibaga mai-mit tathoktuna lairik pai. Mee ngaide chaksu mana hekta thongdok-i.

College dagi hek hallakpaga, lairik paduna adum lei. Numidang wairamgi Lainingthou Sanamahi hek khurumba loibaga angangsingbu manakta famhanduna lairik taktuna pahalli. Masu adum pai. Masagi oiba wakhal lousing puthoktuna masata nattana leiminnariba angang anidusu mee oihannaba mahakna kanna hotnarak-khi.

October-November gi matamni. Mache Guwhati da leiba machanipabu unaba oina ningol chakhoubada yonnaba ‘Sareng’ louba Guwhati da chatkhiba matamni. Mama-na yumda leitaba tallaksida oire, yumda leihouriba makhoi angang anidugi asengba machu uba fanglaklibase. Mama-na yumdagi thok-khiba numittagi houna angang anidusu yumda uba fangde. Kadaida, kamdouna, keidouri haibase kanasu khangba ngamde.

Thirubada, Ningthoukhong-da leiba mabok-ki mayumda leire haina pao pirak-i. Angangsing school kahandana mafamduda kuina thamba yaroi, khara thuna tharak-u haina pao pikhibabu, chatlu haiba yade haina hairak-i. Hangchit-ti Diwali numitni, hayeng soidana mache laklagani. Machena yum hek yourakpada macha nupido fubirani haiduna KHAGEMBA masamak Ningthoukhong da chattuna kourubani, chatsi yakhide.

- Bibi, hangchit Diwalini. Hayeng mama soidana Guwhati dagi lakpasu yai. Chatlasi.
- Fi mayam sujinduna amata kangdre. Kamaina chatoino?
- Kanagi fi mayam suriba?
- Bubokkiso, eigiso.
- Nangna asida leiraklisi numit 5 nidi sure. School-su kade. Nangta nattana angangsiso school kahandre.
- Eina madi chatlo haibane yade.
- Nangonda bubokna nahanna angang puraga chatlo haibada yadraga, angang matomta kamaina Imphal da chattoiba?
- Maso matomta chatpa heibane.
- Firol-na keidoungei suba? Hujikfaoba kangdri haisina?
- Ngarang nungthil.
- Houjikfaoba kangdriba?
- Nong nangdana amata kangde.
- Fare, ngarang suba oiradi ayambana kanglamlagani. Bubok-ki fido makhoi horen lousijahourani. Nang-gi fido puraklo. Yumda fourusi yomsillaga purak-lo.
- Ei hayeng oina laklage.
- Hayeng eeche lakladi, fubini. Houjik adum chatlasi lao.

Ngeihak wari sanaramlaga, KHAGEMBA mayum-faoba changlamdana tuition nangnaba Ningthoukhong thadoklamle. Tuition loiduna yumda yourakpata mangairi, Diwali numitki lai-tin khurumnaba lam-tu sengna-sengna yumthangnabada leiba maman-naba amaga thangmeiban-da koirusi haiduna wari sanaringei, chatlasi yadana Ningthoukhong da leihouba nupimachado kadomdagino fut-laona faoraklaga..............…….

- Minai! Minai nupa. Nangna yumsida mapa sabirise karigino? Yumda leininglaga leigani, lamda leininglaga leigani, school-su kaninglaga kagani, kaningdraga tokkani, Eina apamba touningbata tougani. Minai-na yumsida mapa sabiyu haide!

Eibu Minai! KHAGEMBA, wa amata ngangdana magi toufam thokpa mathouda mapukning changkhi. Numitna mayum changkhrabada KHAGEMBA manung-mapan khudingmak thaomei/ meira chukhatli. Amamba-achikpa ahingdo maikei khudingmak thaomeigi mangal amasung bombula-gi makhonna pumnil-nilhankhi. Adubu KHAGEMBA di pumnamakki nungaiba-haraoba yaodana magi amamba kanungduda, mitlugi pirangtana punsi eechelgi wari makha samthakhi.

Wari makha samthajakhigani....

* Dr. Moirangthem Jiban Singh wrote this article for
The writer can be contacted at mjscholar(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This article was posted on October 19, 2017.

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