Alumni 1998 Batch Ki Ningai

Dr. Moirangthem Jiban Singh *

Alumni 1998 Batch Ki Ningai

Mioibadi lairadana Eeshwar-faoba mapung fade hainaribani. Maipakpa/matikchaba mi ama oirakpa haibasimasu magi-magi hotnajamangi makha polli, laibakta/daoda hekta tainaroidabani. Madi madao yai/yade, parikshyada makok oikhre/oihoudre, achou asang oikhre/oihoudre haibanachingba punsigi tangkak kayagi pandam khudingmak punsigi tangkak khuding-gi hotnajamanna leplibani.

Amaromda, matikchaba mi ama oiraknaba hotnabada eesamak-tagi houraga, imung-manung, eema-eepa, eechil-eenao, yumlonnaba/yumthangnaba, leiroi-leikai, marup-mapang, school, oja-lai-guru, samaj amasung palliba sarkarnachingba kayamaromgi makha pollibani. Adubu, darkar oiba khudingmak leirabasu/farabasu eesanabu oiraroi khallabadi wa makha tarubagi kannaba leiroi. Eesanabu oige khallabadi maipakpa/matikchaba mi oirakpa haibase faklangda leitumna thabaga chap mannei.

Matikchaba/maipakpa mi ama oiraklibase eigi hotnajamannani hairagasu, maipakpagi ‘Mingthol’ ama fanglibasidi samaj-na pibani. Sanaj-dagi hek tonganna takhiba numittagi ‘Eigi’ magunsu nongma-nongmagi leikha tarakkani. Loinana ‘Ei’ hairiba khonthokse achaoram kabagi meiyaina khudum chankhigani. Ei matikchare haiduna, nongmata eingondagi cheng-chara ama pubinaba kanasu lakloi.

Eethak-thongbasingi afaba paotak munna taba, eekha-thongbasingbuna afaba paotak pibiba, pumnamakpu ikai-khumnaba haibasina matikchaba mi ama oirakpagi ahanba amasung aroiba lamchatni. Yaribamakhei, eekok nonna chatkadabani. Punsigi mikup khudingda pangthokliba sintha khudingmak eigi akoibada leiriba lengli-palliba khudingmakna takpi-tambiba ngaktani.

Eigi akoibada leiriba khudingmakse eigidi Oja-Lai-Guru ngaktani haibada lalloi, pumnamakpu ikai khumnagadabani. Sintha khudingmak Oja-Lai-Guru bu ikai-khumnabadagi hougadabani. Karigumbada, Oja-Lai-Guru gi thoujal yaodana sintha amata maipakpasu ngamloi. Oja-Lai-Guru bu miraiba haibase punsibu leikha tana mangtharakpagi ahanba tankakni.

Hingnabagi lanfamsida Oja-Lai-Gura singna takpi-tambikhiba wakhal-lousing kayana khulai oiduna lanthengnariba lanmisingi manungda eisu amani. Matam kuinadagi Oja-Lai-Guru singbu amata oina pullap kouduna thougal toujage khallakpani. Adubu, eigi aningba thabak oina pangthokpa ngamdana matam sangna paokhum fangdra wahangum malangda taoduna leirak-khi.

Tang 09.04.2017, nongmaijing numitki pung 1:23pm rom taba matamni, mobile sat paikhattuna................

- Itao, ei 29.04.2017 da Manipur da thunglagani. Lakliba 01.05.2017 asi ‘May Day’ ni, mayam punna chhuti leiba numitni. Mamang chahidasu fondok-khibaduni, handaksu ningsingjari, Marup-singa punna Oja-singbu amuktang khurumsi haibabu marup kari khalli?

- Itao hanna Manipur yourakho, konna khannasi.

Manipur hek youbaga, Airport tagi Marup-singda call touduna sandawairam thabak hannarakpa matamda Park ta amuktang mayam punsi haiduna pao pi. Adubu, kanamata lakhide, lak-khidabagi maramsu kanamata hairak-khide. Eisu toufam khangdana park-tagi yumlomda hallak-khi. Numittumadi kanamatagi call-su amata lakhidre.

Mathangi ayukta (30.04.2017) Marup-sing loina thabak chinnarabanina, eigidi atadaini, Oja-singse eigi yumda loina kourage khallingei, marup amagi call..................
- Itao, kaida liege nangbo?
- Yumda leiri nupa.
- Ngarang yumda hallakpado thengkhre, aduna pao faonaba ngamkhidre. Houjikso ei Bazaar da kagadabane, yumda asum leirammo, ei karakpada changlakke
- Itao, ngairamlage, marup ateiduso matam sanglagadi ngahak laknaba haikhodana.

Itao-sing yumda thunglare.........
- Karino itaona touse hairisobo?
- Chahi 20 fajillakle eikhoina Ningthoukhong High School thadorakpa. Oja-sing kharasu leikhidre, kharana masa sonjinduna leiri, matam leiringeisida eikhoibu takpi-tambirakliba Oja-singse eidi chak chara amatang pijage khallakpa kuire. Itomtana toubasu yai. Adubu, eikhoi marup-sing punna toubana henna fajagadra haijabani.
- Itao, yamna faba wafamni. Adubu, thabakse chen-chongbinaba kanasu thorak-loi. Eikhoi 3/4 da hekta tahougani.
- Itaona chen-chongbinaba mi leiroi hairi. Adu oiragadi, lakliba 1st May, 2017 se eigi eechanupa atombagi ‘chak-umba/chaumba-su’ thokle. Numitsida Oja-sing kouraga hekta samjillasiro? Sil-langbagi, chaba-thakpagi thoina wararoi. Oja-singi khudonpot tusu ei asum toujarage.
- Itaogi angang chaumbasida Oja-sing yaohanba haibase yai. Adubu, fajaba kharadi watkani. Oja-sing khakta tonganna koubana faroidro?
- Adudi ngamdabagi wani.
- Ngamlagadi, eikhoi 1998 batch ki marup-sing loina punsillaga Oja-singbu khurumjabana khwaidagi fabani. Adubu, itao-khoina sinbi-langbinaba kanasu leite haibaduda, eigi angang chumbasiga punsinsira khallubani. Mamang chahidasu haijabani panthokpa ngamkhidre. Fare, nakhoina yaba/yadaba, yaoba/yaodaba eidi handak Oja-sing loiana kouraga chakkouragani. Nakhoi warouba yadeko!

Eigi waheisingdo khitang yaklap toukhiba malle, marup ani eibu tarak-tarak yenglaga, ngeihak tuminna leikhi. Eisu makhoinibu yenglaga amuk makha tana.......
- Nakhoi-anisu numittuda lakpiyu. Atoppa marup kharagasu kouge.
- Ngaikho itao, itaogi aningba apambado eikhoisu khangle. Oja-singbu khurumba haibasi eikhoi mayamgisu laibak fabani.
- Itao-gi angang chaumbaga Ojasing khurumbagadi punsillaroisi, tonganna numit ama yenglaga tousi.
- Ngaikho! tousi/touroi haibado itao-sing khannaraga pao piraklage.
- Itao-singi pao ngaijage. Adubu ei lakliba tang 20.05.2017 da amuk Delhi da hangani. Eigidi chhuti thorakpani, thabak achinba leite. Nakhoidi thabak kanaribani/thabak chillamgani. Eina handringei maraksida supnatangi nongmaijing anikhaktani (7th & 14th May, 2017) fangliba. Ngasina 30.04.2017 ni, tougadouriba thabak/thourang mayamsiga matam leitrabaniko.

Asumna, eikhoi marupsing mangarak thokna khannaba yaba kaya tara thokna khannaraba matungda, numidangi pung 9 muk tare Oja Head master mayumda chatlusi haiduna yanare. Oja-ga eikhoi mayamga wa khudingmak hodoknare. Oja-na eikhoigi waheisingdo pelladuna, eikhoigi wakhallonbu ikai khumnakhi.

Manipur gi wangmada leikhraba marup-mapang kayadasu, Oja-sing khurumbagini hairubada chingnaba leitana makhoi-makhoigi ngamjaba kaya Oja-singi khuyada katlakhi. 14th May, 2017 ni. Nong ngafatringei marup Khudingmak mana-mana lounakhiba mathoudang mapung fahannabagidamak school tamna chellaknakhi. Hainaba-kounaba naide, masa-masagi mathou masak khangnakhi. Marup khudingmak khung-du mangai, ojasing youraktringeida ururu leiduna thabak khudingmak loisinnaba hotnari.

Oja-singsu chahi 20 lom thadoknaruraba machasingbu/chhatrasingbu uningbagi khourangbana yourakkani khanba matamdagi ngangkhatna thunglakhi. Haying khoyambi omsinbadu mangai, arak-arakpa Oja-singbu eikhoi marup-sing mayam pullap amata oina makhong paiduna khurammi. Khallammi, matam kuina unadribase Oja-ga chhatragani. Natte! Oja-singi maraktasu makhoi masen matam kuina unakhidaba yaori. Oja-singna makhoi masen awa-nungai paomennaringei, eikhoisu thouram pareng kaidanaba sem-sari.

Eikhoigi irakta yaodraba, eeswargi khuya tankhraba Oja-sing amasung Marup-singbu ikai-khumnaba oina punna lepminnaduna kikup kharagi condolence pibana thouramgi ahanba saruk oikhi. Makha chathaba oina Oja mayamgi manungdagi ahal oiraba Oja-Dijamani, Ibobi & Oja-Bubon na thouramga mari leinana mamal yamlaba wahei/paotak kaya takpikhi.

Ningthoukhong High School gi hourakngeigi warida yumfam oiraga, lamchat-sajat, thougallon-bebar kairaklaba, nisagi eepakta eeraknariba kayabu afaba lambida puraknaba akanba yathang pirak-khi. Hiram khudingmakta Guru-bu hanna ikai khumnaraga sintha khudingmak hougadabani takpikhi. Loinana, Oja-singbu amata oina punna kouduna khurumlibasisu 1998 batch-na ahanbani, nakhoi khudingmak yaifaba oiyu hainasu thoujanbikhi.

Afaba sintha pangthoktuna imung-manungdagi houraga samaj-sigi hiram kayada luchingba oiraknaba thouna-lingjehappikhi. Mikup asina khwaidagi nungaibani-nungsibani haibagi matagum lotna kaplamba oja-sing mamittagi mapi chenthaduna wa-wa khonjen thokna kappa hourak-khi. Oja-singi matou ururaga, warakpa ngamdra pirangna eikhoi marup-singi mitludasu eehourak-khi.

Khambinaba leitana chentharakliba mitlu pirangi eetinfam khangdana hikna-hikna kapnaringei, Oja-singna hanglakpa wahangi paokhum oina marupsingi maraktagi…………. “Oja, ngasi mafansida pullariba marup khudingmak chaoba/pikpa haiduna nakanda thamkhraga magi-magi sinfamda loina mahei chanaraba ngaktani. Eikhoigi matamda punna maheiroi 60 romni tamminnakhiba.

Adubu, Oja-sing khuramsi haibada masana khangna laklibase supnatangi 20 lomtani. Ngasi Oja-singi mangda famliba eigi marup-singsidagi henna matik-chaba atoppa marup kanasu leite haijaning-i. Eikhoi marup khudingmak khudakta Guru-gi thoujan fangbagum, pukningda mapan naidana harao-nungaibagi eethak hourak-khi. Pokpagi mahei yalle khanjakhi.

Nungaibagi eethakna eepom nairak-khi. Eikhoi amamamta oina stage-da kaduna Oja-singda amamamta oina khudonpot tamjakhi. Haoba-haodaba numittuda langjakhiba chaklen Oja-singa punna chaminnaraga eikhoigi thouram pareng loisinkhi.

Wari makha samthakhigani………………

* Dr. Moirangthem Jiban Singh wrote this article for
The writer can be contacted at mjscholar(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This article was posted on June 22, 2017.

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