Yangmaso Shaiza for a united society of Manipur

AK Sanaton *

'Yangmaso Shaiza And His Manipur' :: Book Released on October 12 2014

Among those leaders of Manipur who had thought for an integrated state, Yangmaso Shaiza was one of them who could take profound decision that all the 29 tribes along with Meetei/Meitei ethnicity which have been living together must continue to live together. 30 years have been passed since the death of Yangmaso Shaiza. But an extraordinary leader like Shaiza who had thought for all kind of religions of Manipur can never be forgotten. It was indeed helpful for Manipur that he was born as a Tangkhul Naga.

If he was born in other communities like Meetei/Meitei, he might not have reached to the status of a very prominent figure. From all his works and dedication for the people, his speeches and behaviour as a leader proved that Shaiza really loved Manipur and was an important leader of the state. There is always a doubt of what will happen to the integrity of Manipur. When the discussions between NSCN (IM) and the Indian Government, UNC and Manipur Government end with no hitch, at that time the uncertainty and doubts will be cleared and bring peace in the state.

At least it would show that a good resolution has been brought. What if Yangmaso Shaiza was alive at the present time? How did Yangmaso Shaiza pass away in mid way as he could have lived longer – with his death what advantage did it bring to the society, is the question which remains.

At some point, taking the issue of Naga as more serious, Yangmaso Shaiza did mention that Meitei must agree with the decision of Manipuri Naga emigrating to Nagaland, even though there are cultural differences; looking at their historical backgrounds both the communities are the same. He did not talk only about Naga but also included Meitei community – believing Naga, Kuki and other tribes as one.

If possible, all the communities should not be segregated, as they all have the same origin. All the communities originated together but 300 years before it is the religion which put them apart. Later, Yangmaso's heart and thought from adjoining with Nagaland has been shifted and it was proved by the formation of 'Revolutionary Nationalist Party of Manipur' in a people's meeting held at Mapal Kangjeibung, Imphal in April 19, 1953 and also the decision taken during the meeting to declare Manipur as an independent buffer state, if the state is neglected by Bharat.

The leaders who took the decisions were Shagolsem Indramani, R.K. Maipaksana, Wahengbam Pralhad and Yangmaso Shaiza. Yangmaso Shaiza, being a former Naga leader, did not demand for a separate and independent hilly region. It means that all the Manipuri people must live together in hilly region – a part of valley in hill. He took part in making the decision, believing that Manipur will become independent and that Manipur is the united of all communities. After this all the leaders were put into jail. It was due to the decision taken by Yanmaso Shaiza, the leader of Manipur who was born in Ukhrul. It was also to show the true facet of the leaders in taking decision for a united Manipur. His decision was worth appreciation. For this reason he was a leader accepted by all the people of Manipur.

At this point of time, it is required to look back at how Yangmaso Shaiza took a stand and thought for the financially poor people of the state. Yangmaso Shaiza who was the chief minister of Manipur for two consecutive terms was born in the village of Fingyo, Ukhrul on July 15, 1923. Sangyang Shaiza was his father and Ninchungla Shaiza was his mother. His father Sangyang Shaiza was a Tangkhul who worked as the first revenue (circle officer) of that time.

His mother Ninchungla was the first daughter of Chief Raihat of Hunfun village. Yangmaso Shaiza started his education at M. E. School, Ukhrul and then continued in Shillong. He completed his graduation from Scottish Church College, Kolkata. Looking at his intelligence during the period of Second World War, British hired him as an interpreter. In 1986, he worked as an extra assistant commissioner/circle officer.

When he was 22 years old he left the job and became the head master of M. E. School, Ukhrul. Later he joined the government service as S.D.O./B.D.O. Then he got married to Hangmila Shaiza. After the death of Yangmaso Shaiza, in the 1990 election of Ukhrul assembly constituency, Hangmila Shaiza became the first woman MLA to succeed in the election.

Yangmaso had 12 siblings and he was the eldest in boys. He had an elder sister named Khusuila. The other five younger brothers are – Lungshim Shaiza, Major Shimray Shaiza, Mayo Shaiza, Rashing Shaiza and Rainao Shaiza. Name of the younger sisters are – Khusuila Leiraphi Kaping, Wungamla Rangmung, Sirala Luikham and Choureila Chandam (married to a Meitei).

When he was posted at Tamenglong, Thanlon, Churachandpur, Timaimukh, Imphal, Tadubi and Tengnoupal as SDO/BDO, Yangmaso Shaiza tried to fight against corruption. For speaking against corruption he was decommissioned to Co operative Inspector. Then he left the job, and became a teacher in a private school. After leaving his job, in 1950 he met teacher Shagolshem Indramani and started working for the welfare of Manipur people. Later, the government realised the emptiness in the absence of Shaiza and promoted him back to SDO/BDO post.

After this, he left government's job and joined politics. Yangmaso Shaiza participated in the 1971 Lok Sabha election as a candidate for outer parliamentary Kendra. But he did not succeed in the election. In 1972 when Manipur became a state, he contested in the first state assembly election as a candidate of the party called 'Hill Indian' which was built under his leadership. After becoming an elected candidate, he became the finance minister of ULP government led by Mohammad Allimudin of Manipur People's Party. 11 MLAs of yangmaso Shaiza's party 'Hill Indian' were elected in 1974 mid-term election.

Under ULP government the decision to make Yangmaso Shaiza as chief minister was not agreed upon by all, hence on March 04, 1974 a ULP government led by Mohammad Allimudin (MPP) was formed. When MLAs started shifting their political parties, the ULP government became redundant and a new government was formed jointly with Progressive Democratic Front's Congress, led by Yangmaso Shaiza, Manipur Hill Indian and CPI on July 10. The government lasted till 5th December, 1974. On 4th July, 1976, Yangmaso Shaiza joined his party 'Hill Indian' to Congress. He left Congress party on May 05, 1977 and joined Janata party.

In 1977 Lok Sabha election, he became a successful candidate of Congress Party. At that time a government led by Moraji Desai of Janata party was already formed. The government was formed on March 24, 1977. As Yangmaso Shaiza was elected as a leader by the MLAs of Janata Party, he became Chief Minister on June 29, 1977 for second consecutive terms. The Janata government led by Yangmaso Shaiza had 55 MLAs and the government lasted till Nov, 1979. Before he became Chief Minister, in the Lok Sabha election held on March 19, 1977 he became a successful candidate of Congress however he resigned from MP post and joined Janata party and formed a Janata government.

After becoming MP, on March 28, 1977 he left the post of MLA. He did not rule as Chief Minister for very long period. The dedication for his people was clearly proved by his work and contribution. During his short tenure he started the pilot project of drinking water. Considering for the financially poor people he brought language reform and tried to clear the debts. He constructed Handloom and Handicraft Corporation to revive the cottage industries built in villages under self employment.

He worked hard to give the facility of power tiller and tractor to the farmers and started the project of coffee and tea plantation. He tried to decentralise the circle of PWD. One of the most appreciated works was that of converting 107 private schools and 17 colleges into government institutes. This act of him was believed to be the bravest act of a leader with political will.

We came to know how honest and kind-hearted Yangmaso Shaiza was, from the written document of ex commissioner of Manipur government, N. Luikham. When N. Luikham was met by the writer in 2011, Luikham had said that in the year of 1964 – 66, when Yangmaso Shaiza was an SDO/BDO in Tamenglong, Yangmaso with some of his staffs had gone for a tour. On the road, Yangmaso saw that some ten people were struggling to carry a pregnant lady on a carriage for her delivery.

When asked by Yangmaso they informed him that they would take the patient to Tamenglong and from there she would travel by a vehicle. Yangmaso told the people who were carrying the patient to take rest as they might have been tired and he took the carriage from there. The staff people who had come with Shaiza also joined him. One of the staff members was sent to get the vehicle from office. The patient was sent with her helpers to Imphal. Yangmaso and his staffs came walking till the office.

N. Luikham further continued – one day, when he was the secretary, he went with the chief minister, Yangmaso Shaiza to Kashom in his car. At that time they came across a poor hilly man walking on the road. Yangmaso said, "Look brother, a poor hilly man of hill." Yangmaso went off the car and gave Rs. 100 to the poor man. The man refused to take the money and asked why the money was given to him. Yangmaso replied, "The CM is giving it."After going for a while, they saw an old lady walking. Yangmaso gave Rs. 100 to her as well and she also asked why the money was given and he again replied, "The CM is giving it."

The lady said, "I have nothing to give, may God bless you." When they reached Kashong, Yangmaso visited to every villager's house. Feeling pity the way the villagers were living he gave Rs. 100/50 to each house. Thus he finished all the money he had. He even gave the long pant and trousers he had brought. During his reign, he tried to keep mini secretariats at hill headquarters, each led by an IAS – to rule by breaking up power.

He also made Ukhrul Jesami Road to be passable by vehicles. As there were many visitors to meet the chief minister, the secretary requested Yangmaso to keep Wednesday and Friday for the visitors to meet him as they were unable to work properly. And they decided the same. Then he saw there was rush at the gate to meet him. Yangmaso said, "They had come all the way from hills, let them through. We can complete the files by working all night" and he met them all. Afterwards they cancelled the visitor's day.

If someone asked about the intermediary languages of all the tribes in Manipur, he said Manipuri language is more than enough to communicate. Once, he saw from his car, two Meiteis brutally beat up a non Manipuri who works at Khoyathong petrol pump. He went out of the car and stopped the fight. He told his PSO to capture the two Meiteis but they escaped. The writer met N. Luikham at the residence of the MLA, Danny Shaiza.

Another thing about Yangmaso Shaiza was his involvement in decision making of Meitei/Meetei script. After the formation of Meitei/Meetei script expert committee, he took part in every meeting of the committee as Chief Guest. On 06th Aug, 1979 his name was taken and appreciated in the last meeting of the committee. It was an appreciable incident.

He took control of the biggest issue of that time, the issue of keeping Lord Sanamahi idol into the sacred place of 1st Manipur Riffles. Shaiza worked very hard to shift the idol inside the sacred place of 1st MR. Taking control of the matter regarding the dead of two men in the issue of shifting the idol, he made, everyone including him, dressed in Feijom (traditional white dress) and brought the idol inside the sacred place of Manipur Riffles. This was possible as he left the thought of diverse communities and for his strong decision. No chief minister could ever do it and would avoid considering it as a big conflict.

During his reign as a chief minister he gave land to build a temple and Dharamshala for Hindu religion at Wino Bazar of Ukhrul. Forming an expert committee of Meitei lingual script wouldn't have been possible if he had thought only for one community.

There is one more memorable moment of Yangmaso Shaiza that is the interview taken by Journalist Patha - Sarthi. The interview was published in a quarterly published English magazine called onlooker on 15th Jan, 1979. Yangmaso replied to what the journalist was asking – the demand of uniting the places inherited by Naga people is for some other leaders. To include Manipuri language in the eight schedules has already been decided by the Manipur government. Being a leader of the government do you think I would destroy Manipur into pieces?

If someone says that Yangmaso is a representative of Naga underground he would reply – I am neither for one religion nor for one community. I belong to the whole Manipur. For this nature of Yangmaso, when he passed away, at some hilly region, people cried that their lord had passed away – N. Luikham mentioned. In this present situation of Manipur, remembering a leader like Yangmaso will be of great help.

The statement he made being a Manipuri and his works for the people of the state showed that he had gone far away from partiality. For his broad minded thought he talked about Manipuri people. For this the government put Yangmaso into jail under NSA. When he came out of the jail he changed his thoughts about politics. He concentrated more in Manipur's political scenario. He deeply felt for regionalism.

He put an end to the political party developed by him, Manipur Hill Union (MHU). He didn't join any of the Janata or Congress parties. He joined Manipur People's Party (MPP) in the mid year of 1983. The party assigned him as the Vice President. Before completing one year after joining the party he was shot dead by some armed persons on Jan 30, 1984.

The writer, who was the editor of the daily newspaper of MPP, 'Ihou' along with the followers of the party, participated in the rally, protested with the dead body of Yangmaso. When he was alive he was asked to avail security force, but he replied –I didn't do anything wrong, why do I need security? People believe that he would have been alive if he had availed facility of security.

His life story showed that Shaiza was never concerned of dying. He was the man who had no fear, who had broken the wall of small minded communal thoughts; he was one of those selected, rare and strong leaders of Manipur. This is the advice what Yangmaso Shaiza, the leader of Manipur who had lived for an integrated Manipur, born in Fingyo village of Ukhrul, had given to us; all the Manipuri should live together.

PS: This is taken out from the book , 'Yangmaso Shaiza And His Manipur' - Book release on October 12 2014 by the United All Communities Social Uplifters Kangleipak (UNACSU), in its Third Foundation Day at Amity Hall, Adimjati Siksha Ashram, Imphal

PPS: The original write-up is in Manipuri and is translated into English by Nganthoi Lourembam

* This is taken from a Book - 'Yangmaso Shaiza and his Manipur' published by United all communities social uplifters (UNACSU), Kangleipak
This article was posted on December 26, 2014.

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