Sino-India's Relation: Impact on North Eastern India (1947 to 2011)
- Part 1 -

Sanabam Gunajit Mangang *

India China Map


The paper is to bring in forth the impact of Sino-India relation to the North Eastern India in general and to Manipur in particular. Both India and China lives in the world of preconceive encirclement or paradox of fear, mistrust, and power projection competition. The two countries relation will broadly look at four stages viz. 1947 to 1962, 1963 to 1990, 1991 to 1997, and 1998 to 2011. While analyzing the relation into phase wise what sort of impact has given to the North Eastern India and what type of culture had evolve in North Eastern India particularly in Manipur in engaging with New Delhi as a response to the impact will be dealt. To narrow down the impacts of two neighbouring country's relation in a way to understand the home policy in the region where cessation movement is active may be controversial nevertheless it is need of time for good future and harmonious relation between the two countries.

As generally understand of Sino-India relation is base on unsettle border dispute and power struggle and its resultant impact on the international relation, economic and political scenario of Asia. Over here the missing part is the resultant impact at home policy making and governance pattern which not conducive for heterogeneous race base nation of India. The North East India is unique and had different taste from the rest of India it may be on basis of racial, culture, custom, history, language, etc. Historical evolution of the region from the creation of administrative convenience to economic region and ethnic compact will be explain so as to understand the genesis of insurgency and how and why armed people tend to go nearer to China for help and assistance and is it China really on the verse of helping them.

This paper will seek to explain Manipur which is at present on the stage of inferno with the hatred of India and confuse of whether to reap the benefit of infrastructure development or oppose to it which 'Look East Policy' had brought. Manipur from independent kingdom to state of Indian Union passing through as a part of British India, princely state, democratic state of elected form of government with the king as a head of state, Part C state of Indian Union and union territory. In these whole phases from kingdom to the state of Indian union the difference from the rest of trouble ridden Northeast State is the connection with China by the group of armed band who has been fighting for the liberation of Manipur.

The main thrust of the paper will be on the shift of India's view towards China and vice versa and what resultant elements are that has developed at North Eastern India and Manipur. While analyzing the first and second phase of Sino India relation the paper will stretch on the closer relation that has develop by the non state armed group with China taking the advantage of two countries bitter relation making more conducive to the security dilemma of both. The third and last phase shows diffusion of its proxy war of Tibetan issue and North Eastern Insurgency. But surprisingly the competitiveness between China and India over influence and presence at South East Asia surface up.

To add fuel at fire the discovery and decision to connect the South East Asia through land and air via North Eastern India and the harvesting of hydro energy along with international tourism hub at the region and native people apprehension and oppose to such any step come to forth. Why this sort of scenario has crop up is the matter of concern and the said will also analyses from the paradigm of impact of Sino-India relation.

Northeast India is a landlocked region comprising eight states with racially and socially unique and different from the rest of India. It can be said that racially being belong to Mongoloid it is much familiar with that of China which can be a 'reason for the colonial legacy of preconceive mistrust to the population by the authority in centre. Why separatist people go closer towards the racially similar group and one who can cherish the dream of independent Manipur insurgent i.e. China is the question and were does the answer lies may not be easy to identify.

With the coming of India's 'Look East Policy' at the Manipur three sections of group surface up with own valid argument; one concern over pathetic condition of development and anti India feeling leading to the ban of Hindi and Hindi movie and channel, other with certain measure like localization and strict constitutional safeguards like six schedule, territorial council inner line permit, etc. and another the initiation is an opportunity to develop and become a peaceful state within the Indian Union. Why and how there pop out three contesting section over the recent initiation of the Government of India and how does the China perceived this sort of development at the region and what step that has put forth will try to bring in light.

When India became closer to China and the North Eastern Insurgent set a distance away from the China yet the pressure towards the China to choose the proxy or the friendly ties with India has been the main concern. With several evidences showing the closeness of the insurgent with China and the latter assistance toward former, put few fundamental question of what compel them for such? What can be the possible step that both the country can employ to normalize its relation and looking toward the betterment of both which will also the concluding part of this paper.


The present India was the British creation for the country and the nation come into existence as an independent entity with the declaration of India's Independent Act 1947. While the China was a Civilization State growing and expanding as the time passes and under Communist Party from 1949 onward its influence and power grows manifold in such a way that it became global power. Both the country was newly born one from internal chaos and other from colonial control and on the pace of struggle for self reliant economy both are on same ship. Only the difference is one is democratic with least independent periphery and late in liberalization process while other is single party rule with considerable independence of periphery or least interference with economic liberalization with huge work force. Both are the world most populous country of world and the rising power to balance the western dominance.

In beginning it spell with the bitterness as India goes for nuclear power along with the perception that Pakistan is least threat as compare with that of China. This perception rooted latent boundary dispute on McMahon Line in the east and State of Jammu and Kashmir at west which left by the British. India under the newly form congress led government with an ardent effort of Sadar Vallabhbhai Patel the formation of a new nation state completed and on the other side China's expansion after Communist government completed with the inclusion of adjoining areas (Tibet, Xinjiang). As the two countries were on the verse of territorial expansion and integration the clash was inevitable. Sino-India relation hover around the unsettle boundary, claim and counter claim over a disputed land and its resultant standstill position. Yet both the country tries hard and able to bring to some normalcy and the question is to what extent, how long and how far?

In 1948 India stretch the hand of good neighbour by proclaiming non interference in China's internal matter and opted for Non Alignment and even became the second nation after Myanmar to recognize the Communist China by Non Communist State . India even advocated for China's membership at UN in a bid to tighten its relation with China unwary of the inevitable war ahead over disputed boundary. The relation between the India and China turn to sour when the China incorporated Tibet for the demarcation of boundary between the British India and Tibet were not accepted by the China.

In 1958 a big chunk of Northern Assam and NEFA were included in the 'China Pictorial' - an official organ of the Chinese Peoples' Republic and in western sector infrastructure development were in full swing at the disputed area in which India officially objects to the new development. Both made accusation of encroachment to its respective boundary and ultimately Sino-India War of 1959-61 broke out. The total China's claim territory reach to 33, 000 in western sector, and 90,000 in eastern sector by the end of war, thus Sikkim, Bhutan, NEFT, eastern part of Assam, and certain areas of Ladakh became the bond of contention. China refuses to accept 'Mac Mohan Line' as a boundary and this claim and counter claim continued for more than three decades. In 1962 China unilaterally declare cease fire and Sino India War ended with the Colombo Proposal. India once again got back part of its neglected Northeast areas yet the mark of humiliation defeat of India in hand of China and Chinese supremacy has bore in the heart of both India and China.

China's nuclear explosion at Lop Nor in 1964 gave an extra boost to the Chinese supremacy and reminded of 33,000 + 90,000 sq km which had occupied by India as claim by China. India once again compels to be more lenient and lean towards erstwhile USSR to counter and balance the Chinese growing power and on the other hand China became closer to Pakistan to contain the influence of India at the region it even gain 2,700 sq miles(part of Jammu and Kashmir) from Pakistan . Both got stuck in cold war dilemma unwillingly and drag the super powers in its enmity and proxy war as in India Pakistan war of 1965 China warn of consequence relating with its activities across the Sikkim border and the western and Soviet intervene and stop the further spread .

India took the initiative and expresses its desire to be friend with China in 1969 and resume the diplomatic contact as seen clearly from the Indira Gandhi Press Conference expressing to try and find a way out for resolving Sino-India Conflict . India join the Bangladesh war in which China issued warning to India and the diplomatic contact was shatter after creation of Bangladesh at 1971. India's nuclear explosion of 1975 shakes the China's belief and perception and India's level of influence increases and began to count as one of nuclear state. During this period Sikkim was included at the Indian union and this was term by the Chinese as an act of aggression. It can be said that India being becoming a nuclear power state help in defusing the tension related with the unsettle boundary dispute and for China shift of policy towards peace and development .

The diplomatic relation was restore in 1976 but again turn to soar in 1986 after China express strong condemnation over the establishment of Arunachal Pradesh as one of the state of Indian Union. Nevertheless the effort were made by both the side to normalize the tension; China did not took much seriously about of India's stand on Tibet issue and its resultant measure taken by the government of India and from India's side Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi visits China in Dec. 1988 and an agreement was signed to set up a Joint Working Group (JWG) on Boundary question and a Joint Group (JG) on Economic Relations, Trade, Science and Technology . It can be said that the Sino-India's relation is in up and down hitherto unsettle boundary is not resolve yet.

In 1991 India's economy was liberalize and initiated its 'Look East Policy' this sudden change in its foreign policy was trigger by the end of cold war, economic crisis at home and disintegrate of USSR. Its first baby step is to involve with ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and further stretch to the BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) and MGC (Mekong Ganga Cooperation) as a part of Looking East Policy. This initiative has seen by the ASEAN countries as a way of balancing the security threat from China and China perceive this development as India is on the verse of competing and containing its sphere of influence at the Southeast Asia and further to the East Asia and Pacific which proof to be true later on. In 1993 Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao visits China, signs agreement on 'Border Peace and Tranquility' and the set up 'India-China Expert Group of Diplomatic and Military Officers' to assist the work in JWG. Later follow up by the India-China JWG meets in New Delhi and exchange the 'Instruments of Ratification' in respect to Confidence Building Measures Agreement . This shows the initiation from both sides to normalize theirs relation, tries to be a good neighbors and looking forward for collective growth and prosperity.

And 1998-2011 the last phase which stress on mutual benefit and inseparable of each other in the realm of recent evolving world order which is Asiatic centre. Yet in initial there is some sort of confuse and mix perception and act from both side as in 1998 Defense Minister George Fernandez reports claim that China was India's potential threat number one which offends the former . The same year India goes for nuclear test at Pokhran in which it faces a strong condemnation from China. India's response to the reaction of its nuclear test is it is a response to the threat from China and in this Jiang Zemin President of China in an interview at Newsweek on 21 June 1998, said, 'I was very surprised that they conducted the nuclear tests. I was even more surprised that they cited China as a reason for their nuclear testing' the relation gave a u turn to its war period in the stake of own security stake . Despite the condemnation and accusation on certain instances China though an allies and partner of Pakistan maintain its neutral stand at the Kargil War of 1999 between the Pakistan and India with mere condemn of India's militarization in border area. The year 2000 beginning of millennium mark a new turn to Sino-India relation with China's militarization and development of 'Blue Water Navy' along with the condemnation of India act of treachery by allowing Tibetan to use its soil for anti China activities .

Despite this first Bilateral Security Dialogue between the India and China was set to go at Beijing and some good results were able to come forth from this initiative by the both. Amidst this development the residence of Arunachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir who are visiting to China were issue staple visa indicating that they are part of China. This act may be term as back stab if look from the side of India and if it is look from the perspective of China it simply strengthen its claim over a territory which is part of them and taken away from them by the British. The coming years followed by the increases in good will gesture along with better people to people contact in sphere of trade, security exchange mechanism and others. Amidst this positive initiative the counter balance mechanism as a response to adversary militarization was too on its fast pace; India establish 'Far Eastern Naval Command' as a response to China presence and increasing influence at Indian ocean and its neighbour this triggers the dilemma of security at the Indian Ocean region. Further India built a 165 km long road connecting the conflict ridden state of Manipur with Kalaymew/Kalemu to dilute and temper the Chinese economic dominance at Northern Myanmar and may be use in future for military movement .

Nevertheless there is a greater success in economic term through JWG and JSG (Joint Study Group) which can say as a sign of good relationship between India and China with the expansion of trade and economic cooperation . Driven by the necessity of each other for its fast developing economy both were on the verse of minimizing the tension as much as possible and relaxation and watch technique was employed by the both for instance signing of agreement on 'political parameter and guiding principle for the settlement of India-china boundary question' and recognition of Sikkim as a part of India. China oppose and ban on the fund of Asian Development bank US$ 60 billion for Arunachal Pradesh watershed development for it being disputed territory in 2009 in which China's stand were shake when the western support India and got loan from Asian Development Bank for the development of Arunachal Pradesh.

The beginning of 2010 mark with the increases cooperation in the field of business as a 'Business Deal' struck around between India and China and 400 Chinese business personal visited India for business deal US $ 16 billion marking the China as India's largest business partner surpassing US 10 billion business deal . Look East Policy which initiated in 1991 gain its momentum when India sees the prospect of dealing the Southeast Asia through North Eastern India thus work on huge infrstructure development began at the region which sees as a response to the China's military and infrastructure development along the border line.

India is a constraint to the rise of china as a powerful global player as well as the Asian leader this may be good in some extend but not always good for there is a liability of involvement of both the country into unhealthy competition in every aspect and proxy war which clearly seen in case of Tibet issue and North Eastern insurgent. The influence of the Chinese culture as a soft power over the world movies news channel and other can seen very visibly and on the other the Indian culture and ethos has a wide spread influence at the South East Asian country wherein there is a prolong Chinese presence. The question of is India threat to China or vice versa is as much complicated if one look from the side of India and its political turmoil at North Eastern India and from the China side the change of India's Foreign Policy (Look East Policy) and increasing trade with South East Asian country along with its influence far up to pacific region.

To be continued...

This paper was presented at International Seminar on: Analyzing the rise of India and China Domestic, Regional and Global implication" organised by Warsaw University and Institute of foreign Policy Studies


  1. Phanjoubam Tarapot, 'Insurgency Movement in North Eastern India', Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 1996, New Delhi.
  2. Lt. Col. T. Hemo Singh, 'Manipur Imbroglio', Akansha Publishing House, 2009, New Delhi.
  3. Jayanta Kumar and Prabir De, 'India and China in an Era of Globalization: Essay on Economy', Bookwell, 2005, Delhi.
  4. Sri Ram Sharma, 'India-China Relations 1947-1971 Friendship goes with Power Part I', Discovery Publishing House, 1999, New Delhi.
  5. Sri Ram Sharma, 'India-China Relations 1972-1999 Part II', Discovery Publishing House, 2003, New Delhi.
  6. M.L. Sali, 'India China Border Dispute', APH Publishing Corporation, 1998, New Delhi.
  7. M.L. Sali, 'India-China Relation', APH Publishing Corporation, 2009, New Delhi.
  8. N.N. Bhatacharyya, 'Manipur Land, People and Economy', Rajesh Publication, 2006, New Delhi.
  9. Li Li, 'Security Perception, and China-India Relations', KW Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2009, New Delhi.
  10. Amardeep Athwal, 'China India Relation Contmporary Dynamics', Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2008, London and New York.
  11. World Focus series 2008, 2009 and 2010,
  12. Martin Jacques, 'When China Rules the World', Penguin Books Limited, 2012, London.
  13. Dhanabir Laishram, North East in Benthic Zone, Manipur University Research Club, 2006.
  14. Phoujabam Tarapot, Bleeding Manipur, Har-Anand Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
  15. Hareshwar Goshwami, History of The People of Manipur, Kangla Publications, Imphal, 2004.
  16. Naorem Sanajaoba, Manipur Treaties and Document, Mittal Publication, New Delhi, 1993.

* Sanabam Gunajit Mangang sent this paper presentation for
The writer can be contacted at sanabam1(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was posted on December 13, 2012.

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