sat_ra nharoLsid AEc: AI: vi:/ Aedski mrMd KHhNbn K_waIdgi Afb UpaIni

Gunachandra Kakchingtabam *

30th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial at JN Dance Academy Hall, DM College Campus, Imphal :: May 19 2013
30th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial at JN Dance Academy Hall on May 19 2013 :: Pix - Deepak Oinam

Aeds Asi IhaN haNn yunaItet s_teYta hQtinb misiHgi mrQtlEre haIb KqKi, chi Krgi mmaHd lEnasi nupad nab lEnani haIn lOnrMmi,Adubu soQ 1990 dgidi Aeds haIbsi nupi, AZaH, sat_ra nharoLd K_waIdgi AkNb safu pib lEnani haIbsi kqb AsuM AsuM heNgYlQli, Af_rika AEc: AI: vi: mhiQ cqlb misiHgi sruQ tqKaI Amdi nupi AmsuH AZaHgi mrQtni AZaH sibgi caHsu yaHn heNgYlQpgi mrMsu Aedsn nab mpa-mman poQpdgini, soQ 2000 ddi Aeds naduna siK_rab mama lEt_rb AZaH miliyN 10 roM surni haIn panKi |

AEc: AI: vi: AmsuH Aeds ki mrMd toIn TeHnb mru AoIb mcaQsiH Asigi mrMd sat_ra amdi nharoLsiHn lOgdb TOrMsiHdi:-
0 maleMgi AoIn misiHd hoYpd lEna Asin soQhLlibsi 10 dgi 12 miliyNn nharoLni, Adug 5 dgi 10 n AZaHni,
0 varYki AoIn miAoI miliyN 1 di AEc: AI: vi: n soQhLle,
0 nharoL chi 20 sud_ribsiHgi AoIn yeHbd cad 20 dgi 30 faUbdi AEc: AI: vi: pojitiv AoIhLle msi mru AoIn mToY kaKYlQp mtMdni,
0 nharoLsiHn msa-mU fn 1di waKL-lOsiH fn TMgdbni AmsuH AEc: AI: vi: cqdnbsu hoYngdbni nYt_rbdi lamcY-sajY fYtb lMbid AoNTorQ_tun hQtinrubdgi AEc: AI: vi: Aeds narQp yaI,
nharolsiHd Akib fivMsi AoIhLlkpgi AoIToQp yab lM_bisiH:-
0 KuNnaI AmsuH seLmiYloNgi KudoHcadb,
0 hrd lEribsiHn AnOb puNsi mreLni haIbgi mityeHd nuHZaIToQp,
0 Mma-mpagi kNt_roL ZMlQtb,
0 Mma-mpa, ImuH-mnuH Amdi KuNnaI seMgYlQp, yeHsiNbib Amdi senbib waYp,
0 seL TuMgi Awab lEb AmsuH caH yeHniHdun lEb kaHbusiHgi hiHnb UpaI msin soIdn AoIgni KNb
sat_ra Amdi nharoLsiHgi puNsiroLd siHnrQpsiH Kr:-
0 laL AmsuH cab fHdbgi heQ mTqd yu TQpn KunaId maHniZaI AoIre,
0 d_g, hidaQ mna, yu TQpgi mTQ_t seQst KudoHTiniZaI AoIb caHyeH kya lOnrQpn nharoL kya AEc: AI: vi: Aeds na AmsuH hQtinbdgi sN_doQp lEna kya nahLle,
0 maleMd Aeds n nab AyaMbdi chi 15 dgi 25 faUbni,
0 ImuH-mnuH, mruP-mpaHsiHn lOmingdb TOdaH, mhE loIsqsiHn KudoHcadbsiH nEnbd TOsabidb miYyeH cqbidb, nharolsiHbu lMcY-sajYk mri lEnna lMjiH pibib waYp, niHb kaIb KudoHTiniZaI AoIb hNThNdun lMjiH-lMtaQ pib yaMn mTO tare,
0 lMcY-sajYk mri lEnb kya AojasiHn TOna fn lOKYp taI, paU AmsuH mhEn soIdn mruAoIb poYcH AoIgni, mru AoIn sat_r AmsuH nharoLsiHbu msa msagi hQcaH Amdi puQniH TOgYpigdbni,
0 cuMn lOsiH pibt nYtn mmaNnbsiHgi mrQ_t lOsiH piduna msagi AoIb mTO-mZM UYToQcnb tNja Am pigdbni
AEKoI puMnmQn Aeds haIb wahEsi yaMn toIn tNnre tOIguMbsuH msigi cP cab lEnasigi mrMd Zanrbsu Kr Kqbdi waYsibra haIbsini, msi mtO krMn sNdorQpno Adug krM haIn ZaQToQp haIbdu Kqb waYpguM tOri, msi haI haIdunsu mipuM KudiHmQpu Kqd_re haIbdi laNgni | tseHbdi msi miKudiHmQt lEIn ToQp TOdoQti nYte Adubu laInsimQti heQ tabd kinE, kifMdi ToQtbni, kifM ToQte haIbgi mrMdi lEInasigi mrMd Kqlbdi krigi kigni, varYsu lEIsigi mrMd caUn siHnrib lEbaQsiHgi mnuHd Amni mrM Adun sat_r nharoL KudiHmQt lEnasigi mrMd KqhNnb hoYnbgi tZaIfdb Adu KqhNduna lEInsi TiHnb honbgi mTO tri |

AEc: AI: vi:/ Aeds ki mrMd mmuY tana Kqdbdgi TorQp KudoHTib kNnbgidmQ msigi mrMd KqhNbn AcuMb AoIgd_ra, mrM Adun AEc: AI: vi:/ Aedski mrMd mKagi AsuMn nEnb yaI:-

1. Aeds haIbsi krino? Im_yuN system kaIrb thud laIAoH myaM Am medikeLli fqb lEna Adubu Aeds, Aeds haIbsi AeQk_yuar Im_yuN difisiNsi siNd_roM haIbni, Im_yuN sisteM Asin miAoIbgi hQcaHd lEna kya cqlQpbu ZaQToQtuna TMI, Im_yuN difisiNsi Asi mhiQ Amn ToQhNbni, AEKoIn Kqgdbdi (A:) haIbsi AeQk_yuar haIbni mdudi poQpdgi yaUrQtb hQcaHdsu lErMdb KaZuTQt nYtg mrQt fqbbu KqnE, Adug (AaI: di:) Im_yuN difisiNsi haIbsin Im_yuN system soNThNb nYt_rg kaIThNbbu KqnE, AmsuH AroIb wahEd yaUrib (s:) siNd_roM haIbsin taQlibdi Aeds mAoHbu nYte msi lEna mKL kyagi laIAoH kyan puLlb lEna Adubuni |

2. Aeds krin ToQhLli? Aeds haIbsi mhiQ Amn ToQhNbni, mhiQ Adugi mmiH AEc: AI: vi: (hiUmeN Im_yuN difisiNsi vaIrs) kOI, msin Im_yuN sistem Asi soNThLlQI AmsuH hQcaH ZaQToQcnbgi niyMsiH Adubusu TugaIrQI, mhiQ Asi miAoIbgi hQcaH mnuHd cqK_rag chi kya cqn tPn tPn Im_yuN system Asi TugaIrQtun lEna Asin miAoIsiH Adud maIyoQnhLli |

3. AEc: AI: vi: krino? mhiQ Asin Aeds lEna sNdoQhLli msi reto vaIrski kaHluP Amni, AEc: AI: vi: haIrib mhiQ Asi yMn piQI, msi sMna Amn lisiH ToQpgi sruQ 1 dgisu heNn piQI, yeHbd mtuM tab sbOguMngi mAoHni | 4. Im_yuN sisteM krino? Im_yuN sisteM haIbsi hQcaH fn lEna tNna kya ZaQToQtun TMlib hQcaHgi sisteM Amni, K_waIdgi mru AoIn Igi sruQt yaUrib h_waIY b_ld seL Asin msigi ZaQToQpgi TbQ Asi tOI, AEKoIndi Kqdb Adug AhiH-nuHTiL KaIdn lEna kyana miaoIbgi hQcaHd cqlQnb hoYnb mhiQ kyabu Im_yuN sistem Asin laTeHndun ZaQToQI 1suH lEna kyasiHdubu laNToHnnb lMbi seL kya puToQtuyn cqlQlib lEna kyagi mhiQsih Adubu hYtoQhLli |

5. mtO krMn AEc: AI: vi: krino Im_yuN sisteM mpaHgL soNThLli? wafM Asig mri lEnna TMjniHlibdi AEc: AI: vi: n hQTeHnna h_waIY d_ld seLsid AeteQ tOI AmsuH haIrib mhiQ Asin Im_yuN sisteMgi mruAoIb seLsiHbu msiH hNThNdun mpaHgL soNThLli, Amdi AEc: AI: vi: mhiQ Asin h_waIY b_ld seLd cqsiNb ZMKi, tPn tPn msiH heNgYlQtun Im_yuN sisteM Asi paThLlQI, mdudgidi lNdab hOrQI loInna Im_yuN sisteMgi mpaHgL soNThLli | 6. AEc: AI: vi: haIrg kribu Kqnbge? AEc: AI: vi: na knaguMb miAoI Amd INfeQsN tOK_rab 1di caHyeH tOdun yeHbd mhiQ Asi tseHn lEre Kqlb Adug Aedsndi nad_rib miAoIsiHbu KqnE |

7. miAoI Amd AEc: AI: vi: lErbdi kri ToQhLli? AEc: AI: vi: na INfeQ tOrb mi Amt mpaLToHd yeHbd Kqbd_rbsu miAoIsiH Adun sNdorQp yabgi AoITQp yab lMbi yaMn lE |

8. Aeds nYt_rg AEc: AI: vi: krMb miAoId lOnrQI? Aeds haIbsi KaZuTQtsu AoIb yaI mrMdi knaguMb Amn lEnasi narb miAoI Amg hQtinrub nYt_rg I lOrubdgi nYt_rg mhiQsi pQlb mman poQlQp mcad nYt_rg sirilj tinrubdgi lEnasi lOnrQI |

9. mtO krMn knaguMbn AEc: AI: vi: Aedstgi ZaQToQkni? msigi mruAoIb mrMdi seQstgini mKad mrM Kra yeHminb yaI :-

* AEc: AI: vi: Aeds ki mrM IKq Kqdn lEna Asi pQI pQte Kqdb miAoIg hQtindb IsM sMn haIrbd seQs ki mtaH heQ yOrQpd AEc: AI: vi: Aeds niHsiHgdbni Amdi lEnasi ceNd_re Kqlb miAoIKQtg mri lEngdbni, sat_ra nharoLsiHn INKYlQpgi caHyeH tObgi lMbi TadoQkdbni,
* kmrseL seQs warkrsiHg kEdOnuHd AroNb mri TMge KLloIdbni,
* yetuM serilj puNdnb haIgdbni,
* I kaPt_riZEd niHTin caHyeH tOrb I KaQt kaPkdbni

10. AEc: AI: vi: lEre haIb Kqnb caHyeH krMn tOgni? Msigi caHyeHsi mKL Ani suI mdudi Ilija AmsuH west_rN b_lY tes_t ni
* mhiQsi cqK_rb miAoIbgi hQcaHd mtM kyagi thud AeNti bodi Asi puTorQI, msi hP_ta 6 tgi Ta 3 faUb mhiQ Asin hQcaHd cqI,
* mhiQ Asin hQcaHd cqK_rb mtuH kyaM kuIn lErg Aeds ToQhLli? AEc: AI: vi: lErb miAoIsiHd 50 di Aeds AoIrQpd chi 10 muQ cqI tOIguMbsuH cab-TQp waYp msa-mU fYtb miAoIsiqddi Kr Tun AoIhLli,
* tes_t ki cP cab 1suH msin puToQlibdu krino? Tes_t ta AraNb fL fqbsu yaI, wiNdo period lEriZEddi miAoIdugi AeNti bodi TorQtbn AraNb rijl_t lEb yaI

AroIbd sat_r Amdi nharoLsiH Asi lEbaQ Amgi ApuNb misiHgi K_waIdgi poYToQ lEb AmsuH poYToQ lEhNb ZMb kaHluPni, K_waIdgi lEhaU ceNb mtM Asi chi 15 dgi 29 faUbd K_waIdgi waHlbsu nha AoIb mi kyan mca poQpgi mAoH Asi muNn Kqde mKoId KqjiNbd kaNnb I-paU, lMjiH-lMtaQ Asi Aoja, mma-mpa Amdi AkoIbgi miyaMn pibib taI, INKYlQpgi waKL luhoH-KoHdoHbgi, nupa-nupigi mri TOraH puMnmQ poQpdgi sib faUbd lErib lMcY-sajYpu lePnb mcaQni, ToIdoQn hirMsid taZaIfdn hOrQlib nharoLsiHd tZaIfdn tMbidun KqhNb tZaIfd_re, AsiguMb KunaId siHnrQlibsiH AojasiHn sat_ra nharoLsiHd tZaIfdn tMbib AEc: AI: vi:/Aeds lEna mKatana sNdorQp Tinb UpaI AoIgd_ra KLli, hirMsid IjugesN dipartmeN_t na s_kuL selebs ta yaUhNduna KunaId Akib pirQlib lEnasi TeHnb taI |

* Gunachandra Kakchingtabam wrote this article for
The writer can be contacted at netzone_guna(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)in
This article was posted on January 13, 2014.

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