Kangleipak Koubi Ema-O (O Mother Kangleipak)
- kHlEpaQ kObi Ima - Ao -

Puyam Nongdrei *

(in English Alphabets below )
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taIbH KoNjeL TaKridba
AciQpa kOba noHyaI puHda
UcaN mErana TaAomE AoI
mLlaba fisakoNgi fMfaQta fMlibi
crE fimL seYlabi
sMlaH sMbuN kaIrabi
miyaI cLla cmoYnbi
paHZNdeM jagoI saribi Ao
namu taIbH kanabu AoIrigaba nahaQpu?
((-- SsEraHba))

taro he matMsigi sEreHba
AhiH mtM fjaba mahOsa kObigi sQtMbu yeH
nuHsiba lEnMda ZaAo, niHTibi kanabu sETage laHliba?
AsuQ kuIba matMse
tMba nuHbu ZaIrQpa
puNsi mamE AoIrQpa
Zasi noHjada TeHnare
AhiH KudiH ToHjaAo pOroL ceYna loN,
mtM fYte matMguM
AhiHgi fajabbu mitadZE
kri sEreHbu Ibano ?

nHgi KorjE muQna kHdriZE
AhaHba cebaNna loIdriZE
pleM sQpi AEgi IpaAo
mriQ cuMnbu KoYciLhO
carE fimL seYlbi
cra Ani cadrabi
laIra cudYnbi AEhaQse
AtE kanasu nYteye kHlE poQpi koloIniye
IsiLhO mtMgi IceLse
sEreHba taIbHna nHbu kaAodanaba

mipaL taHle lEpaQse
mirQ tiNdre kHlEca
Zasigi nuHZaIbda taAoriZE
tuHgi lMbidi sMjiLlQ
KoHkaP KudiH Asiba
maIkE KudiH mikPKoL
thE yeHhEdra puMbse
mayeQ seHna IsiLhO

AEgi mgi KaIrQZE
AneM AwaHgi pLloNna
tMlQpani Zasigi KudoLse
ciH yaAodra tMgi maraIbQ
Uredo Zasidi sHsHna
lMTafMga pNTuHfMga
sMndaba waKLgi lMjiH
TadoQU sEreHba TadoQU
TamoI seHU he sEreHba
mibu Ura tiNsiYpa
mapaAo tra pEToQpa
taIbH knandi hraAoni

fakYlu lamaIsiHdo puwarigi
pruKo nEnruKo ciYTadna
yaAoribani mayeQ seHna
foHZMdra paAoKuMsigi paAoKuM
tahLlu taIbH puMbda
libiyu poIrEca KudiHmQta

noHma ZaNba mEragi pareH
cahi cuPpa ZaLloIdo
macu mmeN TLla yaAosH
puNsi cuPpgi A_oIr_oIdo
kumE masiH TiriZE
puNsi lMbeL kaAoKrboI
AEgi Zasigi nuHZaIbna
Ica Isu naITH cLhLgni
kaAoKraboIko taIbHna ??
((-- Ima kHlEpaQ))

warQ ceYpa Ima Ao
IkaI Iki yuHAoIna
kariguMb AmatH hHgYcaniHba
tabiyuba toLlbgi
wrQtba nacasiH
Ima nuHbu kaAoredo
suba noMba toQledo
AnM Aha curedo
puNsi lMbeL kaAoToQnKre
ArH AraQki moITeMda
laIwa hEba kanagi
TOna liHjeLsu sMKare
waKL lOsiHsu maHKre
KorjE muQna kaHdriZE
AhaHba cebaHna loIdriZXE
taQpiyudo Imana paMbE lOsiH kayabu
((-- SsEraHba))

ToIba heNba lOsiHni
lOsiHna samu fabani
wKL kOba TaAomEda
lOsiHgi TaAobu haNduna
Imagi sQtMbu yeHluraAo
Ima mceY KaHlaga
lOsiH hEba AoIdedo
Ima mapuM UdrifaAo
mipaN taHba loIKiroI
nHgi Kari lObuQta
yoHna fMbaL toHbdi
lOta hEte taQpni
yeYsu AoIsu Tabana
cHge hoYnba mataIdo
lePpa kOba wbana
fMba hHba hOnEdo
fMba kOba mahaQna
tuMba paMba ZaQtedo
"puQceL caAoba kHlEcni"
miHToLgibu KNbara ?
namaI lEKra tuHduda
waKL TeNba furuPni
haInabduM tOIdo

Ica mayaH kHliZE
mica noIba tLlunu
Aegi kOba lItriZE
migi paHba ToQIdo
yuMdaHbna pOloNba
minaI AoIge taNbra?
AEgi AoIdba poHjba
miKa poNba tMbani
puwarina taQpido - mpuna minaI AoIrQpa yaI
minaIna mapu AoIKiba yaI
Zasigi cara lEriZE hayeHsisu Klludo
hayeH mabu KHladi hHciY masu kaAonudo
miYyeH saNbE parado hNna hNna pasido
((- Ima ))

sQtM kaIra Imado miYlu piraH IhOna
KuYta mEra UcaN paI
puLla lHla marQta
laHjiN Tiba hoYnahOri
muYsiba miyeHlQta
tYlaba laHlasina
kPliba Imabu TawoIda
ceNna coHba sanahOri
maIkE Khda MhaHda
noH nuHsiY marQta
hiHba siba taNnhOri

mLlaba fisakoNgi AtYpa laHjiHbu sM
tuMsiLlQlaba UcaN mEra maZaLda
sahOri Imana AnOba KwaHceYfi
magi puNsi ceHjeLna KmdriZE
tMjari msQ KHjadribna
KorjE KuYta niQna paI
lNToQcari sEreHse AEgi
mapuH fadraba whEba IteH AoI
KorjE muQna kHdriZE
AhaHba cebaHna loIdriZE
Imagi teHTa IsEse toLlba AEgi
tbiyuko pbiyuko Khbiyuko
(( - sEreHba ))

Taibang khonjel takhidraba
Achikpa kouba nongyai pungda
Uchan meirana thaomei oi
Mallaba phisakongi phampakta famlibi
Charei phimal shetlabi
Samlang sambun kairabi
Meeyai challa chamotnabi
Pangandem jagoi saribi-O
Namu taibang kanabu oirigaba nahakpu?------(Poet)

Taro he matamsigi sheirengba,
ahing matam fajaba mahousa koubigi saktambu yeng,
nungshiba leinamda ngao, ningthibi kanabu sheithage langliba?
Asuk kuiba matamse
tamba nangbu ngairakpa,
Punshi mamei oirakpa
ngasi nongjada thengnare.
Ahing khuding thongjao pourol chetna lon,
Matam fatte matagum
ahingi fajababu mitadangei
Kari sheirengbu ibano?

Nangi khorjei mukna kangdringei
Ahangba chebangna loidringei
Palem sakpi eigi ipao
marik chumnabu khotchilhou
Charei phimal shetlabi
chara ani chadrabi,
laira chudatnabi eihakse
atei kanasu nattiye—Kanglei pokpi koloineiye.
Ishilhou matamgi ichelse
sheirengba taibangna nangba kaodanaba!

Meepal tangle leipakse
Meerak tindre kangleicha
Ngasigi nungaibada taoringei,
tung gi lambidi shamjillak
Khongkap khuding ashiba
Maikei khuding meekapkhol
Tahei-yengheidra pumbase
mayek sengna ishilhou

Eigi magi khairakngei
Anem-awang gi pallonna,
Tamlakpaani ngasigi khudolse .
Ching yaodra tamgi maraibak
Uredo ngasidi sangsangna.
Lamthafamga panthungfamga
Samnadaba wakhalgi lamjing
Thadokwu sheirengba thadok-U
Thamoi seng-u he sheirengba
Meebu ura tinsitpa
Mapao taraa peithokpa
Taibang kananadi haraonii ??

Fakatlu lamaisingdo puwarigi
Parukho-neinarukho chithadana;
Yaoribani mayek sengna,
Fongamdraba paokhomsigi paokhum.
Tahallu taibang pumbada
Leebiyu poireicha khudingmakta.

Nongma nganba meiragi pareng
Chahi chuppa nganloido,
Machu-mamen thalla yaoshang
Punshi chuppagi oiroido.
Kummei masing thiringei
Punshi lambhel kaokhraboi;
Eigi ngasigi nungaibana
Echa-eshu naithang chalhangani
Kaokhraboiko taibangna?? ----(Mother Kangleipak)

Warak chetpa ema-O!
Ikai-iki tung-oina
Karigumbamatang Hangatchaningba
tabiyugaba tollabagi.
Waraktaba nachasing
ema nangbu kaoredo
Shuba-nomba tokledo
Anam-aha churedo.
Punshi lambel kaothoknakhre
Arang-araki moithemda
Laiwa heiba kanagi.
Thouna lingjelsu shamkhare
Wakhal lousingsu mangkhare.
Khorjei mukna kangdringei
Ahangba chebangna loidringei
Takpiyudo emana pambei-lousing kayabu.---(Poet)

Thoiba henba lousingni
Lousingna shamu phabani.
Wakhal kouba thaomeida
lousinggi thaobu handuna
Emagi saktambu yenglurao.
Ema machet khanglaga
lousing heiba oidedo
Ema mapum udrifao
meepan tangba loikhiroi.
Nangi khari loubukta
yongna phambhal tongbadi
Louta heite takpani.
Yetsu-oisu thabana
chang ge hotnaba mataido.
Leppa kouba wabana
phamge hangba houneido.
Phamba kouba mahakna
tumba pamba ngaktedo
"pukchel chaoba kangleichani"
mingtholgibu khanbara?
Namai leikhra tungduda
"wakhal thenba phurupni"
Hainabadum tahou-ido.

Echa mayang kanglingei
meecha noiba tallunu,
Eigi kouba leitringei
meegi pangba thok-ido.
Yumdangbana poulonba
meenai oige tanbara?
Eigi oidabada pongjaba
meekha ponba tambani.
Puwarina takpido—'mapuna meenai oirakpa yai,
Meenaina mapu oikhiba yai'.
Ngasigi chara leiringei hayengisu khalludo.
Hayeng mabu khangladi hangchit masu kaonudo.
Mityeng shaanbei parado hanna hanna pasido. ----(Mother)

Sakpham kaira emado mitlu pirang ihouna
Khutta uchan meira pai
Pulla langla marakta
langjin thiba hotnahouri.
Mutshiba meingallakta
tatlaba langlasingna
Kapliba emabu thawoida
Chenna-chongna sannahouri;
Maikei khangda lamhangda,
Nong-nungshit marakta
Hingba-shiba tannahouri.

Mallaba phisakongi atatpa langjinbu sam
Tumsillaklaba uchan meira mangalda
Sahouri emana anouba khwangchetphi
Magi punshi chengjelna khamdringei.
Tamjari ' s' masak khangjadribana
Khorjei khutta nikna pai
Lanthokchari sheirengse eigi
Mapung fadraba waheina iteng oi
Khorjei mukna kangdringei
Ahangba chebangna loidringei
Emagi tengtha isheise tollaba eigi.
Tabiyuko! Pabiyuko!khangbiyuko! ----(Poet)

* Poem written by Puyam Nongdrei (Khuman) at 10:17 am on Friday, 10th May, 2009, The poet is from Chandrabhaga hostel, JNU. You can contact the poet at khuman_mei(at)yahoo(dot)com
This poem was webcasted on June 18, 2009.

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