The Secrets of the Universe
Discovery Of Kangleipak
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
The Secrets of the Universe
- The Kangleicha Meetei knows before the world knows.
The Meetei Race of Kangleipak, in the times of Yore, knew the Ting Palpa (What the Western people call the universe) much better than what the western people know
today in the 21st century C.E. The word/concept "Universe" is not a match of the word/concept 'Tingpalpa'. In the 21st century or in later century, the west may not
reach the go what the East reached in Kangleipak in this matter in the past.
The west described or expressed the word/concept 'Universe' as "all existing matter and space considered as a whole, the Cosmos." The 'Cosmos', they further describe
as "The universe seen as a well-ordered whole". These are very simple concept, description of the things.
In the east in Kangleipak the Meetei Race has this word/concept 'Tingpalpa' in place of the West's "Universe" and "Cosmos".
Tingpalpa = Ting + Palpa (Panpa Ting=Ngamkhei leitaba, Loiba naidaba, Hanpham Khangdaba Mahousagi Pangal (Primordial Vital Force), Palpa=Panba, Maduna Maram Oiduna Hingba, Leiba
Ngamba. This is the definition of Tingpalpa. According to the ancient Meetei, the originator, owner, driver of this Tingpalpa is Tingpalpa Mapu or Ipung Loinapa Apakpa (The Primordial Being).
Further the Puya, the Meetei scripture categorically says that the Ting (The Premordial Vital Force) is composed of only three Primordial elements Fire, Water and Air. The
Puya further says that everything seen in the TingPal (Universe) the result of 'Chainapa' (Collision?) of these three Primordial things (Fire, Water and Air).
The Meetei Race of Kangleipak is the first mankind on the earth to know the Extraterristrial Origin of life, knowing it before 4000 years B.P. Even today the west do not know well.
Now, the humble writer will show in the world that the Meetei Race of Kangleipak knew CELL, DNA, GENE, before 4000 B.P.
The Puya, the scripture of the Meetei Race put in black and white long ago B.C. as under
"Ichaki Chata Nautana | Laikilupna Chatlampa Fitam Loutuna Chatlakpati |
Laika Meeka Yeknapa | Teinapa | Mounapa | Oisuno ||
Laipungthou Taletmakka Yeknapasung Oisuno ||
Maki Maki Salailup Sakhai Pumnamak Yeknapa Sung Oisuno ||
Yeknapa Asiki Matung Inna Iki Chalou Moulounapa Yaloiye || O ||"
This is the categorical statement found in the Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama Ilon Pukok Puya written in the Deep Past and followed the marriage law of Kangleipak
since the reign of 'Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa up to this day for many thousand years. This marriage law states that the man and woman of the same
salai cannot marry each other. The marriage of man and woman of the same salai is called eyek or Yek thoknapa.
The Tangpalpa mapu or Ipung Loinapa Apakpa, the Ultimate Universal God Father has 7 (seven) Parts, called Laipungthous. Each
Laipungthou is a distinct blood group and so the universal god has 7 (seven) different distinct blood groups, very different from each other.
The 7 (seven) Salais, that is the seven (7) sons of Ipu Athoupa Konchin Tukthapa cohabiting with 7 Lailup Ladies (seven ladies from the self of salailel sitapa, the
Immortal sky, space) represent these 7 distinct blood groups. Further these 7 distinct blood groups are of different seven colours which are the seven different colours of
the seven salai groups of peoples in the society in Kangleipak.
How the Laipungthous are of 7 (seven) different distinct blood groups, the Puya states as under :
"Asum Hailapata |
Mapali Tukthapa na Hailak-i- Ipapung Ipung-ngo sitapa ...
Iyek Yek Hailipa Asipu Amuk Hanna Takpio Hailapata Sitapana Hailakle - -
Pali Ipungngo Tingpalpa mapu Ipung-ngo Mahakka loinatuna
Leilipa Laipungthou Talet MataPaktuna Iki Ma-ong Manna |
Khupi Mallum Chaona Akoipa Oina Pakye ||
Akoipa AtupuIyek Kouye ||O||
Iyek Atuki Manungta Iki Phun 1. Leiye ||
Atupu Ilik Kouye ||
Ilik Atuka Yeknale | Yek Kouye ||
Atuki Malamna Laipungthou Talet Ki Masata Pakye Haiutuna Apakpasu Kouye ||
pali Ipung-ngo Lailup Taletka Ichaki Ika Tinnatuna Pokpa Asipu Salai Koulake ||
Salaina Pokpa Asipuna Naota Haina Koukhale ||
Naotaki Salailup Sakhai Pumnamakna Loulapati Yekka Yekka Lounapa Oisuno Mana Mana Toupa Oisuno |
Salailup Sakhaisingna Chalou Moulounapa Toupalati
Naotaki Suthang Taletna Lomkaniye Haina Takpikhiye ||O||"
This is also the categorically statement of the Puya prohibiting marriage of the same salai group male and female during the Reign of Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa
Pakhangpa. The Meetei Race of Kangleipak is following this marriage rule up to this day in the 21st century C.E.
Please referred to the underlined sentences in the 2nd quotation of the Puya. Please note the words 'Iki', Phun 1. 'Ilik', the important three concepts words in the Puya.
The word 'Iyek' in the Puya is the 'Cell' in the present Biological science, the words/ concepts 'Iki Phun 1. and 'Ilik' are the 'DNA' and 'GENE' in the present scientific
terms. These things will be clear if anybody analyse very critically the quotations and related positions in the Puya. There may be some variations it is obvious.
Because the Meetei Race in Kangleipak enunciated the theory in deep B.C. and the western scientific theory of cell, DNA etc. were Enunciated in Late A.D. very recently. Some
differences and variations are obvious because of time factor.
If the Meetei Race of Kangleipak did not know about present scientific knowledge of cell, DNA, GENE at the time of Formulation of the theory how can they say there
are 7 (seven) different kinds blood, there are 7 (seven) primary seven colours etc.
They Puya so clearly put in black and white that the marriage of the same salai people is 'Yek' Yek thokpa; if people of the same salai group marry each other, it
may lead to "Termination", an end of the Family created by such marriage. This is a clear theory of Hereditary in mankind.
Please comment! Scientific community please comment!
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen wrote this article for
The writer can be contacted at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com or at
This article was posted on October 25, 2013.
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