The Meetei Race of Kangleipak and the Meitei Mayek 27
Discovery Of Kangleipak
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
The Meetei Race on the surface of the earth occupies a specific geographical area identifiable by a group of people of common decent, having a strong cultural base,
having a writing scripts of their own, having a political philosophy of their own in the name of Kangleipak. Since many thousands years B.C. the Meetei Race on the earth
become a racial state, a nation of one nationality only, populated only by the Meetei only since immemorable times of human history.
Since the days of Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Thhoupa Pakhangpa, the first Kanglei political monarch, the Meetei race became a full one nation-state, in the name of
Kangleipak many many centuries ahead of the present Hindu people arrived on the land of present India. India cannot be taken as one nation state, it should be taken a multinational state country. We cannot entertain a doubt on the assertions of the present writer on these matters, because the assertions are based on strong written evidences. Since the days of Ipu Athonpa Pakhangpa, the Meetei language became a written language, haivng scripts of their own, very defferent from and more scientific than the recently developed 27 scripts of the Manipur Government. As this assertion also is based on strong written documents, cannot be doubted too.
Now coming to the main Thrust of the present article Since the days of Pamheiba Garivaniwas and Bhagyachandra, the Hindu people asserted this is the Manipur of Mahabharat and the people are sons and daughters of Mahabharat Hero Arjun, there are gotras etc. by means of concocted history, legends etc. but their assertion failed in their own times though the people cannot expressed fully because of the 'Royal Sticks' behind all these assertions.
The clear evidences of these failures are the presence of the Pamheiba Larei Lathup and Bhagyachandra Larie Lathup written by the very highly placed maichous of the
Royal courts of the times. Another great attempt by the Hindu people to make the Meetei 'Extinct' from the surface of the earth is to impose Bengoli scripts in place of the 18 Meetei scripts since the days Pamheiba Garivaniwaz. This also failed miserably. Then the Hindu people tried to impose Meitei Mayek 35/36, half Bengli Descent
scripts in place of 18 Meetei scripts. This also fails miserably in our times.
The evidence of the failures of the Hindu and their Henchmen attempts to destroy the Meetei are evidenced by the fact of manufacturing of the 27 Meetei scripts, more than half Bengali descent scripts in the late part of the 20th century with the help of the Meetei Mayek export committee composed of .......
Very late in the IInd half of 20th Century, the conspiracy to destroy the Meetei and the classical and Unique 18 Kanglei Meetei scripts invented by the rare genius of our
Kanglei forefathers along with introduction of the 27 Meitei Mayek in the schools of Manipur is to recognise only “the Meitei” by the government in place of “the Meetei”,
the human race group created in the image of the god written clearly in the Puya, and accepted by all civilised peoples of the world.
Now on this day, the 10th day of May, 2013, the conspiracy to use 'the Meitei', name for the people of Kangleipak and 'the Meitei Mayek 27' as the original Meetei
script of the Kanglei Meetei Race, is in full swing. The following Xerox copy is the page 8, the first para of the Luiguitic survey of India by G.A. Grierson
The following is the Xerox copy of the text book of the Government of Manipur taught in the L.P. schools in 1963 'Meetei' not 'Meitei' is clearly used in the schools.
The following is the Xerox of the last para, page 5 written by H. Dwijasekhar Sharma, Prof. Of Economics D.M. College under the heading “A white paper on Kangla and Sanamahi faith” webcasted on 20th Nov., 2008.
Please note the sentences “Probably owing to the fact that it has developed into a literary language, their form of speech gives the impression of possessing a peculiarly
archaic character” and “But this much seems certain, that Meithei has preserved some traces of a more ancient stage of phonetical development” from the first Xerox, a comment
from an eminent linguist having vast experiences of all languages of the world.
From this experience of an eminent person like G.A. Grierson and from our own experience of the Kanglei Meetei Puya, scripture, we already claimed that Meetei may be
the first literary language of the world, the Kangleicha Meetei Race may be the first human race on the earth to have phonetically developed scripts. It is a heinous crime against the humanity to espouse a conspiracy to destroy the Meetei and Meetei by a group of people lately since the last half of the 20th century.
Now to conclude this article :
Since 1980 the 27 Meitei scripts had been implemented in the schools of Manipur. It is now more than thirty years upto this day. The young minds of Kangleipak had been
trained to receive the non-Meetei, non-ancient Meitei scripts 27 half-Bengali scripts descents born only in the last part of 20th century.
The 27 Meitei scripts cannot write 'Meetei' ( ), but can be used to write 'Meitei' as the 27 Meitei scripts do not include (ee, Bengali ) but include p (ei,
Bengali ). So, in less than 100 years hence, the coming generation of Kangleipak and their minds will be Naturalised to the idea of the 27 Meitei scripts.
The so called experts of the 27 Meitei Mayek (Meitei scripts) cannot show any ancient Puya written in the 27 Meitei scripts upto this day, but experts of the 27 Meitei
Mayek (Meitei scripts) may be possible to manufacture the required Puya in a time of 50 years hence using a method of concoction and fabrication, methods used by the foreigners in Kangleipak since 18th century handily to meet the situations.
Then they will have the required Puyas as written evidence of ancient time to support the Meitei ( ) Mayek and the Meitei Race to demolish the 18 Kanglei Meetei scripts which is showing the Kangleicha Meetei Race is the first human race on the earth having phonetical development and Meetei (language) the first literary language
on the earth, and also to demolish the Meetei Race which was created on the image of the God Father, which is accepted by the peoples world over.
Beware KANGLEICHAS! if you take the name Meitei ( ) and support the 27 Meitei Mayek, the Meetei Race of Kangleipak, along with the 18 Kanglei Meetei scripts which
is the best and most scientific scripts amongst the groups of the scripts on the earth, will be extinct sooner than you think.
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen wrote this article for
The writer can be contacted at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was posted on June 28, 2013.
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