The Re-look at the events in 1947 and 1949 of Manipur
Discovery Of Kangleipak - 30
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
These two years, 1947 and 1949 were fateful years in the 20th century for Manipur since the coming of PamheibaGarivaniwaz, the first hindu King on the throne
of Kangleipak which was in the 18th century for Kangleipak.
These two periods are the harbingers of the present state of things in Kangleipak (Manipur). We are treated as not full Indian citizens, we are not getting the protections
of the Indian constitution as the mainland Indians do.
Esteemed readers may please digest the following xerox copy of the full article published by The Hindu dated 14/09/11 and please read the face of Mr. P. Chidambaram,
the Home Minister of the Indian Union Government.
A damaged vehicle and bandh supporters checking a passenger bus at Sardar Hills on August 01 2011 - Pix: Sangai Express
The Home Minister's intention is clear. He speaks to the LWE as if He is the Guardian, Loving Guardian.
The writer's reading of the Home Minister's face is vindicated and confirmed by the Home Minister's speech at Kolkata as published by The Hindu on 22/09/11 and
please read the article (xeroxed) of The Hindu on 22/09/11 below:
In Kangleipak, Irom Chanu Sharmila is fasting upto this day for more than 10 years against the AFSPA, 1958 and the discrimination against the Kanglei peoples without
caring for her own life.
We know the Report of the Jeevan Reddy Commission against the inhuman law. We know how many women were raped and killed by the Indian Forces since the
onset of the AFSPA, 1958. We know how many innocent youngmen were killed in fake encounters.
Have you seen the stark facts in Kangleipak:
Still the Home Minister and Defence Minister are saying there is no consensus among the Ministers to Repeal the AFSPA, 1958.
All these mean the Kangleichas are to be killed with impunity further. The so called terror groups as the India government called them, constitute negligible
P.C. to the whole population of Manipur but the government of India puts the whole people of Manipur at ransom, puts every Manipuri on the gun-point because of
the AFSPA. At this point we are unable to know whether the Armed Forces rule the NE and the Kashmir.
The Kangleicha (The Manipuri) knows the logic of the Government of India, but they cannot do anything for the time being. In these back grounds, the humble writer relooks at the events of Manipur in its political imperatives and perspectives.
At page XXI of the book, Shillong 1949 by Mayengbam Anand Mohon Singh, the following is written:
"Stand still agreement amadi Instrument of Accession Agreement anisi 1947 gi August 13 da Manipur da thakhi.
Along with this, at page 22 of the book, the writer writes:
India-da British paramount oigadaba numit 5 nigi mamang August 11 da Budhachandra-na Stand Still Agreement amasung Instrument of Accession sign touthokkhrabani.
Instrument of Accession maru oiba kharadang makhada pijari:
And whereas the govt. of India Act, 1935 as so adopted by the Governor General provides that an India State may accede to the Dominion of India by an Instrument
of Accession executed by the Ruler thereof .............
Now therefor, I Bodhachandra, Ruler of Manipur state in exercise of my soveriegnty in and over my State do hereby execute this my instrument of acession and
1. I hereby declare that I accede to the Dominion of India...... but subject always to the terms thereof......"
Mr Anand Mohon singh was one of the 3 (three) Palace Staff accompanied King Bodhachandra Singh in his journey to Shillong in 1949 for "Merger Agreement".
Not only these things, R.K. Jhalajit Singh, a noted historian of Manipur wrote the following in an article under the heading "The Instrument of Accession"
The above is the xerox of the part of the article by R.K. Jhalajit. Along with the signing of the Instrument of Acession, King Bodhachandra Singh of Manipur nominated Shri Girija Shankar Guha (most probably a Bengoli national) as a representative of Manipur in the constituent Assembly. Mr. Girija Sankar Guha represented Tripura and Manipur (Please see page 105 "The Framing of India's Constitution-A Study" by B. Shiva Rao, Select Documents) in the constitution making body of India, Constituent Assembly) in the constitution making process, without even any Murmer in th long process of Making Constituion about the peculiar and distinct conditions of Kangleipak (Manipur).
The fact of joining Manipur to the Indian Union executing the instrument of accession on 11/08/1947 as mentioned in the 4th para of the article of R.K. Jhalajit
(xeroxed above) was published in the News paper. Please see the xerox of the publication.
Source from the article of R.K. Jhalajit
So, the fact of joining Manipur to the Indian Unon by executing on Instrument of Accession by the Raja, Bodhachandra on 11/08/1947 before the lapse of British
Paramouncy on 15/08/1947 is an undeniable fact, as such the Indian Dominion has a legal hold over Manipur since 15/08/1947.
So, the Merger Agreement of 21/09/1949 between Bodhachandra Maharaja of Manipur and the Indian Union is a foregone conclusion and simply a corallary of the
Instrument of Acessin of 11/08/1947.
Further there are undeniable documentary evidences confirming the above arguments of the present writer.
"Proclamation of His Highness Maharaja Bodh chandra Singh on the Inaugural Function of the first Manipur State Assembly on October 18,1948" Please see page 138
of the book Shillong 1949 by Mayengbam Anand Mohon Singh.
Under the Proclamation of the King of Manipur on 18/10/1948, under the heading "Manipur's position in the dominion of India", the proclamation includes as under
at page 141:
"These are great days; great destinies are gathering momentum; great ideas are occupying the hearts of men and great causes have aroused great enthusiasms and great
sacrifices. Amid the interplay of world forces India comesout stronger than before and Manipur too as a component part is the same with the removal of artificial
hedge between Hill and Valley. I believe the sons of Manipur will be alive to it."
This clinching written documentary evidence undercuts the Arguments projecting forced Merger Agreement on Manipur by the Government of India in 1949.
In an article in the Huiyen Lanpao on 22/1/2009, I.S. Akoijam writes
"Manipur lomdana maharajna shillong da chatnabagi maramda hanna khanhounaba Assembly koubagi wafam leiramdey.
Looraba wafam adubu thou-oibikhidey. Madugi mahutta shiloong chatnaba sem sabana henna loona loukhi.
Ahaoba meitei cheng punaba thourangnachingba toukhi.
Canchipur-dagi pundit lalhari sharma kouhalluba amasung shillong-gi Red Land leifam bijaarva toubanachinggidamak Eerang landkhi.
The same writer on 4/08/2011 in the same Newspaper writes
"Manipur Maharajna cabinet-ta kari amatta hairamdana siphai 8 bengoon khongba 1, private secretary-nachingbaga loinana date 15/09/1949 eeng-da shillong-gidamak khong-shangkhibani.
All these writen documents available at present in the 21st century. seem to indicate the fallacy of thinking of the forced merger agreement in 1949. The humble writer earnestly feels that we require to re-examine critically our positions with reference to the Events in 1947 and 1949 of Manipur today.
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen contributes to regularly. The writer can be reached at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was posted on November 15, 2011.
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