Say no to voting on Sunday ( February 27, 2022)
Pastor Letlal Haokip *
The much-awaited General Election for the year 2022 for the people of Manipur will be held in two-phase- Sunday, 27 February and Thursday, 10 March. We are happy to know the dates for the voting day. But it won’t go well with the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ since Sunday is a very important day for them.
Whether the Election Commission of India is fixing these two days unknowingly or purposely especially Sunday, 27 February 2022, we do not know. Whatever it may be, in a secular democratic country like India, it is not good since it hurts the sentiment of those people who take Sunday as a Holy day and a day where everyone goes to Church for unity and spiritual growth.
According to the belief of the follower of the Lord Jesus Christ "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalm 118:24. Indeed it is a day of rest and rejoicing by going to the Church.
Many organisations including “All Manipur Christian Organisation” (AMCO) met the Election Commission of Manipur. But till today we didn’t get any response from the Election Commission of India. What really surprised me is why the individual Christian candidates, Political parties, and different Christian organisations of Manipur didn’t take it seriously.
The people of Manipur are known and experts in bandh and protest and dharna. Why no one is coming up and speaking boldly or protesting against the poll date . Why all the denominations and churches are keeping quiet and not raising the issue?
High time to wake up my dear Christian brothers and sisters of Manipur. If we let it go this time, we will suffer in the coming years. Who knows they are testing us?
Testing whether we truly are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and are in unity or not. All the beauracrates and politicians of our country know Sunday is a special and a Holy day for the Christians. If we don’t protest and let it go then we will face many consequences in the coming days.
On our Holy day, just imagine, instead of going to Church-praying, singing and hearing and sharing the Word of God we will go for the election and many of us will be busy at the polling booth instead of encouraging, building, worshipping and hearing the Word of God. We will argue, fight and bribe one another to buy his or her vote.
Those who are against Christians will be watching us and laughing and clapping and thanking their gods for bringing disunity among the Christians. Christian leaders and Christian bureaucrats of Manipur please wake up and join and protest to the Election Commission of India to change the date for the voting on Sunday.
It is not too late. If we don’t protest and go ahead with the election,consequences will be great especially for our children and grandchildren.
Do you think you will escape doing wrong? Come on brothers and sisters, let us take it seriously and not let it happen on Sunday. If we don't fight then Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Government will arrange its own programs and we will continue to be the ones who suffer.
Let us show our unity and fight the good fight so that the work of the devil will not prevail among the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. I also appeal to all the Christian churches of Manipur and civil organisations to once again appeal to the Election Commission of India.
Unity is strength and lets us show our unity as brothers and sisters in Christ for the good of individuals, society and nation.
God bless you. Thanking you.
* Pastor Letlal Haokip wrote this article for
The writer is based at Delhi and can be contacted at letlal(DOT)haokip(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This article was webcasted on February 04 2022.
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