Human Ancestors originated in Asia, not Africa
- Discovery of Kangleipak :: Part 40 -
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
"Human ancestors originated in Asia, not Africa: Scientists" - Link here
"Human ancestors may have originated in Asia, not Africa" – Link here
"Human Ancestors originated in Asia, not Africa" – Times of India, Chennai June 6, 2012
The above articles were posted online on June 5, 2012, the 3rd published on 6/6/12. The humble writers wants to discuss in the short article the above findings by an International Team of Reasearchers led by Jean-Jacques Jaegar, a Paleontologist at University of Poitiers, France vis-ŕ-vis Kangleipak: The Cradle of Man by the writer of this article. The above mentioned book, Kangleipak: The Cradle of Man by Wangkhemcha Chingtameln was realeased on 4/7/2010 at Manipur Press Club, Imphal. The II edition of the book, Kangleipak: The Cradle of Man (Revised and Enlarged) is ready now to be released(June, 2012).
All copies of the I Edition of the Book of the Present writer, Kangleipak: The Cradle of Man, are not all sold out upto this day. But now evidences are Emerging just after the Publication of I Edition in 2010, that is, in 2011, and so the necessity of Revising and Enlarging the book and writing the II Edition was felt.
The claims of the writer in the book that Kangleipak: The Cradle of Man are based on two grounds:
1. Scientific findings of the west and the east
2. Vast Folklores, Traditions, Mythologies, etc,. of the Indigeneous Peoples of Kangkeipak.
There are very certain scientific findings all over the world indicating the Human Origin is in Asia, not Africa. Prof. Jia Lanpao of China, a Peleonthropologist of Fame, after dedicated works in the subject since 1949(Liberation of China), published his book, "Early Man in China", in 1980. In his book, 'Early Man in China', Prof. Jia Lanpao in his book published the following map at page(facing Page 2)
In the above map of the origin of Human Beings on the Earth, Kangleipak(Manipur since 18th Centure CE) is included very clearly.
The "Oldest Pottery found in China"
As against this find of Pottery in China, Kangleipak(Manipur) has an excavation Report of finds of Potteries at present Imphal Kangla as old as 19.3+- 2.1 KA BP by an
excavation of 2009. Please see the following xerox of the Report:
Kangleipak has written evidences that once a group of Peoples called 'Lai' or 'Leima-Lai' inhabited Koubru mountain tops, when the present Imphal Valley was full of Water,
and then when the Imphal valley began to dried up, the lai Peoples first inhabited at present Kangla. These things are clearly written in the Puya, the Scripture of the Meetei Race.
As the excavation report clearly indicates at about 20,000 years BP, the Lai peoples knew Pottery, using fire, etc., when they came down to Present Imphal Kangla, it is very
evident that they knew these things while they were on the Koubru mountain ranges many thousands years ago.
Further, the world has known the Guiness Book of World Records (13th US Edition) say that the Earliest Hominid originated in the Northeastern Indian Subcontinent.
Above all these, we have this find of 'four teeth' at Nyaungpinle village in Myanmar, geographically contiguous to the east of Kangleipak. Scientifically these are all categorically supporting Kangleipak: The Cradle of Man. Now we may discuss different and varied Folklores, Mythologies, Traditions, etc. of the Indigenous communities of Kangleipak indicating Kangleipak was origin of living beings, not only the human beings, on the Earth.
First we may consider the Mythology etc., of the Kangleicha Meetei Race.
1. "Kanglei Sana Leimayol Laina Thapa Lamtamni…"
The first word of this Traditionsal Song "Kanglei" means Kangleipak, the original name of this Ancient Hilly country, which is found in the Kanglei Scripture called Puya in the Kanglei Local dialect. The next word 'Sana' means Santhokpa, meaning Spreading, dispersion, etc., in all directions. 'Sana' like in the word 'Sanamahi', not connected with the yellow metal called 'Sona' by the Hindus. The last word in the first line 'Leimayol' means center of the Earth.
Leimayol = Lei + Mayol: Lei = means Leipak, the Earth; 'Mayol' means Mayai or means centre or the most important part of everything. The last sentence "Laina Thapa Lamtamni" simply means the place on the particular area on the surface of the Earth is ordained and destined place for the first Creation of the living beings on the Earth.
2. "Awang Koubru Asuppa
Leima-Lai Khunda Ahanba
Nongthrei Ma-u Lingliba
Eerik Mapan Thariba
O Lainingthou |"
In the words 'Leima-Lai', in the second line the two words 'Leima' and 'Lai', the word 'Leima' means woman and 'Lai' means Male person. In Kanglei Society, even today, a
married woman's name is written as 'Sakhenbi Leima', 'Yaiphabi Leima', etc. In the prehindu ays upto 18th century CE, every married woman's name ends with 'Leima'. The
word 'Lai', denoting Male Human Beings, is found in the Puya, the Scripture of the Meetei Race.
The meaning of the Mythology, a Traditional Hymn to the Koubru Mountain top is that the universal God created for the first time Trees, Flowers, etc and Human Beings,
Leima-Lai on the surface of the Earth. The 'Khunda Ahanba' means the Koubru mountain Tops is the first Habitation site of the Human Beings on the history of Mankind.
These things are on the pages of the scripture, called Puya by the Meetei Race most probably, the Puya of the Meetei Race on which pages these things are found to day in
the 21st century CE., is the most ancient written record so far available on the earth.
The Mythology of the Kapui Community, who occupied mainly the Koubru mountain tops since Pre-history days, telling the world that Koubru Mountain Tops was the place
where the Living Beings were created by the Universal God Father for the first Time on the Earth, will be discussed now:
The 'LAGANG FAIBA' Mythology of the Kapui Indigenous Community of Kangleipak says that the 'Lagang', the Universal God Father Creator put His first Step 'FAIBA' on
the Koubru Mountain Top, where the Meetei Race believes that all Living Beings are created first by the God Father Creator, on the Earth to Create Living Beings. And further
the 'MAHOU TABEI' Mythology of the Kapui Community says that Human Beings are created in a cave on the Koubru Mountain Top and Kept them inside the cave covered by
a big stone till they were Mature and String Enough to face the world. When they were Mature and Strong Enough, a big Sandang(Mithun) came and pushed aside the Big Stone
and then the Kapui Male and Female came out of the cave. These Male and Female were the first Human Beings(Homo Sapiens) on the Earth.
Further the xerox copy of the Makhel Khongnangbot may please be seen:
Photo Source: Huiyen Lanpao.
The tree and its Area is believed by the Present Naga Peoples of the Senapati district to be the original Area where the First Homo Sapiens of the Earth inhabited. The Tree and its Area is still preserved by the Peoples of the Area with high respect. This is the Position of the Ancient Kangleipak regarding the Origin of the Homo Sapiens
on the Earth.
In such scenarios of the world in the facts of Origin of the Human Beings on the Earth, Scientifically and otherwise, as we find today, some peoples with some Interior plans to be Achieved with political backing play with the Excavasion and Exploration of Kangleipak(Manipur) will not be successful.
The author of the book, Kangleipak: The Cradle of Man has sent the PDF copies of his book (II Ed, 2012) to
1. Prof. Jean-Jacques Jaeger of the University of Poitiers, France and
2. Prof. K. Christopher Beard of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh,
Two leading Paleontologists of the International team of scientists who found 'four molars of the Primitive anthropoid' at Nyaungpinle village in Myanmar very recently
proving 'Human Ancenstors any have originated in Asia, not Africa'
To be continued.....
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen is a frequent contributor to . The sender of this article is "Kangleipak Historical & Cultural Research Centre Imphal" and can be contacted at khr(Dot)centre(Dot)kangleipak(at)gmail(Dot)com (OR) chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on September 19 2012.
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