Leniency on tobacco ban aiding demographic change
- The People's Chronicle Editorial :: February 03, 2025 -
AMID clarion calls for stemming the demographic changes in view of the decadal decline in the population of the indigenous communities, including the majority Meetei, the recently published study report of The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ranking Manipur at the top among the Indian states in terms of pregnancy wastage underscores either poor health condition of the Manipuri women in the productive age group or belated marriages on account of financial insecurity and deliberate delaying of pregnancy by career-oriented women.
Sub-par facilities to handle pregnancy-related complications and services in public healthcare institutions, logistical issues hindering access to government hospitals, non-availability of lifesaving drugs at rural healthcare centres, equipment inadequacies and shortage of trained health workers could also be some crucial factors for many a women deferring childbirth or going for abortion.
While some of the aforementioned deficiencies merit intervention by the government through improvement of the healthcare facilities, the Journal's report that consumption of smokeless tobacco is one of the causes for pregnancy wastage implies that government initiatives to improve health of the womenfolk and launch of schemes aimed at empowering them wouldn't help stabilise population of the native people.
As per the study report based on the data of the National Family Health Surveys, 2015-2016 and 2019-2021, Manipur recorded highest prevalence of pregnancy wastage in India, such as abortion, miscarriage, and stillbirth.
Inspite of the health surveys conducted with the stated objective to assess spatial clustering and identify socio-demographic and health-related determinants of pregnancy wastage in the state, ensuring stable population growth will rest entirely on the Manipuri womenfolk according serious importance to their health, including avoiding the use of tobacco products.
For instance, during the observance of World No Tobacco Day back in 2018, the then National Health Mission's state mission director N Bandana had remarked that more Manipuri women than menfolk consume tobacco items, thereby hinting at imminent health crisis in the state in case the trend continued.
Sadly, it seems that the director's advice had no takers as is evident from Manipur topping the chart in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology report vis-a-vis pregnancy wastage, with tobacco usage cited as one of the causative factors.
Among the male teens and adults, smoking and using chewable tobacco products have been the undesired habits, whereas it has become increasingly common to sight women, young and old alike, with mouthful of 'zarda paan' at home, public places and offices.
Though it is unlikely that these women are ignorant about serious implications that tobacco usage will have upon the family and society, Manipur consistently figuring among the top tobacco consuming states in the country might be due to the assumption by many that having 'paan' and nonchalantly showing it off is a fashion statement of contemporary women, particularly the middle-aged.
Contrary to aim of publication of periodical reports based on field surveys and scientific studies centred on driving home the point that tobacco is one of the most common and preferred forms of addiction, many still seem to be dismissive about scientific evidences substantiating harmful health effects due to use of tobacco in different forms.
Thus, time has come for the authorities to ensure effective enforcement of prohibition on sale and consumption of tobacco items rather than wait for intervention by the civil society organisations.
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